
dad is return to rise again | god of war valhalla dlc pt 1 vod

hey look;;;;; its not my fault im gamingly challenged i adored this free dlc, i couldn't wait to be back with kratos and mimir and i'm finally glad i was back to witness the rise of a new god. the beginning of the vod and a bit where i played suica game is muted due to copyright by sony (its the god of war ragnarok theme), its their property so i don't blame them! -- Watch live at


3 months ago

H it has install I got spoiled on it a  little bit but um it shouldn't matter too much of a gr schem with these also I might  die a lot oh my God we have to download it stupid anyways how's everybody oh how big  is it eight gigs oh my God I I didn't expect this H what's something we can do in the  meantime um I got an idea um display picture let see that's my disktop oh I didn't  turn on my third screen think it's on here move this to the screen um what we going to watch I don't know I I am I wa
sn't expecting this  wait wait I got something we can do my god do I really have to like downloading the rest of the  game oh my God 4 minutes left okay I feel like a dumb ass now uh never mind we're playing s again oh that's L I actually um playing  this on the monitor that is off so by the power of Technology we're going  to wait for for that to load but holy [ __ ] I thought you know we'll not have to  do that and I'll just automatically load uh I apologize it's almost done by almost done I 
mean like U the the base game was almost done I've uh fully I've Platinum trophied it um the  first time I was theread and um I didn't get a few bits of armor but that's fine so long as I  had the trophy I was like considering it done I had to um beat the valkyrie Queen and my gosh he  was hard but not as hard as the bloody Barbarian King he was harder like I was considering like  making the game like easier for myself so that I could get the trophy uh it's and then I um try  to copy some people
that had um uh done the king and the valkyrie Queen and uh my God like these  Rous and r is something that's sort of hard for me to pull off not only that I needed um a piece  of armor that had a round shift but like not an upgrade so I needed to go to the trials to get  the upgrade I needed to upgrade that and then turns out I kind of just suck at Round shifting  because I suck at pairing so hopefully there's not a lot of bosses in this one that um has  realm shifting but I think we'll be fine
I at least I also um have the snipples  because um yesterday was really cold and today it's going to be um  pretty degre off which uh was what is that 100 or something um an  American so yeah I was like holy [ __ ] actually um we'll play that in the meanwhile on Lower so that we won't like die oh my God it's still cute for [Music] download okay 5 seconds [Music] left and now it's download time oh I apologize  I'm stupid I should have like done checked uh if it was downloaded already but um I  t
hought you know since we into playing the game already we might as well hop  into it start a stream press the button but yeah hook this [Music] it turn backles there you go time uh yes uh oh  oh okay um I'm about I'm about weenies [Music] I'll just do normal um I think  cuz I kind of want to do this in one setting so I'll be here for as long  as possible um because um Monday is alw time and if I don't finish this I'll have to  continue it like some other time so we'll do this [Music] oh oh my ou
t I'm my the L this  place oh nothing that would help us tell me brother why exactly are we doing this oh oh that's comforting he just wanted  to do this out of curiosity oh there's a Valk that out there wait oh okay you don't  have a I know you expect more from the smartest man alive but Oden always kept  me in the dark about this place which is why I urged you to seek freya's guidance  repeatedly she does not seem eager to speak with me quite the opposite brother but you  tell yourself whateve
r you need to I don't think there's any really Collectibles um  a sh [Music] chick okay there's there are Collectibles I'm not going to try and  actively seek him that'll be an off stream thing [ __ ] are I see a Shore ahead  black sand exactly as described in the invitation we finally bloody made it hello hello let's go head something is happening oh no I'm on my  old outfit Back to Basics then let the chains though for sure it's the well that felt  unsettling like we plunged into a dream hey c
ontrols I got remember  how to do controls uh it's reactiv [ __ ] I got to remember how  to um fight there we go oh okay a skill tree where's SP oh right light heavy okay I think I remember yeah I could go this way or this way there a thingy up there okay oh no I hope I don't get accosted exploring oh hello doesn't seem anyone's here to welcome us wait uh kto can R [Music] ey locked I don't suppose you'll take that as  our Quee to turn around and leave I [Music] wish to be one's own master maste
r thyself  a more poetic way of putting it but [Applause] yes something is wrong I feel  weaker I'll notate I'll breaking in my shield okay I think I expected to encounter here curious seems It's the way of this place to offer  your choice oh oh I got to pick one um fin Frost skills so I want I want I want to and I to  cphon I don't use siphon that often I got a ah okay I see we only get a  certain amount and go s it out if we can okay at least you're not going in completely  HBL didn't give me
any things any health things oh I'm going to die hello nice oh uh I don't heal  cool I do like that oh bre f actually I like birth ofmer but I like this as well okay what if I die I think I'm going  to die it's start from the beginning hello not permitted that way  it seems and no way to fly it open this looks like a bit of midgard yeah  yeah that's does look like a bit M perhaps the last remaining pocket of Asgard something  unreal about it though at least this part seems peaceful we should hav
e a look around  the area you truly believe Freya would have aided Us in this aided us talk sense to you  win-win either way really I certainly can't see how there's any benefit to avoiding her  I am not avoiding her brother you've gone to bloody Valhalla to avoid her at least  be honest with yourself it is not her I'm avoiding I value prer oh well that I believe  I'm nice to hear you admit frankly I think she values you as well in her way she finds me  useless it is not the same is that really
what you think I do not believe she understands  what she asks of me ah so it's an between area oh there different areas oh no there's  a there okay I guess we got to go to the open door hello trade carefully I forgot how to evade oh so  you got to go back wait do I lose one my Shuff there you go like was like of the beach  as all you marched into Valhalla without even talking to us first nice to see you to Lady  it was a personal matter and I would not take you from your duties you breached bal
la  consider it with my time this entrance is secret who told you of this place you got  an invitation nailed to a door 3 days ago show the tolder show told Sparta you are hereby  invited to a challenge face the past face the future Master Valhalla Master thyself and then  directions here no signature who else knows of this entrance Odin and us it's likely a trap  you're thinking of going back in yeah hell yeah you join me oh don't let me intrude on your  personal matter besides I can't unlike t
he two of you I've never died oh okay what happens  if I return inside well that depends on you Valhalla draws from the memories of those who  enter in there you're an open [Music] book sure you want to go back in oh yeah D how did you even  get past the gate I for still open with this Bear Hands I like that she's holding forced it there's  an easier way if you insist on going back in come s maybe later we could continue with that one  conversation for once mimir I think you've said enough late
then men took a shot and the other  matter we discussed you're still thinking I take it I [Music] am is that what this [Music]  is I didn't get it guess I'll let you think then I don't get it what's  happening there what's happening mother all right gent let's send  you in properly prepared this time first uh M I am grateful for Mia's company  never more so than now without you nor Freya by my side it was hard to imagine that I've  not known him my whole life the time I want wered lost and alone
after Greece I think  about how M could have guided me then had I known him help me see past my madness and  despair I hope he knows how much I value my friendship with the smartest man alive yeah it  has been some time since I walked with Freya by my side after he left MGA pre and I respect  the remaining days of winter disposing the remnants of Odin's Army but obligations to  the Realms soon Drew her elsewhere I favor her company but I'm glad to see her thriving of  the so many wies in Exile
no longer a shadow of herself it's stillo my stuff that I yeah but it got rid of like H requires  you to perform the ritual of [Music] selection tell me about the secret entrance then oh hello oh this how I grab the shield uh what  one that I have I think I need a dless s on oh it was the almost she I do like Val I choose between Fury and Val I think I'll choose  siry good now let my sister s speak to you of valhalla's rules and its values what  do you know of this place the challenge of Valhall
