
Dead by Daylight - Livestream VOD (19)

Dead by Daylight streamed Mar 25, 2024 All footage comes straight from my twitch. Drop a follow over at - This YouTube is my Vods channel, want to see edited content? go here - Socials Twitter - TikTok - Discord - Support me and my content directly here! KoFi -

its_Hallzy Vods

5 days ago

e e e e e e e e e e hello hello hi hi Miranda thank you for the first song is so good all right oh I thought I was still wearing my fishing stuff I'm not good okay I'm actually prepared for once thei hi carp how are you lovely to see you hi Jason lovely to see you how are you doing lovely to see you hi hi hi hi try to eat now I miss you so much Menda thank you for stopping in I miss you so much you and Mimi you and Mimi I'm like I hope they I hope they come industry you might love them so much s
ee you know people that have parasocial relationships It's usually the viewer to the streamer not here baby not here baby girl it's me to [Laughter] you my God I shouldn't be a rake right now go go eat go take care of yourself thank you so much for stopping in I really do appreciate it you stuck loading for a while uh let me load into Deb yeah DVD I hate DVD so much but I really want blood points so if I make myself stream it I have to play it someone save me someone matchmake with me I beg lit
I'm begging anyone if you have dbd and your C please come play with me I don't like doing it alone it sucks I was do crazy last week and this week working a bunch of warning shifts to help cover oh hopefully it goes back to normal oh what did I get I got blood points what did I get blood points for that wasn't the Millie Gilli that was just 50 why do I have 50 oh I don't know DD confusing there's a daily login oh there is oops too bad I don't like this game when this event ends I'm like putting
this game down for at least a week you will not see me stream it for at least a week all right give me give me one [Music] second what day is it it's Monday I get paid on Wednesday we ball we ball it's my sister's birthday tomorrow it's my boyfriend's birthday at the end of this month but I did a lot of shifts last week maybe I'm a cage I hope I am cage cool buz Buzz it'll be an email I have to have my buzz I hate having like notifications on during stream but work is always awake at like 700 p.
m. and that's when they want to get [ __ ] done which is so fine and dandy but I don't want to do it um give me one sec I need to buy new chapters but I won't I won't I really really want to get Lori Lor stro and who else did I really want El and probably Ash those are like a few that I really want to get I when I wake up that sounds bad for you it just sounds really bad a B for real that's all good thank you thank you for hanging out I appreciate it I appreciate it all okay [Music] um one sec I
'm sniffing I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking oh it's cheaper yeah I already own that oh it's a oh a that's why it's cheap cuz I Own Parts that's cool that's fine that's cool okay I can switch over now oh also if anyone wants to do exclamation mark fish and see what that does go for it all right can we hear the game we can hear the game sweet I wasn't in the store I wasn't buying things oh wait no I don't have it open I need to have the game open whoops um what was [Music] it I forget that
it doesn't just it's not like a on stream thing um [Music] steam Library l wait why is everything updating well I'll update that one stop updating you can do it later uh we'll do L bait will we be joining KP all right fishy game should be up there you go fishy game is up [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I don't know if I can if I can I can hear that oh that's weird I can hear it can you hear it can you hear the noises it makes oh you got a cholley thought nice job it's just estimation my fish and it'l
l catch the fish automatically and then it'll tell you about the fish you can also do like uh I put it's in the announcements channel the details about it but it is meant to be for dredge I wanted to see if it would work but I I'll probably turn it off for the rest of this stream I do have cakes I feel bad for a cake because it doesn't do anything for the killers right but I just I'm not getting enough [ __ ] party [Music] streamers I'm poor all right do you want to join me carp can I drag you i
n here please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I I'm not begging or anything but please please please please please don't make me play this alone I'm scared I'm scared of versing people I think I was going to change my build but I can't remember what I was going going to do I wanted to lean into the things that the blood circles do but I don't have the perks I don't think no not on that like I need off the record for
sure but I was thinking Urban I don't think I have Bill oh I do oh it's a jake I thought it was a bill perk um because that's what the circle does so you could play into the circles a bit but then I thought no it's probably I think anyone that catches you finding using urb Iron Will in a Lobby is going to Flame you to Absolute hell and then there was one for blood PS but I can't remember what any of them are that help with blood PS um I just I I've never played a blood pool build so there's noth
ing in my head oh really I ran out of stamps [ __ ] I might just take them off honestly just run the map yeah I don't know is there any blood blood pool per that you can think of blood pool Hi yui how are you blood um thank you for the rid how you [Music] doing us it's people got to stick [Music] together uh I think I start running that not I'm I kind of just want to build where I survive probably go my Steve hell yeah I just want to live these games have been miserable recently and I just I jus
t need a little a little Edge to keep me alive um o or I could or I could do something like that and maybe do need have to help you stay alive I wouldn't wouldn't hurt got my p69 I totally [Music] forgot how high you can get characters that's great I love [Music] that I'm just I I want to I want to build I want a I want a good build I can't my brain's [Music] empty um second wind is so good but I can never get it because you have to heal someone else no [ __ ] sit still for healing [Music] botne
y and strengthen the Shadows work together I have to have off the record I don't know if anyone's been playing recently but it's just like tunnel Central it's crazy I get unhooked and even if the Killer's chasing someone else they seem to just like turn to they just turn look at me and I just I immediately know that I'm I'm [ __ ] up solidarity what is solidarity do oh yeah that's a good one to run with it if you would have run that one uh you run it with a few interesting things honestly I thin
k my friend code is just oh I spell right friend yeah even I forgot do I want to run head on absolutely do I think it's a good idea no sadly I just blast mine I can self heal I won't die immediately I can be a little funny I would like exhaustion exhaust but I don't really h i could run life I still don't get the Iron Wheel change this silly we do we could even do adrenaline I'll try this I'll try this rice is on yeah hope hopefully I don't mold forever loading are you bugged all right I'll give
you a little time I'll go get till the end of time did you refresh City question but I have to ask it I don't know oh no h are you C Australian New Zealand I think as well I'm going to go make I don't know I did jeez I've heard of some issues cropping up with console hell yeah highlighter build I'm going to make [Music] um oh it's be50 oh I'm so dumb sometimes I can wait for you cuz I might go make a I might go make a gers cuz I'm so tired um be e fitt right right save now it should be good I m
ean in America oh you're about to suffer welcome to suffering all right let me let me go get a she um and then we can get this party started cuz then maybe cops here maybe this sticky note always embarrasses me all right I'll be back for for for for for for for for for for I'm back I'm just cold let me put on a GM okay okay well I'm going to get started cuz I need blood points I'm here I'm here I really need to put points in UI so I can get more uh what flavor do I want um blood orange tropical
or mango that's 60 that p69 Steve that's hot blood orange I was kind of I was actually thinking opposite of blood orange but you know what [ __ ] it we B with the theme that's fair hopefully the games aren't too bad tonight otherwise will get moldy it's moldy should I put Twitch in my name yeah [ __ ] it they can come see me mold I'm an old woman I'm an old woman stuck on updating chat privileges what why would you need that your console maybe they're thinking of banning you maybe that's it mayb
e cops be naughty and take a [Music] bell namey my God out exactly I knew rice was on hell yeah we'll suffer together friend I'm wearing a [Music] jumper um wearing a jumper and the back of it has a [ __ ] Sasuke on it what I was thinking when I bought it I have never ever watch the anime once really I mean yeah I guess doing a so I play like ass I'll do my best to keep you alive G Chief I'm on it yeah I have ever watched Naruto in like any capacity like I've seen a few episod oh my bit rate wen
t down again [ __ ] jinxed it um I've not I've not really sat down and watched it properly but I've seen a few episodes and like I don't know the artist just did a really good job and I was like I need to have it I need that jumper with [ __ ] fem Sasuke on it and I bought it and it cost me way too much and then I forgot that I even had it so funny Hoy law I wish my steam deck would work sometimes I know that's a crazy thought understandable at least at least you get me at least you get me squid
that is not what I want to do I want to do that good I've been seeing you around seeing you see been seeing you around these parts recently it I'm I'mma eat it oh it's [Music] doctor hell yeah blood moon that thing is so helpful won't believe my technique a [ __ ] that was good while it lasted the ultimate double back yeah go away for Agia you want the jumper I'll give it to you for a discounted priz it's a pretty good jumper I actually I let me see the brand says Loki so that's who nuns it if
you're [Laughter] curious he knows yeah he knows I'm here somewhere [ __ ] stop doing that I'm keeping him well confused I love that corner people do not use that corner enough I'm taking it it's the Hy teag the corners on this map it's FY Tech you just like walk through that doorway and they're blind it's not ruin is it I think he kicked it I'm I'm just an anime poser okay I'm just an anime poser that's all it is thing is I've watched so many other animes but nuto Naruto one piece and there's a
nother one that I'm thinking of once it just like go on for a really long time Dragon Ball Dragon yeah Dragon Ball once it go on for a really long time bleach yeah that one's there too I'm like I just don't really watch really long anime I like to stick to the shorter animes sometimes that's a mistake like uh what was it dead man Wonderland that was a mistake I really like Tokyo Ghoul I don't know why I let that go I really like Tokyo ghou that was one that I enjoyed a lot and and then I felt a
lot of Shame for enjoying it and then I've come full circle and I'm like no the anime was fine was fine [Laughter] little [ __ ] house I was so in love with whatever that [ __ ] that main character's name was For No Good Reason oh what my a button doesn't work so if I ever do a dumb Play It's because I've jammed my a button keny that's it I had so much keny fan merch too that shit's embarrassing oh my God no don't you steal my corner attack why would you do this to me my corner I just want my Je
nny because half go and then he's leader type for some reason he's that outcast at like I I didn't say it was a great anime okay it's very stereotypical oh [ __ ] course you have that why why would you not have that see that's what I'm saying this is why I'm running off the Record that poor man didn't even get a chance to breath I can hear the pums in my worlder whispering things to me at this point I should make the pum my my mascot they won't go away to be fair we have slammed the gens a littl
e even if I [ __ ] missed my skill check he's doing really good finally in and you you learn to a game you get booted from it your luck that wasn't blood moon boosted how sad I should have put it up the toppy Tippy toppy one um watch try Gun there's so many on my list of like should you have any movies and TV shows and other stuff that I also need to [ __ ] watch cuz I just I just don't like I Doom scroll and I'm content with my life then everyone's like how have you not watch this yet and I'm l
ike easy I never turned it on like that's don't question my madness it'll just confuse you memory is widely different from the mea that's like the one thing I I forgot I had that yippers let's go this is dumb but I'm doing it I got stuck on the [ __ ] wheel have I put that there your mom's a oh hi your mom's a hoe you better open that [ __ ] you better open that [ __ ] I'm just going to drain this for the [Music] points can't [ __ ] [Music] see uhoh uhoh uhoh I get picked uhoh I [Music] got and
the when you do the back flip it's just like instant Doom [Music] sucks riperoni pepperoni his only kill was a tunnel and someone who didn't leave in time I played by greed hey you [ __ ] were healing me don't look at me look at you I was trying to leave when the the flashbang got thrown cuz I was like wait a minute wait a minute I can't see here rip to Nikki and they were on the on the console as well what did he did Nikki doing evil uh just a good nugget you're right and just need to get someo
ne challenge spell that wrong and G I'm sorry no you're fine I will die many times tonight [Laughter] the sensor is too good yeah you can't even say my [ __ ] name like I don't get it whoever put in end game chat is a dick actually and like that's the thing you can't say dick but you can say Dicky that's weird oh my God the squad get in here cop I'm looking at you I'm peeping at you today cuz I have 1.5k hours and like three adeps I'm probably do some Adept hunting after this event cuz for now I
don't have enough points in everyone to bring the items I want and I have plenty more time to spend in this game doing adeps and [ __ ] please give me [Music] cake ooh that's even better I'll take that at this point I have the map on me for moral support cuz I'm not actually using it I'll take that I didn't even get to use my build that's crazy that's crazy do I do it chat do I do it do I do it chat do I do it do I be that guy that everyone dislikes is it just taking forever to load cup or and
save on Nick but it wasn't enough yeah I saw Nick was carried and then they were on the ground again I was like what was that what happened there who who did it you what I'm bowling with that we'll we'll run some flashbang y jeez what is happening what is what is wrong with [Music] console pretty human um tater tater salad when you're not adapting [Music] I mean we sweet Ms are so cute you're here but you're not really here yet if you all the opening door and I show up let me open it we'll do we
'll do main killer who do you killer main is it Huntress Let It Be hag for the memes 20% quicker that's a good point I forgot what Quinton facts are um wake up Pharmacy vigil Vil's good I think I don't remember what pharmacy does I don't think I've ever seen it use it every trying to find the one for me like conscious and the unknown y y reverse the unknown I just want to give you all a pro tip get rid of every single one of his teleporting things those every time you can dispel do it I know it'
s scary but it literally stops the killer from doing anything it shuts him down so quick instead of being able to just teleport to the other side of the map and put pressure elsewhere he has to like walk all the way over there and people don't seem to understand that like can the notest way possible people uh haven't realized that's the way you got to play blood moon has no it doesn't in 5 [Music] hours I'm going to get off by then give it to me now CU I it whatever I don't think we're getting a
cop I think the fish just died make C we chest injured oh guaranteed yep that's cool [Music] to One Survivor is touching free hit and a bubble in their head yeah but from what I've seen is 90% of people that play the unknown don't realize well when they're in a Chase they're in a chase like they're not teleporting well they're probably teleporting to ones nearby so you're safe to do the one that's across the map that kind of thing and yeah they don't think to like come out of the chase until it
's done so if you see him in Chase if you see someone's injured and being chased go dispel cuz you're like 99% safe oh rip me a favor my nose did you mean to leave eugi need to go away stop asking [Music] [Music] questions no I'm assuming this is a console issue thing let's just do a doo round since cop can't load in for some [Music] reason cuz this game that game was really fast I don't know if I'm crazy but that felt really fast also just going to play some ads to get rid of them in the game c
omes a heavy Lord You're P something my guy no this is like this is this is the [ __ ] that happens on New Gen like this isn't this isn't your console my just side oh I see like this isn't this isn't console based this is just DVD this is DVD being [Laughter] [ __ ] wait really stus effects as well I knew vigil was good to get rid of exhausted did Fast and I used to run it quite a bit with my head arm but oh isn't it because most status effects are going to be on a timer now like mangles on a ti
mer right be too quiet that's that's cool that's really cool yeah ye yeah and I when I was on PS4 and this was before the PS5 it was out like DVD was just always garbage on there there was always issues like why is it taking us forever maybe it's my Lobby [ __ ] let me reset the lobby I'm going to fully maybe it's me is it me well it's not [Music] him give that a shot but just being goed forever it's it's one of those like support perks it's a really good support perk only does this when I play
DVD it's trying to tell you something I think it's trying to tell you something BL is broken exposed Hemorrhage hind hindered mangled oblivious oh the exposed that's that's crazy cuz like usually the Expos is on a timer for a lot of things and Killers will be able to like they no Killers run on timers like man if they're willing if they were willing to wait out the BT when it was in its original state like you bet your ass around a timer for things man I've had a few Killers try and wait out my
off the Record and my imaginary DS like killers are crazy Killers will memorize every number in the game just so they can get you out of the game [Laughter] quicker h that is [ __ ] nuts I've had a few people try and do it and it'll be in like the last 1 18 or one 1/4 of like the time left on it and they hit me and I'm like oh my God thank God cuz I was about to [ __ ] [ __ ] myself please just hit me I'd prefer it if you just smacked me than and it'll be quick you could do a whole Chase in that
