
DEADPOOL Full Movie 2024: Wolverine | Superhero FXL Action Fantasy Movies 2024 English (Game Movie)

DEADPOOL Full Movie 2024: Wolverine | Superhero FXL Action Fantasy Movies 2024 in English (Game Movie). Best Action Game Movies of 2024. Deadpool, an epic superhero story by Marvel Comics. New Marvel's Deadpool Theory: Wolverine. List of characters: Deadpool, Wolverine, Hulk, Logan, The Amazing Spider-Man, Wade Wilson, The Marvel's Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Cat, Rogue, Domino, Cable, Doctor Octopus, Captain Marvel, and Thanos. Marvel Superhero Action Fantasy Movies 2024. Marvel Superhero Action Fantasy Games 2024 with All Cutscenes. #deadpool #wolverine #action

Superhero FXL Games

10 days ago

Tony, blast refraction. My god, that's impressive. Hey, helmet guy. Grenade refraction. Sorry. Sorry. It just happened Iron Man that did their thing. I got kind of jealous and... You are not going to be okay. I, Thanos, am your new lord and master. With this mind stone, you are my. Doctor Strange. 24 hours ago... Cable? Hey, man out of time. What are you doing here? We haven't seen him since our run in the comics together. I love reunion. Wade, I need you to listen closely. I've time traveled fr
om the future to bring you a dire warning about. Oh god, here he goes again. He's not here 10 seconds before he starts boring us with his dire warning from the future **** Sinister has knocked out the X-Men. I broadcastly may want to pay attention. This could explain a critical plot point. The survival of Earth entirely depends on. Which all hinges on you, Wade. Now, here's the critical part. It's so boring... Damn it, Wade. Man, did that hurt? So, we give Cable a slip. Looks like he left a note
. What does it say? Idiot, meet me at the Norland of the Cities. If you don't arrive within 1 hour, you'll miss the incredibly large breasted naked woman who claims to be your biggest fan. Don't fuff at that one again. Okay, but what if Cable means it this time? We can't take that chance. Large breasted naked fan lady. We're on our way. Low behold. Number one fangirl is Oh. I'd ask what that was about but I don't want to know. Time is short. We need to get you to Magneto's old Citadel across the
island. Don't even bother with that security tower. Sinister is up there broadcasting his. Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. Mister Sinister is up there? As in the **** who killed that other A hole who was my contract? One side, Summers. I got me some business to finish. Damn it, Wade. Stop. We don't have time to mess with the security towers. Alright, sinister. Time to pay the pan. What the hell happened to you? That looks very uncomfortable. You. Deadpool, you repulsive putrid mutate. Destroying this
tower will do nothing to stop my plans to instill genetic perfection upon this world. Nothing you do will stop my master plans. Wait, wait, wait. Are you stuck in there? No. That that would be ridiculous. Oh, so then you would mind if I played with this. Wait, what do you do with Nobu? Don't touch that? I don't know about you but. Winner. The finger. Modern product. Take it. What does this one do? Oh, danger time. Hey, Summers. Was that the big problem you needed help with? Because I just took c
are of it. Like a boss? Wade, that wasn't. Seriously, roll credits. We're done here. That wasn't Sinister. That was a clone. Damn, Summers. What you have for breakfast? Smells like tacos. You like tacos, Wade? No, you know, I know this hot taco lady, Samantha? Oh, she makes the best. Wade, what if you could never eat one of Samantha's tacos ever again? What you talking about, Summers? Mister Sinister is going to kill Samantha. Destroy all her tacos and everyone else on this planet unless you sto
p him. **** just got real. Indeed. So, we're going back-to-back train style on this one? Uh no, I can't stay. I'm fighting my own battles in the future. All of which hinge on what you do here and now. Anyway, the real Mr. Sinister is hold up on Magneto's old Citadel on the far side of the island. Easily a day's walk so we better. **** walking. Get ready for plan awesome. What the? Yes, sinister. All my satellites are in place. Ready for your broadcasts. Excellent. You are no longer in use to me.
