

DISNEY PLUS LAUNCHED THERE AD TIER. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF AD'S WHEN STREAMING? WE ALSO GET INTO THE LATEST STAR WARS TRAILERS, AND THEN THERE IS EPISODE 3 OF WILLIOW. Disney stated that right about 20% of there disney plus subs wont mind ads. That was higher then Shaun and Chris thought, and neighter of them would want to have ad's. For them for the price of Disney Plus the value is still there. Star War released a few trailers this week also. We got a season two trailer of THE BAD BATCH. The love of star wars runs deep with the guys, but there split on the BAD BATCH. Only time will tell if season 2 will be a bright spot. Also STAR WARS Jedi : Survivor released a trailer. This is a sequel to Jedi fallen order. That first game was great and its going to fun to see where they go with Cal Kestis. Lastly we have Disney Plus Willow. This show hasnt been as good as we hoped. It feels like a young adult novel, and not in a good way. #StarWars #BadBatch #DisneyPlusAdTeir


Streamed 1 year ago

[Music] thank you good Sunday morning it is the dad and rock after show this is Sean and this is Chris and we are here once again to talk about the latest and greatest in TV and streaming uh gonna see some trailers we're gonna um discuss some news that happened over the week and discuss the third episode of Willow as well thanks for joining us we are here each and every week uh we do this kind of thing the dad and rock after show we're live each and every Sunday morning around 10 a.m Eastern Sta
ndard Time if we're having a good week we're right on time yeah if we we missed a few shows we needed to cram them in the morning usually it's about 10 30 but yeah sometimes it might run a little late but it will happen before your football game I guarantee you that exactly um but uh yeah anything new this week uh I mean there's some not not a ton I mean I'm looking forward to the avatar coming out on Thursday I got tickets uh taking my son to see it uh some weird developments happened last nigh
t over dinner I'm taking my mother-in-law with me as well which which is okay I mean it's it's something that I was shocked that there was tickets available so that's going to be a good time and you know so Braddy points with the Mother-in-law that's always good too that's always good too you and I were just um talking a little bit before we hopped on here about A Christmas Story Christmas we we both enjoyed it that's a record that's a dad in a rock recommend for the holidays absolutely and I wa
s so trepidatious about this movie because I love like give you guys a glimpse of my Christmas morning actually starts Christmas Eve eight o'clock TNT right Christmas story comes on it runs till 8 o'clock the next day I may only watch it fully through once or twice but it's on and this started with my family back when it was still on it wasn't even on TNT yet it was just VHS yeah yeah we would and we would watch it and then TNT picked it up so when I heard Peter Billingsley was coming back and h
e was gonna make a sequel to when he's grown up with his kids and then I also heard all the cast was coming back I was like okay this could work yeah but I was still scared like this is this was my childhood movie and I didn't want them to screw up anything on it that's what um surprised me like his childhood friends like flick and you know the ones that uh got their tongue stuck on the on the flagpole outside and like warts warts Scott Farkas came back yeah uh oh even as much I don't know if yo
u caught this but one of the elves Asana was the same guy I was wondering if all three of them like the Santa and the two elves I was like they seem like they might be the same ones from the original one yeah I was like that that was pretty cool I mean even oh even the little bet the the triple dog dare you know going down that that big ramp sled thing I'm like what's going on here yeah some uh some references to the first one were a little too on the nose like when he goes up in the attic and h
e sees the pink bunny outfit oh I love that though yeah you had to and there was other stuff like that was more subtle like when they they're like you said the radiator bricks on the car they break down and uh the Sun the sun's like hey can I come out and help and if your Billingsley Ralphie's like oh no we're not doing that um but uh yeah overall big recommend for a Christmas story and it pulled at the heartstrings too when they were talking about his dad yeah when his dad passed and how they w
ere going to continue Christmas on and how he was trying to be a writer and he wasn't succeeding and then when he just wrote I mean spoiled her guys he writes this basically trying to write an obituary for his dad and he just can't because he can't sum up his dad in basically a paragraph in four sentences and it just when he throws away his manuscript and he just types about his dad and he writes a story about his dad it winds up in the paper and that was something that was too that I didn't cat
ch immediately until I watched all the credits because I like the side-by-side pictures and the credits of old pictures and new pictures and I didn't catch it but when he pulls the newspaper out of the mailbox it's the same like he's pulling out the Red Rider the Little Orphan Andy decoder pen when he gets it when he's younger oh that's funny I didn't notice that either so they put that side-by-side picture up there and then he opens it up so in the original he's running in the house now he's go
t to go into the bathroom for his privacy to go ahead and yeah the decode to be sure to drink your oval Team all right crummy commercial and then Harry's opening up seeing his his story with his dad on the front page rather than in the obituaries you know what got me too is that like these films can be watched side but he could always almost do a marathon where you watch one than the other than the other than the other like back and forth because they meld into each other so nice because once Ra
lphie does actually get that story published you start to read it out loud and you find out that it's the beginning narration it goes right into the movie yeah that's what Jeanette was asking me so do you think that TNT will play these consecutive back to back instead of having one con one Christmas Story going and I told her enough for this foreseeable future I don't see them doing next I don't know how well this was received that and rights issues because this is firmly an HBO Max Warner Broth
ers yeah you would have to break some kind of deal with Turner networks to get that done yeah so I I can maybe see that that in the future point at some point but right now I don't foresee this one I don't know is is TBS and TNT are they owned by the discovery conglomerate you know because that's all one company I don't know we're getting off into the weeds I have no idea honestly but yeah I mean Discovery if that's one entity now then it's actually not a big deal um but yeah we'll see that's a