time but they wasn't have wait it out like I said sometimes sometimes killers are crazy how dare you call me crazy what are you admitting to you admitting to waiting it out squid what are you admitting there what are you admitting to there babe [Music] myself muffin [Music] to what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is steam [Music] account people love Hook when they body block that's that's fair that is fair I'm giving that one to you like I'll try and do a bit of a body block but if it doesn't work i
n the initial 3 seconds I'm out good by and I totally understand if I get chased but you know when like a killer is just hanging in the area waiting for someone to come unhook and then when you're in the unhook animation if they're swinging while that's happening I'm trying to move in so that I take the hit there otherwise I'm out of there I don't care I don't care so excited what the Bubba my baby I on my fair share of timers but not off the Record they just smack them and then continue the cha
se yeah that's that's fair like there's like that that's the thing like don't get me started I'm going to no crazy cat I'm not going to get started don't get me started drives me insane how much I'm getting started it drives me insane how much survivors will oh god there he is Will induce be scared oh no muffin goodbye muffin you will love I am not hanging around for this [ __ ] that F that [ __ ] like so so much of tunneling is Survivor well like there there's a fair share that isn't Survivor i
nduced but there's a good chunk that is like why is this person tunneling me and you look back at the footage and they literally like in the doorway between a healthy Survivor and the Killer and they're wondering why they're the one that got hit there they're like he could have just not hit me and I was like I hit you there too and I'm survivor man like that doesn't save you should be ring your away my child exactly I get a little cocky with the the off the Record oh poor muffin oh my God they a
re so close oh muffin wants to go okay goodbye muffin ref free my child Bubba is crazy I brought a cake so I can't leave I i' I've I've invested into this match so I'm going to I'm going to see it through I'mma see it through my boy that's to see it through I have to have the shittiest build to Versa bubber as well still not in your lobby now what the actual [ __ ] I'd be putting a ticket in especially if you've like especially if you like reset everything have you done like an internet test to
rule out that it's not that can't believe how close these hooks were to each other this game just makes that [ __ ] easy um what just happened oh K hi K oh will take your money Bach oh he's a little oh you like role playing Bubba oh I see oh we into it we into it guess what's happening what I think is happening happening why am I not running damn it oh my shift my shift key was is blocked there we go my shift key jammed I had to try I don't think you're getting your adeptus this round me thinks
I don't know some something this bubba makes me think it's not happening I really like this is rout it's a really nice boulder oh an M1 from the big boy himself oh I got my challenge my a key is so [ __ ] broken I'm glad I don't have my key but set to ad for this are we on basement too bad I don't have the other Sable perk that would be nice forced hesitation yeah I saw that what who is that from I've never seen that [Music] before on I'm pretty sure is it Singularity I was like it's not from on
we would have seen it a lot more I didn't mean to hit skill checks there I'm going to scream one yeah this is boring I was kind of excited for Bubba I don't get it I don't get it why are we speedrunning games you don't get as many points on killer side even if you 4K it right like I'm not crazy you get less points if everyone just dies on hook right anonymous anonymous you bought the the bloody party streamers right that's so weird I feel like that's a w I zenin blo and something else ay iron f
orced mad muffin knew what was up muffin knew what the [ __ ] was up I don't get it man I don't get it and like I've had so many killers gloating about it as well like yesterday I had a Huntress that like got a 4K at one gen and they were like really gloating it's like brother you brought a Terra missu you're getting no points during you know a point farming event like is that are you attending that like is that how you like playing and they were like I've got Max points so I don't care that's l
ike you got a P6 Huntress if you're on Max blood points and you're not spending them go outside go touch the grass oh my God and always 100 Quinton I was literally going to say the other game if you m Quinton you're hot I don't make the [Music] [Laughter] rules I [ __ ] love when 7 TV jump scares me also thank you Carrie thank you for the the resub you've been subscribed for five hecking months I appreciate it I really really do [Laughter] bubbles on my ass and said she's like I'm out really did
that where is everybody's blood farming Spirit you have an exp excuse potato nobody else does yeah yeah we can try that why the heck [ __ ] man if the Bubba can bring Bloody poy stream as you [ __ ] can too I think everyone's just kind of over the blood Point bit of this in its entirety like everyone's just like I don't give a [ __ ] anymore I've used everything that I had where are they Bubba don't tell me we got the same bubs oh God might just be opening that whole building up you didn't even
hesitate I can't tell which one this is this one's PR I see I guessed right do I get a treat like 3,000 hours I had 2.4 on console and um almost at 200 on PC and I've put maybe 20 minutes total into killer sorry I hate them [ __ ] I don't like the pressure of having to be the one killer means I got to kill and stuff it's gross I did main hunches for a little while I guess this that did he just like go to the basement am I missing something basement here okay okie I'll take a free game I'll take
a free game Guess are fighting the fight absolutely all the time I'm going to go kill some totems for points since can we get like the opposite ends of the spectrum game that finishes too quickly game that doesn't happen I appreciate the bubs but I'm so confused like all I'm asking from this event is normal games like just be normal be normal I think that's a challenge in dbd than close to 3,000 yeah know 156 days worth of hours it doesn't tell you I I think PlayStation F PS5 could tell you how
many hours a person had in a game and that's what I'm quoting mine off of so I could be completely wrong on the console one but man I was streaming this like every week night Ages Every Stream 5 hours is worth for a very long time so I I was I was racking up them points tells me just in days that's that is so weird thanks Xbox it's not what we want I guess it's what we get in before no it and game build I getting section of harass by the hot Quinton I support girls right and Wrongs least that g
ives me points I support Women's Rights and Wrongs really this is what like this is this is if I had to take one photo of this event and explain it how bad it's being this would be the one like the blood pools barely touch generators ever they cover maybe two on the map total so stupid okay what will the totems edited no there's another one I think this is the next one qu just doing Quinton things Quint just doing Quinton things wait I want to leave with the blood drop I want to see if we get po
ints for that give me that you do nice taking your blood drop and your [ __ ] let's go wait I was doing it oh yeah oh yeah I got to I one of my fingers goes stiff every time I do this it gets a lady Bon there you [Laughter] go I get so proud when I do it baby's first Moonwalks I can't get it I can't get it now probably also do the a oh I could probably also do the aun Moon Tech I think you can do it on on half Moonies or whatever they get called y oh no you need your adep what were you doing [Mu
sic] I die for this you better [ __ ] run damn it you better leave oh my God the iron is ironing don't let this be for nothing don't you noise me outplayed I'm going to swing on [Music] you why would this [Music] [Laughter] happen no I'm sorry [Music] Quinton this is giv some good points I'm out of here I'm leaving I'm leaving do it I can do it I was doing it I can do it I was I was kind of doing it hey I buty I for she was scary oh yeah mad criticus I think he wants us to leave come on qu let's
do it oh yeah oh yeah like hitting the gidy I didn't even touch to chest I was bringing the items and say closer to him yeah I don't really know I didn't think you touched the chest I know you're not silly [Laughter] [Laughter] Quinton bar [Music] next bub says nothing that's even scarier they're just observing so strange all right uh carp carp are you in damn they were quick no time for talk that is true I thought it was the same bub I was like ain't no [ __ ] way this is happening to me right
now I've got trauma I'm so sad that bang didn't work I think I would have ended up throwing it too early even if I wasn't load from the um that silly little perk still [Music] loading Christ out of cakes I want to get UI to P10 then I can leave her there for a [Music] while hi Anna were you the Quinton were you that were you that Quinton I want P10 oh bone welcome thank you for being hecking cute pom pomin cute them fighting wordsa I do I have a I have him right here I have him attached to my m
ic but it went flat it's telling me no battery I have a Gama tamagi so I call it the uh G Tami goodi I love him yeah thanks for being such a chill gamer uh Anna I appreciate it is that that wee [ __ ] I'm hearing man yeah [Music] yeah it is why is it whenever I go live my my hay fever kicks in like every time I love guda guda Tom is my favorite K except for Hunty if you nodded me I'll probably just Mount and puy you around I I used to my hun just quite a bit and like I remember doing that all th
e [ __ ] time I was like no I'm getting a 4K I need a 4K for this Mission I have to get a 4K I have to kill them all and then I had like a Michaela just come up and like they they just like stood in front of me dropped their item and then they just looked at me and I couldn't do it I couldn't do it it's bird Mama but yeah just couldn't do it man couldn't do it what you getting infected from that bird [ __ ] off me am I crazy [ __ ] stop giving me your plague animation looks different we are abou
t but to get hit damn I just got rid of these [ __ ] that is the tiniest fool I have ever seen that is smaller than my PE that that's I was going to say that's a bit early but I don't think you could do early anymore holy [ __ ] where are we going basement oh my god there was like two hooks on the way here I'm I'm going be honest with yall I think bird bom is kind of cute you can flame me I don't care Chad I think I think bird mom's kind of cute I think it's the I've been I've follow this artist
that likes to ship Yun Jin and Kamina together and I think it's getting to me I think it's getting to me I think she's kind of cute she's got a very cute face it it's the it's the completely blackened eyes okay it's really cute it's getting to me it's getting to me oh there you are hello you brought an event you're a weird one something tells me we're about to get birded sorry I was scared I was really scared I didn't want to get a bird thanks oh good pallet good pallet my boy she took my blood
that's so sad last thing that anim my watch was Alta I don't know what that is she was littleit is it odd that I took you for an Anime Watcher I think it might be the whole [ __ ] rice [Laughter] thing I haven't seen anyone shorten that I watched all of Avatar air bender except for the last episode cuz Netflix took it off Netflix took it off of there and it made me sad which isn't an anime I think counted as one apparently Castlevania can not considered an anime even though it's in the the styl
e I think it's cuz it's Western made it doesn't actually have anything to do with anime other than looking like a typical anime American Animation Studio with the same style yeah that's what I think that's the same deal with um Castlevania same thing just different flavors I think well I it's not considered that thank you for the bits Jason I appreciate it maybe it's not considered anime it's just animation I don't know some people might take that as close enough bones for me at least she doesn'
t have oh God that is threatening seeing I just trudging over here at least she doesn't have um Pento playing penty this it makes me so violently just dislike those weirdly titled an enimes what about him cringy has a s was in charge much appreciated Jason thank you for the Bitties you know I appreciate it I appreciate all of your support not because I am obligated to say it but because I actually do just so [ __ ] long yeah okay I feel like a lot of the the high school Slice of Life ones get re
ally bad with that kind of thing I keep forgetting I have boty she zoned in on that Jen just like Jen doing in my vicinity ending that you can't light burn the birds anymore if I remember correctly f hate I can't do slice a life I like horror ones but that goes for anything I love horror movies horror shows it's currently this new series on Netflix called three three body something my sister actually suggested it to me let me see what it's actually called there's three body something and it's ap
parently like number one most Watch series on Netflix currently um uh-oh oops oh love phone three body problem yeah three body problem um and there's a lot of death in it I don't I don't really understand what it actually is from the trailer it just showed me a lot of dead scientists that's the gist I'm getting I'm so sad I thought that was my map but I have my map in my hand I'll take this one and it looks to be some sort of alien scienti sci-fi horror and I'm going to I'm going to start watchi
ng that probably tomorrow and I watched PE the other day it was actually really [ __ ] Eerie it it it has this like dripping sense of dread it was really it was I actually enjoyed it it knows what it is it's it's not [ __ ] you you won't believe this one I probably shouldn't stick there I probably should have stick there I I really should have stick there you can't really play tiles you just have to shift W and hope that this a pallet LLY shs uh too like n man I totally understand I used to hate
the V tubing industry because of that because how much it felt like it was pandering um and then I became a vtuber and then I switched SIDS and no I learn I learned that like not everything is as it seems you shouldn't just make assumptions based on appearances alone cuz people are more than just an appearance and also thank you for the gifted sub to P the salad I appreciate that Jason thank you so much Jason is paying forward the gift they got from Nico to potato interesting I have never seen
that prompt before that's cool thank you so much for that I have been appreciate it you're paying my [Laughter] bills oh okay yeah there's a Jen over here so she's probably buring it occasionally hey now what the [ __ ] is this wait she might be getting a de she hasn't been running any hexes so why would she do this wait a damn minute you can just jump in a locker by the way take her away from here take her away from here yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that was such a straight shot ah sweet we are pressurin
g two different GS that's great that's great let's go team good job team she's going to come straight to this gen hopefully that one gets done in time oh I'm going stay in here hey enjoy your emot and add free viewing especially the ad free viewing part that seems to be like the best thing all right there's one over there she's heading towards that one she's going to I'm willing I'm willing to sacrifice if need be looked away for one [ __ ] second [ __ ] you know you want me and I'll be there so
sh ever and I don't know I'll be there can you tell I don't know that how did I get hit she was locked down uhoh I die here someone take one for me I'm scared and lost and scared man sh shy so loud give me away she can hear me I know she can forgot bill has Beamer a Bye Bill no please no please I'm just a who put me back put me back in I heard the [ __ ] hat put me down You Wench please please God damn it unlucky y I just wanted you to get to your dep to be honest I was not leaving you to die I
was not letting you die I'm in my menu time to get into a Lobby I pray for you I also need to go toilet I have an upset tummy it is very mad at me I don't know why that wasn't too bad yeah I had a feeling they were they were doing a death I didn't see whatever that was oh well okay let me put some of this [Music] ony yeah I can that battle it yeah it looks something like that where the [ __ ] is my background oops go all right I'm going to put this on for a little bit please stick around I just
need to um poopy but I said Oh I thought it was the killer said I was like I missed it whatever I wish that the moment I noticed that the that they didn't have a hex totem but they had there was no hex's but Pento was active I was like oh I see I see what you're doing but it it's like too late in the game to uh even attempt can I there we go I'm just a hater for real that's all all right I'm gonna put that on for a bit give you some music I'll be back I really need to poop I'll be back don't go
anywhere please e e e e e e e e I'm back first thing I saw was herim so make it that way you will good [Music] job good job all right um yeah I'll jump over there yeah there we go to think about it you're wel hell yeah I'll right never mind have a question for you go for it lad so fast isn't it such a blessing that this like 300 300 $3,000 PC gaming rig actually loads fast it's like the least it could do for all this money that I've spent on [Music] it PC Supremacy hi I love my PC I love it dea
rly I so glad that I upgraded but I'm trying to my sister has the family PS3 and I'm trying to claw it out of her clutches cuz I want to see how far back the gamees catalog goes on it cuz I want to play the silent Hills cuz I'm like I don't really want to get a PS2 cuz then I have to get the discs and I don't know if you've ever seen a silent hill desk on sale cuz a they're never [ __ ] being sold and B they're [ __ ] an arm and a leg when they are on so I'm hoping the PS3 backlogs far enough ok
ay emulators emulators for streaming is the worst thing ever what just happened wait what happened hello did I not load in the world is creel Humanity sucks did you load into a game without us or am I crazy what' you do if you caught your grandfather smoking weed buckle ask if I can [Laughter] join how's it going through it yeah console DVD is going through it during an event [ __ ] man behavior behavior I'm going a Lobby in a lobby with you to but it doesn't Lobby oh it broke it's like console
things it is exactly console things hi Beast how are you actually speaking of beasts when I was in um's stream it seemed like they were having console issues over there as well so I don't know if it's just if it's a whole console thing welcome welcome welcome welcome hi everybody hi everybody hi everybody how stream thank you for the gifts sub what the [ __ ] oh Jason thank you for the gift sub I appreciate that if you're not following Beast I suggest it best Meg main na actually don't know I ca
