
Counter-Strike 2: Beyond Global

Introducing CS Rating—a precise display of your skill in Counter-Strike 2. With regional and World Leaderboards you'll know exactly how you stack up. Competitive mode now features per-map Skill Groups, so players can master their favorite maps while learning others. And in Counter-Strike 2, match length is changing to 12 round halves, with overtime, to determine a winner. And beginning today, we are starting the process of inviting as many eligible players as possible to the Limited Test. To be eligible, players must have CS:GO Prime Status, an active Competitive Skill Group, and play the majority of their official matchmaking games in one of the regions where the Limited Test is available.


6 months ago

Съревнователният Counter-Strike е абсолютното изпитание на уменията при стрелците от първо лице. За тези, които търсят предизвикателство и искат да подобрят играта си, „Премиерен“ е съревнователният режим, включващ система за подбор/забрана в групата „Активна служба“. А сега, в Counter-Strike 2, изходът от „Премиерните“ Ви мачове ще определя нов, прецизен Counter-Strike рейтинг. Този нов рейтинг обуславя сезонните класации. Издигнете се в редиците на приятелите си във Вашия регион и по света! Но
ако все още не се чувствате готови да играете в „Премиерни“ мачове, подобряването на набора Ви от карти никога не е било по-лесно. Съществуващите класове на умения вече се изчисляват отделно за всяка карта. Така че, дори да стигнахте „Глобален елит“ във Vertigo, все още можете да станете експерт в Mirage. Така че подобрете уменията си, сформирайте дружина и доминирайте над опонентите си. Защото ако искате да се изкачите на върха, ще трябва да го заслужите. COUNTER STRIKE 2 Очаквайте през лятото
на 2023!





I just completed the triple Global Elite challenge. Time to do the Global Elite in every map challenge I guess 💀💀💀


They should do a AI based ultimate map that is impossible to memorize as the map changes after each match. I wanna see who reaches the top on that gamemode. Also it has to be a random team everytime.


when you think this video will be someday nostalgic as the old videos of cs:go


Great, now I can avoid all those 24/7 Mirage players as they'll be Global 🤣


This is SO SICK


Map based ranking also makes adding new maps easier, like cobblestone.


0:19 I just love the attention to detail by making the player's win count 1337


this is the first time I’ve clicked on a valve video and decided not to complain about a lack of tf2 updates


Map based ranking system is actually pretty interesting


I love everything about this, let's keep those great updates coming!


Valve: coming summer 2023 also Valve: posts a video on the first of September


"...because even if you are a Global Vertigo, you can master Mirage" These guys know their player base


I love it how Valve always comes out of nowhere to drop something big :)


man these videos get me so hyped up. i dont know why. maybe that ending music and because it is soooo non chalant about these changes. like it must be so good that they dont need to give an intro. i get so pumped lmao


i was skeptical about rank per map but it makes sense. Sometimes I won’t play specific maps at my skill level because I’d get destroyed, this fixes that


This looks absolutely stunning good job valve for still working on a game franchise that you made years ago


I love how the outro says that the game is coming summer 2023, despite it being autumn already at the time the video was published. This is a peak example of Valve time lmao


You can tell mike made that music. You're my hero, mike!


Good job Valve, Counter-Strike is going to be bigger than ever. New inferno looks very good too 👀