high recommend that is a high if you if you enjoy the first one even if you're one of those people that want to be a scrooge and don't so much enjoy it but you've seen it yeah I think you can appreciate this yeah yeah for what it is and it's still set in the past it's like it's only like it's like 20 25 years or something like that and if from when we met him the first time right so still everything is still played in the past for you know for us yeah I think it takes place in the 70s yeah yeah
so they didn't try to modernize it right which works which worked really good for it um yeah Christmas Story Christmas definitely check that out HBO Max uh there were a big uh big couple of Star Wars trailer drops you know on this channel and when we go live we have to cover if there's Star Wars news you know you and I got to talk about it at least a little bit yeah we got to cover it yeah um so let's just uh watch these couple trailers we've got the bad batch season two and then we've got the t
railer for the sequel of uh Jedi Fallen order let's do these let's do it I mean sure that looks beautiful [Applause] God we went over the plan five times I thought the package did nine we need to pick up hang on foreign the road closed on the run from the Empire huh hello how the Empire's growing stronger we should be doing more if you want to really be free then pull off this Heist and you can have future rumors are more and more clones have been questioning the order then they are traitors lik
e the Jedi you all gave up everything because of me we made the right choice Omega but there are others out there who need our help what sort of treachery is this stay back okay [Music] we are not the enemy the Empire seeks to establish peace and Order throughout the Galaxy peace peace was never an option we're soldiers we do what needs to be done you know it makes us different we'll make our own choices what do you need Rex any chance I could use you for a mission parents the bad batch new seas
on streaming January 4th only on Disney Plus um I know I said well let's watch both real quick let's let's talk let's just give a minute here what do you think right off of the hand I want to like it I have no faith I'm gonna and I'm gonna watch it so I'll be straight I'm gonna watch January January second third it was early January okay remember right right right but uh it looks fantastic I was the first thing I thought when I seen that first you know the visuals the first you had animation lik
e man that looks phenomenal but I was so ready and so wanted to like the first season and I didn't but yeah I think it's funny that they say parents uh streaming in January or whatever like what about me I'm I'm looking forward to it I'm uh I'm a parent it's not just for the kids um they're saying like you know parents be sure to show your kids I don't know it's weird to me um but uh I I get what you're saying for me the first season did enough to kind of like recalibrate my expectations of what
this show is I think because it stemmed from um the Clone Wars cartoon there were such like high expectations like this oh well this is a direct sequel to clone wars and it's gonna happen that's why my expectations were so high yeah and that I don't think this is like a like a spin-off where I think it does enough I think the characters are interesting um there's a few things like we got to see like the fate of kamino I thought that was really interesting we got to see um uh oh Boba Fett has pr
etty much like a perfect cloned sister that's out there I don't know what her face gonna be um and we got to see some interesting Order 66 stuff with like Kanan and stuff I think this show is meant to be like interesting and show some like things you maybe didn't think about during that era and maybe some flesh out some story detelling around that era but I don't know if it's necessarily should be taken as like well this is a a sequel to clone wars and it's very important I don't know yeah I mea
n like I said I like the idea of having real clones I like the idea if they were able to pull out their inhibitor chip I like all the ideas behind it I just don't know if it's Landing with at least with me it's not and uh like I said it's a Star Wars property I'm gonna watch this already I'm gonna watch it I'm gonna take it in I'm gonna hopefully I'm I'm wrong hopefully this one here is much better than the first season yep sometimes as shows develop they really find their footing and they get b
etter and better so we'll see what happens yeah and there were some highlights you were saying to the first season yeah so hopefully they can build on that with this second one here all right let's see the sequel with the count Quest is here the upcoming game uh Jedi Survivor okay The View order is gone I was betrayed by the one I trusted most [Music] I will not be imprisoned again I hear you've been busy making yourself the Empire's Most Wanted foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] hope survives [Music] oh you order now comes out in March did you catch the nod to the prequel series that's frequency was the uh sequel series uh the sequel movies yeah sequel movies he had a t-shaped lightsaber oh like I did actually I did notice that yeah I called I was like oh that's kind of uh well actually I like that because it's a different fighting style I mean we're used to the dual wielding we
used to like the Darth Maul style we used to the single wielding and to add kind of more of like a broad sword fighting style um I kind of like that oh yeah I mean I didn't think anything negative about it I was like I just caught my eye I'm like that's cool the double lightsaber idea was cool uh the story I mean a story there they're setting this up to actually bring him into live action there's no way they're not I feel like I mean if they don't that's such a missed opportunity because that ac
tor's a good actor that character is a cool character and to not for him to not even at least just be a cameo somewhere and something yeah and the fact that he's learning he's learning without an actual like you know a Jedi to teach him right so there it's got to be strong with him he's got to be strong with the force you know mediclinians must be through the roof notice that they Grill they grizzled him up a little bit he was giving me a dash rendar Vibes you know shadow of the Empire the old s
