
Creative Typography Animation Using After Effects: Tutorial

This tutorial is a guide on how to make a creative typography animation in After Effects. We will be using the TextFlow extension and some free fonts. This process is easy, fast, and you'll learn how to animate type with just 25 minutes of your time! ------- ► Download the free text animator by CandyMustache. TextFlow: ► Purchase X-Elements Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe After Effects: Coming Soon ► Animation Course with TheFutur Learn more: ► More video templates: Follow CandyMustache Instagram: LinkedIn: Vimeo: Website: Follow Apostolos Roussas Instagram: LinkedIn: Website:


2 years ago

In today's Tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make a Creative Typography Animation easily, in After Effects. Hi, this is Kumiko from CandyMustache and in this tutorial we're going to make a Creative Typography animation for you to use as you like. It can work as an Intro or an Outro for a video, a nice typography scene for videos again and at typography projects of course. We'll use vivid motion in our animation. We'll do some color tricks and create a nice and minimal structure for our comp
osition. So let's begin. So first we create our composition by clicking this icon. Name your composition, make it HD resolution and get the duration to 4 seconds. 4 seconds is fine for this one. Click OK. Okay. First we have to create a background. So go to your composition, right click on it. Go new and select solid. Okay. Name it BG for background and click OK. Go to Effects and Presets panel and type Fill, drag and drop it over your BG layer, and now we can add a color in it. So click on the
color icon and choose your color. I already have my colors selected, so I just get the color code and paste it here. You can choose whatever color you want. You see? For this, I will have this background color. Click OK. And our background is ready. Now, let's create the typography first, go to the toolbar and click on the T for the type tool. Let's zoom in a bit, click control and plus to zoom in and by hitting the space bar you can control your background and your whole scene. So click on you
r scene and start typing. Okay. Let's add the color on our typography too. Go to the Character Panel, click on the color icon and add your color. I will use this color code for this one. Okay. Let's make this half, so we'll have a better resolution. And now let's align our text to the center. So go to the Align panel. If you don't have it open, you can open it from Window and click Align. Okay. We will make our letters bold by clicking All Caps. And we will use Montserrat font and choose Black.
Okay, perfect. And let's take it to 167 points. I think that's fine. Press P on the text layer to move it. Let's take it somewhere here for now. Okay, it is aligned. And now let's create our second texts. We can duplicate this one and change the text. So click on your text layer, then click control D to duplicate it, press P to move it. Okay. Now let's type typography, double click on your text layer and start typing. All right, let's take it to 119 points. Okay. Click on the selection tool. Oka
y. Click on both your text layers, and move it a bit down to be in the center. Okay. I think this is fine. And now for our last text layer, control D again, press P to move it and let's make this one a regular. Okay. And that 46 points. Okay. And type your text. Okay, we don't need this to be All Caps, so click on that again, and it makes it normal. Nice. So this is the scene we are going to animate. Let's hide this for now. Okay. So now let's go to the typography animation part. We will use the
TextFlow Toolkit, so go to Effects and Presets and type TextFlow. Drag and drop it on your text layers. All right. And we will make this typography animation a bit bouncy and with the position animation. So let's start from the Global Animation presets. Let's take speed to 0.04. We've don't need speed out so take this to zero. Frequency to 3.30, because we want the animation to be bouncy. The Decay to 8, maybe a little more, 8.40. I think it's fine. And we will have an animation from down to up
. So go to the position animation in point, and take your text down. Let's see what we have. Right. Okay, this is it, turn the Opacity to 100 and see what we have now. Oh, okay. So here, you go to the text and you have the in and out point. Go to the in point expression selector 1. And here you can have your animation based on characters. We want the animation to be based on characters. So this is our final animation. Okay. Well, because I don't like the opacity effect and I turned it to a hundr
ed, we're going to create a mask to make our animation appear in our scene. So. Let's go a bit closer. To create a mask, click on your text layer and go to the Rectangle Tool, click on it and create a mask around your word. Okay. Maybe we can move it a little bit more to the down. This is better. So now we have this. Great, let's go to typography. First of all, make the opacity to 100. We're going to do the same here with the mask. And for this one, make the animation start from up and go to dow
n so we can have some diversity. Okay. Go to text, in, we want these to be based on characters too. All right, let's go to the global animation. For this one we will have the speed again at 0.04. The frequency maybe a little less from the other one, let's make it 2.80. Okay. And the Decay let's make it to 6, so it will be a little slower. Okay. So this is what we have now. We are going to create a mask for the topography text layer too. So create a Rectangle around your text, and your text will
only appear inside of this Rectangle. All right. Bring the position a bit to the up. Now this is our animation so far. Okay, this is better. So now to add a bit more movement in our scene, we are going to animate our two text layers with a Null object too. To create the null object, click, right click on your composition. New, Null object. We will name this creative typography so we know what it refers to. And we're going to parent our two text layers to our Null object, so select both of them,
go to the whip tool and parent them to our Null object, Creative Typography. So now we can have an extra animation on our text layers without affecting the one they already have. So click on your Null object, we are going to do a scale animation. So click S to reveal the scale value, add a keyframe somewhere over here. And let's make the start animation a bit bigger. Okay. So now we have this. I want to, I want to keep the, uh, bigger scale, a little bit more on our timeline. So I'm going to sel