a is not merely about overcoming  obstacles it's about the way you overcome them how you demonstrate Mastery of  your own powers we can guide you down a path but valala will be the judge  of your progress return to me when you the C all show equ oh so we got to  do one of each and we will observe the effects what have you to say Valhalla seeks  to Foster wholeness and balance within those who enter to fully Master yourself you  can't rely on only your most familiar tactics I use the tactics appr
opriate to  the situation of course but varying your approach will demonstrate to Valhalla the full  Mastery of your abilities my and just like everything okay come back and see me as you progress step up to the gate when you're  ready to I am ready I'm ready with me [Music] okay [Music] now you can enter bahala by this  gate without suffering the penalty of breaching yeah his abilities as a Healer  we first describ of M all those on as a go on our journey to scarting mother's ashes  oh he's tal
king to trus but it was not until the aftermath of Ragnarok that saw how important  they were become when he fell it was a who stayed by his side healing a wounds and keeping me  calm a feet possibly more impressive than the character she gave you um I a great de it  speaks well of Gunner's abilities and battles that she could be the first on the scene as  M once described her and still be one of the last Shield maidens L standing after the Ragnarok  in the brief conversations we had since I fou
nd her intriguing she has arriv with and seems a  warrior skill and sound judgment earned from hardship her presence here is not unwelcome and  sigar Sig continues to serve as freya's loyal lieutenant and Confidant she speaks of a debt  to me that can never be repaid for freeing her from Odin's curse for helping restore Freya  and for leading a charge at Ragnarok but in truth I feel only gratitude for her she is a  warrior of exceptional strength and character and I am thankful to count her amon
g my allies  that's for M and their relationship there's clearly some passion between them though  the true nature of it often leads me to wonder let's go back to the V grind any  cursed feeling this time no all is well thank you Shield maidens  all right let's try this whole thing again showing them Shield of R oh okay uh okay we got to change our Shield set um he R new attempt new choices to make a freshh start spend time with The Spar this time my  most weakest weapon um to be honest I would
just say it's the weakest  weapon I'm just not good with it [Music] 0:33:56.960,1193:02:47.295 [Music] come here what is that odds between you  and sigon did you anger her I wouldn't say she's angry with me irritated perhaps  disappointed certainly but you needn't worry yourself brother I won't let it  distract from whatever it is we're doing here I guess we just got to use them once so this is no piece of Asgard at all  just something spun from your memory of it fascinating brother I must admit
freya's  idea does make quite a bit of sense to me what better God of War could the Realms ask  for than the general who won Ragnarok and won it trying to save lives with you on board  our whole peacekeeping council could really do some good this position this title I have held  it before as a general know what happened she knows what happened of course we do but why  should who you used to be matter more than who you are now can't you see how far you  have come however far I have come I have d
one it running from that life that title  that Throne I oh that's the God of all m [Music] another the leader to the L anyone else they look uh vasos spere TR of deception h ni I suppose this is about how you remember  Yim eh Sanctuary I do agree with you about freya's Council it is a noble idea it should  succeed on her merits are is that brother Freya is known to the Realms and native  to them respected by all an experienced leader experienced enough to know that a  shared power is best for th
e people but she would share power proves she is worthy  to wield it even so why make her wield it alone without Odin the Realms have a chance to  forge a new peace when conflicts do arise and can't be talked through a God of War ensures  those conflicts have rules and enforces them they need might and judgment and credibility  across the Realms who else would she pick brother seems there's a way at hand  to bargain with Valhalla directly to be honest it feels like she's just  replacing her brot
her with me like I feel like if she hads her Ro um with  her brother then she would pick it theend what ah so you can keep stuff o out great that as well take this wa okay we can't grab it suspend game oh we can actually stop there I guess cuz it's like Rog like you  can't like um save in the middle of it I think that's where we came from so the next in is h h and this must be how you remember Sparkle  fine Freya knows I would not refuse to Aid her when in need I have done and will do my  part t
o fight for peace regardless of title regardless of whether I sit in Authority you  know as well as I do there's power in words Oaths the people need to know you're committed  to them and to yourself that you'll be there for them and I know that you will I understand you've  got misgivings man you've put your ass behind you you all see it you do not know everything that I  am that you were you've told me of your past and yes much of it was horrible but you've proven  over and over again that you
're not that man anymore this is interesting like there's kind  of locked path and I think you just go through the all the sanctuaries again if  I'm right and if you get far enough they'll open that was x x to Dodge I thought it  was Circle and I kept like going into them there hey next next area watch your right there you go we're back here touch the a that is the path we seek a way up  and forward valhalla's inner reaches I can feel it if there's an upside to this Valhalla Madness at  least it
's good to see you in action again you're already more your te self that I've seen in moons  without a trus or a fight in front of you I wonder after your well be in combat can be terrifying  that's simple we don't have to think about it what is this you recognize your own seat  don't you oh it's the God of War Throne cros I have not for got the debt I owe you you really think he understands this this  still feels Reckless here they are now that's odd we're back outside but we didn't you  know s
ometimes you reach as far as you're ready to go valhalla's decision or yours  does this mean you're done in there no I will discover who invited me I believe I am  close you're sure it's worth dying for oh I think we're fairly accustomed to dying at this  point don't be glib mamir Valhalla restores you after honorable death in combat but beyond that  it makes its own rules and if you don't play by them katos the threat of death in there is  real that is good to know if good you mean wildly disco
ncerting I do wish you luck truly  wait where are we oh we at the shore shore oh okay start another te we found ourselves  back outside and Sh it's was not defeated except perhaps by myself I must return to  that throwing room and prepare my mind poiz beond I got to change our our Ro my  learning is a lifelong journey no M destination take that to heart CH  oo this cosmetic only doesn't have anything um oh it's my stuff oh wo that's  is oh my God this is all armor ooh that's cool I was wearing t
his which was like the Flawless Berserker kyus well  the Berserker kyus but not Flawless that's cool stay beard what do I don't remember yeah that's fine let's see do these tasks  return here for rewards fair enough is it the labor market to accept  new labors are redeemed completed once for rewards the mark offers that you're  repeatable and cycle random uh so make sure you visit often so just uh like repeatable  quests uh Look Out Below L drop attack Rising one well Perfection may be  unattain
able but imagine for any I'm seeing some wise Investments  here reach ooh that's [Music] o a durable Improvement uh stre I mean luck is like a  random one I'll do cool down nice hope we go CH your Shield H Guardian Shield shimmering Shield  got oh additional rules and Parry R oh well we have to get this hello that's one it's time for the BL [Music] low lock chance on need blad set to gr hello why is this here um why is this  here [Music] okay first the toys oh oh [Music] wait uh flames of Anguis
h oh wait don't know let me un Crush oh I like that one here still there look brother the fog's lifted Val H is  becoming more open to you perhaps so much to see in the distance there you can see how  all the realm spaces connect to the higher plane and those statues are certainly imposing  I recognize them oh [ __ ] they are judges of the underworld from my homeland ah well you  sound thrilled to see them again Souls they deemed righteous were granted entrance  to the elesium fields those de T