chool one uh the red-headed guy with the uh the Scruff on his face kind of was looking like that um but uh yeah I mean cool trailer it showed a lot of cool like gameplay mechanics and stuff it's funny with these video game trailers you have to get a little bit of both like you have to see the game see the story sometimes it's a mix where it's uh one more than the other uh that was a nice mix and the fact that it's coming out in March so we're getting the first quarter 2023 that's exciting yeah I
thought it was cool in the trailer where he stopped the bolts yeah from the actual Stormtroopers yeah I was like I mean that was reminiscent of kylo Ren right so I mean we've seen a few things that they're pulling from the sequel Trilogy which is uh I don't know if it's good or bad but it played out in this trailer pretty well and I think they're dealing with something pretty important with the overall um like storytelling of this era except that uh Mandalorian kind of touched upon like I think
the emperor has some sort of um initiative during this era to really it's be it goes beyond you know just killing all the Jedi I think like he's trying to find young Force users like people that are you know being born and like young kids that have the force yeah I don't know if it's to extinguish them per se or if it's like to to teach them the dark side of the force or like there's gonna try to replace Vader replace Vader or had does it have something to do with like his cloning technology is
he using like midichlorians from them to help perfect his cloning like there's the fact that he went after like he the Empire itself was going after um grogu you know during the I think that's all connected oh yeah no I agree um so yeah I think it's interesting the story overall story arc that this and there that there's a hero out there kind of at this Rogue Jedi that can't call himself a Jedi that's um aware of this effort and is like combating against it and kind of acting like a lone wolf o
ut there that's that's pretty cool yeah and he's making himself a Target which is fun as well you have everyone coming after him so you have any type of an Inquisitor anything I mean eventually he's gonna have to go toe-to-toe evader he meets Vader in the first one and I loved how they did this because you don't fight Vader Vader is a force of nature at the end of that game like you just you're just running from your surviving Vader yeah um so you're right eventually um and what does that say th
at that means that Vader knows that this kid exists now like he's a known quantity yeah you know he's going to be on Vader's radar going forward so how does this kid like but what we learn as well from Obi-Wan is Vader was still obsessed with Obi-Wan true yeah during this era so he could be blinded by what's happening with Cal because he's focused on Obi-Wan yeah that's true too but the fact that Vader can show up in this game I mean that's always that's got to be that that's got to be the end o
f the series that's got to be cow Castle is Swan Song is he thinks he's grown more powerful enough to stay in toe-to-toe evader yeah see that would be a good ending if if like you know that he's gonna like die by Vader's hand but maybe he distracts Vader long enough for some other people to get away or something yeah yeah Vader takes Vader takes him out I mean I don't want to see the character end already but that would be the Swan Song of the character because we don't see him beyond the games
we don't know how far his character is going to go right so if you're going to give him a fitting ending this would be a fitting ending yeah you can't get like uh shot by a stormtrooper or something in the back yeah just go out like a punk like Boba Fett hits your backpack and you go into the Starlight so I mean I don't have anything to play this on uh the first one what I wound up doing is I watched someone on YouTube and I they cut it into Clips like 30 minute clips and I just sat down and I w
atched like a TV show and I watched him play through the game I enjoyed it I would like to play it but I'm not dropping 600 on a PlayStation 5 or whatever it is you could anyway even if yeah good luck finding him all right so I mean I'm probably gonna do the same thing where I catch somebody who actually has a proper setup to play this thing and you know 4K 60 hertz uh so I can just watch watch along see this just enjoy watching along with them yeah because I mean I I don't know there's not very
many games anymore that Captivate me enough to sit down and play through because that's that's a long commitment to play through these games and I barely have enough of a commitment to be able to sit down while you were doing this I know we're down to one episode a week here I know um okay well a couple of cool trailers you know anything big Star Wars related we got to talk about it on this show um there were some other news going on in the you know Hollywood stuff that's that was reported this
week while we're talking about Star Wars I guess it's pertinent to talk about Disney plus um they had they changed up their their pricing structure a bit and they added an ad supported tier um that's available now uh you heard about this right oh yeah this was this was coming a mile away I mean all of them are going back to the old you know adding and adding you know your commercials back into it kind of almost going back to the old TV model and it's like I I can't if I'm if I'm streaming somet
hing if I'm streaming Apple TV if I'm streaming you know Disney plus Netflix you name you name the streamer I'm not adding ads to it yeah I just can't anymore like we just we are recently new to Discovery plus and we just put it on and let it go and we when it cuts out where it goes commercial Cuts back it's like it's it is so nice I love it so much it's like right without getting any like diving into the political realm here but there's a period of time in our in our on our television if you ha
ve Spectrum or any of your big box cable services where you get bombarded with political commercials to the point where I can't take it anymore I know it just went through the midterm season I'm sure that it was just uh I've been streaming I don't watch commercials so I was not a part of that but yeah I I I understand that you're inundated with political ads I still have Hulu Plus live because I'm a big soccer fan I want to watch the World Cup once the World Cup's over I'm we may be cutting it o
ut right but it's one of those every 10 seconds and when it got to the height it was four commercials in a row of just political ads yeah and I'm like I I can't no matter where you were so when I turned on we watched Gold Rush last night on Discovery plus which airs on Friday nights all you gotta do is wait one day and it's their commercial free so the fact that I can I will pay more to avoid commercials on any platform I'm with you I'm of the same opinion I know a lot of people didn't like the
