
CTC Running Start Series #2

This is the second session held on February 27, 2024 from 2:00-4:00pm PST of the virtual Running Start Series for Community & Technical College staff hosted by the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Dual Credit Department. Each session has a theme with updates and space for Running Start college staff to come together and connect. The first hour of each session is recorded. The second session has a focus on sharing updates regarding OSPI, Legislation, SBCTC Dual Credit, and the Running Start Billing Report. SBCTC is committed to providing equal access for individuals with disabilities to its programs and events in accordance with the ADA and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Captions that are included in this video are autogenerated. If you need a higher level of accessibility support, please reach out to:

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5 days ago

So like I mentioned, this is the second of our running start series for community technical colleges. And so we have from 2 to 3 we have some updates from OSPI and we have some information about our apps after exit proviso. We will have some legislation updates. And we will have some specific dual credit updates from, our department here at SBCTC. We are going to show you all, if you don't know already, we have an enrollment dashboard, as part of the state boards website. And so Jamie's gonna go
into detail and show you all how to access some data and information there. And we are going to also take a peek at our running start billing report and CTC link. And so Brandon is gonna and his team are gonna help facilitate some of the conversations around that piece, which will lead into a little bit more detailed, information and ctcLink-focused March twentieth session. And then from 3 until 3 30, we'll do some breakout sessions with some topics that we have for y'all and then from 3 30 to
4 we'll we'll kind of get some feedback from everybody in the breakout sessions and do some closing shares. So that's what our date is gonna look like. It'll be go by pretty quickly here from 2 to 4. Okay, so unfortunately Tim Mclean, our OSPI dual credit program supervisor could not join us today, but he did. Update a couple slides for us and shared some information. So I'm gonna go ahead and Gmail help me facilitate this piece here and go ahead and give you all provide you all with some update
s here. So, currently under review, OSPI and Tim are working on the summer running start bulletin, which will, feature standard running start enrollment. So summer running start now and then also also some more information about after exit and what that looks like. It will also currently under review and not publish yet is the after exit declaration of intent for the high schools and the after exit assurances for colleges. So that information is not quite ready yet. It's currently under review a
nd we hope to I talk to Tim this morning and we hope to have that. He will we will have that available for our March twentieth session to share out. And then I just wanted to make sure to point some of these things out and Tim wanted to share up to is that on February thirteenth via the some of the K 12 and our state board list served out to is that on February thirteenth, via the, some of the K 12 and our state board lists served. We shared out, OSPI shared out a dual credit updates bulletin, o
r newsletter, which had included, our summer, 2,024 running star EVF, non-digital and digital and also a running start calculator and a running start video, a tutorial. And so we're gonna go ahead and share that with you all right. Now just in case you did not see that email. 1 s. Here. I guess. Trying to share. And, you know, when J, while Jim is working on that, we also, Kayley, thank you, Kaylee, just dropped in the chat, a direct link. To the bulletin and then we're also gonna go ahead and s
hare, yep, the slide deck from today. Thank you, Keeley, so much. So you all can refer to this and go ahead and click on the the links which which are active so you can go and see these things directly as well. Are you able to see? Can you see the still credit updates now? No, let me see. Maybe I need to stop my share first here. Okay, there we go. Okay, awesome. So in Stephanie, if you wanna add in, I was just gonna go through so they know. So that came out on the thirteenth of this month and a
nd these are the updates that Stephanie has just on the thirteenth of this month and these are the updates that Stephanie has just on the screen. If you haven't seen it, Caleb's dropping it in and just make sure you're looking at it pretty closely because. There's, additional information we're sharing, but. You know, more detailed, along with all the access to the the CRC. Huh. The calculator and then the tutorial. And Stephanie's watch the tutorial and you thought it was pretty pretty helpful.
I haven't had chance to watch it. Yeah, I did think it was really helpful. It was nice because, they had 3 different, staff members give the, the presentation if you all haven't seen it yet. So, Tim Mclean was part of it, Becky Mclean and also Maria Muto from Ospi. So it was nice to get, kind of different perspectives on like a director administrator role. Becky really does that behind the scenes calculator. You know, calculation FTE piece and then Maria's like a counseling background. It was re
ally nice to watch that. So if you haven't seen it, I would highly encourage everyone to take a look. Yeah. And it may not work too, even if Kelsey has got this to send that to your counselors as a reminder. Send all this information so they have it a second time, a third time so they're able to start reviewing these documents when they're working with students. So I will stop sharing. And I'll let you get back to your slide next. Alright, thank you, Jamie. Okay, here we go. Okay, so continue on
. So like I said, the PowerPoint is in the chat. Thank you, Kayley, for sharing and thank you, Jamie, for going over that on your screen there, the the bulletin or the newsletter. So yeah, you should be able to go into the PowerPoint and click these links directly. So that you all can access the resources here. The other piece that Tim wanted me to remind everybody on is the high school and beyond plan platform update. So, the legislative report is posted and so the link is included there so you
can look at some more specific details. And also right now there's a high school and beyond plan survey that is out and it closes March eighth. So I strongly encourage and it's available in English and Spanish strongly encourage. Folks to fill that out, complete that if you have it yet. It definitely takes a little bit of time. I think it took me a good maybe half hour, 45 min to work through all the questions in detail because they're asking such specific questions to their partners on what to