Filthy **** There goes our contract money. Wait, wait, wait. Is that how the script goes? Yeah, time to have a little chat with Sinister. Hey there, Captain Douche. You know, I don't appreciate you killing my target before I could. Now, I need to collect from your sorry **** Should I be in What the over chances. I can't believe we used to date her. I can dump her. She's hot. Not as hot as Silock though. Were you even paying attention? Wolverine, Rogue? Hey, you're here too? Try reading the stri
ps. Like the girl said, we gotta go to Genosha if we're going to stop Mr. Sinister from. Wait, Genosha the island? Hey, we'll have to fly there. Are we taking the Blackbird? Oh, I always wanted to fly the Blackbird. No goddamn way. I have watched you, Victor Vom Doom. I know what you're planning and it cannot be allowed. Humanity is at an important crossroads. The future of your species is at stake. So today, I have broken my watcher's vow to never interfere with the course of humanity. I am her
e to stop you. I have so little respect for those who do not know their place. You do not know the power you abuse and you do not seem to know how to be The power of the cube is mine to control. You are a fool to come here. You have noone to blame but yourself. Please, no human can hold such power. You're wrong. One can Hydra Mystic in the warehouse. No candles. Whatever Hydra's looking for, it seems they have yet to find it. Just don't let them find you. You the new guy? Huh, sorry. The new ful
ly customizable, heroically, upgradable monster masher. Wise cracking anti-hero, Merc, very occasional hero. Whatever. I'm adaptable. Spin me off. It's a big franchise. Stop talking. Are you here for the statue too? What statue? The one my very mysterious and very scary client from somewhere in very Eastern Europe wants me to steal back from the guy who stole it from him. It's the circle of crime. That one? Well, Jimmy, my freaking Chagas. Yeah. That one. Heads up and pants down, ladies and gent
s. This is a robbery. I'm sorry. Have we met? Aren't you sloth? No, no, Sylvia. Cindy? Please kill him. Sin, that's it. Of course, Sin. Granddaughter of Redhead. I mean Skull. I mean Scout. Whatever. No. Step away from the artifact. Click. Did you just say click? Yes, I did for emphasis. Now, hand over the statue. Fool. Do you know what? Monologue-free zone here. It's in my contract. Sorry. Now, respect the click and hand over the. Big click energy. I like it. Wanna help me kill some Nazis? Hydr
a aren't Nazis. That potato frittata. But they have outlives their usefulness to me. See, I had your back. Right. Where is sin in the statue? Hmm, the level designer says she went that way. Why betray her own people? Maybe she appreciates a plot twist. You first. Is this a Moman thing? Please let this be a Moman thing. Cuz you know I'm the biggest Moman fan. Without that statue, not even a sparkly hole can cheer me up. Is this about your very scary client again? When he finds out how royally I b
otch this mission or worse, when he finds me, I'll be Deader pulled? There it is. You go, new guy and by that, I still obviously mean the new fully customizable. Come back with us to the Abbey. No. The magical wards will protect you. No. Hell no. You can hide there. Help us track down sin. No. No. Fight off the vampire infestation. If you insist. Look, Mara, I'm going to be DLC. Oh, when are we going to slay some vamps? We aren't going anywhere. This is a solo job. Uh, you know how boring solo j
obping by yourself is. Come on. No way. You're too distracting. I need to be focused out there. This could be a great bonding experience for us. We could touch stakes. Wait, you should bring Deadpool. Ha, see? Let me go put on my vampire hunting undies. Thanks a lot, Hunter. I had to learn to work with you. So should he. But you aren't Deadpool. I've got something. No, don't tell me. You they dead cat wrapped in cabbage? Huh. What? What? What is that? That is a hemalist. The face not even a shem
alist could love. If that is a face, because maybe that's it's Okay. Definitely not the face. It's a vampire egg sack which means now we're on the lookout for. Vampire bacon sack? Huh? Get it? What do we have? A full infestation. If we're lucky. Then I suggest you eliminate the threat before the vampires can get any stronger. On it. Or we pop that sucker like a giant zip. Yeah, I know. Your idea is great too. Easy enough. All good. The healing factor will fix me up. You do know I have a healing