fact that their commercial um that their ad supported here is actually now the same price as what their introductory price was it's that any dollar figure which you know so people have been had Disney plus and Disney pluses let's face it it's become a staple now if you're streaming anything you pretty much have Netflix and you have Disney plus and those might be the only two that you have right yeah um and so like you over the last two how long it's been out two three years almost at this point
right uh we're on actually we're beyond that because why with Disney plus I bought the by three years get two years free yeah and I'm beyond now that initial oh wow okay uh deal so people have been paying that eight dollar price tag you know since the Inception and I can understand if you're upset that that's going up now uh if you want to avoid commercials but let's look at that eight dollar price tag what are you getting for eight bucks you that price tag was pretty cheap compared to what you
get not only did you get all that content but you got it in 4k HDR which you can't it's hard to even buy it and they added Adobe Atmos they added the uh oh that new widescreen thing for the Marvel movies whatever it was I can't remember exactly what they called it so there's a lot of they added so if you thought you were only going to pay that for the entirety of your time with with Disney plus you were you were kind of fooling yourself really yeah let's do some comparison because it's like Disn
ey plus um no ads um you know 4K HDR tons of content you're gonna end up paying I think 11 bucks going forward my Netflix same stats 4K HDR tons of content no ads I'm paying 20 a month so you're pretty much paying double for your Netflix than you are with Disney plus now granted Netflix has probably more content but then at the same time it's like you know they also have a lot of more content doesn't equal good content exactly yeah the the quality that that ends up on Disney plus typically does
a bit more than just the randomness that they throw up on uh every now and then you get a gem you get your witchers you you get Wednesday right which was phenomenal but that's a whole nother yeah whole another fight oh look at that kitty Hello there his name is Max but I did not name him after HBO Max okay well I was hoping to get some yo cat butthole there oh there we go oh man but yeah apparently Disney put out like some type of like study I don't know if they walked into their local mall and
pulled a Family Feud you pulled the top 100 people right um and trying to figure out like how many people would still subscribe to the higher amount or would go to the actual you know the ad supported it level yeah and they said like 20 of the people would actually go to the ad supported level yeah and I'm like I don't I don't I don't see that I don't know it's hard for me to picture that just because I don't know where they're placing the ads if they're just going to be in the beginning okay I
think if we're gonna put one or two ads at the very beginning and they're probably just gonna plug their own stuff to be honest with you or are they gonna pull YouTube and you know you're watching it and all sudden it goes to a commercial yeah randomly ad it used to be just like in the middle like an ad roll in the middle and it was just like one ad uh but yeah it's gotten where it breaks up the video multiple times yeah it can get yeah irritating sometimes you can skip sometimes you can't so it
's a it's a little bit of a pain but yeah I'm I'm just curious I have no intentions of finding out because I've got no intentions on changing I'll pay a little bit higher of a dollar amount the only one I think I have ads on no that's not even true I was gonna say I even I even have peacock premium yeah I do too so I mean all the all the streaming ones I have the premium service so I don't I don't deal with the ads because I just don't don't care for them um I'm of the same way I got I'm pretty
much subscribed to everything well we have a household where you know some stuff I pay for and some stuff you know other folks in the household pay for so we pretty much have everything it's carte blanche here on our Roku devices here at the house um but yeah I intend to just basically do the upgrade pay the additional three bucks a month to keep ads off Disney plus um I watch too much Disney plus I mean usually look there's there's a [ __ ] we're watching Willow right now I know I don't know fo
r how much longer um but I may see it through but I'm not sure exactly how uh committed I will be to it um but yeah you know there's there's always something good to watch on Disney plus so I I think it's the opinion of you and I both that it's it's worth it yeah now you know that being said that's a slope right so it's like how far can they push it before it's not yeah it's are they gonna just do like an annual price increase from now on just because they can you know then it becomes starts you
start to question like is the juice worth the squeeze there well then they're going to start running into the the possibility of people okay Star Wars is coming out okay I'll use mandolin man Lauren's coming out March 1st I'm gonna go ahead and subscribe March 1st I'm Gonna Keep it for eight weeks or whatever it's gonna be for the run and I'm Gonna Cancel they're gonna run into the same thing that Netflix had or still has their issues where people will just subscribe when the show comes out wat
ch the show then cancel and that's still the argument for streaming services I keep hearing this you know people complaining oh they keep oh it's just like cable now it's blah blah blah cable I have to pay one really high price tag um and what I get is a package of maybe a third of the channels that I'm actually only interested in and then a bunch of channels that I never even tuned to and that's it like that's my option and you have to pay for it you're in a contract where you're stuck in a yea
r or two years or whatever well that's the thing of the past actually unless you go with direct like a DirecTV like all the spectrums it's been that long since I've had cable that I know all the big like traditional cable like companies it's it's a month-to-month thing you can cancel at any point with uh with no no penalty uh but still I mean the streaming is still more fine-tuned like say oh there's a big show they're The Last of Us coming out on HBO Max next month oh I'm gonna subscribe for th
e for the Run of Last of Us and then once it's done I'll cancel it you know we'll do I canceled it because they can't provide you 4K uh content they're still not providing 4K content a lot of these actual providers I get better picture on my TV streaming it because it just it's clear it sounds better everything I mean the uh the actual cable providers and stuff yes the cable provider right like the Olympics and stuff I think that was available like a lot of sports stuff even if it's shot in 4k t