what we should include. In the statewide high school beyond plan platform. So I found it pretty useful and and they're gathering a lot of great information there, but I strongly encourage everybody to fill that out, but I strongly encourage everybody to fill that up if you have it yet. And then, OSPI plans to meet on March eighteenth for a vendor vendor interviews. So based on those vendors that they are thinking about and based on the feedback from the survey. They're going to do some intervie
ws. Based on, on everything from, that they get from the surveys. Okay, next up. After exit proviso. Okay, so summer is coming. Summer, 2024 is coming and so we have our after exit proviso again this summer. It has OSPI has decided to open up access to the after exit proviso for certain populations of students. And so, I'm gonna go ahead and read through this slide and then please go ahead and ask questions. We can take some time to ask any answer any questions that come up for folks for this be
cause I know there may be some so After Ex a proviso will be non graduating eleventh or twelfth grade students who met or exceeded that 1.1 point 4 AAFTE limit spring of 2,024. So they're eligible for a maximum of 10 credits like other non-grads, non-graduating twelfth graders are not fifth year seniors until fall of 2024 and they're not so therefore they're not limited to high school graduation requirements. Or the other population of students, which is the same as last year, is graduating stud
ents within 15 credits of their first AAA regardless of their annual FTE. So eligible for a maximum of 15 credits but limited to only those satisfying the AA degree requirements. And the high school records should remain open for credits to be direct transcribed for this population. So, yeah, questions. Let me go ahead and open it up because I'm sure that there will be some. Michelle, go ahead. Good to see you. Oh, you're on mute. Thank you, sorry. Good to see you too. I just wanted to double ch
eck with the second portion on the page right now the graduating students within 15 credits. I'm wondering if that is going to be the same this year. I remember, you know, they needed to have the 15 credits fall winter and spring or they needed to have a combined portion with their high school. I'm wondering if there's that limitation this year too or if it's simply being within 15 credits of a degree. I'm looking over at Jamie on this one, but I believe it's just within 15 credits of the degree
, but go ahead, Jimmy. Yeah, I think you're probably talking about the annual FTE that they had to meet or exceed the annual FTE. So they basically reinterpreted what's in the proviso and just to make sure you all know that this proviso is separate it is not the basic at dollars it's separate 3 million that was put into the budget last year and it expires after the summer. But yeah, so they've opened it up. So yes, you're right. And show last year you had to exceed. And and then and it was easy
because it was it was easier to do that with the 1.2 but with the 1.4 it's a little more challenging. So now it's either your 15 credits away from a degree, an A, and you can finish that off in the summer. Or you may not be 15 credits away or graduating, but you are have met your max of the 1.4. So it's expanded, it, but it does make it a little more confusing. And so what I would say is our recommendation is do your due diligence but we don't want you having to stress over this. Get students in
classes do the best you can with what you have, get them on the list, and get this done. No one's picking apart stuff at this point, so I just, I don't want this to be another, I mean it can be, and a barrier getting students these funds. So just do what's in the best interest of your students. And and and follow the guidelines as well as you can. Great, thank you. Alright, thank you, Michelle. Other questions? So I see a question in the chat. Can you explain how non graduating eleventh graders
would fall under after exit when they still have their senior year ahead of them. Yeah. So, so that's where this gets messy. So I wanna make sure everybody, we've gone back to board for those PI asking like it's messy. So I want to make sure everybody. We've gone back and forth with OSPI asking like this They are very aware that it's not matching like logically when when you read it interpret it but they are just trying to make sure they spin down the funds and get as many students. Out the doo
r so I would really just ignore that's called after exit at this point and just follow what's in here and it's really just like and it's going to be this option. Exceeding the 1.4 or after exit graduated in their 15 credits towards a degree and that's your second option. Jenny. And you're testing more in that second options where you should be. We shouldn't see a lot of students in the first. Hi, it's Linda. Bellevue College. Can I just? Ask a quick question. So this first part is actually if a
current eleventh or twelfth character has exceeded their 1.4 FTE over this school year and they want to attend for summer quarter they can take up to 10 credits funded and that would go under the regular billing. That's why it's exactly. It's just that it can go under after exit because they wouldn't have any additional funds through. Peace. No? Okay. Okay, alright, so can I know this isn't really the plan for this, but can I say one thing about this? So this. After exit funding in both of these
scenarios Last year. Maybe I'm wrong, but I really feel that we were not paid for the entire summer quarter. Okay. And so I, we were shorted in days, right? Yeah, that's probably a separate issue that I will talk about. So I just wanna make sure I'm not creating the regular funding. Okay, alright, so. Yep, got it. Okay, thank you so much. Yeah, and I so what I what I want to say is We don't, I'm just gonna be transparent. This is challenging the way it's written. We know that we've given all th
e feedback to OSPI before this went out. This is the approach they wanted to take. But what I would say is don't focus so much on this 1.4. Focus on your students that are 15 credits away from a degree that are graduated. That is really the core in the intent of this proviso. So don't spend a lot of time like worried about those pieces on top. Focus on the students. There are 15 credits away. If you've got the time to then go back and figure out students that are at that 1.4 or just wait for stu
dents to let you know their. They think they're close. We're not asking you to even actively recruit those students, but we are trying to get as many students with a degree. With staffing and so I just I just want to try to be as real and candid with you all on that piece. And then, Linda, I will talk about, the summer account issue in a little bit, because yeah, we know it's a problem and we're working with the legislature right now. Yeah. Thank you so much. Good question. This is Teresa from.