factor, right? Well done, you two. What the? I'll come with or should I just stay? Right. Okay, good talk. Something's wrong. Something's changed. Nope, don't tell me. Don't tell me. I'm going to go with new benches. Vampires attacking civilians in plain sight. That's not vampire protocol. Okay. Yep, no, it's really not. Do you think anyone would notice if I just left you here? They'll know. Okay, okay. You want answers? I'll call my client. Not here, back home. Where we're safe from client bots
. You mean my home? The Abbey, which is absolutely 100% not your home? Make the call. Look, it's late in Lavaria now. Does that whole time zone thing and my client is a physician? You know, working those long physician hours? Oh, what? Sweetest guy but he's a real bear when he's grumpy. It wasn't that bad. Are you serious? It was awful. Quit being a pussycat. No one got hurt. No one got hurt yet. I don't care what you doing your off time but when we're out on missions, you don't jeopardize the t
eam. Got it? It's cute when you set up boundaries. I'm serious. You pull any of that **** that might put us in danger and it's over for you. End of discussion. Thanks for the save there. I thought Blade was going to stab me again. Are you alright? Alright is subjective but I'm still breathing. I was hoping the two of you would not fight. I can play nice all day when we're out there kicking bad guy booty but asking me to make friends? Barf? I'm simply asking you to be nice. It is not that difficu
lt. Hmm, going to stop you right there. These are my coworkers, not friends. I do not understand the distinction. When we go out on missions, that's our job. We're all playing for the same team. But asking me to get a drink after? That's what friends do. I'd rather pluck my eyes out with a rusty fork. I don't care if people don't like me. Can't blame them. It's hard being the most skilled, attractive, funniest, and humble person here. They could start an I hate Deadpool Club. I'm already a found
ing member but for twenty they could join. You're only here for a short time. At least make the most of it. Ah, like a true choose your own adventure. Gotta dump all my points to charisma. I am being serious. And it was very cute. I listened, alright? Are you and Blade going to be okay? I'm not going to lose any sleep over our Squabble but I can't speak for him. Just try not to anger him for me. You missed your opportunity to make me pinky promise. What happens if you break that kind of promise?
You cut off my pinky. Don't worry, it'll grow back. Hunter, just in time for the meeting of weirdos. Does you, me, and a unicorn if we can find a third. Hope the rest of your fan club won't mind. What makes me weird? I forgot. You aren't as self-aware as I am. You talk like you're an ancient artifact. You're older than the geezers who created us and you've got some deep-rooted mommy issues. Should I keep going? I charge by the hour. I am honored. Be among weirdos. You say that now but wait unti
l your friends see what spending more time with me does to you. You make it sounds dangerous. Ah, I know. Isn't it great? Are you not concerned about fitting in? What is this high school? Are you scared to get a swirly at the bathroom? I do not know what a swirly is. Oh, don't worry. I'll show you later. Besides, I'm more interested in your answer. Fitting in, yay or nay. There is nothing wrong with wanting to fit in. Not to sound like your guidance counselor but it's also boring. The Midnight S
uns are all distinguished and strong in their own way. I would like to be the same. Uh Oh, you're serious. Well, at least you know what you want. Listen, all I'm saying is that I'm not the only one who likes your whole stick. So, keep it up. These vampires are getting out of control and it's all Deadpool's fault. Blah, blah, judgy judge. Don't be so harsh on him, Sarah. He's super brave and super awesome and super handsome. Thou saveth my behind from foul beasts. Thou shalt henceforth have my un
dying devotion. Ah, Shugs, really tickles the cockles of my heart. We won't judge you. I don't even care that you're. Working for Doctor Doom? On my honor, in accordance with the mercenary code, I can neither confirm nor deny the identity of my client. You, I, At least tell us what this unidentified physician client hired you to find. On my honor, in keeping with, no wait, I can answer that one. A little something called the Magma Manna. Magna Carrigo. That's it. You mean the vampire holy grail.