n't say ooc that doesn't work best Meg main done some were you p00 on like every console you had or something if I remember for matches not get worth staying so yeah here I am yeah yeah I am yeah I think I saw you playing on switch last time I was around I don't know when that was that might Mark me as old but so there last what an insane feet that's crazy man I'm struggling to P 100 UI on one format let alone all of them forgot to ready up no you're good you're good prob back in December man wa
s it December I've been so bad at dropping into people's streams I've been watching too much batro I'm addicted to it someone [ __ ] help me it's a stupid little poker deck building card game thing and I can't help it every time I'm on Twitch I'm in in there somewhere like I'm addicted to it I have the game I could play it but I prefer watching someone else do it you're still a young schnapper I turn 23 this year oh that's saying it out loud makes it feel weird sometimes I feel like I just I sto
pped at 18 and now the years just go by I don't get older I'm just 18 ignore that I don't know let got down with Windows a few days ago I'm trying to squeeze some levels on Xbox that's crazy you're insane but yes go follow Beast definitely suggest it Good Vibes Good Vibes good make plays 10 out of 10 good make otes 10 out of 10 o uh yeah I think everyone's kind of tired of the event already ready Behavior drop the ball on this one that'll make it better 18 with four experience exactly I feel lik
e such a dud I think it's just because of like I still I'm still on my L's I'm working I'm still struggling with jobs I think that's what plays into this whole feeling of like I'm still 18 right like don't tell me I've just been [ __ ] around for however many years flopping around doing fuckle cuz I know it's true I just don't want to hear it does behavior is behavior going to drop a hot fix for the offerings or are we just like not getting the offerings they just not happening really just pick
up all put it in Basin done and half the time it doesn't even reach anything I want to talk about that part we get 50% Iron Will and Killers get a further lunge I think within the blood pools so thought the the offerings that we were going to be using the eyeball ones I thought they were actually going to oh it's Trapper I thought they were going to help with like BP Gathering I thought it was going to be like 100% increase in flood points or something so that I don't have to hunt down and spend
every single cake and potty streamer that I have that that would have been nice sorry for the sniffling I have hay fever it's just the season good job good J it's your oh St call it save that was kind of hot no I'm exposed please have mercy on me [ __ ] he's fast he wer supposed to hit me did they boost trap's speed I know they boost is it when he puts down a trap or something it's faster sh go on you to drop this with mucher would be a lot better oh yeah the range on this is dog [ __ ] I feel
like it misses like it's good for killer because it's in like a Chase area and [ __ ] oh Jesus I thought he was coming the other way like it doesn't really matter too much for Killers but for survivors when you want to do gens and [ __ ] damn I really Hur people would have swinged is this his bloody costic that's a back of he [Music] [Applause] head bit glitchy pp9 he literally looks like someone's just dropped a bucket of blood on his head I don't think I've seen bloody cosmetic look so bloody
before so red 5 km an hour I'd ride the [ __ ] out of a golf court what are you talking about I'm in a new Lobby not for much longer um nope not that one that one I'm going to caught out here yippe why do I see you wait chat why did I why why am I seeing you and I'm dumb strength and shadows oh okay oh [ __ ] this a [ __ ] trap there I'm surprised there wasn't one at the other whoa po speed light B maybe especially if that didn't even trigger it at the start I need sub away to tell me did he get
a save at the start no that was a pallet save this killer is running a [Music] very interesting build you see kill Ora off the healing you do it's just the heal know actually can you you do that J I'll be fine what's the radius for it is it infinite or is it a certain certain amount see look what I know I played this game how [ __ ] much and I still don't know the new perks infinite but must be in basement holy moly you know what I don't want to be here does not have much set up hi hi Jason you
owe me a cookie one just realized this person's name chatting so squelchy he's he he's barely even relying on his traps thank you for the Hy drip [ __ ] M I'm blind no I don't really want to oh over there I got to go I got to go that's not good that's not good guys I'm scared thought he was going to put traps on every entrance like just leave now I got to remember I'm holding a flashbang not my map don't drop it okay cool Subways on aen I was a little scared though took two hours just to get in
to a Lobby it has taking you ages I don't know why it's still fighting the good fight but I would have given up ages ago my dbd was cucking me the heart and be like all right we playing fishing game oh yeah if anyone wants to fish do exclamation mark fish you you catch a fish right now if you want suffer streer feel good can I no we're good we're fine this whole [ __ ] game all I've wanted to do is eat bones I don't know why I just want to destroy totems and he's always around hopefully he doesn
't have an ingame build but I've only seen two PS so far I did it I did it did you just take the Trap from here I think so to Grass scary oh grass scary I keep forgetting about his [ __ ] Star Struck how much range does it have he was so far away I'mma go for cookie they have ay I knew they had something based on carrying just didn't know what let's go [ __ ] yeah disolution that's the one I can never remember what it's called okay Ry I was I was going to I was going to swear at you I was like I
swear to God if that's you get down [ __ ] [Music] me I think he might have barbecue or something like that I really don't want to get caught out here if I can help it I don't feel safe no I shouldn't have felt safe oh sweet oh my God there's traps everywhere I just like narrowly avoided that I did not realize he was setting up trap Mania right at the exit gate holy [ __ ] he did really well get out of my way P man's trick yeah that was interesting was [Laughter] anyone I was literally just abo
ut to ask was anyone actually running any sort of like hook breakdown I played really well all right I got to play some ads sorry Gamers but yeah I wasn't wasn't expecting that what a sick knife for such a sad character man I used to finish these all the time I still have time but I'm not going to do it I don't want to do it chests my favorite that thing that I always do the chests whoco the chests like Jesus Christ what are we like halfway through the event almost and we still haven't got the o
ffering back yet are we ever going to at this point join me sure don't know hi W of healing Shack fighing in Lockers in Shack and running away to Shack H you know what there was a lack of traps traps near Shack when usually it's trap Heaven am I joining me I'm trying [Music] to oh oh God I think you're breaking my game what did you do to my game I've got a loading icon there we go you're breaking my game can I join I think there's something wrong with your iteration of the game it's broken my ga
me so bad it's affecting you you're infecting me get away nice nice so early okay okay what the [ __ ] it broke I don't know C I think you're just broken I thought that game was really well I don't know if you're the killer Wookie but you did really well a Trapper like I mean that in like the nicest way possible that sounds mean but usually when I verse a Trapper it's doesn't go that well like I think everyone was on death hook at the end [Music] there I I would take that as a win I usually do i
f I'm playing killer I'd take that as a win I got a connection error that's so weird it's just faded yeah I was surprised that check window wasn't trapped to H actually it like that was really well played for like two traps being set up at least that's all I found was like [ __ ] two of them Max just going to make a ticket yeah [Music] I want to I want to what do I want to do head I miss it I'm doing it [Music] this should be fine disarmed only one I think I disarmed one cuz it was there was one
put it Shack and it was pretty pretty quickly picked up and moved so this this outfit for Michaela makes me think of uh what is it called uh the Crimson witch um just one with my hand and one with my foot yeah I only stepped into one of them that's was like the only one I ever saw set up spirit Spirit let me check [Music] [Music] I mean like half my build was dedicated to going to sha to Hill so I'm going to [ __ ] go to killer Shack to basement that is s it's just cuz I really wanted a heal I
might actually get the totem one when I get a chance I will switch over to Totem eating one because then I get points for totem eating and a heal when I can remember to [ __ ] do it wait someone message me no good Oh I thought it was spirit for a second woo that was close oh hello my blood oh I'm so sad why would you do this to me why would you take my blood oh my God what a shot that's not mine not anymore it was mine and then you stole it oh I also learned that this Killer's voice is dictated
by which headpiece they have on cuz I think he doesn't have any sets I don't think I don't think any of the outfits are linked sets they might be I could be crazy could be wrong you want to dispel first no okay okay get some some points and I'm going to dispel that little bastard do him please don't jump scare me Mr thing I'm going to call you Tony your name is now Tony Mr Tony does he have a name I feel like he'd be could just be a jundo have Auto die diagnos that is literally that is that that
's the thing that is the thing like I'm going to run the totem healing one and I'm never going to find a totem ever again you're on autoa you don't get any skill checks that's just yep I love the way he toddles I don't know it's cute to me okay he teleported I don't know where to though but he did going to get rid of this one am I going to get mored no we're good I was going to get mored a wish I was good at this game I wish I had thousands of hours and was good at this game oh that sounded so c
lose not even a gen done yet oh my God we are struggling I haven't really seen any perks on the killer yet either could be slow down and I just haven't noticed yet he pain R okay there's the slow down I thought he was coming up here I don't really want to be second hook so early sweet oh yeah I have to open chests gold new map hopefully he doesn't hopefully he doesn't see me down here there should be one more might be a killer sh I love how creepy this map is it's so funny seeing new people real
ize a [ __ ] Deliverance I forgot um it's so funny seeing people realize that those statues will always look at you if you look away and then look back they're looking at you it's such a weird but cool mechanic and I love it and I always see it in like is it um not random tips but like oh fun facts like five random fun facts about dbd and that's like the first one they start with they're like hey did you know that like the rocks at this the statues at this map stare at you it always makes me gig
gle because the comments are always like I had no clue that's why they're so creepy like that kind of thing oh damn she was dead how not unbroken yet un break oh [ __ ] hello yeah I didn't want to stay there either HED [ __ ] yeah I can't avoid that sadly he's going to oh I was like there's no winning that one cuz he dropped his little body double if I jump to the other side I get hit if I don't jump to the other side I get [Music] hit the fact that we got down to four gens so quickly is is insa
ne I feel like we were really struggling through a minute there it was a bit of an uphill battle I got him with the pebble hell yeah I was running Pebble yesterday at least the Fang's dispelling that's good it's all right I can go to basement I know you have like Auto but I can go to basement if need be nope it's going for me he tunneling that's all right I wish Fang would have taken the chase but whatever what happened there he left me you left me okay just putting a little bit of pressure down
I guess right I'm going to go here [Music] oh this is really painful without buty like it's fast but H buty makes it feel so much better ooh hello oh goodbye actually don't even know what the new Killers pucks do either I wish I was good at this game why am I doo why am I like thisit let me see oh he's going for me good shot good shot hey have you seen my dog I haven't seen your dog in fact what you puddling up to I don't know what's happening here good shot good shot he's been pretty on point
with his uh his spe I like to think demo is his dog Now demo found an owner that wasn't too bad we we got to down to one gen I'll take it I'll take it I'll take what I can get we're watching [Music] you riperoni pepperoni where's crunchy where is where is she oh is she going to go for the save or is she going to try and get [Music] hatch I think that just answered the question unhook you can do it never mind never mind they pretty good they console that's all right let's go put on turem eating [
Music] pck [Music] not bad not bad oh this isn't this isn't too bad of a build I can't believe it I still nothing nothing is more Behavior coded than releasing an event and disabling the offering immediately and I thought that this offering was going to give us blood points I thought it was going to be like this with extra things it does nothing like it just it lets you see things that's it it lets you see things which is nice but why can't it do that as well why can't it give us BP cuz like wha
t's the use in bringing it I don't get it they Behavior [Music] coded white bread and rat Smasher or is it rats Smasher oh okay yeah their name is white bread and their icon is of white bread I got to give them that I got to give them that oh they like project Z boid no did I send a friend request whoops me out uh what am I looking for that one is that that's the aot outfit right a community challenge to fill 350 million blood Point bases then we get 400 BP for the event duration so I guess that
's what the offerings for helpful wait where is that where are they tracking that I want to see bye I was literally just messaging [Music] you my 300% BP boost currently okay so the later in the event is the more you want to play [Music] see hey look we SP next to each other let's go have I ever watched a no not once uhoh hey hi you wouldn't have want to let me do that would you damn it I'm always too late friends thank you for Ling car I'm sorry that it's like this it shuts oh I forget the circ
le that would have been boosting his uh his swing that doesn't help that definitely doesn't help 25 mil off I checked H where can we see that I remember them tweeting about it this event has so many things to it that I just never never checked I just played games I don't even know why I bring the map I just bring it cuz it's fun [Music] uhoh okay cool ignored that's good I see you getting some stonks my God he hold that he was holding that swing for ages see that does nothing that does nothing t
hey have the twitch flame I was wearing the twitch flame to be like I'm a streamer but then I just you know put ttch in my [ __ ] name is G in an American thing as well do Americans just call all of the pickles pickles you son you son holy [ __ ] you can hold that for so long it's so creepy that it moves so much let me get rid of him and I think there's one in the room next door oh he's right here this is awkward that was awkward a this sucks I hate that room so much no I'm good don't worry I'm
good I'm good I'm good baby girl I'm good you want believe the incredible things I do with the totem yeah like that I'm so good bab girl oh God scary [ __ ] I tell you scary [ __ ] I really do like this outfit I really should wear it more there is a totem man we really need to get some gens going done that's good this one did I get rid of it or did he make another one he might have just made another one right next to me that's fine I thought I saw one drop here oh come on get off off off um tote
m here damn this gen was so close to being done easy heal I want to focus Jenza smidge if I can that was right nearby what the hell I was really really trying to avoid that that sucks can you help me [Laughter] please well I tried my God his little spawns are [ __ ] everywhere I literally got rid of two right next to that J and there was a third [Music] one thanks for the tax man I appreciate it po Jens this is [ __ ] horrific too bad I didn't have a totem there [ __ ] there's two of them there
what oh for [ __ ] sake at least he's nice enough to let me live I'll take the dubs where I can I would have thought this map would have been easier to keep an eye on him but cuz it's an indoor map I think that's why I'm struggling I like the long Corridor will be fine but if you're looking at him he's looking at you oh I keep doing this to this poor Rebecca oh white bread thank you for the follow I appreciate that come Ernie Ernie B man hello well we back can save I'll eat this I eeded the tote
m I don't know if he's up or down up is the the okay it's up it was up it missed I dropped the dookie my feelings please please so let me live a [ __ ] go that's fine we're fine you tpd I will heal the [ __ ] up I think I've single-handedly eaten almost all the totems on this map oh this is barely any progress I could here and I got excited everyone on doubles ooh all right you you can suffer for a little bit you'll be fine I swear death hook yeah I'm surprised none of us have died yet okay cool
like how how even I hate how loud this gen can be it's being nice I think to be fair I think we all brought offerings yeah oh okay someone brought a tiasu look I'll take it I will take it I have led this long I'm so happy with that I would have liked more gen stun but it is what it is it's better than being tunneled out immediately I'm just here to get BP and leave my name yesterday was only here for the blood points and I don't think I've ever been tunnel out so much before like people saw my
name and took it as like a testament and they were like yeah you're here for the BP let me stop you right there he's very good with his power as well you just don't miss you just don't miss that's a totem oh that's the other one I'm like I realized these maps are good for something finding totems I haven't really been using them otherwise so I may as well oh God I'm not here uh I'll leave that there I wouldn't even know where I could put it anyway I should dispel that but I'm not going to cuz I
don't want to what was that above me okay lovely now I just have to do one whole other action oh man oh [ __ ] that was give me the hatch please oh [Laughter] Yi I hope he likes my map map for you Mr Killer for being so fair so fair and just pain R Grim Embrace barbecue bam I never saw bam what I well yeah yeah to be fair nobody really sees bam on that [Music] [Music] map nice good Escape good Escape I'm literally getting blood points to get more blood Point offerings this is a painful Loop and