Olympic college. The high school records should be made open for credits to be transcribed so that I'm gonna assume that there is. A document or it's just, that we're gonna send forward to the registrar so that happens, right? Is there, is there something in place? That we will be utilizing to send to the high school so that they don't close out those trans. I think Stephanie correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like that's just on the high school side that he's making sure they know to keep it op
en. You're not doing anything differently on your business process. Yeah, do we, yeah, so Tim had updated the slide and the one fire to it. So, we're just trying to do our best to kinda share what Tim had, wanted us to share with everyone, but I agree, I think, Jim, you're right. I think it's more of that's on the high school slot side and that's just like for us to be aware of that the record should be remain open and I see that question is also in the chat. If you know if graduated students do
n't need the classes. It's just it's more of what if students do need that on their transcript eventually, right? Cause maybe they do, maybe they'll need it for some reason, so it's important to still have that open for students during that summer. So yeah, we, I will, I will ask Tim a follow up on that one. To though just to ensure we're not missing something there There Theresa. Thank you, and I think what we're gonna do, so, and I will keep tabs of questions we can't answer. And I will keep t
abs of questions we can't answer. And then Tim will be at our March session. We're asking him to also bring Becky with him. So what we can do is really nail down any ambiguity as much as possible. And then have, Brandon's team on the student financial side walk us through the technical pieces of CTC link that will be very similar to last year. So you'll get the policy from OSPI as clear as you can, clear as possible and then we'll walk you through the CTC link side. So we'll make sure you're sup
ported as much as we can before. Before registration hits for summer. And the other piece I wanted to make sure, to mention to in this and it's not on the PowerPoint specifically, but so the the intent here with the proviso for our graduating students within the 15 credits of their AA is to attend a community technical college and finish that AAA degree out of a community technical college. The non graduating eleventh or twelfth grade students it really OSPI is is letting us know that it is open
to any college running start. For students to take but the system is not really set up to do that yet for summer, so we're kind of still working through that, but students could technically in that non-graduating eleventh and twelfth grade category, take classes, at a 4 year, for example, if it fit for them. But again, don't want to get into the weed too much on that. I just wanted to make sure to mention that piece, that that is something students could do or access. Yeah, we definitely don't
need to don't have to advertise that out or anything. And I think central tried to do it last year and it was pretty limited. Eastern I think will try to be doing spring you have to or summer. Excuse me. In statute, they should be offering it, but it's been challenging at the university. To do summer, they're just not built the same way to do it and offer as much as we do. So, it's much easier, it makes more sense for students just to continue on with us, but. Thank you, Sethi, because it is som
ething that could happen. So we want to make sure that you have all the information. Alright, back to some questions. So Jane, Barry in the chat, is there a summer EVF and then an after exit form? So yes, the summer EVF and the PowerPoint and also that newsletter that went out for from OSPI on February thirteenth there's links in there to the summer EVF form that is updated so there's a non digital and a digital copy in there and after exit form that's something that, we should have vetted, from
LSPI and, ready to share out at our March twentieth, series. So our next one. Alright, next question. Will there be the additional document for the after ex proviso like last year? I believe so. That's what I believe Tim and OsPI is working on right now. And so stay tuned for a little bit more information on that piece. And what that looks like for folks. And. Yeah, I think it's just I think it's just the assurances thing that was last year and that was just like signing off that you did your d
ue diligence. So we'll review it we do we're really asking to keep it very basic we don't want you how do you jump through Alright, Hillary, Emerson, would a flowchart be available at some point? I know the OSBI bulletin will have a complete explanation, but I know I would benefit from a visual chart to follow for, for instance, class of 2026. Are you this or that? Yes or no? That way we can go through the options and would also help high school counselors. We can ask. Yeah, that's a good one. I
would, I mean, we can pass. I'm just gonna say that I worry that it could make it more complicated and then we might get 2 in the weeds but if we think it could be functional for some, I, we are more than happy to advocate for that. Alright, I think that's all the questions. Does anyone have anything else for now for after Okay, we'll go ahead and move on. Okay, so we've got 10 days left in the legislature. In the next slide, I will talk about 2 things that are copying in the legislature, but t
hey're not bills, but that are related to you all. But 2 that you should know about, House of 1146. This is the one that was here last year. It's additional, language that would put in the statue that high schools are required each term before student registers to receive all dual credit information and financial assistance information. From 9 through twelfth grade. And that's, so that means every type of dual credit program. And that's like could be digital. So just an email, etc. It's a pretty
, I'm just giving you the language right now in the chat, but it's pretty. It's pretty basic, fairly non-controversial. But it is putting more, a little bit more responsibility on. High schools. So you know one thing we could talk about later and that might be maybe in our April meeting and Could we be proactive in that? I was just thinking like maybe we all can agree on some language that we'd ask the schools to send out. That's helpful and inviting for all programs. Maybe we can take take owne
rship of that. So that's one less thing. And it also gives us maybe a little bit of input in that. So we can talk about that more maybe. Creating some type of blur to share out if you're interested. Geneville, 56 70 has changed a lot. So I want to make sure everyone is aware because initially it was letting tenth grade students participate in running start online, but there was a big amendment at the end that is all gone. The only thing it's doing is ensuring that rising juniors can enroll in ru
nning start that summer before and you all knew that that was our happening because OSPI has interpreted the language that way, but this kind of what is what we call codifying it, where we're putting the language in statute so it's clear so no one can go back and say no we can't do that so it will say in the RCW Rising Junior, students who have completed tenth grade and we're going to eleventh grade can access running start in the summer for 10 credits. And those 10 credits do not count towards
their annual FTE once they start their junior year. So that's all that Bill's doing. It's in. It's towards the end of the rules committee in the house. It'll get a vote on the floor and it will be passed and signed. Jamie, does it still have to be online classes only? Okay. No, no, no. So all that is now. Yeah, the only thing is just red regular rank start students. Perfect. Be able to access tenth grade or excuse me, 10 credits in summer. Okay, any questions? Yeah, I don't think any10 wait. Hey
, Janet, you have a question on that one? Hi, yes, just maybe a logistics question and if it's just up to the individual institution then I that I can run with that. But would there be a is there up to the discretion of the college to say We're not allowing tenth grade. Access to running start at this time or. For an admissions standpoint. Do the colleges have the ability to do that? You can't. No, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll have to, yeah, so, you know, I think there could be some strong rec
ommendations on the type. Can't say like have to, but some strong recommendations around the courses. You should be taking in the summer. Like really folks maybe just, you know. College Success Corps. You know but yeah right now it's long as that goes in and even the way OSPI is interpreted house bill 1316 from last year we can't limit or prevent students from enrolling after they've completed tenth grade. Yeah, thank you for your question. Okay, wonderful. Thank you. Yeah, let's go ahead and go
to the next one. Oops, they're real. Alright. And I think I saw Kayley ready to share screen. Do you think? I'm sorry, Ku, do you think I could just finish with the legislature stuff? So I'm just thinking that might flow better. I. Really, thank you. Okay. Good idea. Yeah, please do, Jamie. Go ahead. So, The summer running cap issue so we real you know we realized when we did summer last year that clearly is only 2 count days with the compressed schedule, which means our colleges are only getti
ng two-thirds of the reimbursement. So we've been working with OSPI on some language to put into the budget that creates an enhancement. So basically you're getting more money in 2 counts that will make up for that third count. We, representative Paul put in our request. It was in the budget. There has been some back and forth on the amount. And so we, we've been asking representatives and senators to advocate for this. And the hope is we will make sure it is fixed, but it's in the process. It's
a high priority to make sure that we're getting the full reimbursement for summer. So a student that's official. Probably in mid-Marge I'll be able to share more information. But just know it won't be like a third count date that we got to figure out. It'll just be 2. You're just going to get an enhanced rate. Questions on that one? And then the other one on. We are, so we've been meeting with, our. Our our friends or our registrars and running some of you that are on this call today. About the
issue with writing star and residency. That undetermined status, not being able to ask them questions, but when they enroll in courses below 100 level or exceed that 1.4 we have to ask for tuition calculation purposes and it's become a lag, you know, it's extra workload on the front, the front end at registration offices. It's a workload on our running start staff. And it's also a a cherry not great effect on our students and what that feels like when we have to ask this question especially if
they don't feel comfortable disclosing there. Their immigration status. And so what we're trying to do is make a change next year with the RCW basically adding some language that when students are in the running start program they're considered residents through running start. So everybody starts students just a resident. You don't have to be asking them questions. You don't have to ask for additional information. They're just coded as residents. So it would just be taking care of its into law.
