
Dallas apartment evicts tenant, throws belongings in dumpster. But it was the wrong unit.

He came home from work to find everything he owned was accidentally thrown in a dumpster by maintenance. But now, building management says he has no rights to reimbursement. #landlord #dallas #eviction

FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth

6 months ago

a deep elen man says everything he and his daughter owned was thrown in a dumpster after the management of his apartment building accidentally ordered maintenance to clean out his rental yeah it turns out apartment management had the wrong unit number and now that man says that he is out tens of thousands of dollars building management argues he never should have been living there to begin with consumer reporter Steve Novell is on your side tonight used to have a couch here a TV stand with the T
V after Johnny abne spent years building a life this was my daughter snack drawer for himself and his 9-year-old daughter it was a closet full of clothes this is all that's left of their stuff everything gone everything they own clothing items all my groceries they cleared out my whole refrigerator full of groceries is gone well we had a shower curtain here not stolen thrown in the dumpster by order of the management at the Hamilton the highend midrise apartman building where Johnny and his daug
hter lived in the Deep Elum neighborhood of Dallas they came to my door and cleaned everything out from my daughter's clothes to my clothes to everything from a toothbrush bathing items like they pretty much left me with nothing it's all in this police report Johnny filed when he returned home from work in Late July to find his apartment door unlocked and the contents cleared out according to the reports narrative a leasing agent on site said there was a misunderstanding and maintenance accident
ally cleared out abney's unit instead of the unit next door where a tenant was being evicted this yourself all of Johnny's belongings had been thrown in the dumpster hours earlier and had been picked over by the other residents this is video Johnny took of his discarded stuff he says his mattress had been urinated on not only did they put my stuff out they watch people take all my property all day Property Management offered to get what they could from the trash and return it to Johnny's unit Jo
hnny said they even had that stained mattress professionally cleaned but most of his and his daughter's stuff was gone for good this door is was completely gone and this one they just completely just broke it much of what did make it back from the dumpster he showed us was damaged they told me that it was a mistake they apologized the first night they were overly apologetic like let us know anything missing but that quickly took a turn even though it was your stuff it's her apartment it's under
her name the contract isn't her name and her name solely this is video Johnny recorded of a conversation he had with one of the leasing agents who was quick to point out the apartment in which he and his daughter lived was leased by his ex-girlfriend who had since moved out of state Johnny was subletting without permission and even though these receipts provided to us by an attorney for the Hamilton showed that Johnny paid the near $3,000 in rent each month any direct discussion about making him
whole was off the table we are binded like by law we cannot discuss anything with anybody that has not heard according to this lawsuit Johnny has now filed against the property management company they gave him 24 hours to fill out his own rental application or face eviction I've already lost property now you're trying to kick me off the property as short notice with no resolve here's the eviction notice it was posted on his door the next day rent was paid in full there was no reason to go into
his apartment there was no reason to throw anything away Jason fredman is Johnny's attorney he says the issue of who was on the lease is irrelevant the apartment building they didn't know when they threw all that stuff away whose stuff it was whether it was the person on the lease or his and adds Johnny chose not to fill out the application or pay the fee required for one very simple reason he chose not to because he said I want to resolve the situation with my property that you threw away befor
e I decide if I'm going to stay in this building an attorney for the Hamilton who would not speak to us on camera but did communicate by phone and email said on behalf of the building even if Johnny did fill out the rental application he would have been denied because he already violated the lease terms as an unauthorized occupant with me losing all my property like that's the last thing on my mind according to the lawsuit the Hamilton also alleged there was counterfeit money pulled from Johnny'
s things another reason they say he would not be welcome to stay we asked them to provide a police report photos or video any evidence at all they provided none they left me without underwear toothpaste everything back at Johnny's among the discarded p of trashed school supplies with which his daughter was supposed to start the fifth grade we found our own this play money clearly marked as copy right next to What's Left of his daughter's bed we sent a list of questions to the Hamilton via their
attorney they all went unanswered they would not sit down with us for an on camera interview they did say that they asked Johnny for a list of what was missing from his refrigerator so that they could establish a value for reimbursement Johnny says that actually never happened he and his daughter moved out just a few days after we met him they are now staying with family temporarily



What they did to this man and his daughter is so wrong on all levels.


This is beyond shady. Accusing him of having counterfeit money just to try and discredit him when it was clearly marked as play money is so low. I hope he wins his lawsuit BIG.


"They apologized", use that in court. That's admission of wrongdoing


No one takes accountability anymore. How dare they not immediately take responsibility for their mistake.


Sue them for the belongings, the emotional distress for the retributive nature of the eviction, and disparaging his reputation by insinuating he was a counterfeiter.


Throwing the guys stuff away because it was a mistake is one thing. But knowing he has a little daughter and continuing to screw him over like that after the fact is pure evil.


The lawyer said it best, at the time that management threw away all his belongings, they had no clue, who's things they were..a wrongful eviction, is a wrongful eviction, I've heard of other tenants being thrown out just like this, this is outrageous..


Sue them immediately.


This deserves to be a Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit


To those who think he has no case because he's not on the lease...wrong. That violates the regulated eviction process. Even without a lease, by cashing his checks consistently, they effectively moved him into a month by month lease. He became their tenant when they took his money. It's why some folks are getting out of hosting through AirBnB. Many states have 30 day laws. Once a tenant stays for 30 days and you take the payment for their stay, you would have to go through the formal eviction process to remove them. They no longer had to serve his ex. They had to serve him, and leave a 24 hour notice. They did neither. They f*cked this up royally.


Everyone write a review! My best friend is an apartment manager and she always tells me how much apartments hate bad reviews!!!


My dad owns rental property in Alabama. We've dealt with eviction before. You can't just go in and throw people's stuff out. There are months of court and paper work. Once that's done you can go in with a sheriff deputy and MOVE the person's stuff to the side of the road giving them a chance to retrieve it. Not throw it away.


So they took his money each month, but then when it suits them they say the lease was violated? This should be an extremely easy case for him to win, I hope the judge punishes them. Absolutely absurd and despicable.


Calling him a counterfeiter on that document after finding clearly labeled play money should be grounds for a libel case. This management company is just awful. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to file eviction on a man who consistently pays rent on time and has no violations other than being an unlisted tenant AFTER accidentally destroying his family's entire belongings, their livelihood and even their dignity. What an amazing PR department they must have. Slimy scum will always look for any crack to ooze out and away from responsibility.


His attorney is going to rock their world. I can assure you of that.


I would tell my daughter to sit back, drink some apple juice and write down her wildest wishes… Because I’m about to afford to buy you whatever you want after this trial is complete 😂


Classic example of how to make an accident a whole lot worse. They'll damage their own reputation rather than simply own up to the mistake and reimburse the man.


This is infuriating. These corporations simply never want to take responsibility for their mistakes.


Their apology is their admission of guilt.


It's been a rough year with losses from failed banks and government, real estate crashes, a struggling economy, and downturns in stocks and dividends. It feels like everything has been going wrong. What a terrible year it is…