I wish it would end everyone's got like stonks and ston and stonks of terisu I wasn't here for that so I don't have any I'm so jealous I'd have so many on UI if I was playing and [Music] your a person playing Sable with the name mommy very un brand feel like if there's any character to p69 in the history of characters it'd be ace stay yep I need more party streamers I'm running [Music] out [Music] don't hasn't been too bad tonight usually usually usually I I was I I was talking about it in the D
iscord like I was full on bracing for impact for this event oh it's a piggy piggy's got to been updated I think her Ambush is a bit better biggy Wiggy I'm going to try and boot I'm going to try and Bo Boop someone on um Twitter or X or whatever people want to call it these days were like do people even try and Boop the snoot anymore and I was like oh my God I haven't tried to Boop the snoot in ages and I used to do it every time I saw a piggy so now I have to that's the rules it's like trying to
Pat the demo Pat the demo boot the Snoop you have to give it a shot if I die I die it will be worth it does this show what everyone else has noticed no it's showing me killer stuff which is nice it showed me what um Trapper had done as well which is also really nice rip Deli a [ __ ] I didn't realize it was you going down whatever whatever forever turn around Jonesy in this [ __ ] down wait is Jonesy on this map I'm going to make the Assumption make your choice just I know such a piggy perk and
cuz I heard a scream we have absolutely activated the [ __ ] out of your head trap I'm so sorry I'm so sorry for the suffering I have caused oh my God he's so disappointed hopefully you get it for a second try hopefully I don't mind this map too much everyone hates on this map I don't mind it I think it could have been better designed yay you got it off nice was that your first or second try you got at first try then you increase the chances for everyone else oh hi where you keep coming from wh
at's over there second sweet I'm pretty sure if you get your head chap off the first time it makes the chances of everyone else getting theirs off in decreased increase makes it a little harder for everyone else it's basically I just realized his name is Po [Laughter] what the [ __ ] all right I'm going to I'm going to leave that one see if I can go save take me a second but um yeah A's name is py where's the pig wasn't he on here no way a damn minute yeah make your [Music] choice set that up at
least I'm going to go back to my G see I'm kind of glad it's piggy cuz [ __ ] teleporting so I know she's not hooking someone and then instantly next to my J that's nice human H good how are you tax man it's lovely to see you I don't know whether they call you hwk or tax man sorry Mommy it's a necessary evil like when you call me Hulk I can do that I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming no don't do that I'm coming oh my God oh my God you should have died where is she no no he's just a baby I can't do
anything without going insta down and she'll just down me then get you which isn't very useful oh well I guess that's kind of good not you well I can't get any more exposed than I already am how have you been Lely to see you again tired working a lot working hard or hardly working she going to chase me she doesn't really miss piggy I want attention I want to Boop your snoot Aces screams are very very funny to me they sound like someone's just jumped around a corner and spooked him not like he's
being chased by a terrifying homicidal [Laughter] killer I've never heard that before that's a good one that was a [ __ ] good one oh my god when no no no no no no no I've literally been useless like tits on a bowl at least poo Wily got away take the dubs that we can not the dubs that we can't seems when I sto doing gens they all stopped all together I have forget she's got the I push you off Jen cuz funny whatever it's called I thought she was a Survivor she fooled [Applause] me brand new part
maybe this one nope not this one but this one has been started she's probably going to give this one a sus well now she will please garbage get out of my way oh hello there please I got it even though she's technically not piggy here she's John Kramer es all right I'm going to KO on hook so maybe you can get hatch so don't worry about me don't worry about me this is fine what time is in the beautiful country of queenslanders I don't know I'm not from Queensland I'm from sa I think they're 30 mi
nutes ahead of us so 10:39 no they're behind 940 in Queensland apparently I always get that mixed up I never know who's behind and in front please you got this maybe if you boop the snoot you'll be free 5:40 a.m. in Gada I watch a lot of Canadian streamers when I'm going to sleep but that's cuz they sleep at like 2 a.m. throw a rock with this nerd do it do it AR all Aussies Queen Landers no no no I think I'd prefer you called me a Bogan most Australians are B there that's why I love watching a s
treamers so when you wake up you have someone to watch come on you got this please you got this get this atam done why is it so why does it open that way oh my God that is terrible actually never seen the opening for this for this one I would uh step back a little if I were you Soldier AC Gates a deceptive you want to poop the snoot don't you what does Bogan mean is I guess the Australian version of a redneck I think but I think I think bogans are maybe a little less racist I've heard that redne
cks can be really racist yeah make your choice Dead Man's Trail dragons dragons oh I want to throw Ro going to throw rocks at your window open the door I'm going to throw rocks at your window too bad Adam damn she she really said I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] what you [Music] want [Music] no I have a cake I have one that's not great no no I love the way say no no and I don't know every time I've put someone pronounce it I'm like do we sound like that no no Cleon I think is like the
meme I guess we do I'm going to have so many of these stupid [ __ ] offerings that is so [ __ ] useless wait let me basted I was looking I love more depths that I can do less nice we're getting through them oh here it is we're pretty close nothing literally only looking for bloody party streamers or cakes that's all I care about cake I'll take the polishment this UA I think the eating totems is good for the blood Points bad for the game play cuz if I'm eating a totem I'm not doing a gen which i
s making games go a little slower that wasn't so bad but I wasn't being chased so I wasn't eating totems [Music] so I don't think I have that bad of an Australian accent but that's my POV it's like Americans that are like I don't have an accent I'm like oh you have not left the Midwest jble we take there anything you can take away from this profile is that you should play Yakuza actually think I should play Yakuza I don't know if Yakuza is like a stream game I think what the [ __ ] is happening
here I want to play Yakuza but I think it might be something I do off stream I love when people have uh steam profiles that are just like dedicated to one game like if I could I would dedicate mine probably to fallout Fallout 4 New Vegas and three not 76 not you not you get out of here not 76 I have 76 I haven't played it ever oh always staring at each other dope there a Mari hopefully I don't get insta killed that would be sad oh no that's a BBA this means bad things you want to see barbecue or
BQ barbecue I think I pronounce it weirdly throw sh a sh a Shimp on the Bobby well I wonder if there's barbecue de old grandma here nope too much effort leaving okay it wasn't even that good of a loop it was like 3 seconds we just gave up who was let down was I would say it was my introduction to gaming I played the [ __ ] out of it I think I did I actually I did do every single faction I played every single faction run that I could um is it tinkerer I don't think it's tinkerer cuz I got platin
um on PlayStation yeah we're going to my favorite Loop baby am I what am is happening yeah I say that's not his Terror radius he's not here but I don't know what's causing it to make it his Terr radius there he is I was like I don't know what's I don't know it's real or not don't know what's real or fake Grandma Bubsy got a lot of bubbers tonight this is the third one after a string of like never seeing Bubbas ooh play thing eating totems is now a priority oh nice good gem we absolutely need to
do one down here though don't Bless please don't bless no I want to eat that Vegas dialog and into the lack L and boring okay you have a point I'm hearing you out you have a point cuz I have been trying to play New Vegas I keep picking it up and putting it down okay am I missing something I am missing something I'm missing the point him being so [ __ ] sneaky and Silent is actually terrifying it is actually kind of scary doc devotion okay well I'm taking that one with me I'm going to die yeah I'
m dead sh I don't think he liked what I did oh I forgot I have that I didn't even realize that was still active oh this bubba is genuinely terrifying do not know where he is ever and it scares me fck scary [ __ ] ass Bubba what the hell oh sweet oh and it's mine as well I find the upsite I the for and can't seem to get in New Vegas because how boring it is I have I think we both have Fallout 4 brain rot because of how easy Fallout 4 is when you go to New Vegas you're like holy [ __ ] this is act
ually [ __ ] hard like I actually have to take care of my weapons that's crazy and it's also I feel like a lot of New Vegas it's like especially with what was it the um the point system the special system in New Vegas I was searching cuz I like Charisma builds I'm a Charisma build kind of person and I found myself searching if Charisma was even used in that game because I know that the older games have a really weird system for Charisma and [ __ ] this is awkward was awkward I guess and I [ __ ]
blew it up go Hy nope I'm not okay hi Jeff cool I'm glad we both decided not to do that okay we're all just um confusing each other it seems if full Out New Vegas going to remake it'd be game of the year easily yeah actually yeah wait what damn oh okay I see I was confused for a second but no I see I see I see you I he DC he got outplayed that's why this [ __ ] ass Bubba build I'm like dead ass sery this is tripping me out nasty build nasty where is he oh for where are Bubba he's so going to ba
sement to heal right there he is that boy this isn't the greatest map for Bubba running this kind of perk set at all me thinks ah oh I oh I mid volted but he bumped oh my God bless I'm blessed I'm blessed on this day holy [ __ ] cuz I was dead today I was so dead good J good J here comes the boy hello boy welcome can I fool him into thinking he is [Laughter] safe damn that is so unfortunate I was so close [Laughter] he was paranoid that was cute but yeah I'm kind of but I think it was because I
played so much Fallout that I understood what kind of builds did and didn't work I haven't really done enough New Vegas you know I also [ __ ] hate hate the spiders in New Vegas they actually scare me they actually [ __ ] scare me the Scorpions and [ __ ] I think the death claw and three in in and and New Vegas are also really not the fuzzy cuddly gentle soft ones like [ __ ] four that's for sure they're so much more scarier God damn it man just give me that [ __ ] generator we gend ourselves to
this back area we are so [ __ ] okay what are you doing crazy oh I'm so [ __ ] here and he bumped oh that's unfortunate see you bubs it was nice knowing you I oh Jeff no oh my God it's unfortunate how fire do the J do the J how fire do the [Laughter] J good job good job oh no oh no hey wait what is how'd you keep stuff up the the Bon you're a [ __ ] genius oh my God your brain is so [ __ ] big it's bigger than a bag of rice what the [Music] hell you're a genius you're actually a genius [Music]
Sorry God hopefully that's enough well at least you get out go go leave get your adeptus your adeptus mini no oh Bubba got to Mari [Laughter] right what is happening the [ __ ] what is happening good is to keep stopping what is happening I'm confused are you going to you want to do here there we go I like this is the best spot it's got like no grass or [Music] anything he's a gamer I was confused I was like is a bugged is is that way do you want me to go back into the grass they didn't feel very
toxic doc Diva trial Tinker F thing jump scare boa was very well [Music] done that were cool that was a good bubba is gamer that's what's happening I see I see I think it was like the equivalent of teabagging maybe I don't know I don't care we got all the gens done it was it was an uphill battle but it was a good one do I still have my toolbox on my NightLight I do I do I'm so I get used to it every time I put one of the NightLight um H covers on I forget that I have it on hey cake and yep yipp
e cakes oh my voice I am going to run some ads as well cuz I got added in like the last one and I think I might go tinkle really quickly I'm going to go going to go tinkle so I'll be back in just a sec don't go anywhere oh actually I'll switch over to words if you guys want to do words some more yeah perfect turn that off and go to words after do the dishes I got to do them now oh good all good all right I'll be back you can play some some words for a little bit is my my Spotify is not working w
ait a minute wait a minute this happened last time there we go I think it's capturing something else it's capturing the wrong one but I don't have to whatever whatever I'm going PP I'll be back e e e e e e all right I'm back I made a PB andj no that's the wrong screen oh has I been running this one the whole time let's put that one on oh got seven nice how many poy streamers do I have none or am I blind h no Strummer oh no blood Point all right later if you're still on hell yeah [Music] oh happe
n me m yummy my mom keeps putting the peanut butter jar in the fridge I don't know [Music] why ooh ooh I feel bad I keep bringing Escape cakes I'm sorry Mr killow peanut butter it belongs in the pantry yeah that's where I put it it also makes it easy to spread look like a banana pill it's a whisker oh [ __ ] hello there all right goodbye I haven't seen a Wesker in a while kind of happy I [ __ ] love Wesco they made him so hot although I prefer his other outfit I think he's wearing the um base co
smetic which is kind of boring I like his um Resident Evil one outfit oh God that peanut butter was so siick thck yeah I put it in the fridge and it makes it so hard to spread when it's cold I had to put it in the microwave for 30 seconds I say one of us is about to get clocked here [Music] I say go do the card Dash I'd love to see it oh [ __ ] I thought he was going around back to the car away from the car your m a pant crunch is my [ __ ] favorite color actually fing then I left smash Wesker n
ot going to lie where did you come from too bad you won't make it much further must spit a piece of peanut butter out I'm so gross I [ __ ] hate these wiggle skill checks hate them oh it's thyla streams okay I was reading it is thy Lost Dreams I was really confused I was like did they leave the S out no I'm just an idiot that [ __ ] [ __ ] read back to dishes be good do dish this is crazy ain't no way you're just gotting hook and Jen nobody's helping oh I forgive you as long as I don't get [ __ 
] tunneled please thank you for the follow I appreciate it help me help I'm scared this is someone have the balls to take a hit please please get off that [ __ ] Jen please do not sacrifice me for I'm being sacrificed for Jen you all suck all of you suck what the actual [ __ ] are you you're good you're fine this sucks oh my God what the no leave me alone don't touch me I can take care of myself yeah I'm going for that one I'm going to eat it I'mma eat it Alo hi demon welcome welcome I'm I'm I'm
mad I mean down full G nice but I have to play extra careful now this kind of sucks don't touch me don't [ __ ] touch me um a I'm also full infection as well so I'm an instag grab as well great every day I'm suffering I hate I hate wesker's ability like I love Wesker I love versing Wesker I love his Dash but I so very much hate that you get hindered like give me any other effect and I'm happy why does it have to be why does it have to be hindered because they get blood lust so they get faster a
nd he's also just a very fast character in general I wonder I don't think they're squatting I think the the TTV was alone the other two might be squatting y may as well put it down somewhere I think the interact is a whole new at least for the Survivor it is it's a whole new interaction isn't it I don't want to be anywhere near the whisker please crunchy s oh I crunchy sorry I didn't see it oh yeah too crunchy or smooth sorry although I like I like having smooth on Deck with crunchy for cooking
I'm going to eat that one is everyone oh there they are he's guarding that J with his life I can already tell but yeah for sandwiches and stuff I like crunchy but for cooking purposes I usually like Smooth sometimes like if I make a a noodle dish and I add I I want it to be peanut buttery or just have peanut butter in it like one of my favorite things to do and like people people judge me immediately I make like the the mine noodles and I'll add a little bit of peanut butter in there especially
if I'm making them spicy and everyone's immediately like you put peanut butter in your noodles what the [ __ ] and I'm just like think about it have you ever had like uh what is it sauté sauté noodles before like it's essentially that it's really good hello you're forgiven I'm still annoyed but you're forgiven you're actually kind of cute are always cute am I missing something why you leaving me why are you leaving me oh Jen's being done freak me out wait a minute don't leave me forgot that I ne
ed to do this I haven't been doing this oh and there's one right here bless my heart I like versing whiskers and blights and on and like fastpaced killers that aren't nurse of gone there's no basement here unfortunate I think it's over there like versing those kind of killers is very fun I don't like nurse but I don't know too many survivors that actually do like nurse you know yeah there we go like you can't Loop a usur well you kind of it's not really looping it's just kind of holding W with e
xtra steps you're coming home with me I really hope it was this one that was opened okay this is one that was open where is ghost let me [Laughter] out rub my face there let me I got Beamer save the best lethal Trail fire up oh my God what a match I got I got a right points oh right it is kind of a terrible map for [Music] him so that's what the pig said my build was all about making choices by the way just for fun my choice is rocking your face that was cute that's cute I love that I like that
I like that pig build too it's not that I can choose to just leave someone on a hook though I think they' blame me in end [Music] game it's 3 in the morning and I'm trying to change mess why you me when you're high o o a bone when [Music] you oh my god another cake sweet I'll take that battery and that map and the rest can be fate just you my St little baby hand so I'm just waiting for it to cool down you made it too hot my tap doesn't go hot enough nether that or I really well maybe just a frea