he only way you can really watch it in 4k if you if you have like fubo or like YouTube TV stuff that like specifically says hey we're broadcasting this in 4k um you know your typical cable provider isn't going to have that so nope they they just don't have the technology you got to be able to provide it to you Astound me by the way because it's like not 4K is not new guys no it's been out for quite a while now 4K TVs have been out for you know five years plus at least like how come we don't have
um technology that supports it like you still have to go get like 4K Blu-rays or stream 4K I don't know whatever um but they haven't even bumped their game up to 1080p like even if stuff was broadcast 1080p HDR it would still look 10 times better um than what Cable cable typically provides like 720 I think a lot of channels uh I think Spectrum it's you can get it in 1080. okay that's the highest it's been a while since I've had cables that's the highest they went up going because and they reall
y they're they're handcuffed by their technology they have their boxes the box that you put in your house it won't give you any more right so I mean you go to Best Buy on Black Friday and you spend 900 whatever for you know a big 4K television and you got a spectrum you're not getting the quality you just wasted your money might as well to 1080. I know you might as well have just yeah bought a 1080. I don't even think you can anymore actually but I don't know I don't know um but okay yeah so the
re we go Disney plus raising prices you and I think it's okay right for right now for the time being yeah for the time being yeah um another big uh news announcement this week I wanted to talk a little bit about there's big shake up at uh DC and Warner Brothers we kind of touched on Warner Brothers a little bit um so they hired a guy named I think Peter sarafitz and um James Gunn who we know uh James Gunn is the director of you know the Guardians of the Galaxy movies uh of the latest Suicide Squ
ad movie and he did a favorite of yours and mine Peacemaker last year um huge um I mean that was a huge shake-up I think they're pretty much given the keys to the DC Kingdom to these two guys I I feel like I mean for all intents and purposes another rebooting they are wiping the Slate clean yeah and they're like you know this hasn't been working and apparently they're going to go to Warner Brothers with a 10-year plan to say this is what we plan on doing now 10 you're playing I was all fine and
good but if the first two years suck there's no 80 more years to go with it yeah exactly that's funny yeah you have to make a splash right like you have to if you're introducing a new world then you're gonna have to like bring something to the table it's it's funny because there's there's some hemming and hawing it's kind of sweet and sour as far as like this the shake up because it felt like DC was starting to get their footing a little bit with some of the stuff that was coming on um I I don't
know if I'd go that far I don't know I was excited but then like Black Adam was kind of flopped and I didn't even see it I mean it's coming on HBO Max here shortly I'll probably sit down and watch it I haven't see I'm not I like to rock I'm not a Superman guy so okay I'll see Superman actually I'm bitter that Cavill walked away from The Witcher yeah Superman which may even be in limbo now the word as word is out that he may not even be forwarding because he actually they said he shot an actual
Cameo for uh like Adam for Black Adam but also for the Flash and then we're gonna put that in post scene as well and now that's been scrapped yeah well they pretty much they shot that entire Bad Girl movie which is just scrap like that thing was done and they're just like no we're not gonna release this um The Flash movie that was pretty I what like it may be 80 done they probably had some reshoots to do but that was mostly done that's been in a can for a while yeah um but because of Ezra Miller
you know and his I think that movie would have been out already if not for those oh yeah if it wasn't for the mess that Ezra Miller kind of stepped in yeah absolutely I mean he he put it just kills me because it would have been the return of a Michael Keaton Batman and that's for like the early 90s era Tim Burton Batman movies you know feel about what they will but just to see uh old Michael Keaton suit up again and play Bruce Wayne again I would have loved to see that movie did you hear the mo
st recent rumor with Keaton though what's that that the the actual producers and directors of the Batgirl movie they said they wanted to do a Batman Beyond uh and they wanted it to be Keaton in it as well yeah right and apparently that's been pulled off the table too see that's what hurts because I feel like that is has a lot of potential but here's the thing though I I'm not I don't know what this is going to end up looking like um because there was some success with like Al gadot's Wonder Woma
n Wonder Woman 1984 sucked I think everybody feels that way terrible um but everybody kind of like feels good about her in that role I don't know if she would want to come back without Patty Jenkins that was kind of you know that's a whole other story Patty Jenkins ship is sinking I know that's that's a tough one that's a tough one because ever since Wonder Woman 1984. yeah because didn't she have like uh it was a well I mean we had the Rogue one movie and I broke one Rogue I'm working which has
been completely tabled Cleopatra that was the other one that I think that that one's gone of hers now Wonder Woman three is now essentially gone so she has lost three essential blockbuster movies within probably an 18-month period of time yeah that's because she was riding High because she uh she helped you know get that first Wonder Woman movie out she directed it and I think she might have had a hand in writing it too that was pretty much a hit I mean everybody can look fondly back on that fi
rst Wonder Woman movie and call that a good movie and from there it was announced right they even shot a trailer like Disney made this little trailer with her hopping in a fighter jet and how excited she was to be join on board until like almost like a fighter jet story in the Star Wars Universe you know kind of Top Gun in space right yeah and that was exciting like oh hell yeah I can get behind a Rogue Squadron movie let's do that um and that's just like canceled yeah and when it was canceled a