The Souls of the Damned were tortured why is  your mind manifested them here I wonder that's weird uh I haven't played much of God of  War the original God of Wars I did see chains of Olympus and a bit of three um and during my look  of three um it was when you see your daughter in the ran fields and she's like no D don't let  me go and you had to physically push her off because um if you don't leave go [Music] then  like you something happened with um pacian and pafy was like see your Bann from
feels forever you  can't see your like daughter and wife any murder pacify oh cuz I this one open G on the left jeez okay that's pretty cool what is this a something I was supposed to attack ah medgard in Memorial ah I'm starting to  see there's no fixed order to the Realms we'll visit here interesting Hey Brother  whose voice was that we had when Valhalla sent us back from the throne you heard it also  I said he owes you a debt was it someone who might lend us a hand perhaps unlikely he was a 
god of Greece and we did not puts and by that you mean yes I see shortage of bitter old ghosts  in these parts these parts being your memory of course who did the who are the I don't  remember but I remember like there was um something like that again I don't play like  um the old God of Wars I should probably one of these days play the old God of Wars cuz  they're not that bad to play and I um could can get them uh quite cheap next week as  well got of th all three Room Master I just love them
I love cros big Angy man  um where we go oh over there we got to go how open theyd what behind door number three [Music] go you C get Stu get this stuff uh rage restore or blessing  of strength oh but it's temp do this brother that Throne we saw did you recognize  it was it familiar it was mine the throne I took from four thr is a throne of Monsters ah  the anxiety of power made manifest a symbol you're no doubt meant to consider it is a  symbol I reject that might not quite close the book on m
atters a symbol can't be slain  destroyed or ignored yeah the best measure is often to reclaim it redefine it remind us  it's not the throne but the God who sits in it there an Ascension thing too okay go that way or we can SE by oh okay Vala's chosen okay cool um it's a boss  fight this is locked until we meet Val's demands [Music] the's f this awesome yeah I'm just going to use a SP I have a feeling I want to S  unless I do certain specifics two fights in a row now while H's demands are escala
ting oh that's a rough one St there left [Music] FL incoming above [Music] you incoming above you [Music] Val CH an enemy to face me I sense there are  more Challengers like it to find that is how we earn our way forward uh T should  Place really what this place I want to yeah why not why not uh wait excellent the way should be clear up and onward oh we can get both of them oh no can't Le around here oh [ __ ] okay fire fored brother steal out ow watch your cool oh that was so cool  oh sick okay
um guard that first yeah oh the third again congratulations old friend you really are going  places in Valhalla wait where is m is that really all you have to say to me after all this time  can't muster up so much as hello for one of your most auspicious victims hello Helios where  is M how should I know why don't we go look for him F what sort of must be a Moran like to be given  such power and authority and ball to whe the sight and defend territory with such figger imagine  the fiser farmer
who took up arms against some thre and proed the depth at Slaughter and for  Valor he has awarded after life more Slaughter I wonder where he is he even has a choice but has  manifested the sun god from my homeland I never told you of Helios and Olympia who crossed  my path and a hunt for Revenge I needed his power and gained it by separating him from his  head I am not proud of what I did which Vala is using as a tool to provoke me he is quite  unpleasant and I'm glad you never had to meet him
yeah this was the um Throne at the end of um  God of War 3 so it's see it outside and here's it's funny like that he's just like same shape  as um as who's my who's my boy I don't like this dude oh [ __ ] with keeping him um there so  what's new with you katos murdered any good pantheons lately devastated any populations  with the cataclysmic consequences of your actions turned on any once trusted allies you  simply must bring me up to speed on your latest Saga of blood so fion wait I am that no
longer  you don't mean to say you've gone soft never believe it oh [ __ ] once a Spartan always  a Spartan no there's no fooling me katos you know what they say you can't hide in the shadows  from a sun god at least oh [ __ ] he came back so apparently he was voiced by chrisen Freeman  and chrisen Freeman replies the role that's cool a sun C elard what why is Ard houseing a Call of Duty I need stretch the please take your sweet sweet  time shut the [ __ ] up um blad achievement chos Quest all r
ight head we're going to find my head oh closer or the thing's getting closer yeah yeah doesn't it feel that when I do  a Dodge roll that just katos like look out for the door say the decor is looking a little  more familiar isn't it a mighty chain auspicious sign you've always had  such luck with chains this is all going to work out just great for you I can feel it  he's just dripping with sarcasm oh my God oh my God this way chains of Olympus It's All  Coming Back to Me Now oh there it is home
Sweeto that's yeah coming this side no oh it's a scene too what the [ __ ] wait  who's that that supposed to be him wait does this look I should  really do the remake the last three games now this room must really take you back  doesn't this the ch sacrifice where you let an Athenian Soldier burn to a just you could get  past the madat early days how you must them that's how fing God of all one isn't it so  yeah there was like a device so you had to burn a guy to get past the roof because like 
um oh [ __ ] how did it go because I had a really funny cult scene and I Funny in the most  like Loess terms cuz I don't want to um laugh at a dude dying but the guy was [Music] like  it was like a flood of fire I was like holy [ __ ] d That's the guy what are you doing CR you mean to sacrifice me again n just keep you say [Applause] [Music] buddy hey seems you'll need to push me along  to get anywhere oh good you're making eye contact as you push me towards my devise  what a special little Per
sonal Touch really lets me know where I stand especially after  such a long and agonized deliberation over what to do oh how reluctant you'll tell  people you were to sacrifice me to the [Music] flame under Aries soldiers Dred into training was  in their bodies this is moment expression when the bones of the Fallen summon to fight  again the ended H Warriors retain their skills and SW play even as they lost their  souls come on you won't get very far without me I hate to disappoint you blitherin
g idiot but  you do remember I'm a sun god right you think I'm afraid of where me with a good time katos maybe  I'll be infused with power and achieve my final form Maybe I've explode and take you with  me let's just see what happens let's just see oh oh my God I got a [Applause] sword oh I did okay my God I get a sword  oh wait I got to open the door time for another push let's go okay okay  seriously katos get me out of this cage it's not funny anymore I can't believe you mean to roast me  on
a whim on a presumption that it's what Valhalla wants from you have you ever considered that  maybe your instincts are just random thoughts that pop into your head no more likely to be  true than the next maybe consider that quickly bye you're really just going to incinerate  me and see what happens yeah dude I swear you haven't changed one solitary brother oh [ __ ]  oh [ __ ] what am I doing in here oh no oh you could oh hell oh hell's that oh no oh no no get  me out of here over here what is
this help me I'm trying please [Music] please oh my god oh oh  wait he's do not panic we will simply return to the gate don't than so I think you've broken  her Valhalla once oh [ __ ] I think this is it brother let get you out of here  s baby I'm not supposed to be here car [Music] oh I'm sorry I almost burn you it look great she a oh no you poor thing look  at you you shouldn't have done that I'll heal dummy you and Kratos  would not but you're now sec I'm sorry I've been so foolish I later  [
 __ ] I'll kiss you later I need a moment we are forever in your  debt as I will be forever in yours you know you don't have to thank  us for like freeing from Odin that's just like you know that's what we do and also  cool my lady stop you've seen me being a sacrifice I'm not sure about that that boss  it's nothing air can't heal this could take some time go on katos get back in there  and do what you need to do um I'm going to show youall that one scene um where's my  other monitor oh saky gam
e just got to grab that YouTube and uh [Music] burn War oh it's the Temple of Pandora okay I turn it's muted that's why and then I'm got to go over here thank God you've come break  these bombs get me out of here what are you waiting for let me out we can  find our way back to ath that was sad Gods demand sacrifice from all of us you  pleas no no and he had to literally push him Dam no keep me out of there save me  from this oh it looks exactly the same please I'm begging you on  your Humanity d
