
Crocodile Attack at the Watering Hole | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

The dry season in South-Eastern Sri Lanka brings all kinds of animals to the watering hole. But as they drink they are unaware of a ferocious predator, with remarkable hunting skills, waiting in the depths. Our home. Our future. This is #PlanetEarth3 🌍 👉 Subscribe to #BBCEarth: Watch more: Planet Earth I Planet Earth II Frozen Planet II Frozen Planet II Behind the Scenes Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback:

BBC Earth

3 months ago

Southeast Sri Lanka it's the middle of the dry season this is the only remaining water hole for miles around mugger crocodiles Giants 5 m long this male has been traveling for hours the water hole is the only place where he has a chance to catch a deer a single adult would be enough to feed him for the entire dry season but hunting prey the that knows you're here requires something truly remarkable he creates a trap he digs down into the mud deep enough to hide beneath the vegetation perfect cam
ouflage he has built his trap right on the water's edge so it's the first place that thirsty deer will come to drink a [Music] these crocodiles have learned to EXP the deer's desperate need for fresh water



The speed he dragged the deer into the water gave me chills


I've never seen a crocodile dig itself into wet mud before and further camouflage itself using the existing green vegetation. ... A truly terrifying ambush predator it is!


This is Sri Lanka, my homeland. BBC Earth has created an outstanding video showcasing crocodile hunting behavior in the heart of a forest, featuring excellent camera angles. I have a deep appreciation for this content. Many thanks to the BBC. I extend an invitation for them to revisit Sri Lanka, as there are abundant natural resources waiting to be captured.


Excellent, BBC natural history unit keep surpassing itself with new wildlife action shots.


2:04-2:25 The cinematography in this segment is on another level. The sinister build-up with the high strings over the gradual realisations of the deer is hair-raising, and I also love how the initial shot of the croc finally lashing out is from a bird's eye view and the caught individual's predicament is then revealed up close.


This was probably the best hunt in the documentary imo


Absolutely stunning cinematography by the BBC


Just when you thought they couldnt get any deadlier... Truly a remarkable hunting machine.


May Mr. Attenborough live for many more years to come.


Crocodiles are the most terrifying predator on earth (my opinion)


Being slightly slowed with the drone shot it looks like the deer stopped struggling at once...then you realise that's just the sheer power of over 4 metres of beast hauling out towards the deep end and you'd look like a limp shred of flesh, too. Gosh I'm glad I'm not a Sri Lankan deer.


Sir david attenborough the man the myth the legend ❤


I just saw this on the Television. What a clever crocodile . Planet Earth three . A classic .


Incredible moment exhibiting the art of camouflage to catch it's prey.The saga of survival unfolds in this riveting display of nature's strategy and adaptation


I cannot imagine how much preparation went into this creative direction for filming this.


Spectacular videography to capture this. As a Sri Lankan I am amazed at the diversity of our wildlife


Wow that male at the beginning (0:45) definitely isn't a 5m Mugger, the later one hunting the deer could be. The digging behaviour however is awesome to showcase.


I like how the rest of the herd set him up. They ran away like 'sike, not me!' He was a sacrifice for them.


Its the first time i saw a footage from srilankan wildlife. I think bbc should include more diverse places like this. Anyway thank you for your hard work bbc crew.


Great video footage BBC Earth ❤