We can't do that till next year. We're gonna have a big, we've got a lot of things we're trying to fix next year with the big with the big budget session. But we know it solve problems. So we are requesting a state board approved waiver. So I'm meeting with, presidents this week to ask their permission to move this forward to our state board and they will basically this waiver will just be in place for all running start students and we'll have it you know and we'll have you know a meeting of tra
ining of what that looks like on business practices and we anticipated this waiver. Once its waver is approved, whatever process we design for you, we'd like to keep it the same way once it's in RCW so we're not asking you to change it halfway, that is just what you do. But it'll just be a waver for all students. The one thing you just need to be careful with is if they stayed on as a regular student after we've graduated. That waiver needs to be taken off and tuition is gonna have to be. Evalua
ted regarding residency but anyway we're really excited about this and we hope it's a win. We're trying to see any negative impacts here, but we're not seeing it. So we'll take it to the president's if the board approves it in March, it should be effective, I believe, by April and we'll make sure that we give you more information once that's completed. But thank you to all those that have been working on this. We've got several of you on the call taking extra time to have these conversations. Ok
ay, I'll just leave if there's any questions here. Otherwise I'll let Hely show, then you. Okay. Okay, looks like we don't have any yet, but we can get back to that if someone has any questions during this. But, we just wanted to share with you all where Dual Credit lives in the State Board YouTube page. So I'm just going to head and drop this link in the chat really quick and then. Share my screen. You 1 s. Okay, so if you click on that link, it'll take you to these state board. YouTube page. S
o this is what the homepage looks like. And then if you wanted to find a specifically dual credit, you just need to go to playlist. And then right here, we're the first one. You just need to click playlist. And we just created this, so all we're gonna have on here is this meeting from today and then the one we had from last time. So we're hoping to have. You know, future resources for you guys. That hopefully you'll find helpful. But yeah, it's about it from me. I'll go ahead and start my chair.
And pass it back to Jamie and Stephanie. And thank you, Keeley, and Stephanie. That is, that's all them putting that together. We're excited to have everything in one place. Yes, thank you so much. All right, let's, let's go back to our part right here. There we go. Okay. Alright, so the next thing you wanted to talk about was the high school counselor video recording. Jamie, did you wanna take? Oh, sorry, that was me. Yeah. And we can type in this. So, We had heard from OSBI that the council's
around what we hear this from the councilors all of you have to wanting just some additional training but having capacity and funding to attend certain events and take time away from students is challenging. So we talked about, putting together little snippets like videos of different, themes and stuff. We were gonna try to get one done like right away, but OSPI had some additional feedback and I think they weren't ready to move forward yet, but what we're trying to do is we've already got, but
what we're trying to do is we've already got a group together if you haven't been already meeting with us let us know if you want to be a part of it but We're hoping Hoping to start that in the summer. So if you all are interested and please let us know and we may be tagging anyway for some help in that area. And it's really hoping to help all of us, right? Like, so when your counselors are asking you always, you know, certain questions, you're gonna have access to these videos and you can say,
hey, look, this link has this, this and this, let's start there. So hopefully we're all helping each other building kind of a library of video. Yeah, thank you, Jamie. And, our group that, and I know some of y'all are included in that work. So thank you so much. Our, our initial meeting with our group, there were some great ideas about maybe a collaboration approach with maybe some high school counselors that you all have really good relationships with and doing maybe some videos together as a
team to kind of share out statewide. So there's, there's been some really great ideas that have already come out of, about that and so that we're looking forward to, you know, doing a little bit more work on that in the summer. So thank you, Jamie. Okay, all right. So the math placement grant, I know I shared out about this. We shared out about this last time. So the state board and College Spark, we have a placement grant together. And so we have already had 2 convenings. And so we have already
had 2 convenings as a result and are busily planning our third convening in per cent to come at community college, as a result and, are busily, planning our third convening in person at Takuma community in person at Takuma Community College, April, 20 fifth. To come a community college April, 20 fifth. It is open to all and let me tell you a little bit more about that placement grant work. Community College April 20 fifth. It is open to all and let me tell you a little bit more about that place
ment grant work. We have developed with the help of 21, I believe it is 21 of our community technical colleges. And I know a lot of you all in the Zoom room here have been involved in that work and have been attending some of the convening. So thank you so much for all of your feedback and input. We have put together a grid, we're calling it a grid, but basically it's a high school transcript universal placement policy. And so right now we are in the process of getting pilot colleges to commit a