on't do this please no oh my god oh so by breaking open that um  by breaking open the um cage here altered was supposed to be that dude's fet [ __ ] that  sucks P you're mean you're not just mean you're cruel well that was altogether  bloody terrifying one moment I'm in a forest the next I'm in a cage full of fire  you changed into Helios and back again it was unpredictable I'll see I'm truly not  sure if we've gone too far or if we've come too far to stop we are not stopping I  must face this I
know brother aha another of those spots for bargaining with Valhalla  if Valhalla is offering some help I'd take it Divine Triumph the most valuable resource  in Valhalla used for the most uh powerful upgrades of short tablets chain on there  oo H 100 fleeing echos a broaden chances obing Mastery Sals from breakable pots his R pots  made a glowing purple Aura and H throughout these lands actually I'll go with this one oh yeah we already got a Divine Triumph he and rage o [Music] uh I need a res
urrection  Stone actually we's see if we can go without it critical health reges uh that's look that stra nice round three I know other choice this time I got no one so stone wall memory of your past meet  manifest a dangerous memory cool just a second hey I this side please the X behind you look out nice that's really this shows us this one at the  beginning I guess we got a master of ss so that we can become the god of the God of War we stting from Lev one though ooh High luck chance to  deal
bonus damage and poison in enemies I this one hello door vanaheim memory of vanaheim now  brother I beg you not to remember the exploding plants what did you say about a forest  remember being elsewhere when Helios took your place ah guess I didn't mention that  while we were plummeting but yes I was in a forest much like that of my youth back on  my old body too it was a bit dreamlike to be honest do you wish to return there I can't  say I don't I'm concerned but I'm more than curious guess my
memories are fair game in  here as well don't suppose they'll just stick to the pleasant ones will they unlikely  okay we can go that way this way take this okay I guess we don't have to do  this um I'm going to try it because this interesting all right uh three for specific weapons weap skills Ander resour [Music] fleos I'm going to go fle let's go door's chosen I got  to pick a different door every time well that's a neat PR woo give them one foring [Music] that's quite a new power Val how's T
ed for you s something full of terrible  memories I hope what do you think hey there goes a here too C of offerings okay cost 40 rage yeah sure not  afraid of a little give and take I see help yeah why not Rous oh a r sad up from these I wouldn't say no to some shorttime help Max St zers Spirit seal okay what's behind door number two that's a GPH Left Flank above you brother battle nice oh okay that's it what this fite house oh house tou I actually got to use these uh nothing else why don't we t
alk about that image of you  in the Shrine we keep seeing if Valhalla keeps pulling it out of your head it must  have some significance to you could it be that the idea of being loved and respected  is a fair might better than the alternative oh you did tell them I hear me out and it's  not as though I'm the smartest man alive or anything but don't you think joining freya's  council could put you in a position to walk that path to earn that path that would  be a poor reason to accept ambition is
poison yeah he's actually right  about that he doesn't want to be too arrogant like before he was  a God of War but like all those cruel a l them on their path all and  he doesn't want to Beat It person anyal hey on three watch out enough with the fire find you incoming oh I do need health you always get rage later oh it's a little Healy there so Healy death oh God no no  I don't want to go this is it okay this let's go death it is I suppose I see the one you need to get there yeah wo be weary
of that goodbye that's the one you needed slicing finish placing a virtue yeah why Splendid I think we're free  and clear to take the way up now let's go I'm back here [Music] no yeah use a shield if you're not going to use [Applause] it I should have used the shield  back to the sh I suppose [Music] a hello here pratos I've been waiting to  have a word with you we are seeking she is resting healing what she did for you to and  there that should not have happened it's bad enough you're risking y
our own lives but  it isn't just you paying the price this is exactly what I was worried about what  do you wish that I quit sigan believed I should see this through that valala can  help yes she does I I just want you to be careful I need her and I need you too no  more bending the rules in there all right all right I can't help reflecting that  you only broke valhalla's rules to save me I wouldn't have let you i' known sigin  would suffer for it sigin has no such regret I guess we got to um ke
ep just doing the best you can keep  your eyes on the horizon General no shame in making things a wee bit easier if you can maybe light oh man okay we got to get  this next I really would have us I knew I should have got there Legacy ons Shield spart es let's go getting on the Val the V grind Left Flank oh wait we still haven't finished um  this one we still finish the X we'll do the X just go crazy with a [Music] sword Defenders repost box [Music] of o doing this I use the shield more often bro
getting back to that image of you on  the shrine I'll Grant you ambition to be a poisonous motive but your Ambitions are  only to help people not for your own Glory right make the world a better safer place  I think maybe that image of you is symbolic of your desire to walk a righteous path  valhalla's little signpost you are sure accepting fr's offer is the right thing for me  or for the Realms I think we're here to make sure about that one way or the other those  golden like sort of threads d
o look like the we've come this far anything we need this moment away door number fouret got kill Now find your watch we're adapting to the situation go in Left Flank any more sucks these are do you yet wish to speak about Zin she was  eager to receive you m days ago what has changed oh don't pretend to be interested  in my romantic life brother I am interested interested and you are evading the question what  happened well after you dropped me off at a long house the other night SE made a cloud
berry  and Hazel up pudding of course I don't eat anymore so L awkward but a lovely thought  and pretty much it really there is more to this we do this we get the health on later on behind you look at behind you brother St sa brother oh this might has high do this one I believe your Target's  on the battlefield there can I do this left side [Applause] St [Music] got him count it Valhalla tame the Beast uh oh that one Splendid I think we're free  and clear to take the way up now a little boost th
is time around maybe 47 Health oh maybe we should have taken the health r let's go then [ __ ] [Music] alligator guess maybe we have to change our weapon go back sorry brother that Dober  was especially challenging keep on a master sees every setback as  a catalyst for Progress don't lose heart every battle is an opportunity right  General better yourself if and when you can I always see I have enough for anything oh  maybe this one and that benefit's good to last R the top and the Shad St sh ye
ah it does seem like that he what you left that's doing them yeah I'm going to need this what else happened that night between you  and Sig we stayed up much too late I told her stories she told me secrets she put  spirits to my lips even though I can't get drunk then she invited me to watch her  fall asleep and the next morning the next morning we took a boat along the lake  of nine I was divine brother the lake was UND dappled and the air was Cris and  perfect he could smell the th when did yo
u misspeak you know me too well brother we were  on the lake when I put my metaphorical fit in it he T next time stunting boss don't have enough for we'll be fine [Music] watch your right what distinguish and vaporize oh hello Al growth [Music] ooh he restore nice here tell me what happened between you  and Sigman on the lake well she was rowing past where you found her family treasury  where we learned she cursed her brother over Forbidden Love that's right and as we R  by I remember feeling gr
ateful that the place was now deep underwater where she couldn't see  it and at that moment she turned to me and she said I think M I might be smitten with you oo I  think maybe I want to kiss you o indeed brother I mean there's always been more to us than  there's been the opportunity to explore so much unspoken beneath the surface for hard  to name it so boldly I I took me a it off guard Ed for this attempt  perhaps idiot you messed it up I'm going to go this way enemy on the left [Music] oh [
Music] [Applause] behind you brother [Music] second hey there's a um a helicopter outside that's being  so [ __ ] loud there's also um Road Works outside cuz they for some reason needed to upgrade the  foot path on the other side of the road so GL loud oh I Che to see if the any Christmas present two  Christmas presents and they haven't charged yet so you and sigin I am still waiting for the part  where you spoke in my defense I only told her the truth as it struck me in the moment I told  her m