Is it really that bad? The ancient relic my blood sucking cousins believe will cure them of every weakness, sunlight, silver, garlic breath. Finding it wouldn't be melodramatic. It would be cataclysmic. Unless you happen to be a vampire and have you found it? This close. Tracked it to some backwards country full of mud, goats, and potatoes. Transia, like that's a thing. Transia. Why does it always have to be Transia? Mud? Goats? The Abbey is from Transia. So is one of the midnight sons. Love Tr
ansia. Love it. What's better than mud wrestling? Except goat wrestling, huh? And huge fan of Tater Totsy. Stop talking. We have a relicant. And I have the coordinates. Straight from my client's mouth. If he has one behind all that, duh. Never mind. An old abandoned castle? If that doesn't scream Mambo Cerebro, I don't know what does. First rule of relic hunting, an old abandoned castle is a we have hydro vampires up ahead acknowledged. Do you think the vampires joined Hydra or was it the other
way around? Oh, which reminds me. Dear Hydrabob, are you a vampire? Love Deadpool. Proceed with caution. No time to dilly dally. Well, guess what everybody? Though come to my family home. Destroyed by your allies as they tried in vain to destroy my grandfather. And that would be red skull I gathered? From the, you know, redness of the skull behind you? On our left, careful. And you be careful. Please, it's been a rough couple years and I love you for who you are. A great man, my grandfather. A b
rilliant man. I worshiped him once. Just once? Must not have been that great. More to our right. But at last, I have a new master, a worthy one, and when the ritual is complete and the Magnacore ego is awakened, we Rude. Oh, is that my bad? Hold that thought. Good. Hydrobob's not a vampire. What were you saying about the Mango Gazebo? Enough blasphemy. End them now. Arrogance mortals. A Magnacore ego is eternal. It's darkness shall spread across the land until the world is cloaked in endless nig
ht. Blah, blah, blah. I'm evil. I'll use it. Something, something for you. Domination. Blah, blah, going to destroy you. Now, prepare yourself. Something, something, something. Bare screw it. You shall bear witness to the ascensional. Quick. What? Hi You're a monster. That's a little on the nose, don't you think? Cindy? Cindy Smart cannot. He's good for the whole Longaroos. Caretaker, are you tracking this? Affirmative. Hold on. We're getting you out of there. Farewell, my friend. Yeah, okay. Ab
out that. Quick queue. Seeing as I just destroyed Doc, the my unidentified physician client's vampire with a Y. Holy grail. Is it cool if I crash with you for a while? Friend? I don't think. A while? No. Not forever? No. No. 20, 30 years, Tom. No. Do not fret. The Magna Corrigo was not crucial to my ascension. Dries, my child. We must prepare for the endless night. Yes, master. Well, everything is out in the open now. I'm fully exposed. Are you not worried about any repercussions from this docto
r of doom? If I think about it too hard, yes, but lucky for me, this dome piece is empty. There's so much free real estate up here. How did you even get involved with him in the first place? Uh haven't you listened to anything I've said? Money. You knew he was dangerous. Was the job worth it? Yeah, you can't make an omelette without strangling a few chickens. Besides, fumbling the bag led me to you. A win-win situation if you ask me. So long as you are happy with the outcome. Oh, I'm putting Mer
c stuff on the back burner. No freelancing. Just going to work Pro Bono for the Midnight Suns. Did you know Pro Bono doesn't mean what I thought it did? I cannot speak for the rest of the team but it will be nice to have the extra help. Iho my heroics with the Magna Carrigo back there bought me brownie points with the goody two shoes around here. I did not anticipate you destroying the Magna Carrigo. What? Mister questionable morals can't have a change of heart. I am pleasantly surprised. I choo
se to take that as a compliment. So, what is next for Deadpool? I've got an exclusive contract with the Midnight Suns. I've always considered you part of the team. The more murder hands, the merrier. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make my presence known. How will you be doing that? Fireworks, balloons, gunshots, the euge. Pool, it's Logan. Got your message and for the last time, no. You cannot take our blackbird out for a joy ride. Stop calling about it. Hey, Deadpool. It's Domino. So
, I got another contract for you if you're interested. The coin is good so just let me know. Oh and regarding that other thing you've texted me about, I I can't. I I mean it was just supposed to be said one time and I anyway, just call me. It's Peter Dela Penna from High Moon Studios. You know, the guy you kept calling dickhead when you corner me in the parking lot the other night? Anyway, looked over your proposal. Not going to pretend I understand any of it but the answer is no. We're going to
