
Daniel Omari Asante, MSc Computer Science, Ghana

Designed for graduates who are new to computer science or for those working in IT who want to obtain a formal qualification Birkbeck’s MSc in Computer Science provides a good grounding for working in the information technology industry. To find out more on the programme, including modules and entry requirements visit For information about studying at Birkbeck as an international student, visit:

Birkbeck, University of London

1 year ago

[Music] my name is daniel maria santi and i'm from ghana i am studying msc computer science at burbank so with computer science there are about eight modules in it one being the msc project work and seven being the modules you're supposed to take but out of the seven we have one optional and [Music] the other six they are composure for you to take i enjoyed my optional course more which was information and network security because even though i was learning for the degree it's also made me more
more conscious about security in my lifestyle and how i should go about my daily lives because you can be doing something that feels normal to you but then a third party might find a loophole and will leverage that into attacking you so that was the part of information security i did enjoy because now i wouldn't just leave my maybe my password for several sites i'll just maybe use one or blah blah blah because of what i learned from there so that was my favorite module yeah and the more challeng
ing ones are where you need to think as a programmer like principles of programming one principles of programming two and software design yeah with principle of programmer one it was more about learning the python language and you could learn the syntax is one thing and knowing that semantics is another so learning the syntax is quite easy to do but trying to apply the syntax to a question is where the challenge comes in i remember sometimes i could take the initial part when i started learning
i could take three or four digits on one simple question but then the fun thing is that as you saw more questions you realize things that took you three days were very simple but then it was your thinking that was inhibiting you from solving them in time or on time yeah and i think this course has shaped my thinking as a programmer and has made me smart let me just say that way computer science can make you very smart because it lets you see things from all aspects as a programmer you have to se
e things from all aspects because if you don't see things from all aspects you cannot satisfy the consumers which are your users yeah so that's something i like before i came to uni i enrolled on a course offered by brick where you don't have to pay anything but just let them know you could do it and they'll get back to you with a response it's like enrolling on your msc so over there i was being taught how to prepare for my masters how to write your dissertations plagiarisms how to learn as a s
tudent and let's say if you've been away from education for long they guide you as to how you can plan your learning and these were very resourceful to me now because i may not stay away from education for long like and 10 years or 5 years but even a year gap i found it useful because it was kind of a refresher to me [Music] [Music] you



Well done Daniel. All the best with the future