k cuz I had a shower today and I wanted it really really hot um so I just turned I turned on the hot the cold water first and then the hot water and I slowly decreased the cold till eventually I literally just turned off the cold and I realized I was like oh maybe there's something wrong with me yeah have a beautiful voice pixie why would you say that I forget that music doesn't go to VOD and I sound like an idiot every time I'm singing but my God pixie it has been so long I haven't seen you in
a while how you been I haven't even seen any Tik Tok content from you either maybe that's my algorithm though beef I smell like beef skate fast eat ass gain Mass I respect that beef all right what do you look like Ace nothing you look like nothing I have been called a dinosaur before crunch mostly it sometimes I enjoy smooth peanut butter just so I make S and then I feel like crunchy I'm mixing Cho peanuts that's a smart way to do it does sound with the music on vs it it's so weird you and there
's like no music and I forget that and when I go VOD watching to like get clips and stuff I'm always like why why am I singing but I love my music so I do it anyway you don't make your imp already you really should [ __ ] is fire oh my God hell yeah F you haven't seen because I haven't uploaded nearly a year see back to streaming this I see yeah I took my 10mon break and I've been streaming for two three months now and I hit 1.5k followers which I'm like super proud of it's it's taken too long b
ut I mean I took a massive break and it and I and I'm so blessed I was welcome back with open arms like if if you take big breaks on Twitch like expect to be starting from the bottom again it's it's crazy like o we haven't had this map all [ __ ] night holy [ __ ] but yeah how have you been i' been busy doing things doing stuff not uploading man I miss your content it's good content oh Le go beef go go beef go damn it you [ __ ] my want's always be here yeah I I did stay active in the Discord so
I attribute that to like part of the success was I never just I didn't just disappear they might be a twitch streamer maybe maybe do you have too while on your break I moved home as exciting as that sounds but that is what I did I I used I was living in New South Wes oh I just did an evil um with my then partner and we broke up and it kind of went to [ __ ] really fast and I then went home and I've just been trying to settle back into home life can I drop okay ah he's going to go find some othe
r peeps no I don't want to read the map I want to men you good I am I work at at a pet store now which I'm like super [ __ ] happy about I have to say it's a g it's a job like a lot of people just kind of dream of I was very lucky I pick there's like 200 other applicants as well don't think I won't bit um but it was a seasonal thing but then when I finished they were like hey do you want to do you want us to put your name forward to like a store that needs some workers man I was practically on m
y knees begging them it's like please put my name forward please I need the job and I got it they gave it to me I was very very lucky and it's been going good I've been there for about a month now I think roughly accidentally slept in and missed a uh a day but that's like the worst I've done so far I think like streams have been going well and stuff but I'm hitting that patch where I'm like numbers aren't what they were interactions are low algorithms kind of being [ __ ] like that kind of thing
and that's when streaming becomes a bit of a drag and like no matter how many times I have someone tell me numbers aren't everything you know it's it's all about the journey and like I I agree I do agree but that doesn't make it any less hard sometimes was a weird coming back oh God yeah that first stream I was prepared for no one to show up like honestly I was prepared for the the zero viewers and I actually had a lot of people come and say hello I also have a new wonderful boyfriend I love hi
m dearly we go on dates like every other day it's [ __ ] awesome to be loved and cherished it's not just stagnant it's pretty cool pretty cool can't complain this Legion is strange also don't know why I can see him which is also very strange give me your boyfriend on a dating side I used humble I think it was bumble bumble bumble that might be the one I took a leap of faith and I messaged him and I got the ball rolling want some help with that little man J has y tap on it oh I'm so dumb this yea
h we're not finishing this no [ __ ] turned around so quick just like guarding the hook kind of kind of just gotting the hook oh what a shitty [ __ ] palet spot there's just a tree next to it Bumble sounds right yeah it was Bumble they actually work but that's lying it's actually I got banned on Tinder cuz I'm a bully um I don't like Tinder Tinder is just people like asking to hook up all the time that's like 90% of Tinder just hey you want to [ __ ] piss me off I called someone a shrimp dick th
at kind of thing they started it and then on Bumble it's if it's woman to man the woman has to initiate the messaging I want to I want to try something I need a window no I need him in his power I want to try I yesterday I got the sickest [ __ ] window slide against a legion in his power so you can do this and then when the legion vaults it you do a circle around like that and it usually trips them out and they'll swing and they won't hit you because you're going through them but I [ __ ] couldn
't record it and it was the first time I'd ever done it I was super proud of myself God damn it can you stop please give me give me some attention I'm bored I want you to chase me tended to you can reallying small dick gang rise you drop un's dick pics first thing I've had that happen so many times so many times like you you must feel very safe and secure on the internet to drop your dickpick you know that's all I can think like the internet must be really nice to you to feel brave enough to pos
t that thank you for the luck I really appreciate it it was lovely seeing seeing you again people power people power damn I can't get him to do it wow he should have just swung at that that last second swing would have hit as well it's a smaller Loop than you think although I think he's doing doing a a wee bit of tunneling a wee bit considering I don't have a hook beef doesn't have a hook and we're going after to sneo again silly that was so [Laughter] silly silly little [Music] guy I see that w
oman look amazing nude man just look like [ __ ] toads like my impressive D STI p dude hysteria I'd never see that ever that's awkward that's real real awkward you wouldn't believe it man you wouldn't believe it I am in this [Laughter] Locker not a Noah that was cute at least sneaker is not getting tunnel cuz I think he kind of wanted the ace dude there's basement right there oh he might be paranoid at least I think this basement is it I am I blind is very blind out blade you know the the strike
the bowling strike on the Wii from um we Sports bowling I need that but I need it to say outplayed so I can just like click a bind and have it pop up on screen I think that'd be pretty funny well lovely seeing you here who would have thought I think maybe he's got no Aura reading you're good bind be a silly little thing that every time someone baits the locker where is beef cuz I don't know where beef is I'm pretty no oh there's no I'm dead I'm so deed they're both injured so they're both too s
cared to come over here at least one was doing a j the other one just kept circling around a Jen Ace Ace I think that's Ace anyone please oh killer can you come back and look at me a little longer my God that took too long that's unfortunate oh yeah I agree I don't think it should be an unhook I think it should just like Stop The Entity cuz the way it is now is not working like the last time I had someone try and do it Jesus Christ like the last time I got Camp they would Camp me from a little f
ar away so that it wouldn't build up that timer um and then when I hit second stage they face camped me so that when I jumped off they could just stand behind me until they could hit me I don't know which way he's coming damn that's unfortunate I almost had it but I couldn't line it up to the wall okay well I'm going over here don't know where he thought I was going but it wasn't where I did go M ma should be unhook and then get stopped that like that is whack yeah and like distance killers they
just stand a little far away so that they're not triggering it but they they can they can watch you like it it drives me insane it genuinely does I'm about to have a leon stand yeah I'm about to have a leon stand right behind me and watch me AR I that was crazy run I think if you do exclamation M crazy it pulls up the copy pasta or rats I can't remember one of them does one sh shut up well I'm Healed what the oh my God I got so outplayed Insanity I also hate this wiggle bar this does nothing li
ke hitting those little the the nonwhite does nothing that was Insanity was it hysteria I think it was hysteria cuz what the [ __ ] I was like y I can see the red he's right there right no no no no no I got but give me one sec oh it should trigger both of them okay I'll put it is that hi MEA oh Yik that's rough buddy I'm glad I was killed I don't know why it's not working it should be working right should [Music] work why is it not working my cppy pasta doesn't want to want to do it full of rats
the rats make me crazy good morning good morning Manda yeah am I crazy Lo me in a rubber room a rubber room rubber room full of rats [Music] yeah I don't know I can't get a [Music] to whatever [Music] nothing I get [Music] [Music] home yeah I don't really need anything else yippee Prestige hey hell yeah I'm going to get her I want to get her to prestige 10 by the end of this event oh let me play some ads as well so they don't play during the match welcome back Yuji also are you going to join ba
ck um potato po are we we still doing dishes kind of doing dishes kind of not really I'm going to try again crazy maybe it's just crazy oh s a command it's just saying crazy you know what I'll leave it like that what still to my God how hot is your [Music] Water Grill them all I think it's Crill them all it's weird that in the pregame Lobby it's all caps locked but then when you're in game it's no longer caps locked I don't don't know I have like baby hands bab hands I'm not procrastinating you
would never you're not going to let the water go Stone Cold and then have to redo it all would be Preposterous why would you think that [Music] right I didn't do my [Music] doing okay cool [Music] white coat yep pause the slip knot and play the game oh hello okay we are CH ah bastard o that's awkward they left that's crazy ma thank you for the alert mother [ __ ] are they oh not on me all right let's get rid of that let's get rid of Chile gra okay where is her wig why did her wig [Laughter] brea
k Adventure Time songs are in Spotify are they I love that meline one oh I need that lost apple is that how I pronounce it FC how are you lovely to see you someone's on hooked you know what [ __ ] I'm going to finish the J which Master you she's like 40 the the one the one the the one you know what I'm talking about the one I'll play it after this if I can find it um what the [ __ ] what C that oh that would be that I'm so [ __ ] dumb oh my God I'm so slow what would be causing that chase music
I don't know the killer damn I was I was spamming space b not the brightest streamer on the page that's for sure probably know what song it is I know the the tune it's the one just your problem I think it's called just your problem it's the one where they're in front of a door and they're trying to open it with music and they have to cooperate but PB and mareline butt heads like all the time I'm a giant Adventure Time N I want to rewatch all the Adventure Time cuz I love mareline as you could pr
obably [ __ ] tell by the vampire stuff that's un spottify [ __ ] hope so it's like the best one all right I'm out of this [ __ ] no I don't I don't need it do the J do that I'll find a Chum somewhere there has to be one around here it's this corner of the map there's always one here we go now we're cooking hello goodbye It's oddly quiet a little too quiet I'm going to get [ __ ] up why didn't say anything why did I say anything God I need a [ __ ] locker and I got stuck on a rock let's go I got
stuck on a [ __ ] rock yeah free free would been like [Music] a PR we than a bird I don't know what's happening I'm part of this this is just cuz it's in my chat does not mean it is a reflection of me I am sorry to everyone winess it help I'm scared what's o plan o Australian Australian New Zealand Asian I don't know how far into Asia it counts though you're American we had this discussion earlier cuz you were like what service you playing I was like OC and you're oh my Ping's going to be 300 t
he music come most Ice King Flame Princess I know the name of that song too I [ __ ] know I'm doing [ __ ] house this game oh I need to do this and then I don't care how this game goes let me do this I don't know where Dino is I don't know what this kill is running but they don't have a blood stain half the time welcome to hell we call it Australia everything so delayed no you're totally it's totally fine like when people do join me I'm like wait are you o otherwise you're probably going to want
to back out of this people like no it'll be fine it'll be fine I'm like no it won't be my server is halfway across the world from you it will not be [Music] fine you will suffer fin sword is shattered and host music P so you can take his mind off a bit my God you really do know the the show inside out the other person that I know that really likes Adventure Time is Maya Maya is a huge Adventure Time nerd they they even have like the sweaters um two of meline sweaters I think and one of PBS that
's pretty cool no go away oh there's a totem there I'm idot was it there it is does a cover song with death on guitar and LSP on drums I think lus best princess I actually liked LSP I like how weird LSP was where do you keep coming [Music] from and why is it always when there's no [ __ ] lockers to be seen Oh I thought I was deed there no we're good blunch uh-oh no TP I'm saved they tped elsewhere that's weird I'm not dead I'm alive but I'm dead sweet now I can come help this person with the bub
ble on my head voice one of the's kind of funny say I'm I'm ner yeah yeah I would have yeah yeah not going to lie that makes you a little Rainbow cuz yeah my other friend that's super into Adventure Time is all over the LGBT which one one behind me suck I was in the middle of something I die here I do not die here I lived I lived [ __ ] have I head on yet I SW I did I die here I'm very dead I'm not very ditch oops if you cancel it it gives you a weird animation didn't know that there's one insid
e how I've managed to live this long is like insane I don't know well I just [ __ ] jinxed it didn't I jinxed it I had to [ __ ] say something is [ __ ] I remember here for the life man saken what is happening oh Mari maybe no what why would the [ __ ] huh oh you made me so confused no I've got my challenge my challenge was so in chest I'm all good you can hook me I was like I was so confused I was like there's nobody here right no you're you're all good thank you I appreciate that though is the
re anything you needed I don't mind if you want to farm for a challenge [Music] I played terrible that match then again you running something that is um it keeps hiding you from me and it keeps [ __ ] catching me off guard I keep looking at twitch chat that's it that's right I'm blaming chat I'm blaming you all okay that's so good hey I got pretty good amount of points I'm pretty proud of that me I I feel that so much open-handed I will not man I don't want to do that challenge either that means
I have to run medkits no that's not what I wanted try that again all right let me have a look see uh um um well it has to be that one where what is it what is the song that I was talking about called I [ __ ] forgot I said it uh what is it called potato what is it called I forgot wait I just went up to see like the apologies and stuff what triggered it what did Hulk say I'm Just Your Problem yeah that's the boy it is I think it's been uploaded like by a bunch of other people many times I got to
[Music] sneeze you just not like me oh yeah we can do gens I do so many gens that what you want me to do sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect like all your little loyal subjects do sorry I'm not made of [Music] sugar an inconvenience to you I'm just [Music] your I'm just your oh thank you mitski wait what did mitsky do I do I want to why do I want to mitki makes fire music I have so much mitsky in my sad playlist so much I love that song I you can probably tell that I used to sing it so
much I've got washing machine washing machine heart nobody a pearl me and my husband on my playlist those are like the ones I I listen to a lot a pearl is probably my favorite I usually stick to the the uh put that back on I usually stick to the um the metal usually so I don't usually play my sad one cuz like if I if I don't play my upbeat and like it's either aggressive font or metal if I don't play those on stream I get all sappy and I'm like I'm going to go to bed guys I'm tired otherwise I j
ust I can't keep up the Mojo I get worn out so easy o lyrics baby you wh transfer in music in in the Music Hall Blondie my mod who's not here right now sadly um huge mitsky fan huge huge like they introduced me to mitsky and I like mitsky it's really good it's the lyrics is super strange but it's really it's really good a I [ __ ] forgot my du lingo [Music] again can you play funked up please is it funk or SP IFI to I'm trying to do my DOA umbrella there go it's F I'll have a look in a sec you d
on't read this the hat and white shoes ah no I have to be I have to be AFK for a bit I hate this no [ __ ] you I'm ignoring you [ __ ] you do it hopefully this is a quick match cuz it's also on Swamp and I hate swamp I also used to play Bas I was like I was such a [ __ ] hardcore fan of Marceline vampire plays bass I'm like oh my God I want to be her I don't play bass anymore I'm really sad about it that's a hag isn't it no it's not a hag that's what's that music oh my God it's a merchant haven'
t seen a merchant in a long time oh I [ __ ] hate these things I have literally never vers one prop I think I vers one properly once and I literally threw the match trying to understand her drones and I still don't really understand him I just don't get him you got to not be in the way of the sweeping thing but I think you have to crouch to avoid them I'm not quite sure it confuses me can crash to avoid the beams or just stand still yeah I thought you could also walk to avoid it but that was rea
lly wrong my man you are brave yeah that sucks I feel like it's going to be all slow down see I [ __ ] knew it that was Surge and pain R so far although we haven't had um what are the the Gen covering ones haven't seen those just yet usually there's a bit of that as well the beans are white you don't get detracted by them D core D core indeed we already done one G that's crazy and the Killer is lagging look I don't want to say typical but I'm going say it it's pretty typical I'm going to pain re