pass on your big game idea. What? He said no. That was our chance to be in our own video game. Maybe we shouldn't have written the proposal in Crayon. Relax. You know he's going to call back. Oh yeah. Because of the. Deadpool. Hey, Peter. You know, dickhead. Remember when I called you earlier and told you no? I'm such a joker because I meant yes, of course. The new proposal you sent over this morning went off with a big bang in the office today. Genius. Just genius. So, sum it up, congratulatio
ns. Let's make a video game. See, once again, our explosive personality wins the day. High five. No high fives were voices in our head. I've got my top designer banging away on a script right now. Soon as it's ready, we'll send it right over. Rohi is messed up. She needs to absorb our healing factor through skin contact. Rogue, there's no time to explain but we gotta suck face like there's no tomorrow. I'll be gentle little darling. Yay. Holy **** Is that even legal? Rogue, baby. You're sucking
too much of my. My. Now, that's what I call a kiss, sugar. Holy **** We're in her head now. The girls are as farmers ever. Ma'am. Don't worry, Rogue. We'll save you. Mister Snuckhams? What are you? Hey, babe. Good to see you. Hmm, it's been a long time, darling. What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why are we dancing? Hmm, you've bled out, my love and now we're together. As always, our time is short. I need you to do something for me. Just name it, Sugar Skull. Mister Sinister is exumi
ng mutant corpses and harvesting their DNA. Ooh, sounds heavy. The spirits of those mutants still linger here yearning to stop him. I cannot them. You want me to free their souls, my bony muffin? Yeah, I got this, babe. Deadpool. Yes, my bony bride. Pull yourself together. What is this strange new world death has presented us with? Duh, it's Genosha. We're back on the surface. Ah, I love it. It's very French. Focus. We should get to. Oh my god. What's that over there? I smell cheap hot sauce. De
adpool, I know you're around here. It's you. What were you doing over there? Just a little surprise for our player. What? Whatever. We gotta move. We need everybody on this one if we're going to stop Sinister. That means you too. Yeah. Duh. It's my game. Game. This is serious. You quit scratching your **** Bob and get into the fight. He said **** Bob. That? He did. I didn't sign up for this. What a bunch of jumps. What the? Enough. Ted Pool, you are a repugnant. Revolting. Disgusting abomination
. With no place in this world. Well, here we are. The moment of truth. Can you believe it? You know, I wasn't sure how you do but gotta say, you crushed it. Well, we crushed it. We make an amazing team. Nearly brings us to tears. We should do this more often. We thought it'd be better for the game if we did it this way, you know, giving you the glory after we did all the work. Just push your button to execute our super awesome, amazing plan. Wait, that was the real sinister, right? We're ready f
or you Doctor Michaels. Is that the devil's breath? It's called GR twenty-seven not. Just be careful. In the wrong hands, this could. Don't worry, we're the best in the world. I feel better already. Code 3 81. Package is on the move. This way, Doctor Michaels. What the hell is that? Secure the package. Ugh. Welcome aboard, doctor. Get off me. We got this. Yeah, sure you do. He is coming. He is coming and he will destroy all sinners. Lee, hand it over. Right fluid. What's your status? Have you ap
prehended Lee? Working on it. Don't you? I'll take this. What are you doing to me? Giving you a new perspective. Are you okay? Did they take it? Yes. How worried should I be? Very. You're a popular guy. Where is the serum? I'm gone. To destroy you. So-called superhero. You think you save people but you just make it worse. This is your fault. My fault. He was under your protection. Do you really need two of those? Stop. We need to brief Mister Osborne now. I'll go with her. Thank you. I'll rememb
er this. And in turn, leaves our oceans and rivers cleaner than when man first walked the earth. Mister Lee, This will be easier for everyone if you remain calm and do as I say. Police, over here. No. Amor. Mayor Osborne's office. I would like to speak to Mayor Osborne. Who's calling? The man he is looking for. What do you want? I want you at Grand Central Terminal in 30 minutes. By yourself. There'll be more blood on your hands. They're not going to take me without a fight. Wait. What are you d
oing? Let's all just relax. Listen, I'm a reporter. I have a direct line to Mayor Osborne. I can help make sure he arrives on time. How? First, let him go. Sir Jesus. They're coming. Jump over the railing. Get to cover. You still got that tablet? Yeah. Okay, I got this. Come on. Almost there. I did it. Good job. Now, let's get you out of here. How about the devil's breath? I'll come back for it. No, we're partners, remember? Can we argue later? If we don't help those people, they could die. So c
ould you. I can't let that happen. No. No. I got myself into this. I'm getting myself out. What do you mean you got yourself into this? Gotta get past him. I'm ready. Do it. Start the timer. At least getting away. His escape plan is to use the train. Can't let him get away. Finally. Sorry, I'm late. It's kind of my thing. Why are you doing this? Paying off an old debt. Better keep my distance for now. That didn't work. Better wait for an opening. He's hurt. Looks like he's getting tired. Time to