y feelings for her were deep as Ran's Hall and had been for as long as I'd known her but  just then a kind of Revelation came over me a sudden cold Clarity that it was vanity to imagine  that I as I am could be enough for her as she is oh so I heard myself tell her I give her what she  needed now I have married you on brother I deserve it oh wait we already have this [Music] one [Music] it's oh rage Soul yeah dude what brother I see the one you need to get there get ready [Music] got him it Vala
and in the next one oh [ __ ] uh h flly ready to move to the next Bas brother should be clear it may be just for this  try but a little assist would be nice h should be all good get [Music] that no [Music] y oh my God all I  needed to do is just like go ahead rage yeah short cool down so it limits of charges oh uh I got to go with the other one I need a shield oh I see now we must keep the  primordial Realms up here on the top shelf h a little bit more get m [Music] 2:14:47.880,1193:02:47.295 [
Music] he give me a jump skip h [Music] a we're up by those statues now judges  did you see perhaps the higher Plaines of Valhalla correspond to  the deepest reaches of your memory oh no we're back here oh no he's going to see take a look kid this is my past hello me again if I must car you make  yourself useful say what you see in battle I I [ __ ] decisions decisions must be when I'm in like uh this area guess not let's see they locked you out guess we better poke around the old neighborhood s
ee what sort  of acquaintances are looking oh oh okay uh to reconnect let's go this one looks easy easy is what you're all about whose Army is that no one that my get it off that was the one it must please you to please valhala run hey L focus on the important one you find behind you oh my God still a monster I see where is it where the [ __ ] A  moderate CH or challenge more loot than did you need any primitive armed Ruffians great job not hurrying you do  like your fights tougher after all rig
ht like idiot [Applause] we're on fire that's a nice change of pace I do want the to the way up should be clear suie doll still oh no  oh where are I supposed to go come on oh I like that one am I supposed to go oh this  is going to get impulsively strong [Music] only getting harder as you delay cratos h no fck oh over here my God here again heading back to the cage are  we I guess Valhalla is giving you a second chance well now it's a party incoming right [Music] side line behind you [Applause]
what are you planning  to do this time katos wait no don't tell me the suspense is honestly  the only thing keeping me [Music] over here's a radical thought for you  maybe it only counts as a sacrifice if you give up someone you value I think we all  know that's not me notice how you're leaping to you'll never guess their weak spot SP break the tether quickly try I'm another weapon idiot oh they exactly like trolls don't him he one of my creatures who wants peaceful  sheep her as living solitar
y lives on the islands of my homeland during the first world  the Titans they enslave the made to fight soon after the practice of using these powerful  brutes in combat became all too common damn Servants of Aries the happies of scourge on  my homeland agents and Chaos known for the mischief and destructive nature I wish I had  forgotten there so they will not PL me here in valala friends and fools tricky I know mimir feels much guilt  for the Damage Done by introducing dcky to SP it made enoug
h of a mark to on me  that I seem to carry the guilt into oura without you the fight is father but our  we finishing the Beast get is what I miss most here we are let's see what a  brilliant move you've thought of maybe maybe we just Let It Go um katos surely you're not supposed nice  you know what die together I'd like to see this ow what can't that it seems oh we're  inside the thing that was it brother yay are we know dear what the oh no wa  that's not that's was yours I would have signed it
oh no it's  it's important you come here for your own own reasons then you're not  an illusion you're in the flesh old friend what do you want for come God of Peace make peace with  yourself I know what you're wrestling with Spartan I understand it better than you  realize the shame the doubt the question I could find no answer for until I came here  lifetimes ago stepped through that door what is in there looks like his prison door I'm  not here to spoil that for you only to help you prepare wh
y because I can because for us  fighting occupies the body while our minds work out the rest because oh you're not ready yet  that's a symbol as well [ __ ] oh [ __ ] show me sorry why exactly are you attacking  us consider it a kind of trial by combat M when katos get the better of me  we'll know his mind has done the work good Reflex iess on your guard The Valor to go the distance I hope defend yourself on your guard nice a man at war with himself places a  deficit upon his Focus he is impatie
nt emotional easily surprised a man  in one with himself has a clearer mind sharper instincts that man is  ready to win that man is ready to progress what your right come on dude come on I may have overreached with that one arms off come on come on arms up on your guard come on there it is that's [Music] it Focus CR be ready nice hey TR oh here well done Kratos nice  I yield he's cool I like him good then perhaps you are ready now are you going to  play it honestly nobody can truly say that but
you Tia has been revealed as having sent me the  invitation to Valhalla yeah despite my initial doubts I do not question his intentions he feels  a contship with me me and only wishes for me to help F help me find my path he is among the most  formidable opponents I've ever faced and I feel my skills grow but insight to my struggle is  just as valuable waiting until this weekend of did work uh what day is it today Saturday so  it's Friday for you oh yeah I'll be uh I'll be streaming Alan Wake on
Monday which is Sunday  for you uh but tomorrow I still have work the reason why I'm off on Monday is because on Friday  I had to uh go into work for a boxing day set up uh he was among the most formidable opponents I  ever faced in my feel my grow was inside into my struggle is just as valuable I Now understand  firstand why I was so beloved in this time F yeah next week's going to be very much health to work on you I am not ready yet but we will get you there oh Sanctuary barrier key new Eter
nal labor unlock the cycle this L labor  WS Divine Tri reset SE re time de ooh ala has an offering Shield Maiden your reward your journey  within Valhalla is a tapestry of adaptation keep weaving your own destiny I'd like to tell you a  story that I think will help you along the path I will hear early in my life before I was a  valkyrie I was a Healer in a small village my father trained me in the use of herbs and  natural remedies to him coming from a long line of verbal healers that was the on
ly true  medicine but visiting the city I saw healers who used magic only magic to treat their patients  I'd seen it work and work wonders I tried to tell my father but he said Mage healing was  against his philosophy a dangerous shortcut that violated tradition being a good daughter I  respected his convictions but that all changed when he took ill that's a good place to stop  for now when you're further along on your journey I'll share the next part of my story  yeah so I think she used safe t
he magic to um dead wouldn't blame you're back here and yet  you're further along goar this Boon is yours once again you rise to the occasion I hear you  like stories I got one for you go ahead I wasn't born with the privilege of some of my sisters in  arms I wasn't bred for greatness I was just the daughter of some poor inkeeper matter of fact I  wasn't even his no just raised me after somebody left me there I didn't have much going for me  but I had one thing I wasn't afraid of anyone if someb
ody was asking for a punch in the face I  never thought twice brought a heap of trouble on myself that way it's true but I sure learned  how to fight enough for now I'll pick that up later oh we got one oh that's right I know it's above board but I like to think  of this part as bribing the local authorities offerings encounters seals for Hol get quite a lot of stuff too oh should I get all of them I don't see Slots of yeah oh no wait we go back a cool night I don't wait yeah I don't think  this
um help me cuz it's just like um appearance stuff it doesn't actually help you with the each time cool to collect but I  don't think I'm going to grab it this though should go to jeez mine and this one this one and this nice better go back to her as well  Shield Maiden you have earned this never doubted another story no not another story go back to her she only brought like two uh Valkyries  when there like what nine we all impressed by your progress J we've never seen  anyone engage bhalla qui