s again she's going to go to that back corner oh she didn't that's nice her Chase music is really cool me to me is just boring to verse it's not a very interactive oh [ __ ] you scared me oh I can't heal you you're um are you running what I think you're [Music] running oh Shameless you're really not doing the skull Merchant name any favored that's for B sit on Jin yeah y I have not had a game that wasn't all slow down oh you do have gen covering perk fresh and funky yeah didn't end up going thro
ugh with it though it seems oh [ __ ] what wait why did he yo what is the [ __ ] is happening wait why did he go down you want do you want to heal girl make up your mind a [ __ ] whatever oh whoops I didn't realize I was on my last Stomp how do you get that off of you oh man thing is she's really pretty she knows I don't think she realized what she does can I heal oh no it is gone I can heal the of a clap dra you can't hear and she knows where you are for like 40 seconds the to get her removed i
s on the battery die oh that's a way to make a character no not that that one oh I've never actually done that how did it second I think did it better I don't really think she promotes any other play style though like I can't imagine anything but gen slowdown being what you would put on her this David is just chatting I mean they got a name Dore pretty Chad she's got a sick Bassy Chase music as well I've just never [ __ ] vess them like ever SP for both sides not very healthy not yeah doesn't re
ally promote anything other than what's happening already which sucks cuz she's a pretty cool design other than like her actual mechanic she's pretty cool can you only hack like one at a time well can you ha multiple at a time a what I was trying to now she knows where I am why would this happen to me bring it down here hold her hold her no I don't think she's dropping in the hole get off me oh there you go died no it's still on me get off me you annoying little rat that [ __ ] get away I still
don't understand her fully I say she knows I've been hiding in she's got such insane delay come on hatch give me something hello hatch please you would like to show yourself now that would be much appreciated a [ __ ] this has been used I think I'm dead she I'm very dead she how's it David hi Dore I love your name you were chatting around the map man I hate hatch spawns on this map is they can just spawn in really silly locations you threw a game for head on is crazy I'm going to be honest with
you this couldn't have been a worst match for me if this game tried I versed skull mtion one other time one other time I have no clue what I was doing I was like oo pretty drone and then it hit me and then I went ow not so pretty drone and and it hit me oh she had Franklin surge pain res save the best Franklin pretty pretty average average Merchant build all right I need to do I need to do my Duo just give me a sec some sick beats on so yeah I'm sorry I played like dog [ __ ] because I am dog [ 
__ ] I literally yeah I just I don't know how to to play efficiently against the skull Merchant like I came in after her chapter which was alien right um so yeah I don't and I never and I never really saw her much she her bushy dish uh these are my white hats yay G I was not playing very good there but I appreciate it I kept trying to heal you cuz I'm stupid my God these are my [Music] umbrellas [Music] no I don't know how to do this [Music] one I feel like yeah where oh between okay I thought t
he RO was okay I need your dishes oh good I'm just going to be doing my Duo so you're going to hear angry noises from over here where the hat and the shoes are white yeah go on red umbrella and white shoes hi a hat oh the no it's not the was she is well the p and the boats and theat are white a shoes shoes not coats so [Music] my yeah there's my hats soy this questions for bickie chat eggs I had eggs for lunch today and they were really [ __ ] good all right I'm also gonna just play a smidge of
ads so sorry Gamers while I do thiso yeah oh we go I did it we did it just before just before turned midnight I do not want super do do linger but I appreciate it I'm so bad at Japanese I went to Japan and I'm still so bad at it ooh another cake holy moly well we got like eight cakes now seven we have seven cool see I got some Sriracha the other day it's not it's off brand holy moly it's off brand Sriracha so it's not as spicy and it's a bit more tomatoey capsicam it's really nice I like it cuz
Sriracha I like but I it's a little it's a little too spicy just a little too spicy especially in the morning [ __ ] who wants to start their day with spice 272 days streak on doer let's go the Green Owl was getting pretty mad at [Music] me Google diin is that like Google vulpia [Music] [Laughter] oh hello speaking of hi Jimmy Hi G GS GS yeah strammer yeah yeah I've seen like B pixie with that name that's why I was like probably a strammer yeah we saw a p00 Quinton earlier today did we see two I
think we've only seen one well they were almost P 100 and it's like crazy because how often do you see quinton's period barely see quitt around yeah thank you for the follows I appreciate it t I am disable hi Sable good luck to you too cuz I'm terrible at this game you have been warned blue boy and you're playing Victoria that feels so fitting so very fitting you know what I'm going to grab a blood drop if I can find one nearby and bring that down here oh it's [Music] Sako what [ __ ] what the
[ __ ] where did you come from oh my God that got me good I thought I thought they were on I thought they were on on the Quinton I thought they were on the other one oh my God that scared the actual [ __ ] out of me and they're playing that icky skin icky yucky skin that's why I was like oh so they're not downstairs but they [ __ ] took the other stairs I'm so stupid a I'm looking for totems for everything chance I get free heal is a free heal D chain stun build a [ __ ] a what that sounds evil
it's bad enough that I do head-on flashbang decisive oh I think I've seen pixie do that a few times I think it'd be too obvious if I went back to that journy you know what I'm also going to do do this I'm going hold on to it I'mma keep it yes them jump into lock a head on I think you jump into the locker you can e you can do it you either bait them into them pulling you out of the locker jump back in the locker then head on them then stun them again or you do the headon flashbang and then jump b
ack in the locker and wait for them to pick you and then you DS them I've seen it done a few ways I'm not brave enough because I like playing the game sometimes I I do actually like not being face camped or or bled out or murdered like getting away with the head on flashbang is cheeky enough I love hook bubble I cannot tell if she's heading towards me she disappeared I don't know where she went cuz of hook bubble ah I see yes let's just uh stop this real quick where where you going come back sa
come back I give it all to you and I just can't without getting face CH happen to be soon exactly exactly I do not need to give Killers another reason to can't me like it's it's already bad enough when I use flashbang or head on I do not need to give them another reason please don't hook them and take my J please please please please please please please please she is near o oh oh go go yeah I saw her come out of the top and yeah [ __ ] you God damn it I CED myself I didn't want to I didn't want
to leave the Sable to get hit again oh my God she's wearing a creepy skin she's Boog as McGee should should I say very shs to get goth mommy or zaddy Vy I've never seen him called that I feel like that's I almost read it as Danny Deo Daddy V all right I can I can heal myself yep it's okay it's okay buddy I I got this now I've got permanent two stacks I don't know if I like the changes they've made I think they're interesting it's a step in a Direction my J regressing no my J hasn't been regress
ed that's crazy where hello oh hello you were supposed to ignore me just an innocent bystander you can have it I don't care well I'm not going that way okay cool they're being safe that's good I'm going to eat all your totems your your toes are mine your totems like CH km stack saving I don't know what the play against it is I I do think it's being healthy because before I was just getting satos that would absolutely ping around the map the moment the TVs got turned on and then just stare at you
which really sucked uh-oh and there was like really nothing that you could do about it uh-oh uh-oh I'm in danger zone yeah I got two more stons baby oh [ __ ] the light from the [ __ ] police car scared me uhoh uh uhoh this is a big loopy and she's always catching me off guard what the hell huh you hiting running nope that was her right there right what is she doing this absolutely I'm scared I die here I'm dead I'm so DED so D I'm so D I'm so D oh my God didn't die I lived [ __ ] that sounded
close I hate this street so much oh my God I hate this street I like that they opened up haddenfield but I hate that they opened up haddenfield this whole middle section is just murder you just get caught out so easily boring ass Slug and then so Place yeah it did and people were just like you just have to grab a tape at the start and not it to full stack it's like thanks I don't think about that thanks I had no clue that's how you would have done it like I know that but that doesn't make it any
easier sometimes it's not that simple you go to pull out a tape from a TV and she curls through and then you're [ __ ] I'm I was going to hide commit I got my challenge done she has a habit of doing that no she doesn't yes she does I'm about to get absolutely destroyed here give me that sa the best or uh play with food oh wait a damn minute wait a minute wait a damn minute wait a damn please there is nothing here I edited it wait a minute wait a minute we can talk we can talk we can talk we can
talk we can talk we can talk about it we can talk about you strange looking booger lady please come on hit the the we go run run run quit oh you CH you got them done I didn't even realize we were on last one holding a tap to SI your hit while holding a tape was pretty easy to manage um for me at least strange looking booger lady She's creepy I tried to die as quick as possible Mr Quinton I tried she so booger looking go Quinton go go quiton go I'm cheering you on you got this I'm going to check
out your Twitch o get away thank you for the [Music] [Music] follow a all [Music] right he's drama doggy I have so many people that [ __ ] play that par all the time H I still don't even know what it fully does yeah doesn't it do a bunch of random things every time I did this I just screamed and I didn't was like is it supposed to do something GG's thanks for the game I I appreciate it you guys were good I didn't even realize how quick the G gens went I was like we still got three left and then
it was last gen D no no that's not happening can I get an invite yes oh yeah cop you wanted to try and join as well who the [ __ ] is bigus toiss who's that what the [ __ ] have a good night you too you too who the [ __ ] in my friend's profile is that I thought so it's Ash Ash is being a [Laughter] [Music] weirder m [Music] Nicholas C has some really cool [Music] perks thank you for the follows I really appreciate it I wonder if Ash wants to join I'll [Music] message she you a [Music] s now I
got to do thickies adep I wanted to be a Jane M I did but because I play head on so much it's pretty pretty [ __ ] obvious what your plans are when you disappear near a locker it's pretty yes you may [Music] underwear KY kyay me yes one strammer I would love for us to get to the 400% blood Point bonus before we get the eyeballs back at this point are they even planning to bring it back going to keep that ever close that that one I've got a lot of tabs open and I do need them all [Music] open hav
en't said anything about it yet that's crazy I'm waiting for an announcement what just happened I don't know you un ready to apparently I ready up on my oh no uhoh oh no you've loaded in or something oh no we're just delayed oh my God we made it [Laughter] and they got it they understood I love it like wait I know you and you look like me what are the chances that's an easy way to end a game my brother ni that open close up yeah you a killer the other game game you were the the unknown decided t
o switch teams the next home challenges has it opened wait how long have I been streaming I'm almost at 5 hours it's meta trust it's my meta step off it's my meta I'm always usually if you find me in game avoid lockers like the plague just bait them all I could be there maybe or maybe not might not be open in 5 hours yeah I thought you said it was open so you're saying check every Locker exactly big brain it's totally not a waste of time I'm totally in that Locker especially the one you're looki
ng at always I wish weed was legal in Australia what a what a topic I know I been like I keep telling myself no you don't need it you're asmatic I've just got this weird hankering to get a vape I'm so severely asmatic and it's getting pretty bad as well like it's not even oh I think it's an only like it's not even just like subtle Asma it's like no you you [ __ ] you're wheezing all the time it's Asma Asma and I just I don't know I really want to get a vape I think it was the realization of like
I'm an adult I could just go buy one right that makes me want to do it and like I've [ __ ] I've smoked one cigarette in my life one going to finish it so quick hell yeah it also doesn't help that they flavor the [ __ ] things I want to try mango but I also like weed because it's very I have a lot of anxiety I am my existence is pure anxiety sometimes and I also struggle to go sleep I have I definitely have some form of insomnia because it's usually like 3: 4 a.m. I get to sleep I thought he hi
t me it's got some sort of AA reading going on I just don't know what damn that hits not me just Moon walking cuz I [Music] could hello sexy man I would smash on so quick you are real I'd be on itoo [Music] [Laughter] out Daddy I smashed so hard oh I lost my blood oh yeah cuz he hit me goodness I'm not a God I'm just a me mortal with good drip and can run an lnt wo like a maniac I'm totally normal about lnt walls please let me break that totally normal angry Japanese man Angry Japanese demon to
you put some respect on it who named this challenge craft 's over they thought they were Nifty with it damn he got that quick really quick what the hell what the hell boy what the hell oh [ __ ] it was my turn for ultimate I think ulti Ultimate Weapon hello there is someone going to cop I can't see cop why can't I see cop oh cool someone did save cop cop did you get left a second I am so sorry you to [ __ ] panicking I have a habit of leaving cop to go to seconds it's really bad nice and I love
that it doesn't reach the Gen these circles needed to be like 25% bigger cuz it always just misses like the Gen is that one covered that one might be covered no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh cuz this one's covered put that [ __ ] back put that back right now okay gang we got to go oh God we got to go a I thought I could hide I thought your name was dragon dragon dragon pois no no I'm sorry I'm so [Laughter] sorry why am I the way that I am please don't hi whatever whatever I don't
care I got the heel off oh this is evil hello there you can have it I don't care I want to see it come on on you got this you got this you got this you got this you got this oh my God that almost got me please don't bunk me mother I'm so sad I'm so s just the way the club to get accidentally tunnel you're just so killable car just so killable you're so pretty you're so pretty [ __ ] I think I posted in the Discord so like the new on outfit his titties are out it's very cute I think that might b
e the body for it is it I see it's the blood moon Helm but like his titties are out in the new outfit and I made a I made a silly little meme image of like someone suck on only is titty okay it sounds weirder when I it sounds a lot weirder when I say it out loud I swear it's not that weird it's not that weird not that weird oh it is that weird it is a little weird it's a smidge weird it's a smidge weird when you say it out loud I can't remember if I posted in my Discord I posted it in so many pe
ople's discords now like it's crazy please please ignore me I wish totems kept cleansing on them even if it just like slowly went down instead of being completely gone that'd be pretty cool I need another totem I want another a totem and then I'll be happy it might be upstairs I don't haven't checked up oh there's one oh God Lis what are you doing where are you Edy I don't know if that's ay doesn't didn't feel like ay only has in my opinion the weirdest feeling like I think I'm going crazy but o
n always feels like he has Agy to me please what the [ __ ] I just wanted to stun him wanted to heal God damn it come on man I know every time you're droing me nuts just let me head on you loud is you that L I thought she was quite quiet yeah I don't think this is ay this feels like normal normal earning speeds am I that scary when I enter Loa is that it am I just scary I hesitated and I shouldn't have and I'm going to pay the price for my hesitation he just say yeah he has a very very fast sppy
step how am I doing no gens gens have just stagnated this is brutal I should be healing you you're the one trying to get a DI oh I Adept on Jane and you have solidarity I'm a little slow on the uptake I got there I got there this gen is probably request to absolutely nothing oh God yeah this is fuckle pretty sure this is really close to being finished too feel like this is like 80% of the way I wonder if he has barbecue he's just a Noah o oh I [ __ ] up I want to know what AA weeding he has cuz
he's just got the in most insane reads on me this whole game every time I'm like I'm being sneaky he has no clue it's like he's right behind me isn't he you go down I will capitalize oh thank God I could capitalize I have nowhere to go here the say I'm about to get dropped on by an oi because going upstairs is just death wish this main building didn't suck so much it's good if you bring like balance Landing or something but otherwise it's just kind of me you just avoid it like all costs I reall
y want this Adept no you're fine you know you're forgiven I've been trying to help you get adepts all night I don't mind 20 years just make sure you don't get any birds that'll [ __ ] you up the only the only one the only one no you you've done this before you've got this maybe not Onie if you can hear my words Let The Chain be free open a gate let chane out no that's so pain something tells me you're not getting it today that's so tough what you didn't die what the [ __ ] he'll never notice tha
t's unfortunate want to head on him believe me so did I the last three times at Le I got half my totem still my be actually is hard to tell cuz he's so quick yeah he is it's the thing deadlock ulti No Way Out ay it was ay car c it carp C it oh a console no Aura except for ultimate I'm not going to say it I'm not going to say it maybe you is just really loud maybe we do touch in theame watching [ __ ] girl was [ __ ] I know you were right there can be enough often times yeah but like when I was i