fter the Flop that was Wonder Woman 1984. yes it was too yeah and since then like she brought a a draft two Warner Brothers uh you know of Wonder Woman three they didn't like it told her to go you know give her some notes and try again and she was like nah I'm not doing it yeah I mean if you can't take constructive criticism for one that that says something I mean you have to be able to work within the bounds of the people that are gonna be giving you the money to do that and if your movie was s
o bad the second one you you really have to be open to it there are so many problematic thing of that second movie I want to give Patty Jenkins the benefit of the doubt because I think she is talented and the stuff even before all the superhero movies like she she's there's no doubt she's a talented director but I don't know maybe this isn't a great fit for her as far as the big superhero blockbuster movies but how's that explain Cleopatra I don't know well I don't know a Cleopatra could have be
en another uh movie that they the studio would have put a bunch of money behind too or another or was this another scheduling conflict they like that they like oh right yeah they always they didn't part ways there was scheduling confidence conflicts yeah sure um in the days of you know Apple calendars and everything right um but yeah it's it's it's funny because we're kind of in this limbo right now where we don't know what's getting the ax it was kind of like the same position that we were in I
don't know six months ago when zazlev took over Warner Brothers as a whole right because we started to see like CW shows get canceled on everything it's like you know this isn't making money this isn't making money this is terrible we're fixing this brand as a whole because you guys you know uh Comcast has ran it into the ground yeah so or at T I think it was ATT yeah uh we're gonna fix this and it when are we going to see the fruits of this like we're gonna cut it down to the base and replant
this whole ship I don't know well you know what's funny is that the DC universe itself the DC Comics Universe has always been they're the kings of rebooting the DC Universe like every 15 20 years they just do a crisis and you say things are getting stale with their Comics uh to boost sales they do a crisis where there's there's this big expanding Universe threat that changes the face of the the DC Universe and the comics they start with like okay now well now we got a flash number one after cris
is with brand new writers and artists and they're used to doing that so rebooting their universe is nothing new for DC in the comics you know portion yeah um they've never really had to do that kind of large big spread reboot in the movies but I feel like you can given let's just call it a crisis let's I would love to see one movie where you see Zack Snyder's Justice League and they're fighting this uh big crisis of infinite Earth kind of thing and at the end of it it wipes the Slate clean and y
ou see maybe a new actor introduced as you or something along those lines right now they're they're in a hard spot because Shazam has actually been successful for him they now have Black Adam who is kind of in that Shazam World which it didn't do as well as they were hoping for right you have Henry Cavill coming back which everyone was over the moon about that's Superman I'm not Superman guy but seeing him in Superman is is cool it's just yeah um and then you have Aquaman which has been successf
ul and you have Aquaman 2 coming out so if they're going to reboot they're wiping Zachary Levi Henry Cavill uh Jason Momoa they're not really good with bad yeah yeah they're getting rid of all of that which has been the successful part of it so that's where it becomes do you do that but you can't Cobble it together you can't get rid of the bad and keep the good because the good is going to reflect on the old portion you know what I mean it's kind of it's kind of weird not to mention this the eve
n bigger success that they've had with some of the Standalone things that aren't connected like Joe that's where they Thrive though yeah like Joker and the Batman yeah that's where it's been for thriving and it sounds like they're going in a direction where they're going to try to have a connected Universe again and I'm not sure if that's I'm I'm into the original uh I think was it the original one of uh Harley Quinn birds of prey that was actually successful yeah so I mean they've had their the
ir Standalone ones have done well it's just when they start to try to put the all together kind of file they have to stop looking at Marvel and Disney right they need to look away from what they're doing because they're not able to duplicate they've been trying to duplicate it for for a decade now and it just hasn't worked so they got to find their own model and go with their own thing and and like you were saying pick a comic pick a direct one and pick uh uh there's one oh you show me I don't r
emember that okay can come Kingdom Come yeah just roll put out a three movie set of Kingdom Come be very be very transparent about this is what we're doing right we're going to use the comic we're going to stick to it not completely but enough to be able to translate it to a theater to the movie screen and this is what you're getting so when DC fans go into the theater they know what they're getting they're going to enjoy what they're getting they're going to get that old rink box office money y
eah and success don't try to fix what's you know what's really not broken the pro the process of their Comics have been working for many many many many many many many many moons yeah yeah so use that what Marvel's done is they use their Comics as you know Source material and change things they've done their own thing and it's worked for them at Marvel and the Marvel Studios in the Marvel movies had the advantage of starting with pretty much a fresh slate like they had the Spider-Man movies that
had some success they had like the Blade movies that had some success but like they didn't have a bunch of the characters out there they were able to start anew like yeah let's with Iron Man let's just start a brand new thing yeah and they were able to roll with that and it got garnered a lot of success the the DC Universe is just too messy out there because not only did they have you know the Justice League movies and all the different Batman movies and all the different stuff but all they like
the TV stuff so it's like you know the flash is a popular character on the TV and the Green Arrow and all that stuff is so different Marvel didn't have any TV shows it's not like you could tune into the Captain America show on on ABC or whatever like that came after the fact like ages of shield and stuff was after they started that whole train um so they had that advantage and now I don't know it's going to be interesting to see how James Gunn um and Peter Sarah Fitz how because this is this is