get close and finish this. You're sick. Let me help you, Martin. Oh. I don't want to hurt you. Nothing can hurt me. Not anymore. No breaks? No problem. That totally worked last time. Yuri, they still doing construction on 42nd first? Street's closed for another month. Why? Next stop, prison. Go back to the lab. This is Mary Jane Watson. Please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Uh hey, it's me. Let me know when you want to talk. Hello? Parker. Just in time to ce
lebrate. Celebrate? Wait. Where are the arms? Oh, wow. So cool. How did you? Entracranial neural network. Neurotransmission speeds under one nanosecond. Faster than signals travel inside the brain. Never mind to an external prosthesis. We did it, Peter. No one can take this away from us. Amazing, right? And your work on the neural web was the key. But we haven't even tested it yet. There's so much we don't know. It works beautifully. Uh come on, take a look. Doctor? Doctor, I found a potential p
roblem. Everything has problems to be McCarthy but fortune favors the bull. It's time to show the world what we've done. Otto, the neural web isn't isolating your motor neurons. It could be affecting other parts of your brain, your your inhibitions, your mood. I just think we need some more. Is that enough? For the first time in my life. I don't feel like a failure. I feel like maybe. Otto, you're not a failure. But this could permanently damage your mind, please. Right. Don't worry. We're close
. I'll keep at it. Work out some bugs. Go. Go. You sure you're okay? Yes. Thank you, Peter. For everything. To you live Grand Central Terminal where Mayor Osborne is about to address the media. Harden Lee is now behind bars. When I make a promise to this city, I keep it. The people of New York will soon make a decision that could change the course of this city forever. So when you're casting your vote, remember what I've done. All safer now than we have ever been. Liar. You have no idea what you
're in for. The devil's breath is gone but we got even bigger problems. Rikers? We have to hurry. Hop on. What happened? It was a coordinated attack. Must have been planned from the outside. Every cell block is breached. We're minutes away from every prisoner and Rikers walking right up fifth Avenue. What about the raft? It should be okay. It's a supermax facility. Better security and a separate power grid. Good. What about the devil's breath? Sable's handling it. Do you trust them? Do I have a
choice? Uh-oh. Should've worn your seat belt. They're coming. Where is everybody? They're attacking my car. License and registration please. Okay, looks like things are somewhat under control. I thought you said the raft was secure. It was. Let's go. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks. Love the optimism but in my experience, when it looks bad, it's usually worse. Look out. Ha. I'm flipping. Gotcha. You okay? Yeah. Welcome to the party. Just in time for the fireworks. Looks like we made parole, bo
ys. Electro, why is he letting everyone out? I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation is. Got it. I'll go join the party. Initiate Oh, hi, Rhino. Hope you like surprise spider. Hey, what's your status? Me? Just trapped in a prison with every criminal I put away in the last This is too good to be true. Scorpion, can you hold on a minute? I was in the middle of a phone call and it was business. Come on, Spider-Man. I thought this was a chase. Gotcha. Vulture. Long time n
o see. We're going to have so much fun. Sorry, no time to talk. Ugh. How do you like my new suit? Dashing. Where'd you get it? It's an exclusive club. He fed not to kill him. Good idea. In fact, we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to. He definitely wants. Ah. They're octavious. First and final warning. Stay out of our way. Each of you has a job to do. Your debts will be repaid when we're done. Go. Serious. All these years. All these are lies. It's over, Norman. Time to give them th
e truth. With a daily vehicle special report on the bioterror attack. As of this hour, the number of effective can you pass us? Sure. But they are working around the clock on a cure for this deadly disease. The city wide quarantine is being heavily enforced by Sable International who maintain tight security over all transit points. Throughout the city, police and Sable agents continue to battle with Rikers and raft escapees. Me Meanwhile, Mayor Osborne has gone on record blaming Spiderman for th
e prison break and citywide sickness and branding him a fugitive but he has yet to provide evidence and many believe the mayor is just deflecting blame since an exclusive report by the Bugle revealed that this disease originated in a secret unregulated Oscorp laboratory here in Manhattan. Mayor Osborne insists that Oscorp turn it off. NDC on an anti-serum but has not provided any further evidence to support this claim. Doctor Octavius, why? How did I let this happen? Just got a call from the hos