n the lockers I was like damn is it that obvious that I'm in that Locker injured it's like yeah that I understand I'm so [ __ ] loud let me just head on you let me give you a kiss with the lock of doors please all I want bro you kept [ __ ] Finding Me In Those lockers you were actually driving me [Music] insane I must have been so [ __ ] loud although I think my ui's bugged on my end at least cuz sometimes she doesn't have any more any sound at all I think it's just a bug with the blood [Music]
pools you should have you should have [ __ ] Onie oh my God you [ __ ] this up especially at the end there cuz Jane our Jane is trying to do their adeps oh my God and when we saw your perk or was it the um the trickster perk the moment we saw that we were all just like no we all just perished slowly are you an on man do you often play [Music] on wait one second one second is your profile picture the [ __ ] tease me want to play demo no no we missed out our [Music] [Music] demo I can't remember J
ame yes the James made cheese meme what a weird spot to that de too yeah I was like wait a minute is that really look quality version of the James me I [ __ ] love that cheese oh man I was going ham on the lnt wo I so glad you were entertaining it I [ __ ] love lnt walls I once did a Bubba on an LT W that sounded weird know James may beat Golden Ramsey in a cook off no really I need no actually I believe that have you seen the video for Gordon Ramsay's um grilled cheese it's on YouTube I think h
is pathetic grilled cheese oh my God after that one I feel like he had no right to judge anyone's cooking he did what to Bubba I would I would hit it I'll admit it I'd smash but no I vers a Bubba on an lnt wall they dedicated the whole match to it as well we like everyone else did the gens and I I'm glad you know what I'm talking about like they dedicated to the gens but this bubble was like they wanted they wanted it and I think I was looping from the lnt wall into what was it um Shack and when
you get an lnt in near Shack it's over it's J Who strong and I [ __ ] did that for like the entire round too much too much mind game that that was aaya I'm sure of it right that was so [ __ ] loud that was so loud you can hear him breathing on my neck no actually where the [ __ ] is he I've swear I heard the breathing am I crazy did you guys hear it as well thank you for the follow I appreciate that chees with burnt toast he was playing too much of the look at my fancy kitchen setup to actually
make theer grilled cheese cuz I think he was he was doing I [ __ ] knew it don't you dare have Tombstone I swear to God I will end you on the spot H you where you stand I'm going to stalk him back as you should guys I'm [ __ ] scared okay cool he's chasing someone he's just zooming by and taking a quick glance and then leaving I link the cook and going after this yeah put it in the Discord Mishka my love hello how are you it's not off I'm able to catch you I'm pretty sure we're on like complete
opposite time zones sometimes Ang girl that says that and I hate it wait what what did I say I say a lot of things as you should you should babe me and my boyfriend just quote autism things my favorite thing is going y as if starting to say yippe and then just not finish finishing it so I'm just conly like around the he you I'm good I'm pretty good event's not being too bad tonight have some epic Gamers chatting to me then I'm sudden you realize that I have a type my type is big and barded like
Jeff basically it's Jeff where where [ __ ] no one's got rice I'm coming hold on I have a feeling this is a this was a mistake I should not have tried to have gotten rice what the hell oh is he popped his [ __ ] and then stayed by the hook yeah I like I like them big and bitted and and and the more autistic they are the better the better the flavor and my boyfriend's into Magic the Gathering Warhammer like all that kind of [Laughter] stuff is he staying by the hook who's on the hook the random
so we can't even get a check no he's not staying by the hook I'm coming bubble I may no longer be coming bubble I'm getting cut off he's peeling off he's just kind of warding and everyone's going second because of it God damn it you [ __ ] do gems oh God damn it you are absolutely not getting a heal right now is it infinite am I dumb am I dumb or has he been holding that knife for a little while now oh no dep this down to drain I'm just going to try and do my challenge I think proba be the word
here [ __ ] don't Vault against this man oh is he running the Vault speed please sir hold a Munch in time man is [ __ ] quick through Windows uh he's running the um singularities um HK I can't remember what it's called but I know exactly what you're talking about and it's [ __ ] terrifying it is terrifying when Singularity does it it's freaky I can't imagine seeing another killer do it I need you I don't really care about escaping I'm glad the gens got done but I want this one he bam too weird i
s it oh it is yes dude I'm [ __ ] man I don't notice it because weskus just do the um do the dash through Windows all the time so I like never I never equate it to him but I've seen it on Singularity so often that I just assume it's a [ __ ] Singularity perk uhoh this is not good for me he's very fast and I haven't even started where is he going with you taking you to nania I think I'm just going to leave C uhoh oh my God please all that is Holy you are [Laughter] terrifying wait come back take
my offering enjoy the [Laughter] offering that's cute can't go wrong with the with moon walking no it's Chad [ __ ] hate you Chad [Laughter] it's Chad we verse Chad so often I [ __ ] love Chad Chad's so good Chad is scy we've we've had Chad on our team before and we've also vers Chad um kill builds and like I'm putting Chad on my like T Hit List cuz they're really good but they always run the most strangest [Music] builds I love them so much I think they've stopped in a handful of times too I lo
ve chadis scy although I don't think they're in AP M which [ __ ] confuses me remember to yeah okay I will have a look 48 minutes you [ __ ] kidding me I'll have been streaming for 6 hours you can actually have a look at the current um challenges as well I think if you do go to event time tada we're on the second page so we'll have to do three gens two droplets thank you for the follow I appreciate it um drop a droplet steal a droplet hi the terror radius with a droplet no any blood Zone and the
n we get on head I totally want o head I would take o head so fast that is such a weird thing to say I'm going to shut up hila hope you're hydrated amazing person I'm proud of you thank you I always in the nicest way possible whenever someone comes in and and says nice things like that I get on my guard because I'm so used to the Bots doing it I would not that's cuz you're [ __ ] yeah there's something wrong with me oh let me run some ads as [Music] well in this world o cake shites of measum but
has a little of meat to go around some of it not his but still shut up cop that's a good one sh I'm real I appreciate it thank you cuz yeah usually the Bots come in they're like they do the most like Top Hat monacle speech they're like hello good day I hope you are well could I interest you in maybe going to this website and get free followers and free Bots and I'm just like you had me in the first half not going to lie now you're getting a ban maybe a puppet I don't [Music] know 115 and I've b
een using them like as much as I can I'm so nasly right now super then ask you want to buy yeah exactly like hello Madam you look lovely today would you like to buy my Wares no not really I don't know when it started happening either like it wasn't always that way it used to just be a bot would come in and be like buy followers here and then drop a link and I think everyone started getting past it by just blocking those words like those string of words that sentence so they've had to change it u
p so now they're going with the Dapper the Dapper approach Pap Co look at Pinocchio I know a puppet vber the fake Banette they're pretty cool puppets are pretty cool fangman fangman they either going to be really really good or this is going to be [Music] horrific I same that advertising about on Disco only just drop uh video of Thug shaking if you what that is I hate you I hate you I get I got those I've got all those bots in my Twitter but not in my Discord surprisingly even though my friend r
equests open I think games though they're actually pretty good pretty POG yesterday I was playing this and I wanted to throw my PC out of window and gouge my eyes out the games were so horrible and people were being so mean in end gamees chat it was insane like actual Insanity I [ __ ] one dude what did he do what did he he did something oh he was Legion and I [ __ ] played him like a fiddle like I cannot stress this enough I played that Legion like a [ __ ] fiddle we still lost the game we got
4K and then in endgame chat I was like how sick was that one maneuver that I did to you even though I couldn't clip it and they were like hm not very cool cuz you died anyway and I was like GG's you played like really well and I really like your outfit and then and they had TTV in their name so I dropped them a follow and I can't wait to see them go live cuz they had the like their twitch is all like just here to have fun I'm just a noob and I can't wait for them to go live and I'm going to be l
ike hey remember me cuz I remember you I just want to see what they say just do a little trolling cuz nothing nothing like I think they were console no they were PC cuz they were texting it in game like why would you put TTV in your name like that if you're going to be mean I don't understand that like you people can perceive you even when you're not streaming if you've got TTV in your name like you should always be on your best behavior right you never know who's watching should just be a decen
t person so guys yesterday I was a full slug Chucky five gens remaining exactly I got a Huntress that did that at 4 and they were they were proudly cuz I asked them why why would you do that when everyone bought party streamers like I know you don't want to lose the game but during an event I feel like prolonging the game a little longer even if you lose a few survivors is better than 4king off the bat because you got no points [ __ ] me and their immediate response was just like I have Max poin
ts haha and I was just so bewildered by it I was like then why the [ __ ] are you playing it's so weird you like it here it's Ghost Face by the [Music] way it's the old school Ghost Face outfit that's so hot I would smash so fast I'm just down bad tonight I guess why is this so fast I know I am confusion I would like to get away from here doing David our first thing it's insane it's actually insane games back to back with Chucky no thought on Wesker and trickster smash Wesker neutral and trickst
er this is not going to end well I can that was a play of all time I hope those were the thoughts you are after she definitely enjoys joking everyone for real me next me next please I'm just outing myself it's late I got to go to bed need to get some sleep there was like a Twitter thing going around that was like post four images of fictional men that you would you would smash essentially Wesker Onie the ghoul for Fallout 4 John Hancock and who was I last one I've already forgotten God who was i
t the goh from Hancock I feel like raises the most eyebrows G from handcut funny the go for Fallout for he's just so [ __ ] charismatic just like he me out please he me the [ __ ] out oh and the last one was um Virgil Virgil from um Devil May Cry I think the virgila and Wesker one goes hand in hand because they use basically the same face mold in the older games that might be a reason whad fictional men know geralt would be up there gal would be pretty up there too many people had want be W my f
riend's PC it's insane I okay usually I don't play silly like that when I what a swing from downtown okay sorry think what is this healing Central actually come over here let me get let me get some bonus points from this at the very least CU I'm healing you every three [ __ ] seconds how about all Nick Valentine that was also high up there I put Nikki second to hanock I just I don't know dude I'm so bad I like the far Harbor DLC as well even the robot from the f a DLC is on the list says a lot a
nd says nothing at all but he's got a really good voice I don't know who voiced him but [ __ ] something wrong with me no thanks truly something something I miss only player also [ __ ] yeah I love only players not just because I'm a shrimp but because he has really fun GamePlayer R what are you doing okay you were committing the die I mean it's so obvious right it in fact was not that obvious sup [ __ ] AR you a brave one oh free blood no not free blood I thought it was free blood oh actually w
e should probably actually does it reach no but it reaches the loop loop loop window yeah words words are hard reaches the loop window so I'll leave it what was that am I blind hello oh right there this would probably be a good idea to start running then I started blasting God the slip knot leaks I'm pretty sure we're getting a full fit for ghost face I don't know whose mask it was but it's coming with a full outfit as well I'm [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] pumped slipnot but I [ __ ] oh if they don't gi
ve me a banty I'm a riot I'mma commit a die going to commit a great die you're at least getting no you're not getting unhook progress cuz we're in a Chase [Music] technically a cheeky little not for you hopefully fing get to somewhere a totem for me wait oh I'm in Chase I thought he was after the [Music] F you baited read like a book o I don't think I'd make it to Shaq but I'm going to try it was worth a shot him because he's fun he's fun to V too I really like verting him he he gets the same ki
nd of feeling that blight does I really enjoy it uh-oh this might be the end for me oh I'm getting fat cookies a great evil was committed here go still got you in the end that true that it happens eventually happens to the best of us [ __ ] now I don't get the chance to jump off thank you for the hydrate I think I get to stay here right you're the only one I care about getting out you [ __ ] leave don't touch me oh right I see I see I see it's all right I don't mind if you leave me to die it's a
ll good oh and it's right there yep I'm going to commit die I'm absolutely committing die get out of here you're scaring me you're scaring me you better be at an exate you scaring me you're scaring me man not like this not like this rice please be at an exate oh what are you doing opening it now should have been first priority especially you Rel Le got Downs you scare me man you scare me I'm glad we got the Adept done but [ __ ] man you scare me pop corrupt Dana we build weird build was not expe
cting was not expecting no Ed and I guess me being on basement is just ample opportunity I still don't get why survivors on hook are even allowed to get you out of your power as ghost face as a Survivor yippe but from a killer perspective that feels really silly cuz you're on a hook you're up a little higher as well but yeah my wildest H out is definitely the robot from FAA which I can't remember the name of right now he's like Nikki's [Music] brother the [Music] waves of the waves DEA I think i
t's DEA I think yeah DEA is like my toughest team yet that is definitely my toughest te oh my God looking at him now confli confliction confliction can I have some blood Point stuff triple drown what are you wearing I feel like the hair go back to her red head I think you're good I think it's a little bit too much yeah that's better I feel like there's too much too much purple and blue color going on now now it's dripp can't believe you driple drown me though that's a cute hairstyle but cuz it g
oes with the the the undershirt too much me thinks he me out of Sako the adult one not the CH one obviously wait I love the wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute so fast too oh my God right the D it's dwe 10 out of 10 like always although personally I always run the DD the dwe head piece because it reminds me of puppers I just love puppers so much Spud he looks like a cowboy you look like you came from fallouts but you know even Nemesis might be might be a hard heem out as well
although I feel NIS is not that bad tentacles and the height Lisa is so slay she's literally like a Bobby like whes is definitely not that crazy anyone with the S of I got to chase me outfit or I'm wearing overed and then I have whatever the [ __ ] this is whatever this is and here my own reflection it changes changes [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] your oh wait bug fit bug bug fix patch oh and they're re-enabling twins that's good [Music] what I have a bug patch tell me we are getting back
event sh right right Behavior sure hello lovely to see you how are you doing have you been streaming this whole time that sounds horrible wait that didn't mean to sound that judgy holy [ __ ] that would been a long time pink here we go Shadow is really chill and a really good Survivor actually great 10 out of 10 Vibes and really good at the game this is about to be a problem for you Sher wait where did he go oh there he is the best in the west it's so good hello thank you for the ride you and yo
ur gang I love you guys so much I really wish I had a squad like you guys it look so fun I followed the other two that I you were playing with earlier today as well y'all look like such a fun time but I hope the games are good I hope you had a lot of fun I hope you got a lot of BP he's near and he's not so queer where are you Wes I'm scared he's near I'm queer and I don't know the rest what is he doing he's not chasing anyone I'm sorry for all the sniffing I don't know the late night sniffles ha
ve hit really bad even even a vampire can get hay fever apparently ruin gaming yeah I will eat that up in a minute oh I wasted a cake was that intended was that intended oh and there was a few okay good good good game good game well played I confused I hope it was just like the internet fell out and not a button press cuz what happened I don't think anything crazy happened did it [Music] hate I don't know a bun of beam say was p45 almost 4 stream I'm going to lie in bed oh my God please go take
care of yourself get water get food and go lay down oh my God what hour stream cuz yeah I was in there earlier today and then I had to go do stuff around the house and you are still going and then I started stream and you were still going you're crazy you are crazy thank you so much for the raid though thank you for bringing all your peeps to me I I really appreciate that like I said if you're not following Shadow I do suggest it Shadow is really good vibes it's you're one of the survivors I wis
h I was the way you just do things is so slick I feel like I do everything with no Grace I fumble into all of my plays none of them are usually planned I'm just like Yi oh that didn't [Laughter] work all right let's see killer updates the hag addons crack turtle uh turtle egg increases trigger fantasm trap duration by 30% on my goal is stream so trying to get ready for it oh we're pregaming I see I see d dude everyone everyone I'm shouting this at you now go follow Shadow like if you like my vib