nd our commitment deadline is actually this week the 20 ninth but there there can be a little bit of flexibility there for folks who maybe haven't been in the room or colleges who are just now hearing about this work. To commit to this and basically what we would be asking what we have been asking is for this placement grant that we've played on the ground, this grid that we've developed altogether to implement it and then to put scores on the same place in CTC link and so that we can work on tr
acking and what that looks like. So part of this work is obviously reducing. For students, that's a big part of this. So the idea would be to have this universal transcript placement policy that eventually, hopefully, will be utilize statewide and so a student when they you know go to place into our system, it wouldn't look different based on what school community technical college that they're, trying to get into. So that's really the hope there with this work that we're doing. And so it defini
tely has some momentum. There's really not a lot of guidance that's been put forward in terms of placement. So we're starting with math, but we are excited about the idea of looking at English placement as well. Placement practices. And so, yeah, it's just really exciting work. And so, just wanted to, it's just really exciting work. And so, just wanted to, definitely impact our running start students, and, high school students in our system as a whole. So wanted to make sure just to share some s
hareouts about that. So I'm hoping. We have some pilot colleges and folks in the room who continue to do the work, but the convening April 20 fifth is open to all. So we hope to put some registration information out of that soon. Alright, go on to the next slide. Video suggestion. Okay, for the high school council video course equivalencies, how can How can we be equitable? I love that. Thank you. Yeah, there's a couple of great suggestions there, so we'll make sure. Kaylee, you'll make sure we
can chat for the chat. Download it so we have, we can get those later. Perfect. Okay. So next up we didn't quite get to this last time during our first series. But I had mentioned this when we were going over the agenda, but the enrollment dashboard on our seaport website. Jamie was going to show you all how to get to that and how to pull data. So when we were looking at some data last time during our running start survey. We were pulling it from this dashboard. So we're going to go ahead and sh
ow you all how to get there and what kind of fields you can look at and pull for your running start students. Okay. Hmm. Yes. Okay, are you all seen in Roman data? Okay, okay, cool. So this isn't necessarily new you will have access to this but I didn't realize how much you come or excuse me how many of you knew about it and so this is kind of a quick way. No, I usually always check in with our research department and like no one who may still be on a call before I send out information around an
y kind of enrollment data. But, you can use this dashboard. We have private dashboard if you're on your college server and then we have public there's a lot of different dashboards and you know that could be a whole nother big no back and do a whole other like, training on that piece. But I wanted to make sure you at least knew. Where you can go for for enrollment and i'm gonna go ahead and put in the chat to. Why? Why am I not seeing my chat? Outing it, sorry. I'll make sure I put that in the c
hat a minute, but so You can check out your enrollments. So if you go into the enrollment data, the FTE and head count. Hello. I'm trying to make my screen bigger. I'm struggling here. I don't know. It's just the, H sharing on the multiple streams. You will see okay, I feel like I'm. How else is it going to work? That's not I just need the stop. Hold on, sorry. I just need to look that. Okay, now let me try this again. The struggle is real with the 2 screens, Jamie. I feel you. Just don't real.
I'm sorry. I feel like I, being a movie, Okay, so When you go to the FTE headcount, you can. Select the years you want to look at and then your colleges. So this is going to show all the colleges and it has FTE and your head count here. So I'm just gonna say like if you want to look just at last year's you can apply. Hello. And then the thing that you need to make sure that you're doing is selecting running star. If you don't select that, then you're going to get all your students. And so then y
ou can start looking and you can look at demographics. There's plenty of other things you can look at with enrollment, but right now I just wanted to show you where. I, we gather some of just the basic enrollment when we're looking at from year to year. And this is not the system totals, but this is just where you can find yours. And then you can also go to system totals. And then see where we're at from 20 as of right now and then what our full one looks like. Well, excuse me, our full ones. Wh
ere the FCE is and the head count. And then also you can go into demographics and look at different trends. There's plenty of information so if you haven't seen it, I would check it out, but I'd always check in, you know, with your institutional research when you're publicizing any of this, but if you're just trying to look and get an idea and you're not sure or you want to compare a little bit from college to college. This is This is where you go and I will pop the link into the chat right now.
Perfect. Thank you, Julie. Okay, just wanted to get that out there. Don't spend too much time on that. So, want to make sure, our CDC link, friends, financials, I think they have to leave at 3. So I'm wondering, Stephanie, do you think we could just skip over? Okay. Let's do it. All right, let's go to CT ceiling first. Okay. So, we acknowledge that, A lot has happened since the initial running start billing report was first created in CTC length. Okay. Thank you. We now are all on board, right?