ect our two keyframes and move them to the right. So you see now they stay bigger, a little bit more on the scene and they start scaling down after that. Click F9 to make them Easy Ease, or you can right-click on your keyframes and go to Keyframe Assistant-Easy Ease, but the shortcut is a better way. It's faster to work like that. Then select them and go to the graph editor. And let's make the animation speed at its highest, somewhere here at the center. Let's see what we've got now. Okay. Maybe
we can open the keyframes a bit more, so it's a bit smoother. Okay. Let's adjust the curve a bit more. All right. Okay I think this is fine. So for our last text, I want to create a typewriting animation. So I'm going to go to the Effects and Presets panel again and type typewriter, typewriter. Okay. Then drag and drop it over my text layer. Nice. So let's open our text layer. Here it is our animator 1. Open Range Selector. And you see here, we have already two key frames at the start. So this
is the animation that it is created so far. It is already what I want, but maybe a little bit faster. So I'm going to decrease the space between our two keyframes, a little more. Okay. I like that better. Now, let's fix the timing a little bit more. So, first of all, I want my two main texts to appear and my last text to come into the composition a bit later on, after they have reached their final position. So I'm going to move all the layer a bit to the right. Okay, this is better. I'm going to
change my Null object's color, so it's easier to recognize. Okay. And maybe I want my two main texts to have a movement position all along. So what we're going to do is to make another Null object. Go New, Null object,, change the color again. Okay. Click Enter to name it. I'm going to name it, main text scale down. And I'm going to parent my first Null object to it and add some scale again. So it keeps scaling down from this position. So click S on our new Null object. Make a first keyframe ar
ound here and go at the end of the composition and make it a bit smaller. Oh, okay. I think this is too much. So increase it a little bit, maybe to 95. We just want a little bit of movement, so it doesn't have to be too much, just to be moving until the end. Okay. Maybe we can decrease it a bit more. Let's see. I think this is better. Maybe this CandyMustache animation will start a bit after. You have to search for what you like and make the right adjustments for your timing. So don't be afraid
of that. You can make as many adjustments as you like. Maybe a bit slower. Let's see. Okay, this is a fine outcome. So to make our scene a bit more creative, we are going to do some animation with the colors. So as a see it, I think we can start with the opposite colors and go to this final composition with our original colors. So what we're going to do is first of all, we are going to turn our background to this red. So click on this red. Copy it, it's the red from our text layer so you can jus
t click on your text layer and go to your color icon, and copy it. Now go to our background layer, click on the Fill color icon and paste it. And we want our letters to start with this yellow color, so we're going to duplicate them first. So select them both and click control D. Now you have them duplicated. And let's out to them this yellow color of the background. I take my color code and paste it. Okay. So now we have this here and this here. Okay. And somewhere here I want the color to chang
e. So what we're going to do is we're going to create a circle shape, go to the Rectangle, uh, tool, click on it until the drop down menu appears and click on a ellipse tool. And we don't need the stroke, so click on the stroke icon and then to none. Hit OK. And let's create a circle by clicking Shift, so it's symmetrical. All right. Click on the anchor point tool and get your anchor point to the middle. We are going to scale it and we want it to be scaled, uh, symmetrically. So that's why it is
fine for this one to put the anchor point in the middle of our shape. We are going to name our layer, BG 02, meaning background number two. And now we're going to create our second yellow background with animation. So I will bring my circle somewhere over here. All right, and press S to reveal the scale value. Now I will add two scale keyframes, one at the original scale size at a 100 percent and one where it will be big enough to cover all of my scene and make a background out of it. Okay, so
this is it for now. Select both your keyframes, press F9 and go to the graph editor. Let's see this movement to be faster at the start and smoother at the end. Okay. Let's bring it to the middle to see what comes with that. Okay. I think this moment is fine. So as I said, I want the background color to change around here. So I'm going to bring all of my BG 02 layer somewhere here. Let's see that. Okay. A bit to the front. Actually, I want the background color to change right before my two main t
ext layers hit their original size. So I think somewhere here is fine. So we have to change our background color to this yellow. So click on the color icon and copy this color, then click on our BG 02 layer and go to the Fill icon, click on it and paste the color. Now we have this. And we want one, the yellow background appears, so when it appears, our letters to be in the red color. So what we're going to do is to bring them on top of our yellow ones, and duplicate two times our BG 02 layer. Br
ing one over the creative, uh, text layer with the red color and one over the typography. We are going to use these backgrounds as Mattes for our two text layers. So, go to your text layers, make sure you have this icon, clicked on, then go here to the Track Matte and make it Alpha Matte. Do the same for the creative text layer. So now what we have here is that we told our two red text layers to appear only when our yellow BG is on the composition. So now we have this outcome. Okay, really nice.
So this our animation, this is how you can create a creative typography animation scene. Really easy inside After Effects. So this is how you can make a Creative Typography Animation, fast and easy. If you like the tutorial hit the like button and share this video with your friends. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel because there are more tutorials coming up. For a more Typography Animation and Motion Graphics, you can check the X-Elements Template for After Effects and Premiere Pro, amo
ng other amazing Templates and Toolkits, by CandyMustache. You can find the links in the description box down below. Until the next tutorial, have fun and keep animating.