es you'll love their Vibe and they absolutely deserve your support because they have a really [ __ ] [ __ ] mic set up and they need to get a new [Laughter] one crackly ass mic send you money so you can fix it I have I don't think I've ever done 24hour stream I don't know even enough if I could probably do a 12h hour stream but I don't know about 24 I get cuz I'm on call for work all the time I don't think I could do it without worrying and family console ple confirmed the upgrade to PC is an en
lightening one awesome dbd isn't homies is it [Music] nobody loves you like I love you oh my dear this song has been in my head for two weeks straight we're going to see some Leon Shenanigans I hope I hope I hope I hope yeah we all start somewhere we all start somewhere I just do not get if you're going to get a good mic find a dynamic mic is my suggestion you don't have to you don't have to go by my suggestion because I have no clue what I'm doing with audio but I have a Blue Yeti and it is a c
ondenser not a dynamic so whenever I get really [ __ ] loud no one can hear me cuz it crackles or well it doesn't crackle it just out just a suggestion so every time I I laugh too loud if I yell too loud or if I just talk too loud it cuts out and nothing I do changes that everyone's just like turn down your gain and if I turn down my gain it just doesn't trigger the input like it gets weird like my input to loudness is must be really close must pass the [ __ ] out have a good sleep thank you for
the braid I really appreciate it you have ghub JY what's ghub GrubHub what ghub half egg shall increase triggered fantasm trap duration more fantasm Bots reaction time oh God the Bots got stronger welcome Widow your killer is going to be Michael Myers are you a killer oh yeah I do have G Hub sorry yeah yeah I'm used to it being called the Lite Tech app [Music] sorry it doesn't say anything does it say anything I tell end tears O blood right in front of me I'm taking that bad boy DN this feels v
ery very close to everything they Shunk this map didn't they that's a ghost face that is not a Mikey that is in fact a ghost face hello no reveal at all is that the ice pick I really like the ice piig a damn [Music] it what the [ __ ] is that what the hell boy h what just happened barbecue I wor about perks right now ghost face has got a deceptively large shoulder apparently got them like like rugby shoulders yeah you may as well heal me I don't have anything close the real stalking Chad that's
for sure ghosty is better game playwise yes I have to agree like my is such an uphill battle I don't even know any my Mains I know may my en Joy is but I don't know any Mains don't think anyone's brave enough to main my anymore but yeah I have the Logitech app and all it really offers on the Lo logy Tech app is like gain like you can switch up your gain a little but that doesn't help me girl you blew it it's so not obvious right like I'm totally not in the same [ __ ] Locker as I was last time I
'm going to leave you on hook like you deserve gy is absolutely getting so many points for hooking there where is he everybody get the [ __ ] away from my J shoot you whes really look at how close that is F close shame shame you welcome lyrics I in a game no you good you're good I hope the games to be well hope you're getting some good BP gains I'm getting the [ __ ] away from that J getting the [ __ ] away from you [ __ ] thank you for the follow I appreciate it I think when people see Twitch i
n my name they expect me to be really good at the game like no reduce your expectations to zero please all I know how to do is eat Hot Chip and lie always a chance for no Ed don't you [ __ ] don't you say that why would you say that this hook has been getting so much use oh yeah I got a hook unhook challenge I hate unhook challenges it seems like the hot fix didn't say anything about the uh the add-on bug but that might be because I can't read does this give me a blood Point bonus it does it doe
s cool I don't like not being able to see behind me properly hi Chad I'm doing good how are you it was lovely versing you earlier me damn it I'm so D like I said the twitch means nothing gamiz exactly exactly I need to make that in a m who the [ __ ] is in basement right now what are you doing down there girl get out of there so I to go the full Mile and myp 100 your Vault Speed Build scared the [ __ ] out of potato it's pretty funny I have to admit yeah no points for you get [ __ ] they're mine
you can't have them man I'm dead next hook every time I just want to do a nice simple gen and not get bothered by anyone or anything you want you want oh don't scare me like that bro I'm on edge no I don't like this anymore everyone's here I'm paranoid [ __ ] off going to watch from distance yeah what is happening [Laughter] everyone's everyone started to split like a banana I knew something was up I was like mm I don't trust that well I mean if you want to on the fence about it someone tweeted
the other day like they got their Myers to p50 before they had the realization that they never [ __ ] play Myers and they didn't really know why they were doing it ah I win I win this one I don't win much else apparently I don't know where the [ __ ] I'm going but I don't really care I'm going get the fck up out of here hey go big go go yeah exactly I mean if you're going to commit to it commit to it right do you play Myers often is he in your ring of normal Killers if you've already leveled up
the killers that you normally do why Leon's scream trigger before Leon gets hooked oh no no no he just a he just got unhooked I am a witness I have witnessed a great murder play Billy and Chucky have you already leveled them up oh wait is we do you still here can I ask you a teeny tiny really annoying favor if you're still here um the ash is doing an Adept if your friend has any Mercy can they please show it to the ash I'm missing something oh I am missing something brain cells honest to God a
lot of them oh that's embarrassing it didn't happen it didn't happen it did not happen you didn't see [ __ ] okay Mr Killer Man nothing nothing happened nothing at all you can have it if you want it you want it you want it you can keep it you can keep [Laughter] it gace play with you it's so cute why gace have teag if not for meim there's a totem NES get away from me I don't want the bed ju you and this is such a tiny map like my god did they shrink this I don't want I just stinky map that's a b
ad MAP don't [ __ ] don't do this to me don't do this to me man I'm scared [Music] bil is P6 and Chucky is p8 yeah M honestly do Billy I know there is a few p00 billies but like the the p00 billy club is pretty small it's got a little bit bigger cuz of the update but before that the billy club is very small and it's still quite small in comparison to other killers and stuff is quite small like I plan to do UI first and then I don't know probably Cheryl next cuz I do play a bit of Cheryl this [ _
_ ] is about to launch from somewhere like a ballistic missile and I'm scared and I am the target he's rapidly approaching your location is this my out no I love blood moon circles blood moon I love you I'm so sleep deprived I'm just rattling off memes very silly very silly memes what is happening where is he oh he's on he's on the Leon okay cool I mean trickster do you mean bouncy knives trickster oh oh he's dead Leon you fought the good fight no my J it's so close it wasn't it wasn't me I swea
r it wasn't me wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me wasn't me up I was it was a setup it wasn't me it was him it was a setup I swear I cop set me up what's the L get the L it wasn't me no that was good that was gold I had no clue you actually had done that I I didn't even know like holy [ __ ] even I didn't know I need that unhook oh I can't unhook anyone everyone's death hook I don't want your heels get away from me oh no I maybe want your heels get away from me I'm sca
red I don't think I was convincing enough in my no NOS that uh killer believed that I didn't do it I was framed I was framed oh nope [ __ ] that one I need one more unhook to finish my challenge it's so sad I just completely forget about my challenge I load into a Lobby and my challeng the challenge has already left my brain I like click off of the challenge page and it's already gone I've already forgotten don't come running around here with your regy ass get away from me I to make it what does
this keep happening to me are we about to kiss where did you come from uh aha down there like an end Loop they hit me I go here they hit me I go they hit me I go was it that way this looks different this looks little upgraded I still don't like this map but it's where is am I blind there it is indeed I'm blind Woody you're like right next to me aren't you I can't get away from the cop keep sticking at me like flies to a fly trap I've eaten so many totems more than necessary least it was blood m
oon boosted Gamers let's go that's basement is it my turn to scare him where is he want to scare him where did he go he's going to scam me it's inevitable where did he go you cute I like you and you got the good outfit on too I double like you oh my God py try not to be a nuisance [Laughter] challenge my God this map feels so small it feels very much like uh what was it the shelter Woods the one the huntresses map it feels so much like that now [Music] cheing on his ass God bless not mo teing wh
y why barbecue sloppy nurses surge that nurses help me every [ __ ] time oh my God both yeah exactly like they're the same realm but they used to have very different [Music] Vibes God they were cute they were so [Music] cute running out of offering uh we'll put on some strasmer run Str let's go SP GG thank you for match that was so fun that was genuinely so fun you are so cute and you scared the [ __ ] out of me at least three times so there's that too double MS my God we're so close I'd love to
get to prestige 10 tonight I think that'll be my goal I don't have anything on to uh do I no I have gym tomor that's about it it wasn't mine it wasn't mine it wasn't mine that blast mine was crazy I was set up I was set up it was a set up cop did it cop did it cop put the [ __ ] blast mine on and then left and I didn't know so you got blast mined I so bad I was like wait that wasn't and that's why I kept saying the no NOS to you not because I was like bming or anything but because I was like no
it wasn't set up it wasn't set up actually crazy I got framed so bad by my own mod my God such mod activities I have to play some ads I'm sorry Gamers but I want to keep them off during the game oh God that was such a match thank [Music] [Music] you yeah there we go I want cakes cakes I would like party streamers more but there're so hard to get I feel horrible I'm like depriving killers of so much BP just because I don't [ __ ] have [Music] any but yeah think about the follow and that match is
so much fun oh my God I had such a good time so many goofy things I get killer Shack when you saw me jump in the locker I was that a [ __ ] I played like dog [ __ ] that map feels so small I feel like you could probably get nurses from everywhere in that map or close to it like if you're in the middle you can probably nurses from everywhere like holy [ __ ] it just felt I I don't get that map very often now that I think about it it just felt really small it was weird maybe I was just in a reall
y small corner I was like in the same Corner the whole map [Music] bro I'll keep you tab a you're so sweet thank you I don't have to ads you triggered the butt I know I know I'm sorry you [Music] navigate why is it taking me [Music] there that's fine [Music] me like sorry Nana you're going on pause oh my god hin when Hawkins didn't exist oh oh no an indoor map oh this is a mess already no lethal it's the small victories you guys are very sweet we try our best God I can get pretty salty sometimes
I'm working on it I'm working on it games like that make me feel really good though no need to be so I just like I feel like Killers sometimes end up being quite like a bot sometimes they like sometimes it doesn't feel like there's a person behind the screen like I'm going to treat everyone nice and kind as much as I can but sometimes killers are so dead pen like you could pull a silly thing or it' be a funny glitch or something sometimes it just feels like Killers don't give a [ __ ] they're j
ust here to kill which yeah but at the same time like it's a game I don't understand people taking game so seriously that just might be me no I heard you get that out I think the head bubble is quite pretty too bad it means I'm going to get [ __ ] up I see the killer back on gens we got to get some gents done thing I'm just so used to Killers taking good plays and twisting it as survivors being a bully which really sucks as well like I encourage Killers to do really cool plays and [ __ ] but I f
eel like that treatment isn't really given back H they didn't count as a hit though that certainly did ow my no oh that was quick yeah googly moogly oh wait I got blood let me let me dump this no ah I can pick up another one and put it up there I guess uh where was the totem there was a totem in here there it is uhoh is there Locker in here I don't see one pain R I need a locker for like half a second please there we go luck is on this map are either really good or really [ __ ] ooh we really ha
ve to dispel holy [ __ ] that's still fine I can stay that way oh [ __ ] hello there damn that feel like it only just hit oh this is about to hit real bad oh my God y oh my God oh my God we need to really start dispelling there are so many of his little clones around here a there's another one no where to hide I think yeah that makes sense we're still at five gems oh my God we're so [ __ ] we are so [ __ ] like everyone has ons too so many gems are being done holy [ __ ] nothing getting finished
sadly thanks I need a totem a totem is what I [Music] need taking too [Music] long this one uhoh has not to AA reading I think yeah Indo map against this guy is kind of rough can just bounc it off the roof all the floor all the walls all of the walls the DED I'll be happy if we can get down to two gems that'd be nice I'll take it oh [ __ ] as I run into him I really wish the lockers were better place so I could use them oh I'm dead I thought there was a wool there not dead you didn't die to go
I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I will take it oh my God everybody why are you here oh my God everyone in their grandma is here oh no what are you here for uh-oh interesting what is that spot toems oh map not working cuz blind I'm stupid I just need to eat it did the totem please don't catch me out here I just I just need to eat an in nice considering there's only three of us we're doing all right I'm not mad at this this is pretty tough but we're not we'r
e not we're not completely [ __ ] I'm not totally boned okay I'm totally boned a getting caught there that sucks oh are dead down to one gen that's crazy we were at such a disadvantage holy [ __ ] good job [Music] team oh God what were you doing n that's good not good okay I'm free uh my blend there it is why is he always so quiet why am I so quiet I'm not hearing any yui noises pretty good oh yeah that's very good good job good job team we do this J up here yeah it is thought so I need a genera
tor [Music] uhoh oh L that's not where I want to be there's a partly dungeon but seems like missed somebody's near it one's done too I mean that's a good one to get done but like [ __ ] then you have that map it's pretty good map strong oh I hate this gen location what the [ __ ] is this no survivors here none whatsoever oh my god I've been streaming for 6 and a half hours I thought it was 5 and a half the thing I don't like about ultimate is I don't even think you can hide in a locker to avoid
it like the moment you step out you still scream right it's like inevitable you will scream and I just dispelled one sorry ah ah ah [ __ ] get [ __ ] nerd by nerd I mean me f you dispels your hallucination oh my God I just dis that [ __ ] I really did drag my face across that door you better be hiding go hide well he's going to Ultimate Weapon you anyway hiding might be future oh am I crazy wrong button but thought maybe he had a marry but he didn't marry anyone else you the worry someone else a
lways hold on to it that's so ominous damn I didn't even see Ni in that whole match she died so soon you got out yes you got it yippee Eerie what's Eerie oh we yeah we begun that way Grim pain res ultimate nowh to hide it's a pretty meta build it's pretty strong on anyone not just like the new killer just drunk have one behind me oh my God nice just the way we like it need update to keep playing possibly which I don't want to do oh yeah I see that's annoying I kind of wanted to get to P10 but I
really can't be asked restarting too [Music] lazy I need to pee so [Music] bad yeah we do but that's fine I think I might end it here cuz [ __ ] I've been live for way too long it is almost 2 a.m. cuz I started stream late I forgot I forgot that I did that all right let me switch my God I did not realize how late it was I was just having so much fun I was just vibing let's see who's on who's on who's on who's on everybody's on everybody's [Music] on hey thank you for the follow let me see who's
on I got a new complain um oh let's read uh I think it was daa I think it was pronounced I think hey you were the one that I played with the other day you were the legion I played the other day vers the other day I think uh let me see D toen yeah D die toen they have a silly little Freddy Fazbear thing dlan D there you go all right God I'm so [ __ ] tired this is some good matches though I had a lot of fun and help with the adepts how many do you got how many of you got left cuz we did quite a f
ew we did quite a few I did try my best to like give you hatch and get you out as often as I could like if you were on hook at end game I was trading with you no matter what I TR I tried my best I did I did yeah thank you so thank you so much for the game stinky potato salad c um and and everyone else who joined me I really appreciate it um it was really fun I was really bracing for impact before stream because I was like [ __ ] it's going to be really bad like it was yesterday like yesterday's
games are so miserable right on to the raid stuff I guess you can copy and paste that if you want to put that into the channel we're going to raid just I Tolen we met them tonight we versed them um and we're going to go see what they kind of vibe is new to me so it's new to all of us I hope you'll join me for this it' be much appreciated here's the Discord if you're not in there it's kind of fun I think the people in there are cool I do my best to keep it updated I guess it's got Pokemon if you'
re into that um I'll be live Wednesday with dredge and I'll have the fishing thing up and running so you guys can catch fish alongside me if that interests you other than that thank you for hanging out I really appreciate it and I hope I see you next time
