
Cyanide & Happiness Compilation - #16 Classics

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7 years ago

[Music] Oh [Music] well looks like you're all set mr. Maggie that's sure mr. hoo huge silly it's sorry about that uh a brain transplant takes some getting used to it you want to get plenty of rest and wait wait I got a brain transplant yep just in time too then one more day and you would have been wait wait who did it come from Oh some tried to drive his motorcycle of a building and got pancaked huh yep take it easy mr Mackey [Music] [Music] Oh whoa whoa it's just a baby huh you you [Music] Oh [
Music] I did it [Music] okay [Music] for my next trick I shall have to spell what boys and girls you must not tell for what's in my hat are fantastic toys and trinkets for the girls and boys so wish for this or wish for that I shall pull your wish from my magic what would you like them lady a balloon why yes I might have one around here somewhere aha a race car a race car why what's this a little brother just a moment [Music] Oh song see freestylin ambulance oh dear karma come on fire yeah slowl
y melting away I'm exhausted scaring avi crash Wow and companion ah I'm okay from the grasp of the fire Oh squeeze SAS evil laughing maybe if I figure the intensity let's go my bow I said is stared black Oh John no I see the irony of my racism what does an irony was that itself because I smelt it out of my skull ah I get up to take my right hand side if he's related to the name my parents gave me I brought people's arts the way the impact brought my status is that ironic okay I don't know maybe
I'm misinterpreting irony stepdad my boy you were the truck the whole time go escape while you can no dr. ticket please please the fire is running get it please shell out without me so being arrows if you go that's just a dog John why why my little friend oh god why'd it have to be accepted he used to swing for the street but now he first ha ha ha ha ha ha well this is what happens when you live a life of haste goodness then have a nice day but no just monkey friend get going black here I can ti
p tip that is coming home ah ah hey the door doors dim so much give me everything [Music] come on hand over your money Shepard you tell me cardiac attack shapow my hot yeah oh thank you super jerk however can I repay you you could uh show me a little lie you know what I'm not gonna show you my bow [Music] Larry it isn't it sad Larry how's it going buddy good I guess ah what's got you down this time oh it's nothing well you know what cheers me up after a lot of nothing gets me down while I dance
gotcha - you win - how about you secure Larry [Music] the party's crazy Oh shame we got it's a shame we're out of booze though we better wrap this up and get these people out of here what if we will wait dude I could get more potty the booze know it no way I'm not get more drunk than I am I'm not that blow look totally all the party I really don't think you should be doing it good you're not my baby still I'll go little down the street all right if you insist wait wait wait wait wait wait wait u
h [Music] you pick up some ice lawyer huh thanks dude give me our purse yet um and then she's all like I don't even eat pasta [Music] [Applause] I made it oh yeah I forgot the ice [Music] this is it Larry they're finally going to do something bright what happened this help dry baby rider mobility good night son complete this time all right buddy I will battle boy oh we're gonna sleep with you yeah I'm gonna hit you right over here oh yeah hey raise my whisper cry and I'm just gonna yeah no we're
go yeah how about that oh oh yeah Larry Larry what are you doing Oh and none of the kittens survived in other news the del Barry dismembered is on the loose again and has so far so get your running shoes on folks and if you hear a chainsaw move those feet and your neck is broken and pretty much everything else - long story short letter you're very lucky to be alive now is there anything else I can do for you oh great at lunch without married Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm bor
ed yeah me too you want to win a race to that tree over there let's do it [Music] now even a Cocker am I gonna have to turn your face into a Picasso you'll never get anything out of me you lousy no-good chumbucket scum buckets are we now you asked for it buddy stand aside scum bucket [Music] Hey like back from abroad stop the bus stop the process stop the fine I hand back this book one why there's a bottom out for this but friends with a good thousand hours we're off space just like it that movi
e yeah yes we alive wait does that mean I'm running over 50 miles per hour see for yourself holy that's pretty fast man are you kidding me you gotta be the fat and the world you gotta help him ask what I do what I do that's a real challenge it got a second call yourself reason got your whole life ahead yeah you look sergeant and don't let those water will down you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time for dinner oh I hate dinner what about dinner in ad
dition to the cloud Chelsea hunters it's 12 Egyptian force not action from Paducah well well what did you say yeah nothing yeah how how is he I'm sorry boys it looks like he's going to be in a coma for the rest of his life unconscious in bed eating out of the tube fur furfrou fur ah that was just a reflex [Music] [Music] that Johnson I'll tell you what he's really been coming through definitely be an essentially the member of the Cincinnati armadillos first job bases-loaded like this is was pres
sure really sad person I mean you have to admit he achieved something most of us only dream about yeah he did didn't he [Music] what [Music]