te the way you have of turfing oh oh what was the one that was like secret was  like um I think it was this or something else don't sheld secret it's good to see you back trya was  just being cautious I'm right as rain how fair is your journey we have uncovered our host it  is tier tier you say I and no projection either I never knew his connection to Valhalla was so  strong but then he goes back further than I do fascinating katos I'm glad to see you're  back inside it seems Valhalla has arrang
ed something special for you in the  throne room see you again soon CR o three okay um we got a we got a I  guess cuz we're now using all three weapons we just go with the one that's the  most um thing for me five r1s and one R to okay they put this leg it's a really effective I like that one I just like the elur op combo finishes increase  damage sprinting is a defense hello I know this wait that's up what is  this you remember this craters the memory is vivid a familiar scene to any that know 
your Legend the man at the crossroads of a faithful decision I you've spoken of this  brother the pack you made with Aries they Stave off the Barbarian hord the day I sold  my soul to a god of war why show me this well if I had to guess probably to make you  feel like the piece of [ __ ] you are is he necessary he's no part of my design he's either  valhalla's or yours at least he hasn't replaced me again not yet anyway see a real charmer U  this bit I didn't actually see apparently he uh God o
f War um s Soul yes this one the one on the hill it had always been enough to carry them through any battle until this day The  Barbarians to the east numbered in the thousands and descended on the Spartans without Mercy the battle lasted near ours the discipline and training of the Spartans did little to stem the tide  of the merciless barbarians the soldiers faced a massacre while  their young Captain faced the end of His Brilliant career and his  life but to katos victory was worth any price
even his soul Aries  destroy my enemies and my life is yours the sky split apart and the God of War stepped through descending from the show is like me hang  he saw the makings of a God in a mere mortal Aries would save katos he would turn him into  the perfect Warrior his servant on Earth only a simple pledge of loyalty was required my life  is yours Aries from this day I shall carry forth your will and his fate was sealed look like as  promised Aries rescued his new disciple bringing forth the
power of a God destroying those  who would Slaughter katos and his men oh my God as for katos nomia sword and shield  would beit the nearest servant of the God of War the blades of chaos forged in the  foul as deaths of Hades once attached the chains remain Chained and seared to  the flesh a part of the bearer's body a permanent reminder of kratos's pledge in return  ultimate power The Rage of Aries exploded from within but soon he would learn the true cost of  such power yeah a cost too high e
ven for katos to pay oh that's interesting so that's  how you got the chains of Olympus and uh so the soul cuz like he was  about to die from barbarians of all things oh wait I for to turn go that was close actually Al a memory fragment  of your time in alheim then tell them who was Kratos of Sparta the day you made your pledge to  Aries I was the youngest captain in the Spartan Army I had gained a reputation for my skills in  combat my command on the battlefield but also my aggression I was det
ermined to never lose and  until then never had my men were loyal fiercely so how many Spartans did you command not enough  that day how many barbarians did you f thousands D he only did it so that he wouldn't like  you know um lose his men but like buddy a sacrifice we could use some  limited time assistance couldn't we have enough uh we can probably unlock this thing this one yeah we can this grab the thingy so I guess that was it uh Radiance out a door oh HS up there it is this one like anoth
er one we use out two on here I only want to get one from round we might as well get everything from  one realm before we move on not something's lost but something's gained here hey oh incoming above you you shut up you all right we get up when we oh I he yeah I see uh oh good dear why help prepare me to take your  old position why not fulfill it yourself you seem capable to The Mortals of these Realms I am an  ancient myth long out of mind the days I could hope to unify these Realms are long p
ast but they  see you as the hero of Ragnarok you are known and respected and from what I have seen you're  the most qualified by far you need only be ready P well this is an unusual  little corner of Valhalla isn't it shall we see what else we can find in here stop careful who knows what's waiting for  you in that mess these Bastards about to explode oh I'm going to die cuz of Pi the B Frost thing I how do get this we don't have to F it let's safe that's one there we go which one I was oh there
we ah yes I remember now there I am mind missing there's on thing I can't find it oh it's up there I think we're meant to choose one  chest or the other so we have a look this so told sigin you could not give her what she  needed you spoke out of cowardice ah obviously but as prospects for Terror go can you imagine  knowing all along you're not enough for someone and then living out their slow realization  of that truth I admit it chilled me to the Bone you presume to know how she will feel in 
the future I discredit her which is and wars in the present I just can't pretend not to know  better she's romanticized the idea of us certainly I've done the same is that anything to build a  future on I mean look at my brother practical if anyone else disparaged you as you dispar  yourself I would wish to strike them with an axe we need some health time yeah we're gone for about a little bit more hours above your brother a f Fred [Music] brother [Music] got to get rid of that one more straigh
t oh straight to boss too I guess I'll die rage I don't need rage [Music] bro ni right side brother in Left Flank they're regenerating just oh that was careful brother you're covered in R behind you incoming that's the one you needed  always nice when a cuss becomes a [Music] blessing [Music] um is nice but Prett he please please give me he now then the path should be  unlocked let's make our way up hello oh you cute a I fell but oh yeah oh that missed with the [Music] screen a troll again we fo
r many in our time together  so I find a curious why the one founded fossil hi now uh mine will be pulled from my  memory perhaps presentence L large since that is where we freed the impostor here your  absence is always on my mind perhaps BRX is as well he still blames so oh that [ __ ] it means that we're got to have a like  memory of Brock when he died by I'm back what a thrill hey I must say it's genuinely hard to think of  anything stupider than pledging your soul to Aries of all people I m
ean any of Zeus's brood are  bound to be garbage present company by no means excluded but Aries made a real art out of being  vicious and depraved though I suppose I can't begrudge you your role model I see you still  use the blades he gave you can you really say you regret a decision and still keep benefiting  from the trappings of that decision I'm not sure I'm just asking you ever tried to do the math on  how many people died as a result of your little collaboration like contemplating the gra
ins  of sand on a beach isn't it just overwhelming honestly what will he choose I mean I guess it's like a a device that  switches between M and Helios but like why helos is than s a CH oh hello that's what is that once he's quiet looks like someone left you a party favor oh  and it's a symbolic totem of your shame that's so thoughtful now you've done it  you'll be being judged and we all know your past actions would pass muster with anybody scri me a river reclaim katos  continue the Vala has c
onjured an object from my past an ember Stone symbolizing  the sworn oath of a prisoner an oath observed and enforced by the furies of  my homeland it is a painful reminder of the oath I once pledged to Aries the day  are strayed from a worthy and honorable PA oh I meant to ask how did you like setting  yourself on fire truly entertaining stuff sorry to miss how it ended up I think maybe you  still have some ash on your skin am I crazy shut up oh it's a unlocker Dam maybe I should hold on to the
m I'm sure we'll get some more [Music] hello a siren cover my ears katos bre the tether quickly oh my controller luckily I have multiple controller charges  uh which is a kind of a bad thing but you know oh not the song attack ruthless as ever [Music] kattos and stay Dead uh ooh [ __ ] time okay run don't worry cratos none of these foes are real though they do feel pain isn't  that funny thought you'd want to know the intended target has fallen wait and go fall watch your left up here a lot more
time this time oh hello very there you go aome finally on back to the start  and Ascend or whatever it is [Music] through here oh I'm back brother well  done katos oh you got to do it again nice I brought something else  to keep things interesting you're not the only one with weapons from far  off lands you know oh ready that's TR behind you brother defend yourself don't get distracted good expect nothing left ah Blood for Blood Brey go be ready arms up come on oh what good a shield if you're n