a tough this is a tough they're inheriting something that's kind of messy yeah well James gum bring more in levity and more color to the DC world I hope he does um but kind of like a like a Guardians type like color and levity could he bring that I or even Peacemaker for that matter yeah well here's here's what I like about Peacemaker uh Peacemaker it's funny because Peacemaker has a tone of still being like the dark kind of Snyder Universe because like you know people get capped in the head an
d it's definitely it's an already yeah it's like an R-rated show for sure very easily yeah in that tone but also there's like this levity there's a lot of like really funny humor and there's a lot of Heart Like and it brings that same kind of humor and heart it's like the Guardians is like the glossier version of Peacemaker you know what I mean yep it's like a glossier PG version of that same kind of uh funny heartfelt kind of stuff um so I would like him to bring that tone and that attitude tow
ards um DC properties I've I personally I've had my fill of the dark dreary Snyder verse I'm kind of done with that I feel like Batman belongs in a darker type setup but when you start mixing in other characters it doesn't need to stay in Batman's dark type Universe I mean Batman can have his time where he's away and he's in the bat cave or he's in the Mansion or whatever it is and it's dark but when he starts interacting with others you need to add the other feels with it yeah I don't yeah I de
finitely don't want to return to the campy Batman the George Clooney here uh Batman no thank you I was gonna say are we gonna get colors returning back to Batman freeze oh my gosh no we've done that already that's its own thing we don't need to do that again yeah they have they they hold a special spot in my heart you know those ones there but can't be one's a the Jim Carrey uh Riddlers and what do you guys think leave us if you're live we are live here leave a comment tell us what you think wha
t direction is are the DC movies going to go with this new leadership uh what's Jacobs who's gonna stay who's gonna go is where are we going to see Ken uh Henry Cavill Superman again are we going to see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman again we may not um yeah so let us know what you think in the comments and uh I don't know we'll move on from there uh you and I watched Willow yeah we have one last thing here to watch and it's uh we watched this week's episode of Willow yeah and uh well let's go ahead
and watch the clip and then we will talk about it [Music] yeah I mean what was happening in that clip explain it I he was using the little bit of magic I guess he had left I guess I would never think I would hear Frodo say to Gandalf don't use up all your magic uh but we pretty much heard one of Willow's Buddies say hey don't use your magic on me let me die yeah yeah is it is it limited magic does he is like is he at an age where like okay I'm not gonna go there uh we don't so yeah this show um
it's not it's not like a bad show no it's not terrible yeah like when I'm watching and I'm not like oh my gosh this is awful it's just not when you start comparing it to the stuff that we've covered recently with you know Game of Thrones has dragon and some of the other stuff it's just like the writing is just a little slow but the acting is a little off and it's just not an as an enjoyable watch as everything else I think you're being polite I am because I like I want to give I wanted to give W
illow a chance because I love lucasfilm as a studio and the history of ilm and George Lucas and you know it's not just Star Wars he brought us in the Indiana Jones those first three Indie movies like they were as important to me as the original Star Wars Trilogy growing up I like I love those movies and uh Willow was not really one that I glomed onto but like I wanted to give it a chance because it's kind of of that same era you know um but it's just not quite doing it for me I I wanted to give
this show the benefit of the down and I am being generous but it's just like you were asking me as like well I said I asked you did you watch it yes and you said not yet and so I did so what'd you think we said well I was doing other things for the channel while I was watching it yeah yeah saying that I will say this is the strongest episode of the three so far this one here was more enjoyable than the other ones but it's still I did there I feel like there's things missing it feels like like yo
u don't there's no real you don't feel the relationships at all you feel it there's I I don't know I it's hard to put my thumb on because even the interactions between the characters between the the princess and uh her friend right I just I feel like there's once she found out that she was letting her win rather than actually like pushing her I just I don't I don't feel the conflict like you should feel the conflict between the two and I don't feel that Conflict at all unlike when I was saying w
hen we were talking about the peripheral one of the strongest Parts about the show the peripheral were the relationships between the characters mm-hmm yeah this one here I don't feel that relationship I don't feel like they built it I don't feel like they earned any of the moments like when Willow's buddy I I'm assuming he dies in that at the end of the episode I didn't feel nothing for that I don't feel like they earned that for me to feel anything so I think there's a there's a mission of writ
ing because of that you don't get the dialogue the only thing you got was a little bit when we first met him and then they basically told their families goodbye and they came with them you had that one emotional period of time with Willow and his daughter yeah and that I mean that's really the only emotion that's really been in the show to this point yeah I'm of the kind of the same mind here it's almost like they took Willow which look that original movie it was kind of a simple uh fairy tale u
h fantasy movie but they had adult characters they had like you know um Willow himself was married with two kids all right so he was already an adult um we had um Val Kilmer's character who was like this adult Rogue who had his own history he could tell like he'd had Adventures prior to the movie Willow so that was interesting um and uh the woman that he falls in love with like she wasn't like you know 21 she you know she was probably older late 20s like she was a full-grown adult I feel like th
