
Dance Practice Behind | Ep.1 | 2023 NCT CONCERT - NCT NATION : To The World

#NCT #NCT127 #NCTDREAM #WayV #NCT_DOJAEJUNG #NCT_NATION #NCT_NATION_ToTheWorld #DancePractice #Behind NCT Official


3 months ago

(EPISODE 1) 大家好 今天我们 要做‘Black on Black’舞间休息练习 大家都知道 2018年我们还没有出道 (这次演唱会)我们会准备新的舞间休息 请大家多多期待 我们会尽全力给大家看帅气的样子 大家看 XIAOJUN认真练习的样子 哈! 哈! 哈! XIAOJUN XIAOJUN HENDERY 我的天啊 (咆哮) 其实‘Black on Black’出来的时候 我们还在练习室里 那时候我们还不知道我们会一起l做这个 我们那时候还是练习生 是的 一边看‘Black on Black’视频(一边说)‘哇!好帅!x2’ 没错 现在大家都在一起了 我们会努力的 Let's go 咱们跟着YANGYANG一起zoom吧? 知道了 那要抓吗? 对 稍微贴一下会比较好 太...太用力了…(手臂疼) 用了很多的力气 反而觉得放松了 对吧? 虽然只有十秒 但比‘Phantom’还难 呼唔.. 这十秒真的比’Phantom’还难 (呵呵) 我们那部分(舞间休息)准备好了吗? 已经准备好了 合一下就行 Let's ‘Black on Black’ (动摇) 好了吗? 是的 到这里就完
了 到这里是一半吧 好吧 我可以就从这里开始 (咚咚) 嗯 真的好开心 Let's go (嘻嘻) 哇 好像第一次学这支舞 (呃) …啊...? (即视感)这不是老虎吗? 你里面的老虎 这里的脚跟这里的脚对不上 (嗡嗡嗡) (我来了) 我相信你 (HENDERY 你好) Sup sup (抱一个吧) (什么啊)Hey (头发)弄得漂亮一点吧 我看到你跳舞了 那什么? 长头发的那个 啊..啊... 呃啊 (好害羞) 很帅啊? 呃啊 (好害羞) (再唱)我相信你 (紧紧) NCT 加油 (复制粘贴) (噗地) yeah yeah that's me (太浓了) (神志不清) (满足) 不知道你还记不记得 啊 我记得 (啊啊啊啊) (啊) (嗒嗒嗒) (碰到) (装疼) 对不起 对不起 你真的好大啊… (比比谁的手大) 跟我差这么多… DOYOUNG JAEHYUN JISUNG... (这里) (摸摸) 跳 (哈啊) 啊!(恐怖) (呵呵) (哈!) (神奇) (捆绑) 各位 我们做这个就能成为超级巨星 (哈啊) (好开心) (哈啊) 腿在这边吗? (疯狂)哈!得这么做才行 哈! (纸娃娃
) 嚓嚓... (可爱) (呵呵) 什么啊 这是 嚓嚓…这样就行了吗? 一拳超人 (装萌)走开 (哎呀) (小跑) (喵喵拳) (小跑) (小跑) (忘我之境) 无限挑战 无限挑战 哎 哎 上瘾了啊 (以为完了吧) (再来一个) (威胁感0) (再来一次吧?) 哦 这个挺好玩啊 请大家牵着手做一个洞 好 起来 不是 应该这样 像这样 比如说这里只有一条腿是这么连接的 要反着来吗? 那就在这里 像这样出去 做成这个样子 啊 OK 像这样 原来我是棒啊 (嚓嚓) (嚓嚓) (咔嘎嘎嘎) (咔嘎嘎嘎) (咦呀) (收尾候补1)咦呀 (收尾候补2)无限挑战 (咚咚咚咚) (转) (抽空PT) (呼唔) (忘我之境) TEN 呼呼呼唔 TEN 什么啊X4 辛苦了 辛苦了 啊? 我本来不是这个吗? 对不起 JAEMIN YUTA JAEMIN 你睡了吧? 睡了吧? 刚醒是吧? 哈X4... ..我只记得这些 ha...ha...ta - 可以马上做吗? - 嚓 (爽朗) 那就完了 试试看吧 我觉得可以边听歌边跳了 Black Black Black on 什么啊(为什么会断啊) - skrr sk
rrr然后(要走吧?) - 对 没错 知道了 我觉得这样就行了 做对了 好 可以了 下一部分 - 哇... - 转的时候 做这个的时候 JAEHYUN得过来 好 我拿着就好 不用 就这样吧 好 不是 你应该跳舞啊 (装萌)嗯 我们来看看吧? 来吧? JAEMIN 要不要从头开始? JAEMIN在前面 TAEYONG转身这么做 咻... 哐哐? 之后 啊? 是从这边开始吗? 方向好像不一样 里面 (哐) (再试一次) 是这边吧? (硬硬的) 哇... 啊... 啊 都变了啊… (哥)跟原来的完全不一样 “啊 都变了啊…!” (呵呵) 应该进来的… 该去哪里? 不要动 只要我换就行了 不是 不是 是那个 要向两边散开才行 啊? 直接... 开始放..音乐吧 (冲突) (呵呵) 这部分该往哪边转? 这边 好像都有点不一样 是哪里啊? 好奇 什么时候? 这个时候 一二... 直接转? 嗯 就做两次? 嗯 Let's go Let's go 辛苦了 喂 不行 我们今天去练歌房吧 共鸣 里面的moves 哟 sexy guy 集中注意力 sexy guy 专心一点 (尴尬sexy guy) 是Zo
ong x3吗? Zoong x3 NCT加油 米酒(过来) (突然兴奋) (突然平静) 对X3 我们现在就是要做那部分 (啾) 我起鸡皮疙瘩了… (啾) 哈X3 哈X3 哈 HA! 我在哪里? 你在这里 JOHNNY哥在后面啊? 我在后面? 确实有点远… 我也觉得很远 CHENLE CHENLE (快步) (开玩笑)CHENLE 专心一点 (嘿嘿) 你得往前走 啊啊 直接去 啊 对 哥 你来这边之后斜着走 也可以这样自由一点 还是马上换? 换成这样吧 好X3 (鼓掌)从现在开始 (鼓掌)MARK 3 (鼓掌)MARK X3… (淘汰)明天MARK请喝咖啡 …呃啊啊啊 这个显示器看不了啊 (啪啪) 啊 是这个吗? 咔 哥 咱们五个人来试试看这个吧 iLL老师说“你走”就得走… 咱们来竞争吧 (咆哮) 走吧 (咆哮) 从头到尾试一次吧? 好 好 MARK哥 ‘Ay yo listen up‘这部分你要自己来吧? 然后‘Make A Wish‘唱着歌的时候上升降机 那我们只要在副歌部分出现(就行了吧?) 好 OK 好 ‘RESONANCE’从头开始边标记边跳一遍吧 就照HAECHAN说的做
吧 ‘RESONANCE’从头开始边标记边跳一遍 ‘Make A Wish‘队准备就绪 (HAECHAN助教)好 各就位 好 入场 走吧 JUNGWOO - 辛苦了 - 辛苦了 明天见



