
CRAFTS with ADLEY & NiKO 🕸️ Spider Pets, Spooky Ghosts, and Halloween Hats! family craft DIY routine

Learn to make SPOOKY CRAFTS with kids using things from your house!! Halloween DIY! LET'S BE FRIENDS -- HEY EVERYBODY!! Today we are making HALOWEEN Arts and Crafts.. but me and Niko turned into scary skeletons!! Just kidding, our first craft that we made was Spooky Spiders. First we had to find a little fuzzy ball that we liked to use as the spiders body. Then we gave the spider a face, I gave mine a bunch of eyes and some big fangs. Then we just had to add the legs! After we made our spiders, we made some hats that look like spiders too! After we made our spiders we made some spider hats to match.. and then we had a SPiDER party!! Niko and Dad that that I was a fly so they chased me and tried to catch me in their web, so I turned into a zombie to scare them away. Our last craft was to make some ghosts to play a family game! We had some suckers that we wrapped up in tissue paper to make the ghosts body, then we used markers, stickers, and glitter to decorate our ghosts and make them pretty! After that we played a game called ghosts catchers where you try to capture everybody's ghosts! my last video: BURiED in CORN!! Niko & Adley slide down Pumpkin Castle a family Halloween tradition and face paint my dad's last video: NAVEY grows a TOOTH 🦷 Family Crafts in the morning then Bug Catching and Bike Ride routine Bye vlog *pshhhhh*