pital. They said you went Awol. Need to get back to work. The doctor said you still have 14 broken bones. Which means I have a hundred and 9-two non-broken ones. Thanks for taking care of me by the way. The hard part was keeping you hidden from Sables. They branded you a priority target, you know. I humbly accept the honor. What is happening to our city, Yuri? I don't know. Feels like the end of the world. Maybe a S. This isn't good. Transformers are charging the building, trapping the police in
side. Police are free but demons aren't backing down. Need to lend a hand. Come on. Come on. You alright? Peter, fire and rescue's on the way. I found a fire escape that'll get me. MJ, stay back. I don't want to have to rescue you too. Peter, don't be crazy. Wait for help. We're over here. I got you. Hang on. Go. Batman, you alright? Get to the window. It's too far. Hold on. Brace yourselves. Come on, you stupid piece of. Come on, Mae. I've got you. Oh my god. Go. Go. Miles, come on. No. We've g
ot you. We've got you. Uh just in my apartment right over there. Second floor. And I heard some I just heard a loud noise. Is May okay? Everyone is safe. Mj, if it weren't for you and Miles, I would have been. As dead as I would have been the last eight and a half thousand times you saved me. Pretty sure I still owe you a few. That's smart. Hey, I'm sorry I screwed things up. Hard being the one who always gets saved, you know. Sometimes, I want to do the saving. I'm sorry, I made you feel like y
ou couldn't. Still partners? Hey, so I didn't know if you wanted sparkling or or flat or spring or mountain spring. So, I got one of each. Am I interrupting? No. Um MJ, miss Watson and I were just talking strategy. Strategy. That's right. The city is in danger. It needs our help. All of our help. Alright, we'll call the play coach. Okay. Divide and conquer. Miss Watson, we need an anti-serm for devil's breath. Oscorp's developing something but there's no way they can keep it safe from Octavious
and Lee. We need to find the cure and protect it. I'll chase down some leads. You need to be my eyes and ears at feast. Anything goes wrong, call me. We need to keep that place and the people there safe. Alright, you got it. What are you going to do? Gang, a costume nut jobs is taking the city apart piece by piece. Time I return the favor. Hey, wait. Um How do I call you? I mean, you have like a cellphone in your in your pockets or something? Miss Watson can give you my number. Good luck, team.
Do you have his number? Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend? That'll be so cool. Come on, Sherlock. Show me what you got in this waters mortgage board. This is it. Hello, Spiderman. We've never been properly introduced. I'm Otto Octavius. There is no Icarus, is there? No. Martin needs no assistance to secure the anti-Serum. Icarus was a ruse to get you into position. Into position? Need a list. So refreshing to work for a man like Octavius. Backup plans for his backup plans. Mj, hey. Keith, are you
okay? What's happening? Traffic's rough. Listen, Lee's coming for the anti-Serum. We need to find Oscorp's Devil's Breath Lab before he does. On it right now. If there's a record of the lab, I'll find it. That's great. Okay. Talk soon, MJ. Trap failed? Softened him up. Time for plan B. Ugh. Uh huh. One down, one to go. What's happening? Electro's been grounded. Spiderman, I presume. If you really cared about this city, you'd be helping me expose Osborne for the criminal he is. By killing innocen
t people? I would have restored the power. You're sick. You need help. I have all the help I need and we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves. I hate it when they team up. I just need to catch my breath. Pete, I'm working on a story you might be interested in. The Oscorp expose? New one. It's about the Maggia crime families. The mob? I thought they went out with swing dances, both times. They were in decline but with Fisk and the Demons gone, La Cosa Nostra is making a comeback. I lo
ve it when you talk dirty. Easy, Tiger. So, you know the fast rate of the Maggia last month? Sure. Well, one of the dawns had this lost masterpiece painting called the Maria and now their display it over at Manhattan Mocha. And? And I have a source who says one of the families is planning to steal it back tonight. Sounds like there's more to it than just art appreciation. Go swing by the museum. Mj, looks like your source was right. There's a small army of goons trying to break in. Stay on the l
ine while I take a closer look. Just be careful. If those guys are Maggia, they play for keeps. Hurry up. Come on. Boss wants that painting. We should have been in and out by now. You want to try? Be my guest. Sheesh. Some people do anything to avoid paying full-price admission. Nap time. Broad keeps texting me. These guys have to learn to appreciate our during business hours. Time for a little demonstration of the fine art of subduing criminals. Nothing compared to what the apostles do to you.