With CTC link. And so we thought this was the perfect time to take a peek at the running start building report and maybe make some edits to it add some features, remove stuff from the report. And so what better, opportunity than right now to have that conversation with you all. And also kind of mention something that we've added. So in working with our amazing student financials team, we have added a new call to the report, which will go into place tomorrow morning when you pull the running sta
rt building report, it will have an advisor category. So, really exciting. And I think that we've heard, that from folks for a while now, that that was something that would be nice to include. So that will go into effect for tomorrow as of tomorrow morning. And so the other thing, you know, we just wanted to kind of open it up and, Brandon, please feel free and, and team to jump in here too, to facilitate this conversation. One of the things that we're gonna do is our March, the twentieth series
. So our next one, our next session to this is we are going to. Okay. Kind of do a deep dive into CTC link. We're gonna talk about after exit and kind of do a refresher training our soon financial team is going to do a refresher training on after exit. Okay. And so, and also we're purposely asking questions about the billing report today so that hopefully we can, make some edits to things for folks and, and maybe hopefully have, some, things produced by, by March, the twentieth, but we'll see. S
o I think, a question maybe to open it up to folks is, 2 really what would you like to see removed from the report and what would be helpful to add to the report? Maybe we can start there, but I know also Brandon, correct me if I'm wrong, we were gonna maybe show a billing report just so folks can actually see it. Just in case, you know, we don't have it in front of us. Yes, I will share right now. Wonderful. Thank you. And so Heather, you are spot on. Oh, in my sharing a scoop it up. Hi over he
re. Hold on, let me. There you go. Okay. Okay, so you were spot on. The newer column is at the very end. And so this will be populated. One, wonderful. Thank you. After beginning, tomorrow morning, when you run the report. And so, yeah, take a look tomorrow morning, scheduled to run as always. Because it's such a such a biggie don't don't run it out right in the regular queue revere. That's just a usual note. But that's it. Am I sharing okay or no? Oh! Actually we can't see a Brandon. It looked
like it was sharing and then it went away. Oh, there we go. Perfect. Thank you. Okay. Alright, sorry about that. Yes, here's just a little screenshot of where you'll find that information at the in the far right end of all that data that is displayed. Wonderful. I'm gonna go to chat because I know we've got a lot of stuff going on in the chat right now. Addgender would be great. Add cumulative earned credits, please. Adding quarterly and cumulative GPA would be helpful. And then, Dana, can you e
laborate on your question? I don't run it outright in the query viewer. I don't understand that. Hmm. I just, I think Brandon said something about don't run it out right in the queue, the query viewer at the very tail end of what he said. Okay. It was like really quick and it was something to do with how I don't know. So Brandon, can you repeat that? Oh yeah, yeah, sorry about that. When you go into the reporting tools and CTC link, there is an option for a query viewer and then you can go in se
lect the query and just to run it to HTML. And if you do that with this particular report, or with the RS enroll, other report, anything that has a lot of data. It's gonna take some serious time to run and so it will block it'll it'll bog it down and so you won't be able to do anything else the cityC link so there's an option when running queries is called a schedule query and all you need to do is set up a run control for it. And you include the proper query name. And then while that's running,
you can continue doing other. Other work and it won't walk you down. Got it. Thank you very much. Alright, looks like we have some questions too. And Brandon, I don't I don't think your screen is still sharing. Okay, and I can hear that and sweat. Okay. Oh, Zoom. Pay much. Yeah. Okay. And then Hillary, I see your hand up. Please feel free to, to go ahead and ask a question. Thanks. Now I came to CTC link at the end. So blessing curse there. And I was completely baffled on why this query had so
many. Columns. And so what I would like is just the billing query to only have the data that we need to do the billing. And not everything else. Like it's really should be no more than 10 in my opinion. And then if we could please have queries that obviously we all want and need. To run demographics to see advisors Like, yeah, I just don't understand why. 99% of all this is in one. Giant query. Thank you for Letting me get that off my chest. Hmm. Okay. Oh, no, totally understandable and, the rea
soning is for that. This is the big master data from which your query builders can copy it out and then produce queries that are specific for your situation. Yeah. That's just been a big challenge so far, so. Yeah. And so that's what. Oh, okay. There's definitely some query trainings and, I believe you can still submit a query trainings and if I believe you can still submit a query a report request with the state board reporting team and they can, I believe. Hmm. Do that on your behalf on your i
nstitution's behalf. Yeah. My guys did a. Is that what it is? Yeah. And so that's been mostly working But again, you know, we don't need. A little more stylized. I don't know, I would just like to see smaller, more. Useful queries rather than one giant one, I guess, for my own use. Yeah, I mean, I do believe the ticket request can be submitted and just make sure you tell them to use this billing report and to give them the specific, column header and then they can work on producing that. But I k
now that we wanted to have a central main repository as a base for all of the data to work from. I guess I just thought that would be. CTC link itself rather than. Well, you know, like the instructor ID number, like that's. I don't know why any of us would need that. Ever at every time. Oh yeah, maybe like a simplified version. That might be good. Well, and that's part of what, yeah, that's part of what we're trying to do. That sounds good to me. I'll support that. I'll support that. So, so like
Brandon said, you know, part of this is we don't want to remove anything that is feeding information to you all that is needed in some way but how do we I agree there's like 40 categories right how do we maybe remove some things that are absolutely not needed. And on there. And then maybe if needed, add some columns that could be useful for folks. But I hear what you're saying, Hillary, because Brandon and and team has talked about that too do we create smaller reports with maybe more specific
demographic information or do we try to like add it to this and then simplify some of these categories that are not needed that maybe we thought at the beginning were. So that's kind of what we're trying to gather is just some information from you all as what you're like, absolutely not. I've never even seen that. I worked with that, that category, we don't need that. And I can see that there's a hand race. Go ahead. I know that you've had your hand raised for a little while, so I wanna make sur
e to give some some space there. No problem. I just wanted to direct my question back to the advisor column. Where is that data being pulled from? Because I know we talked about our last meeting, the running start, student running start page, how there's that column for a counselor name, but there's nowhere to really type in that counselors name. You'd have to have somewhere where you input. In CTC link for that data to be pulled. I'm just trying to figure out where I where I can go into CTC lin
k and say this is a counselor for the student. And that it will show on this advisor column. Okay. No, no, no, please. Yeah, oh go ahead Brandon did you wanna? So the advisor column is, is actually pulling, gosh, I don't know what the actual pay without looking at it right in front of me. Oh, they're college adviser, not their. Oh, okay, I understand now. But it's pulling whatever advisor has been, College advisor, yes. For the student and so what Brandon's team has done is they put like if you