ey took the willow universe and they decided to adapt it into like a young young adult novel series I know that's that's a great comparison because like this just when as I'm watching this just just feels very much like um reminds me like Hunger Games where even like Hunger Games had like a darker tone to it oh Hunger Game was he looking back I enjoyed Hunger Games Hunger Games was messed up if you look back and you think about it you're like oh yeah Hunger Games probably a bad comparison becaus
e that's one of the darker young adult novels but that that General feel of like okay well I'm watching people that are supposed to be in their late teens or early 20s come of age but it's not just like one character that's a Coming of Age tale it's like a group of characters or they're all the same age and maybe because at the older I am I'm like not of that era anymore and you know I'm old enough to have a kid that's probably that age you know so oh man you're ageless terrible you know what co
me to think of it yeah they're about 20 20 they would be almost 20 right now they would be that age so yeah that's what sucks but that's what sucks I'm saying like it's hard for me to relate to that you know and I usually don't have that problem I'm that probably my issue as well I usually have no problem relating to the characters I can either suspend a belief and put myself back 20 years yeah or I can just roll with it I'm having a hard time rolling with it well I think it's because it's like
that's what a majority of these characters that we're supposed to be following are what they're like I mean we've got the the the the Son and the daughter of the princess from the movie um and we've got the a lot of these Side characters that are coming of that same age there's only one that's older than Willow yeah the older guy that was in the prison yeah and then you have you have will himself they're the only two of an older age in the show so Willow was such like a side character still and
not only is he a side character but they're adding some kind of plot development where it's like well he's a he's not a good sorcerer um but they're not really telling us like why he never became a good Sorcerer And I guess they're holding that out but it's like um but why is it why is his magic limited as well they're not telling us that either I I know nothing of the movie so why why is Willow's Magic why can he can why can he use all of it up there's a lot of there's a lot of questions that t
hey're not really answering this is a Trope like I don't mind seeing um growth and development in character like if you want to reset Willow to where he had a uh like a a promising future at the end of the movie and then we find him and his his he's put his people underground he's he's the chieftain basically of this his group now which he wasn't in the movie but that makes sense okay so he's like the main you know person there um and that's fine and good and if you want to start him out where h
e does he's not very good at the magic then like let me in on that like let me go on that Journey with him as opposed to like Willow himself not telling why isn't there dialogue between him and silas's friend as to why he's not being here some of those short flashbacks yeah some some minor things like that just to give us some insight on the struggles that he's had with the magic I don't want the mystery I don't want like I don't want to be questioning why Willow can't do stuff let me hear it fr
om Willow himself let me be with him on that Journey you know what I mean let me not just wait for it and get it at the end an explanation as to why he couldn't do it this whole time um yeah I don't know that's just like poor writing in my opinion yeah I I hate being negative about shares I really do I mean we try to do our best to you know watch shows and we enjoy that people are enjoy watching and just be glowing about them and we've had we I mean we're critical I mean even though it shows tha
t we enjoy watching we'll be critical on them yeah even if we really enjoy watching like we're both going to watch the bad batch we're probably going to cover the bad batch you may be more glowing than I will be about it but yeah it's Star Wars it's close to my heart and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna enjoy it just maybe not as much as you yeah so I think we both decided rather than being negative about Willow and kind of putting that out into the universe uh we're probably we're gonna
kind of cover the remaining year of this show are we no probably not plus it's a timing thing I mean you and I were heading into the holidays here next Sunday is going to be 18th and the following Sunday is going to be the 25th Christmas day um so you and I we may drop some notes Here in the actual you know stay tuned on our you know news feed or you know the stories that we put out on the actual YouTube channel uh we'll let you know what our schedule looks like here in the next couple weeks but
yeah as far as Willow goes you and I probably won't be covering the remainder of the series yeah now I have tickets to go see Avatar so you may see a YouTube short or something up there just a quick reaction of my uh my thoughts on Avatar I'm pumped for it I can't wait so uh I mean that's kind of our holiday plans we have you know Last of Us starting in January we have oh yeah I just said the the bad badge starting in January or in January Yeah March 1st we have uh the season three of the Manda
lorian so we have things coming March we're getting both the Mandalorian and the new calculus Adventure on in the video games like that's a lot of Star Wars they're giving us quite a bit well then we're also getting a what's his name Mando uh uh actor Peter Pascal yeah Pascal and The Last of Us and Mando and they're going to overlap so we're gonna be getting our our Philippines yeah he's gonna own the first quarter 2023 for sure so there's a lot of fun things coming uh like I said rather than ju
st you know harping on things that we really don't like but which we don't like doing we're gonna go ahead and go into the holiday season kind of you know cheerful we may pop if a big trailer drops yeah you will see us we will make we'll carve out a limited time to do a little bit of reaction to if something that came out but uh I think really that's that's about what we got for the year what do you think yep stay tuned to the channel be sure to subscribe to us if you haven't already to keep inf
ormed on the uh the future you know we're heading into a brand new year here full I mean 2023 is going to be a big year for movies and TV there's a lot of good stuff that's coming out it's good it's gonna be fun yeah so uh stay tuned for that uh but beyond that we'll see you uh we'll see you when uh January something no I was giving you our ending catch oh I busted well I guess we'll see you after the show yeah so until then we'll see you after the show bye [Music]
