
Cosmos Laundromat [First Cycle] - English Animation Short Film

Please watch this award winning CGI 3D animation short film "Cosmos Laundromat". This is 10 minutes pilot "First Cycle", has been made in the Netherlands by the studio of Blender Institute in Amsterdam. Started in 2014 as an experimental feature animation film, in which an adventurous and absurdist love story is being told by multiple teams - each working in their own unique style. Synopsis On a desolate island, suicidal sheep Franck meets his fate in a quirky salesman, who offers him the gift of a lifetime. Little does he know that he can only handle so much lifetime. (Target audience age: 13+) Produced by: Ton Roosendaal Directed by: Mathieu Auvray Country: Netherlands Language: English (spoken) + multilanguage subtitles According to Ton Roosendaal, the goals of the movie, are to raise the bar for their institute, in that they are making a feature-length animated film; investigate the use of cloud services for open-source projects; and creating a new business model for the Blender Foundation. This animation film itself and all of the artwork files were made with free/open source software and are available under a permissive license. Free to share, free to remix and free to learn from. Following the previous projects of the Blender Foundation - Elephants Dream, Big Buck Bunny, Sintel, and Tears of Steel, this movie is the fifth project of the studio. Full-length movie, expected to run 90 minutes. Production website: This movie wins SIGGRAPH 2016 Computer Animation Festival Jury’s Choice Award!

Entertainment TV Media

6 years ago

打扰一下 打扰一下,先生? 打扰一下行吗? 噢,拜托... 能占用你一点时间吗? 我现在有点儿忙呢,好吧?谢谢了 我是专程来找你的,弗兰克 我的名字叫维克托 嗨 你就是..... 你就是弗兰克 你不仅仅是一只羊,不是吗? 哦,是吗?你从哪儿看出来的? 快看看你,你是一个冒险者,弗兰克 就和我一样,你是...一匹独狼 告诉我,有谁会选择孤独? 不,不会 甚至不会有人选择做一匹狼 又或者确实有? 好吧,额... 赫克托先生 维克托,维克托 我不知道你想干什么,但是我只是一只自顾自的羊 另外我建议你也这样 不,不,不,不,弗兰克,等等等, 等一下 不,不是...这样的 请你抽出宝贵的时间,一分钟就好 宝贵的时间?呵呵呵 对,只要一分钟 一分钟总有的吧,对吧? 好吧,半分钟,只要半分钟 我就知道,我就知道 你一定不会后悔的 将要到来的冒险 所有你想要的生活 所有你失去的过往 来,这是...我们店里最好的产品 可调转速,滚动强劲 汇集在一个...便利的...装置里。干净利落 好吧,这玩意儿...最好真的有这么棒 可花了我不少时间来绑那条绳子 用我这该死的蹄子 不再需要蹄了 不再需要做“羊”事 噢
,时光飞逝啊 等等等等等...等一下 这东西怎么工作? 我是说,我该怎么让他工作? 不,你不需要 我已经帮你打开了 我什么时候能走? 我能去哪? 我们会来接你的,别担心,就呆在这儿 就在原地 别动,等等就好 就这些? 嘿! 嘿! 等等,先生! 额..卡斯帕先生 赫克托,随便啦...