pull it yourself tomorrow you'll see if your student does have more than one advisor there will be a comma so it'll include all that it should hypotheticalically include all of the advisors that are listed for that student at your college. So we're talking about college advisors. Sorry I didn't clarify that. No, no, no, that makes it my brain's not working that tool makes total sense. Thank you so much But you do bring up a good question that I also wanted to ask and what we had talked about pri
or to having this session here is. The the question about the counselor name and that's in CTC link student running start page. Is anyone currently using that feature or can you all type in counselor name to that? Right, Brandon, that's what we wanted to ask folks to understand that a little bit more and Spencer. Okay. Okay. Currently, I I can answer that. No. The table, I dump the table after we met and talked about it. I'll bring that over. It's blank and there's currently no place to enter th
e data. In Peoplesoft, I think it was kind of an initial we were gonna roll over that data. It never got captured via the rollover. So. That's something we still want. I think that'd be like a project we'd have to work with, our app services to create a place to actually insert the data. Got it. So it sounds like there's no way to even put that in there. Thank you. Awesome. Okay. Yeah, not currently at least. Right. As a workaround, I just type the counselor's name in the comment section on the
student running start page. It's just helpful for me to figure out who their counselors at their high school, but if there was a field on the running start, didn't ring start queries one of them that shows those comments that'd be helpful, but I understand that if that can happen, that's fine. Okay. This is just my little workaround, but if we could put, since it is a field, if we could get rid of it or how it is an option, that'd be great. Yes. I was hoping we could go back to. I mean, Hillary
started the conversation and then Ann added in. Yeah, so I mean. Is that our next step? And I guess I would ask Brandon and Stephanie to like. Should we look at, being able to have, One report that reflects how we fill out the P 2 2 3 that so we're not yeah basically what's happening is you're taking the information and then Pacing it into an Excel format and. And going from there. So wondering if we could. And we map one system wide. Report that would meet the P 2 2 3 requirements in addition t
o still having this, but one that isn't, that might be a little bit easier. But I'm looking towards Brandon. And team on that. And Stephanie, if I'm stepping out of my lane. Okay. No, that sounds like a great idea. I think. Yeah, definitely possible. And, you know, the Unfortunately, queries are. Extremely malleable and so, making them and building out from all of the data out of the system is kind of unlimited. And so, yes, as far as kind of collecting what everybody's needs and wants are, that
's kind of the biggest challenge. The actual, you know, producing of the report is, usually doesn't take much time at all. Okay, I think we can get to an agreement because we're all having to do the P 2 2 3, you know, that's the same information. I think everyone has maybe ideals of additional stuff for themselves. But maybe, maybe our next step focus would be getting to where it's it's matching up. I think I see I think I got 2 hands. Good questions. And one quick asterisk here, the the informa
tion that's been displayed is all from a scrubbed environment so none of this is real student data it's it's based on student data but if none of it is actual information that can that's a you know, transmissible. Thanks, Brian. Okay, I'll go first. Hi everyone. I have just a quick question. I'm not sure if this is anything. Already as our I are folks that maybe they may look into and get a ticket soon but this is there is this a possibility that we create a query the same? The report, but inste
ad of quarter by quarter is month to month. The reason I asked because when has some counselor asked me how many FTE this shouldn't already be claimed or used. Okay. Yeah, they already have. In the last in last year so that account can calculate the summer FTA left and if I have, if I can do a query that I have the empty use for each month. I can easily tell that counselor. These are the actually already been played or used for each month. So I don't know if someone else have a better way. Comin
g to that this coming summer. Calculation, please share with me, but if that is something that we can do as a system that's gonna be so easy for us to to calculate that for each month. It's send it information. That information to the high school. And I add one small thing to that. If you're if you're gonna try to figure out how to wait to do that calculation across all the quarters. It also needs to include if the student has dropped anything during a quarter. Cause that also reflects on the Ok
ay. Yep. Yes, that's why I asked for each month. Right. Yeah, because if it's, we know that, yeah, if we drop this, in April, then, that, only gonna be 0 by April. So that we don't have to manually track each of our report to the sport but that just wants one student. Hey, I've got a run, but, Spencer is gonna stay and provide everything you possibly could ever wish for. Thank you, Brandon. You'll have a, you'll have a good day. And. I think that's an amazing idea for summer so kudos and true fo
r that. I think just going back to the concept of the P. 23 report I think it's just because like we are all required by law to submit that information. The high schools, of course, would love it to actually be in the P. 23 form all of my high schools that I work with have gotten released to like we just send the Excel spreadsheet like that's just what we do. But then I'll have like one off schools, normally smaller high schools who are like, but this isn't the form and this isn't it's like no i
t's it's the equivalent and you know the whole thing it would just be nice for the consistency I think for the high school district registrars because we like somebody else mentioned we are sharing a lot more students between colleges and so I can only imagine how frustrating it must be like when South Beachet sound sends one version of report and Centrelia sends another in Grace Harbor sending something else and it's just not consistent which Because we have to report it, it seems like there sh
ould be a way to kind of pull that together and be able to have consistently and just the man hours like I my person who calculates all of this and does all the report it's a minimum of 3 to 4 h for her to pull the 34 high schools that we're working with. Get everything compiled. You get things rearranged, get things calculated, like there's just so much work beyond just pulling the chori that still has to be done and then packaging it with you know signatures and dates and all that stuff so lot
of man hours every month spent on just billing. Okay. What would be nice is if the If the high schools count date and information didn't have to be to the state before our count information had to be to the high schools and districts. You know, there's our due to the to the state on the first day of the month and we have until the eighth day. It's like, why can't it all be due on the same day so that we can have that grace period to get our information to the high schools instead of them relyin
g on our preliminary reports that we send to them. We can definitely share that. I have no idea if that's something, you know, that my guess is it's clearly it's much bigger than us and the K 12 system. But it's definitely something to bring up. I, so this is where I feel a little like naive or out of touch because I was not in this role. When we started creating this report and why it didn't look a little bit more like the P 2 2 3. So I don't know if there's any historical reasons for it, but a
nd I don't want to over promise anything but I want to over promise anything but I want we definitely want to overpromise anything but we definitely want to make this work. Ease, you know, make this an easier process for you. So if we can make it work, we'd like to do it. The student financial team's been amazing. This whole time of honoring and helping us with requests. So. I don't wanna make, I wanna make sure we don't spend too much more time on this. We get to everything else, but I'm thinki