A for Adley - Learning & Fun

2 years ago

[Music] why are you zombing me on the stairs [Music] i see you [Music] and this kitty cat loves high fives watch high five [Music] do another high five are you sure yes are you a nice ghost [Music] careful [Music] where are the kids i thought you have you said you were gonna get them no you did kids [Music] they turned into the skeleton kids niko is that you oddly are you okay careful eat this one [Music] gosh today we're doing we're doing surprise halloween halloween what crap do you want to do
first halloween ones let's do spiders spiders i want a white spider an albino spider oh okay [Music] how many legs do spiders have eight yep seven eight that's a good idea niko's going with teeth first wait what about the eyes eyes my spider family is oh look at that little spider mouth mom you can because mom you can be the mom to all of us ooh okay your dad's the baby nico's a baby i'm not a baby oh you're baking a baby spider i am little baby spiders i want a spider bubba dad you didn't even
do the face first so you don't even know i'm just a baby it hasn't even grown a face yet when spiders are just little babies they don't even have them i think she got bit by a spider wait why do you need scissors because i need cupcakes [Music] how many eyes do spiders have you nice eight eight they have eight eyes too i think they have just lots of eyes i think they are all different i don't even wanna think about it actually i wanna think about it all day i love spiders all right bud here's s
ome glue where do you want this oh i need to take my little baby spider i see you i see you i see you oh daddy is that you dad no mom you're a kid yeah me too can i help you with something what can i help with um can you cut me all my legs underneath i just need more glue [Music] i did not mean to do that guys my baby spider's finally growing up it's growing its face for the first time ever that's a crazy spider voice dad you're going to leave your spider's so good how cute is [Music] oh throw a
way oh if you see another fly tell me because i love one oh there's a fly fly we gotta make a web that's a big spider are you my mom yeah will you clean up my toys i'm gonna catch it for my spider friend ready don't live mom no it's on the skeleton over there actually throw one on the ground i caught the fight did someone say flying your spider's looking fancy let me see look at that you're just so good it's way cute all right everyone show your spiders [Applause] [Music] next crap spiders in th
eir spider homes wherever they are [Music] can i come over and play with your friends yeah okay okay next project spider hats whose is this one that's mine where did you make it apple you made this at school can you teach us how to make some nico yeah okay how do we make it what do we do first i need some wafers some paper [Applause] [Music] purple hats my head's so big we need a different purple one because my brain's so big it fit around anyone's head no we're all too smart we all got to cut i
t in half then still please think of mine i sure will wait you're using a stapler stay together that is wasting metal you're gonna get tape in your hair and it's gonna rip out your hair well you're wasting metal well i got a mission for you here's a piece of tape all right i'm gonna put this around my head and then you tape it where it fits tape it where it goes [Music] oh yes thank you that's such a gentle high five look at emily's shirt is so cool look it's a kitty cat just kidding it's a pump
kin cat i was a kitty cat and this kitty cat loves high fives watch high five do you want another high five are you sure yes is this gonna fit around her head guys yes yes mine's ready alan you want me to take yours no okay look nico says we gotta put the eyeballs on that eyeballs my favorite part take out some eyeballs where's uh does anyone know where the stapler is i can't find it does anyone see it i can't see the stapler either you know stapler is i can't see it i'm looking everywhere i can
't find it why can't i oh i found the staplers right here right front of my eyes do you even see it perfect whatever you say it's always right in front of your nose it's always right in front of your nose you're so funny she is funny [Music] can't see somebody stole my eyeballs where's the family nico is that you oh hello oh i can see you again how'd you do that now that i can see you get back to my hat where's my hat so you don't know what happened then i have oh it's on your head oh it's nice
how many eyes are spiders i'm making a real spider last time i don't know does anyone know how many how many eyeball spiders have leave a comment if you know i really have no idea i think they all have different amounts yeah i'm doing different kinds of size eyes me too why do i have that's so cool all right now what do we do nico make some wigs so we can do this so we turn it around and make some legs i'm cutting out some legs for you guys so it looks like we get legs and then we kind of crinkl
e fold them back and forth how do we do that i need two more because we need eight legs do i look like a spider [Music] you need less i need legs good thing i've got two of them is your shin okay yeah okay you know what a shin is it's like the front of your leg that's your shin right there and when you play soccer you wear shin guards to protect it now you know what a is that white's mom saves your sins okay there's nothing wrong she's just crazy i think she's turning into a spider gotta put it
so i need to put some legs on my spider mom i don't need any more legs niko let's count eight legs can we count eight what colors do you want two different colors okay will you start crinkling them start folding them five six good job now you can uncrinkle it and then we can add that one to your hat all right if you're just a normal person with hair keep watching the kids and mom they know what they're doing if you happen to be a cool person with a hat like dad i've got a different craft for you
check it out you put the spider legs in the hat and then you bend them and then you pull them out and they bend them like spider legs and then you put eyeballs on the front and then spider dab do i look like a spider wow don't crush me i'm a daddy spider i only need flies not kids just kidding [Music] that was delicious [Music] here you help me go staple on some legs should we staple some legs [Music] i'm a little distracted [Music] i ate all the flies oh no yeah okay nico hold this right here
and i'll stick okay put it in [Music] hey little spider i need help yeah you you're so tall okay you wanna get another spider leg that one okay okay okay put it on right there see gladly you're gonna staple this wait maybe yep can spiders have red legs where'd my stapler go hey squish good job see another side squish good job okay now we need a leg can you grab a leg oh yeah i'll grab one of my legs so i got a diaper okay should we put it on let's see if it works oh okay oh guys nico turned into
a spider the girls are still working on their hats [Music] get that let's put her in our website you lost your legs let's catch more bugs our little bug is wrapped up should we do our next craft yeah what's our next craft face he went to the no tress passing zone she went to the no trespassing zone get them i just go oh no he's a zombie now oh no yeah good zombies yeah [Music] why are you zombing me on the stairs [Music] spider party oh yeah spider party what are you doing [Music] she's going t
o rip her legs off how does she do that how do you do that all right maybe i can do that you almost broke my legs off good thing i have eight legs nico what are you doing [Music] what did you just catch that yeah okay should we do our next craft it's a game game where do we put our hats wherever you want okay you go i want to see what you look like where i want to put it oh look at me and we need some tissues for the same tissues why do we need tissues tissues i don't want that tissue or we're g
oing to do a couple tissues nice to meet you do you want to be friends i've never been friends with the sucker before i've never been friends with the kleenex before let's see friends you crazy all right you're gonna put hold your sucker wrap it up in the tissue like oh then we need lots of tissues and then you put your sucker in and wrap it yep yeah right like that good job spin your toilet or tissues around okay [Music] not use toilet paper use tissue paper mom good job then what do we do to m
ake it steak can we wrap it with one of these you can get one of these pipe cleaners and wrap it around ooh and then it looks like a little bow tie oh look how cute my ghost is getting ready for church grab a black marker out of their dad we're gonna do some ghost eyes okay and then when you twist it cute good job mom is making me like a bow too so it looks like i'm going to school i have no life do you have any eyes no oh no we need some eyes i'm going to have blue eyes oh spooky and i'm gonna
have my mouth i need to have red or it's red i'll just look like pink whoa i'll just use these for my and then i found everything first okay my eyes look at my eyes oh that's cool [Music] you just turned me into a ghost you guys can even make these for your friends ghost suckers look at my ghost dad hello kids it's time for bed everyone choose one more thing to do i need orange i need orange oh i'll get you the orange here you go little girl i'm such a helpful it looks like girl losing your hair
are you a nice ghost it looks like some green hair that's like zombie hair mom can you draw me a shirt i wanna draw the top of my head just make sure it looks like you have orange hair like in real life those are bigger than our ghosts okay who has the ghost ready i'm ghost ready he goes your ghost ready no i need something what do friends you guys want to play yeah let's play let's go into the honeycomb room the honeycomb room is cool is everybody ready that ghost is scary why not happen [Musi
c] careful baby there's a wall over there they're just learning to fly they're all my baby ghosts [Music] oh guys a rat all right guys we need some string for our boy boys team girls team mommy okay watch where your ghosts are flying all right so this is how you play get all your ghosts in the middle here i got one and right buy out yeah mine's right here no don't catch us so this is my ghost catcher and when i roll this dice here and i get a one i heard him grab this i'm trying to catch you guy
s so if it lands on a one we gotta hurry and pull our ghosts out okay and if i catch all the ghosts i win and if i don't then you guys get a turn nope careful okay let's play again dad's turn okay [Applause] hey that has to be on the ground sir [Applause] three two [Applause] i cannot catch these ghosts i'm fast [Applause] [Music] and he's free i got out wait i'm not ashley you took the round nose i took the wrong ghost right three good luck buddy good job two two what is your favorite number tw
o three three how's how do you know all your numbers three oh no are you gonna get a one no he doesn't get one four four [Music] he got mom's goals anywhere that's my turn mom's going for the only one car i was standing there i didn't even and three five no [Applause] [Music] oh a hot tub it was so fancy a nice hot tub wow no that was a trap i'm stuck get me out of here this boy is crazy what did you get niko you got apple juice cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers thanks for watching bye b
ye oh it's really sticky now really delicious thanks for watching bye koopa stop barking
