
Combination Solutions # 39: To Eat The Right Food Portion And Digest Properly

A blog version of the video and related articles are available at the following link: Introduction: The solutions provided in this video are from Naran S. Balakumar’s teachings. Problem: User: I’m not eating right. In most cases, I overeat and have improper digestion. How can I solve this problem? Solution: 1.) Be in ACCEPTANCE Mudra and chant the Bija mantras: RAM, BAM, LAM, DHAM. Do this combination for 10–20 minutes daily before or after eating. Picture of ACCEPTANCE MUDRA: On your right hand, touch the tips of the thumb with the index & middle fingers. On your left hand, touch the tips of the thumb with the middle & ring fingers. Solution (Meaning): Naran S. Balakumar: If you do the ACCEPTANCE (PUSHAN) mudra before eating, you will pick the right portion of food. Do the ACCEPTANCE mudra after eating as well. The Bija mantras activate the Solar Plexus Chakra concerned with digestion. Visit for Naran Balakumar’s mantras, books, podcasts, and more. Reference: 1.) Good Mudra For Diabetes: 2.) Bija Mantras - MP3: In US $: In INR र्: 3.) Alternative Methods For The Same Problem: 4.) For other solutions and problems, get the eBook titled 'Solutions to Health and Life Problems' by Naran Balakumar: In US $: In INR र्: 5.) For more of Naran's products, visit: 6.) Naran's Blogs:

Chris Veerabadran

5 days ago

Combination Solutions # 39: To Eat The Right Food Portion And Digest Properly Disclaimer: Do the solutions prescribed in this video as a supplemental one to the methods you're currently using. If the problem persists, consult a professional. The solutions provided in this video are from Naran S. Balakumar’s teachings. User: I’m not eating right. In most cases, I overeat and have improper digestion. User: How can I solve this problem? 1.) Be in ACCEPTANCE Mudra and chant the Bija mantras: RAM, BA
M, LAM, DHAM. Do this combination for 10-20 minutes daily before or after eating. Picture of ACCEPTANCE Mudra On your right hand, ...touch the tips of the thumb with the index & middle fingers. On your left hand, ...touch the tips of the thumb with the middle & ring fingers. If you do the ACCEPTANCE (PUSHAN) mudra before eating, will pick the right portion of food. Do the ACCEPTANCE mudra after eating as well. The Bija mantras activate... ...the Solar Plexus Chakra concerned with digestio
n. Visit ...for Naran Balakumar’s mantras, books, podcasts, and more. See more details and links about the video in the description. Click 'CC' to translate subtitles to your language other than English. If you find the video useful, please like, share the video, and subscribe. Thanks for watching it. If you have any questions or other problems... ...please post them in the comments.
