
Dating Someone With BPD - 5 Things You Need To Know

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often encounter unpredictable emotional fluctuations and other symptoms that contribute to turbulent relationships. This video aims to explain five essential insights to enhance your understanding and guide you through the complexities of being involved in a romantic relationship with a partner who has BPD. Clips from Prozac Nation and Silver Linnings Playbook For information about my Toxic Relationship Recovery online course: To download my 5 Toxic Tactics Report: Please SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Monday and hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything! I would so greatly appreciate it. 💜 If you have an idea of something you want me to talk about, please let me know because I take your requests seriously! About Lise Leblanc Lise Leblanc is a Therapist, Life Coach, and Author with over 20 years of experience in therapeutic, educational, and leadership roles. For information about private consultations, please visit my website: CONTACT LISE LEBLANC Through Other Platforms: DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED NOR IMPLIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT. All content is for general information purposes only and does not replace a mental health care of consultation with a health professional. If you have thoughts about harming yourself, get help right away by taking one of these actions: Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. Call a suicide hotline number. In the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) In Canada: 1.833.456.4566 Call your mental health provider, doctor or other health care provider. Reach out to a loved one, trusted friend. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH CARE. 0:00-1:35: Introduction 1:35-6:19: #1: Idealization and Devaluation 6:19-9:28: #2: Crushing Fears 9:28-10:54: #3: Suicide and Self-Harm 10:54-12:38: #4 Instability 12:38-14:08: #5 Anger and Rage 14:08-15:11: Conclusion #BPD; #borderlinepersonalitydisorder ; #borderline ; #narcissist