ot going to  use those who have fallen Carry Me Oh Brother you have to stop them before they reach  here why did you do it katos why did you pledge yourself to Aries I was ambitious  proud I could not accept defeat I crave power is that all are you sure nothing  more to that story nothing else under the surface Blood for Blood bre blood give it don't get distracted there's the fire good fight on your guard be ready don't get distracted there's the fire good katos having fun [Music] yet I yield K
ratos very well I believe you found an understanding  within yourself shall we see pools there not only memories indeed for what is a memory apart  from our perspective on it you know the evils that came your path you know the evils within yourself  yes these you dwell on but it's not that simple is it the H is vast brother what would have happened  if you didn't stop it our lands would have been overrun L people killed violated people your  army was sworn to protect an army led by you did you n
ot feel a duty to fulfill your purpose  did you not fear for the safety of your homel land you saved them you would excuse my actions  excusing them is not the exercise Kratos only accepting them accepting that you acted based  on what you knew then not on what was to come your motivation and their consequences are far  more complicated than you let yourself believe I think perhaps you have more to process yes I have  much to think about I will return and I will be waiting ouch oh oh my head you
're sent the invitation in the  first place yes his voice echoes in the Halles there's no mistake in it so it's tears  game you're playing this is all his idea a game is not his purpose there is something  here I must see through and what is that exactly process all right if it's helping  I trust you both we all do as we trust in bhalla even after what it did to you I knew  the rules and chose to break them I regret nothing a master fights not only to  survive but to grow with every encounter I
mean I'm just going to go with like  just this I mean if we get like the the cool these two then I'll wear them but like they're not going  to go out of my way to wear them we do look cool though oh but I do like Bel sty points cosmetic oh drop this spear we did more things and more things to do check um just see everything else oh we're going  to go across the eles as well haven't seen any El yet back to my story yeah you speak so there  I was little Miss brawl magnet if I wasn't starting the f
ight I was the first one charging  in to join it maybe it's something in the Asgard water but seemed like there was always a fight  to be had I guess I needed the rush something to keep me sharp feeling alive I was driven  without fear or frankly much sense to hold me back got myself a bit of a reputation and that  ended up being a problem this notorious bully I'd humiliated held on to a grudge and tried  to track me down found out way too easily who I was and where I lived set out to teach me a
  lesson we'll pick it up there when you progress further turn my other screen so I can actually see what I'm doing there you go  and this one dis screen as well wait what oh d Yik okay I saw a tweet and I was  like oh no that seems suspicious ah okay barking away brother but h i expects it offerings three choices instead of two starting re ooh this pleas small increase the amount  of fleeing E from defeating enemies do we have this one why not why not keep sort of the same there  you go I kind
of like this mode Shield hey round five can't believe we died like super early by since we keep going back in I take it  this process is working for you somehow yes succeed or fail I feel progress Clarity  I need to see it through very good brother nice um are [Music] sh I see I kind of want this one yeah great o oh oh I'll do this one nice hello an Infamous act one they still spoke of in  the years of rebuilding I somehow doubted they meant it so literally I'll give you this  brother you take t
echnique has improved immeasurably I needed his power to secure  my Vengeance Against The Gods I believed I had no choice no choice you could have not  ripped my head off my body that was absolutely an option and he's back but that wasn't the  worst of it was it katos Killingly deprived gree of the sun they were plunged into  Perpetual cold and darkness crops ceased to grow famine descended on our homeland  not that you care enough he is better isn't he you know what it's time  to look at this c
ut scene in [Music] par um C of War cratos beads um helus right God of War helias this one SC ahead a little katos I have not forgotten the debt I  owe you save me now as save me from atas and I promise to repay you in full if you wish to repay  me tell me where I can find the flame of Olympus a flame you will never defeat Zeus Spartan you will forfeit your life in  trying of all the lives you should worry about Helios mine is not one of them  feel the power of the son flesh bang idiot wait wait
I can tell you that  to destroy Zeus you must step into the flame to receive its power you lie  Helios aestus told me the flame kills all who touch it and you believe him that freak  has fallen from The Graces of Olympus that is exactly why I believe him my death will  not lead you to Zeus that is where you are [Music] wrong there it is  is plunge grease into tural KN God of son's head rip screaming from his body the head of helos will savagely  earned it gaze will light your way je FF help wan
ted to oh hide turn these back on that was pretty like he stomped on his  head he like freaking curb stomped his head damn Kratos I'm curious your decision to behead Helios  was it fueled by any personal motivations or was it really just a means to an end it was not  personal I did know him long before I killed him he was as insufferable as any God but his  death brought me no satisfaction did you know what would happen result when Helios was  captured by the gut of Dreams the lands fell into da
rkness and were not restored  until his return I knew exactly what would happen ah seems you must endure a burden for  a time to receive a greater reward are we attempted uh I'm going to  get the I can love what this is so stats gft and mix gft and I got [Music] more even a short-term Advantage could pay off yeah is that a that's I need to get the triangle  door and the door that looks like four squares we just look at another drer to the left behind you brother find you watch out I'll touch whe
n's where's the door of course so hot today I think I'm going to turn on the Kratos I  hope you'll forgive me for overhearing but before you first found your way to me you were grappling  with the symbolism of your former seat of power may I offer a perspective you may before I became  God of War I felt as hesitant as you do I feared taking the throne would only validate Odin's  power hierarchy which even then I didn't trust but I decided I could wield a better influence  on the inside than on t
he outside there are many ways to lead not all of them involve ruling the  throne and the office are only what you bring to them this always so good Fross throw no okay we're going to take this one this one wants a price from you brother uh Sol taking damage this oneing a boss well do do the boss one can do it maybe we'll kill a [Music] little T [Music] incoming I believe your Target's on the battlefield there [Music] brilliant kill Valhalla will be impressed [Music] qu two four flame with bre a
rmor I really like this one little h and we're ready to face the boss I need quite a bit of fleeing actually Splendid I think we're free  and clear to take the way up now hard not to take Valhalla up and  some help even if it's just for this attempt cuz if we die we lose all of that but if we don't die we kind of  like um massively don't have enough leading NEOS for the next round which is the Greek area oh all right oh [ __ ] foring I heard that brother got plucking a son of Thor out your  memo
ry of all things thanks not nor oh c Modi it's hard to see any similarities  between mod and his sister th she sheares none of his cruelty nor his cers I know still  have much guilt of his killing as do I for my role in it like his brother H manifest him  from my memory to fight once again so probably mag a daughter hold your project D [Music] baby enough of cr's weapon attack abili help yes please that's hello again kattos hey [ __ ] and  lest we forget kattos lest we neglect to place your deed
in full and proper context I  saved your life me and you literally tore off my head for my troubles imagine if all your  new friends knew how you used to treat your old friends of course you're not the same  man right now you only get your friends killed through lack of foresight far easier  to blame others that way am I right I know you are a projection of the mind but for  what it is worth the death I gave you was unjust oh how touching yeah not actually worth  the spittle it took to mumble t
