
Cricket World Cup a Boost for India’s Economy

The Indian economy may be the ultimate winner in the Cricket World Cup. Anup Roy reports on Bloomberg Television. -------- Follow Bloomberg for business news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more: Connect with us on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

Bloomberg Television

5 months ago

I mean, tell us what what what sort of, you know, beneficiaries are we likely going to see? Where is it going to play out in this economy, this cricket boost? So India's economy is expected to get a boost of about $2.6 billion because of this, because of the Cricket World Cup. The revenue may come from, you know, hotels and I mean, increase revenue tax collection in hotels and tourism as well as TV rights and sponsorships will play a very big part in creating this revenue. So that is an estimate
by Bank of Baroda. Please carry on. Please carry on. So it is the estimate by Bank of Baroda Research that says that the economy will get at least 18,000 crore to one or ₹2 billion to ₹20 billion, which roughly translates into $2.6 billion for the economy. So where will the revenue actually come from? You know, I suppose, you know, people spending money on hotels travelling within India and the like, but, you know, I'm sure it's a bit more nuanced than just that. So a large part of the revenue
will come from TV sponsorship and TV rights and sponsorships. So there's a cricket World Cup being a global tournament all over the world. People will be watching it. So so in India, more than 550 million people are expected to watch this on streaming platforms on television. So there will be TV rights that TV rights will may account for just about ₹120 billion for for. But the domestic viewers, for the for the domestic economy. And then there are then there are global giants who will be adverti
sing for for this tournament. And as per estimates, a ten second slot will cost some ₹3 million as advertisements for advertising are doing the matches. So that translates into some $36,000. But then second, and as per estimates, also roughly about $3,600 every second will be spent by advertisers to be seen during the matches.