That moment when TEN walking on his solo part and they’re cheering up and shouting CHITTAPHONNNNNN


I really missed seeing Ten with his OG NCT friends🥹🥹 So nice to see Haechan and Jaemin hug him, Renjun playing with his hair and switching their hats hahaha, them cheering for TEN during his dance break, him fooling around with Jaehyun.. I will miss these interactions !! You can also tell how happy Ten was being reunited with them ❤


Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang did it amazing! I'm so proud of them.


thank you to nct’s staff for putting together these behind the scenes videos. 🫶🏼 group promotions are so rare and so precious to czennies, so we really cherish these videos when they’re all together. 🥺🥺


NCT TELETUBIES 4:35 Yuta Mark Haechan 4:41 Mark Haechan (+Hendery?) 4:45 Ten Renjun & Jaemin Jungwoo (back) 5:00 Chenle Hendery, Haechan Winwin 5:07 Mark Jeno 5:09 Jeamin Ten 5:14 Chenle Mark 5:25 Yuta Mark 5:28 Doyong Jeno 5:55 Yuta Mark 6:09 Doyoung Jisung (DJJ) 6:37 Chenle Jaemin 6:57 Renjun, Jeno (Taeyong sa) 7:49 Jeno Mark (attack) 8:57 Jaehyun Winwin (attack) 9:46 Yuta Jisung (Haechan show Chenle his bicep at the back) 10:08 👬🏻👬🏻👬🏻👬🏻👬🏻👬🏻 10:58 Renjun Jeno (YY👀) 11:04 Renjun Winwin 12:37 Jaemin Jaehyun 13:24 Ten Jaemin (Weeee) 14:37 Jaemin Jaehyun 15:47 Doyoung Jaehyun💪🏻 17:12 Jaemin Chenle 18:03 Haechan Ten💋 18:28 Chenle Johnny (bicker) 20:33 Ten Jungwoo 20:57 Mark Jeno


Haechan is without a doubt NCT's sunshine and the energy vitamin they always need.


people need admit that nct are hella talented, and their visuals are no joke. they deserve be loved by everyone


4:39 🤣🤣🤣 Mark: extends his hand to Hendery in greeting Haechan: not on my shift Hendery: hey!😑


11:56 Members cheering specially Mark for XIaojun.Yangyang and hendery's dance break is so wholesome.


Members ovation to Ten is so cutee 😍


Ten's spinning skill is insane👍


TEN is really cute and his dances are insane.


NCT are hardworking as fuck. I mean, if you have a concert and your preparing for two comebacks at the same time, that's already crazy. But when you're someone like Mark and Haechan, who has had to practice for three comebacks and a concert, that's beyong insane. GREAT WORK NCT, KEEP IT UP!


Haechan won't leave Mark alone😭😂19:04


Suka banget kalo liat NCT kumpul semua kayak gini, banyak terjadi momen lucu yang jarang terjadi, konten yang jarang terjadi juga, ahhh spesial banget. Sehat terus ya kalian biar bisa bikin Sijeuni happy terus, Jaga kesehatan dan jangan lupa selalu bahagia, Thank you NCT💚


i love the nct projects. i know a lot of nctzens support nct dream and nct127, but i really hope everyone supports wayv as well. they are so hard working, and after everything they've been through, they deserve a lot of love.


we are so spoiled by sm with all the nct content but this one, where we can see them all together, is the most heartwarming thing. they work so hard to excel in each of the units but they still remain the best in every way. there is no other group like NCT, they literally deserve the world only because they exist. I've never loved a group like I love them. they're just everything I need to be happy. 💚💚


21:35 my heart is aching :( although i love riize, 90s love will just never be the same without him <3


I will never understand unit stans. They are so fun when they’re all together. And it shows how much talent this group has.


seeing the XiaoHenYang Black on Black dance break for the first time gave me chills, it’s so cool to see the behind the scenes and the rest of the NCT members cheering them on 💚