ng. We may pull together a few of you and it may be worth to bringing Becky Mclain in. And learning and her, like we'd like to get to a place where we have a common, this is what it's going to look like for everybody and can you agree and make sure that you know districts are on board and they understand and that they're not starting to ask for specific things and that we just have one common way. Is that kind of where we're trying to get at? I want to make sure I'm understanding. Yeah, no, I th
ink that's exactly and like in the comments. I know that there are some amazing IT individual offices that have done some great reporting and things. So there there are some things out there that are really amazing. It's just individually. At each school, we don't necessarily have the infrastructure to support right the tech requirements that that takes. And so having it be something that's actually from the state level where that support is built in. Just makes a big difference. Like I know ove
r time, like we've had we had somebody in our office who just happened to really know Excel inside and out and built all these formulas and it was really great. Well then they left and now we're like, oh, if something breaks, we try to fix it. You know, so I think it's just that because not all of us have. The ability to do that on our own and because again it's a statewide requirement, we can also send our individualized like enrollment reports and things like that, but for the actual billing,
like it needs to be these specific things. That seems to be what I'm getting. Go ahead, Anne. Agreed, Anne. It just, yeah, feels like it's time to get there if we can. Oh, go ahead, Jamie. Oh, I was just gonna. Oh. Yeah. I'll just say, let's follow up. Go ahead. Yeah, I think we're trying to say the same thing. Yeah, so that's why we wanted to start having this conversation during this session and thank you everyone so much for all the feedback you all have provided. This is so helpful. At least
a starting point to start to try to figure out. Yeah, why, why work harder when you can work smarter at some of these things. And yeah, I love the idea of basically creating some type of something that matches that P 2 2 3 because you're right it's a ton of ton of work on everyone. I'm excited about what we've gotten from you all today and. I like the idea of so just my initial thought here is, you know, we're gonna see if Becky can, Becky Mclean can, from SBI can attend our next March meeting
with Tim. And so I hope to maybe have a meeting with her before that. Mean Jamie or you know to try again we don't wanna make any promises but at least we can maybe start to have those conversations about what we can do to make this look a little bit. Easier for folks and yeah, Maria, Christina too. Sounds good. So yeah, I. Student financial teams, you all have any questions for folks or anything, that you all wanted to add? It's been through. Not from me. I just wanna say yeah, if all the data
lives in Peoplesoft and we're spitting out 40 fields, but there is a set. Report that needs to be sent out to like is it the high schools right this P 2 3 3 to that one. Yep, that one. T. 3. Yeah Yeah. So that's totally doable. Yeah. So like as long as we, you know, get all the concrete right anytime IT, right? And we need all the concrete logic rules, how it needs to be formatted. That's totally something that we can do. Like that I think our last meeting where I was me and Charles were pinging
each other like. Why don't we like do we have something like that yet? So we were thinking the same thing. So yeah, as long as we get all like it sounds like meet with the right people, get the get the formatting down and what kind of data we need. That's totally some doable and seems to work doing for sure. Wonderful. Thank you. Spencer. So yeah, thank you. Alright, well, I think what we'll do is the next step is maybe, kinda talk together and figure out if we wanna put together like a work gr
oup, to include y'all, maybe put it out on, on listserve, and see who would like to take part in this work with us. And really get going on this. Because I think it's long overdue at this point. To, get something that works a little bit easier for our whole system. So thank you everyone. Thank you, Student Financials team. We're really like excited to see what we can do here and make everything a little bit easier on folks. Alright, we are gonna go ahead and move on to our next slide here. Okay.
So this is more of a ask. So the 2024 NASA national conference concurrent enrollment programs, national and cream current enrollment programs is going to be held October, the 20 seventh through 20 ninth in Orlando, Florida and we are doing some pretty amazing things statewide when it comes to concurrent involvement and especially running start. We're very, it's a very unique program. When you look across the US and Jamie and I had attended NASA, when you look across the US. And Jamie and I had
attended NASA in October in St. Louis and you know we were going to some of the sessions and we were like why not feature you know what we're all the great work you all are doing in Washington state and so we would love to put together a proposal. On some of the innovative practices and programs that you all have. So if you are interested in working together on proposal, we would love to hear from you and and the proposals close our due actually March 20 ninth so it's a pretty quick turnaround.
So if you're interested if you could let me know by March fifth, we could get working on something, a proposal together to present. And really, this particular conference is focused, as you can see here, on spotlighting the student experience. So we were thinking and and the these sessions tend to focus on accreditation and program quality, advising career pathways, equity work. Policy and advocacy, program operation and innovation, research data and program evaluation, and then the newest one f
or this year and is also the focus of the conferences that spotlight in the student experience. So if you're doing, you know, wonderful work with, you know, under served populations, underrepresented students. Innovative working with your low income waivers, accessibility, we would let and you would be interested in this. Please reach out to me, cause we would love to put something together with you all in partnership. And I will say it's not the big task to get the proposal, like they're not as
king for a ton of stuff upfront to don't. Don't let like, oh my gosh, I got to submit all this stuff to Stephanie and Jamie. Stop you from doing this like we will take care of that piece we just need to highlight and I think our thoughts are really highlighting like 3 colleges, for like we wanna highlight a few, I have some foundational stuff about the program and then best practices. And like Stephie said, like I mean, I just, I think it just makes sense we should be highlighting the stuff, the
national level. So please, email Stephanie and we'll get this going. Plus, it's a dizzy world. Okay. I'm a I'm a Disney geek. So, but I plan to do some Disney World a couple days afterwards and it's on the grounds of Disney, so. If you don't like Disney, maybe not, but it should be a good time. They actually even show it right in their visual there. So I think that's saying a lot, but yeah, thank you, Jamie. So we'd love to hear from you all and please please reach out to me. Don't hesitate. Al
right, we're gonna go ahead and move on. So we didn't quite get that to this our last series. In January, but definitely wanted to mention this. So we wanted to kind of send out an open call to you all. You know, we're continually, continually improving our processes and communication. We are just curious if any of you all would like to share best practice documents you've created. We would like to share best practice documents you've created. We would be completely open and so happy. We would b
e completely open and so happy, to receive anything that you would like to share with us. We would be completely open and so happy, to receive anything that you would like to share with us. We would like to put together a Okay, let's go ahead and move on. You want to build your part? Okay, so we are actually now at, our breakout sessions. And so, I've got 3 basically topics or questions, to, share out and Jean is going to go ahead and split you all into small groups for discussion.