hat out do not do that again nobody wants to hear that from  you so as I'll throw myself into the lava then down so I need to get all three of them eyes lit up a little something to remember goodby  I truly hope it brings you unrelenting torment that was you just a little  when they do that doesn't it feels like judgment he l a shield I found another  object from my past h a shi once owned by the son God Helios and a [ __ ] and useless now a bit of remind of my Rec actions in  a time I was drive
n only by misguided anger oh was a dick what what that's not enough that s [Applause] untether yourself man try another weapon [Music] idiot race Miss these slippery  bastards haven't you still a [Music] monster watch from [Music] underneath incoming die a Minotaur now we see half a man charging at us [Music] r okay you've killed everything each's chosen SL oh yes please [ __ ] Warriors Mo look at  you kill the right bow in everything a clay brain  your Target's walking around unkilled vegan boa
t found the guess you paid your dues to Valhalla for now how interesting a dragon bird I hope it TS you to death it's that Bost magic get it off mind the tail you [Music] imile on your left find the tail you imile behind you [Applause] idiot you fly behind [Music] you oh play withes try I need some healthy right now oh oh now go for the door at least not yet and things just got hard did  you forget that Hast is a factor here close it's in the ground incoming right side break the tether quickly [
Music] cool [Applause] r well that was demoralizing one more on the other side we're like almost dead too I don't  want to go here on last one last [Applause] one from behind incoming that's it you've opened a way  forward with your blooded Savage ways this way Ah that's nice watching you think what a thrill uh um oh nice uh cly damage I remember this was like like um  locked and nobody could knew how to do it for while 5,000 oh please be a little healthy oh nice yay oh it's supposed there oh we
might as well bir's here oh hello brother I'm back hello again Kratos I have another cherished weapon from  my travels to show you ready to see ooh from Egypts arms up concentrate TR come show me that spart brick wrath is formidable tros defend yourself [Music] find you watch out on your [Music] guard be ready your sheld brother use  it it's all in the RIS you know behind you brother tell me katos truly how did it feel  to plunge your Homeland Into Darkness I did not intend the land to suffer b
ut I was  indifferent consumed only by rage and retribution that is not what I asked how  did it feel in that moment your soul given over to Darkness bringing a Darkness  over everything you could see it felt true Darkness come your curve tr get to the light defend yourself well struck Darkness come new curve get out to the darkness brother let our battle clear your mind arms [Music] up Darkness your Cur you better get into the light brother know you're a mistake there ready incoming are you rea
dy to win show me I yield I yield good then I don't think you were indifferent Kratos I think you were hurt deeply hurt  and you handled it unskillfully wait is that you restoring the sun you took  helios's Chariot and put the sun back in the sky but sacrificed yourself in the process yes  I fell to my death and was saved by Helios but this memory happened before I killed him my  evils were Yet to Come what is the point that your legacy has always been a complicated one  that goodness is not a d
estination we arrive at but a practice Misfortune may drive anyone  to Darkness we resist it only through wisdom and vigilance you are not so unskillful now  as you were then better voices in your head you might call it I think that's enough  for now you have much to contemplate yes back to the beach then you should be  proud of your progress Kratos see you soon it seems like you're making progress whatever  you're doing in there perhaps listen I know I made you feel like we expected more of you
than you  could give and I just want you to know I'm not asking you to change how you are or who you  are we had to break the old world to build a new one picking up the pieces and putting them  together stronger it's a rare opportunity you made a difference here in some circles a symbol  of change on many days just knowing that you're a part of the council is enough and other days  you've earned a voice how you use it is up to you Sig sigin inside we encountered a son  of Thor it wouldn't real
ly be him in there I can assure you you have a memory of a past  fight and I'm sure Valhalla takes advantage but why him I don't think that's for me to say  well something for us to ponder in between Valhalla demands the willingness to embrace discomfort is this he fresh Awards with a side of new opportunities this isn't spart spotting kicks landed making progress I see gonar good each  accomplishment is a stepping stone to further greatness ready for more story yes continue so  the bully with a
grudge he comes to the Inn in the dead of night Chucks a bottle of fire through the  window sets the whole place of Blaze the coward thought I was inside in bed but luckily I was  just getting home I saw the Flames shoot up and Surround where my father was sleeping well this  wasn't going to be the day I started hesitating I charged Into the Fire and dragged him out  not unscathed exactly either of us but alive and if I was too angry and fearless for my own  good before now well I charged right
into that bastard's Lair me against his whole gang honestly  I had no business coming out of that alive as it turned out I came out of there with a job but  we'll get to that next time it's how I like I I beat up all of the these guys and all I got was a  valkyrie J give the plane field just a little tilt eh I got really got much of these wise investment brother no is ready to uh finish for night start on dinner because like my thumb's getting sore I know it's like weeny thing but I got to  sav
e my thing fingers will like set up I think even save what we do if we can't save oh I don't know if we can save um think every one looks good think we have to go in and then get to suspend  game hey I will do that and then I I'll um for I really like this r [Music] Athena wait no that's not Athena a substitute daughter a box that's  Pandora this one feels important this is your blacksmith story isn't it his girl  was the key and he died protecting her protecting her from me I opened that  box s
eeking your means to kill Aries and what I released pretty much turned all  the gods crazy thank thanks again for that quieted unfortunate the time I spend in my  own Valhalla means you get more time with him um for cut scene is Pandora fo katos had traversed the desert of lost souls  vested the deadly traps of Pandora's Temple and escaped Hades itself there was but one task  left Zeus do you see now what your son can do you cast your favor on Athena but her city lies  in Ruins before me and now
even Pandora's Box is mine would you have me use it against Olympus  itself katos returned even from the underworld is this the best you can do father oh by the  way s broken mortal to defeat me the God of War after thousands of years Pandora's Box  was finally open the power of the Gods Unleashed he just grew up you are still  just a mortal every bit is weak as the day you beg me to save your life I am  not the same man you found that day the monster you've created has returned to kill  you yo
u have no idea what a true monster is kattos your final lesson is at hand okay wait let's see if this oh no is this one to kill a god oh that's so funny okay what is  that 39 hor movie fate source and death okay this one and this one cuz uh I think she sacrificed Kratos how well did you know  the blacksmith star she reminded me of my own daughter who I lost long ago I'm sorry  cratos even at your most vengeful you must not have wanted to see H vandora was innocent  the way she saw things she cou
ld reach me when few could wait yeah she deserved better  than to be a pawn sacrificed in the game of gods your regret is palpable but thank  you for letting yourself remember that is important what's this one [Music] [Music] tendor Pandora no stop her cratus do not let her into  the flame this is what I am meant to do you know that please hush katos you know  this is the only way don't listen to ouros now once in your pathetic life don't fail  that's your dad her like you filed your family Ando
ra she's in the air now it's bits [Music] power to kill a God on that [Music] happens empty after all you have sought after all  you have sacrificed it ends in another stuning failure oh so oh I see I want put a burd today oh hello name wait where's the thingy oh this hey there we go tomorrow I have work but um today after  tomorrow uh I don't know if I can continue on with this or go jump head person Allen  week cuz I'm getting like heavily spoiled and um I think I'll try and finish this uh  on
Monday and then um I way could can continue next Saturday if I haven't finished  god of war and then after Christmas I try to finish it I could try to start one week  cuz I don't want to get SP on alen after like so many years even though God of  War was only like you know come out a few years ago I still want to like know what  happens um anyways uh see if there's anyone that's on at the moment no I'm just going  to like forish stream I'll see y'all Monday