Lise Leblanc

9 months ago

For the person with borderline personality  disorder, or BPD for short, it can feel like there are two separate entities living  inside of them. One who is a light angel, full of love, empathy, and a deep  ability to connect with others and the other side is a dark wolf that can be  very destructive. The change between these two forces can be swift and unpredictable going from  intense pleasures, incredible emotional highs, perfect compatibility, to a messy, tormented, and  fatally flawed relati
onship and this can happen almost overnight. I'm Lise Leblanc and in today's  video, I'm going to give you five things you need to know if you have a partner with borderline  personality disorder. At the end of this video, I will explain why BPD is sometimes mistaken for  narcissistic or anti-social personality disorder. I will focus on romantic relationships with a  female with BPD but this information applies to males as well the reason I focus more on men  is because in my 25-year career as a
therapist and life coach I have found that there is  a significant lack of support and resources available to men [Music] before I start this is  part two of a video I posted a few weeks ago so to watch part one just click on the link above okay  so number one is the idealization and devaluation a person with BPD quickly and frequently  switches emotional states from extremely positive to extremely negative often in response  to things that would be considered Minor by most the borderline does
not always know why their mood  changed so drastically or disproportionately but suddenly they can't see any positive in you and  they don't remember that yesterday they wanted to marry you they don't recall how safe you made them  feel or don't remember the accumulation of good deeds you've done up until now in the moment they  hate you can't stand the sight of you and they see you as the source of all of their problems no  matter how often they switch from extremes of idealization to devaluati
on and back again they  don't realize that in a few hours or a few days they will feel completely different again this  alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation is often referred to as splitting  and it can result in the projection of intensely positive and negative emotions which they  associate to you in other words when they feel good they associate and project this positive  state onto you believing that you are responsible for this positive shift in their emotions and th
e  same thing happens when they feel bad they see you as the source of their pain or at least as failing  to provide the stability support and relief that they are seeking splitting also happens when  the borderline creates an ideal image of you in their mind and then relates to you through  this fantasy ideal image of you rather than the actual you which happens to be multifaceted and  imperfect and what happens when fantasy doesn't match reality is that the person with BPD gets  extremely disa
ppointed and disillusioned with you you are not meeting their unrealistic expectations  and because they view the world in black and white in absolutes if you're not perfect then you  are the worst thing ever they can't hold two conflicting ideas about someone in their mind  so when you do something bad you no longer fit with the ideal image they had of you and so you  go straight from the top of the pedestal to the bottom of the barrel you go from being her knight  in shining armor to the Devil
Himself and not because you cheated on her or did some great harm  it's usually in response to something relatively minor and in fact it may have nothing to do with  you at all when she withdraws from you after a period of idealization and starts devaluing you  you may feel desperate to fix things to make her happy again to get her love and attention back  so maybe you apologize promise to never do that thing again or maybe you bend over backwards  to try to meet her expectations and be better
and eventually her mood does switch back to  positive and you are back on top and she's back to projecting her love trust and radiance  onto you making you feel so very special so very important and valued and you may start to believe  that if you just try hard enough you will be able to keep only the light side of her but if you  are seeking only her positive side or that ideal version of her you fell in love with you too  will be disappointed and disillusioned so when she's in that intoxicatin
g happy mood idealizing  you making you feel so good just remember that although she's projecting a positive seat onto  you and it feels absolutely amazing these highs do come with lows and once you're addicted to  the highs you will be chemically motivated to work very very hard to keep the highs and avoid  the lows but you need to learn that the extremes of idealization and devaluation have little to  do with you and everything to do with BPD that said with treatment the person with BPD can le
arn  to recognize that you are not the source of their shifting psychological States and they can learn  to better tolerate their own emotional distress and refrain gain from projecting those intense  emotions onto you and acting out in harmful ways number two is the crushing fears um that the  person with borderline personality disorder experiences and these fears include fear of  rejection and abandonment he pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him  it's a defense mechanism al
l right but also are accompanied with a huge fear of engulfment where  they sense that they are getting swallowed up by the relationship and need to escape immediately  they can go from being clingy needy and devaluing themselves saying things like I don't know why  you're with me you're going to leave me when you find out what I'm really like and then to pushing  you away saying that she's not sure you're the one and even though yesterday you were soul mates  now she's not sure about you anymor
e and this push-pull creates major confusion even for people  with secure attachment styles but for people with insecure attachment style this is a very  unbearable Dynamic that ends up draining the life out of you and out of the relationship it drains  the trust the security and everything that the person with BPD really needs so the very thing the  person with BPD is seeking most it's ripped away as this Dark Wolf this dark entity attacks them  repeatedly often giving them very little reprieve
in between this is another cause for splitting  Behavior when they feel abandoned or rejected they get all consumed with you and they're trying  to please you and they're idealizing you trying to get your love and acceptance when they feel that  fear of engulfment they start to find that you're clingy and annoying so if she pulls away from you  you may need to accept the end of the relationship and if you do she may become Comics obsessed with  trying to get you back promising that things will
be different if you refuse you may find that she  cannot accept this and if by some chance you get fed up with all the back and forth drama and  you and the relationship you may find that this is not going to be your normal breakup now it is  possible that she may walk away and find someone else immediately but it's also possible that  her crushing fear of rejection and abandonment will not allow her to let you go easily she may  call you 500 times a day spam you with texts and emails Hound you
on social media show up to your  favorite Hangouts try to get through to you by contacting your friends and family offer you  favors or irresistible promises you may find yourself having to block her this might make you  feel cruel as you refuse to engage and get sucked back in and she will truly wonder how you can do  this to her help you can be so cruel and inhumane and without treatment she will not be able to  see how her symptoms are causing this toxic cycle number three is suicide and self
-harm the  borderline experience is so much psychological distress that they are constantly grappling  with their own mind overtaken by obsessive thoughts as well as intense emotions unable to  regulate themselves as their own mind closes in on them there's no Escape because the problem  is stemming from inside of them and they can get so twisted up in their own mind that suicide can  seem like the only option and like a moth drawn to the light their mind sees this as the ultimate  relief for th
emselves and everyone around them because the borderline symptoms are not constant  and at times they cannot completely normal when they do act out in self-harming or suicidal  ways it can seem like it's all an effort to manipulate however their self-destructive  behavior is typically a primal cry for help it's a sense of hopelessness that runs  deep down to the core of their being they just want to disappear eliminate the black  wolf that they can't stand living with that they know on some leve
l is hurting those they love  but I know what it's like to want to die hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the same  on the inside number four is instability for the person with BPD their symptoms don't make any  more sense to them than they do to you they don't know why they are misperceiving reality or  why they are getting hit with emotional tsunamis you know some days I wake up and I just feel so  flat out that I'll do anything to feel different we'll see when we're together you're f
ine you're  fun you're faking it well everybody does that not like me they don't know why their core self is  shaky and fragmented or why their behavior is so impulsive or even abusive they may be locking  in self-awareness and without treatment they may also be lacking the skills as well as any  sense of accountability for their extreme and sometimes very damaging Behavior for  the self-aware borderline especially when they are in treatment and working very hard  to overcome their challenges an
y setbacks or slip UPS will cause extreme feelings of Shame  and remorse in this case they will typically apologize profusely and wholeheartedly  and like an innocent child panicking desperately wanting to fix and repair the harm  they've caused as well as your image of them [Music] so if you are with someone with BPD who is in  treatment you will need to expect and plan for stressful times setbacks and realize that progress  will not be a straight line up number five is anger and rage all of th
e borderline's emotions  are dialed up way too high and anger is one of the emotions that can be very very difficult to handle  the borderline's anger can turn quickly into full-blown fits of Rage that include nasty verbal  attacks sometimes even physical aggression and if you match these emotions the person with BPD  can turn into a raging pit bull frothing at the mouth and ready to rip your face off when they are  having an episode like this you need to recognize it for what it is you need to
identify that she is  completely disregulated and taken over she is not in control and she is perceiving you as a threat  to her survival and will stop at nothing so her attacks can get extremely vicious especially if  you try to fight back so the best thing to do is respectfully remove yourself from the situation as  quickly and safely as possible now I'm not saying that all those with BPD have such intense rage  episodes there are those who have milder forms of borderline personality disorder
where symptoms are  less extreme there are those with quiet borderline who turn their anger and rage Inward and there  are those who are receiving treatment and have learned to manage their symptoms better okay  so the reason that people with BPD are often use with those with narcissistic or anti-social  personality disorder is because one there is an overlap so there can be co-occurring disorders  but more often the reason that they're confused is that the borderline's behavior can be very  imp
ulsive damaging and even abusive and when this happens repeatedly with or without apologies it  can start to appear intentional and even malicious if you like this video please comment subscribe  and if you're recovering from a toxic relationship please check out my toxic relationship recovery  program Linked In the description section below to learn more about the differences between  BPD and NPD click on the link above [Music]