I know some of these guys. That's Frederico Frazzli and Sal Patrillo. Those guys are part of Hammerhead's crime family, right? Why would he want the Maria? It doesn't seem like his thing. I'm going to look around. Make sure noone got in a different way. I'll let you know if I find anything. Hey, what is that? Mj, someone cut a hole in a skylight. I'm going to check it out. So while Hammerhead's guys were trying to break in the front, someone else looked into the roof? Looks that way. No sign of
anyone. At a Shouldn't there be guards here at night? Yeah. Maybe check the security booth near the entrance. There should be cameras there too. They would have seen whoever broke in. The security boost secure. I need a palm print to get in. Any clue about what happened to the guards will be inside. Is there a way to override the lock? Not without a guard's hand. Actually, their hand print. If you can't find the guards, maybe you can lift prints from the things they touched. Oh, yeah. Good idea.
Always happy to lend a hand. Got a handprint. Well, a part of one. Looks like I'll need more. Weird. It's like the guards just vanished. Another one. Cool. Trained guards wouldn't leave their stuff around like this unless they didn't leave voluntarily. Nope, I don't get it. There must be a print on here somewhere. Okay, I should have enough partials to reconstruct a handprint. We're in. Nice. What do you see? They're alive. Looks like they were tranquilized. No signs of a struggle. Definitely n
ot Hammerhead style. So if not Hammerhead, who Is there a camera feed? Let me check. Someone switched off camera five. Well, that's suspicious. Let me turn it back on and see what they didn't want anyone looking at. It's pointing at one of the paintings in the exhibit. That has to be the Maria. And noone stolen it yet. I need to see this up close. Figure out what's so special about it. The Maria is a brilliant example of modern pastoral impressionism. The saga of its repeated theft and recovery
are almost as intriguing as the artwork itself. Looks like a pretty normal painting to me. It is. There's way more valuable stuff in that museum. So, why is the Majia so worked up about this painting? Hang on, MJ. Someone's coming. Keep an eye out. Spiderman could still be here. Oh, damn it. Gotta lock behind security glass. Hey, tell Frank we're going to need to break out the big guns. Mj, Hammerhead's guys called in reinforcements. They haven't spotted me yet. Good. Try to keep it that way. Sp
iderman's around. This goes south. I'm home. Nothing's getting to that safety glass. I don't like this. Jobs will be here soon. Well, we got a job to do before they show up so let's do it. I'm on my third Cops will be here any minute. The hell with this. Grab what you can and run. Great. Now, they're looting the other art. Gotta stop them before they make it out. They'll be cleaning you off the walls when I. There's only one way out of here. The way they came in. You got a death wish, huh? Gotta
get to the exit and cut them off. Next time, try the gift chop. Yeah. Don't let him pick up anymore of us. I'm going to see Keep him distracted. I'm almost to the exit. Yeah, he's getting away. How about as a consolation prize, I send you a poster of that piece for your prison cell. So, there's the exit. I just gotta get out. They're trying to steal that art. Cheer up. Maybe they'll have art classes in prison. This one's coming home with me. Keep him distracted. I'm almost to the engine. Got it
. Boss wants his head. How'd he do that? Gotta get to the exit and cut him off. Too slow. Peter, you there? You okay? Yeah, I think I got them all. Lot of art to put back though. What about the Maria? This could have all been a distraction. My thoughts exactly. I'll head back there. Hopefully, the glass was thick enough. Security walls intact and bulletproof. Nobody's getting near the Maria anytime soon. Mission accomplished then? I hope so. Yeah, I am going to have to call you right back. Why?
What's going on? You look good. Been working out? Oh, I mean, you know, a little. So, you swinging solo now? We're back with your ex. That's a lot of questions. I'm just curious. Yeah, I hear that's bad for cats. How about you tell me why you're really here? I was just waiting for the right moment. Look behind you. We're going to pound your faces. Rockets. Who brings rockets to a museum? Have you not met Hammerhead? More coming your way, handsome. What the? **** them up. I like your new tricks.
And I'm tired of your old ones. Weren't you going to stop stealing art? Who said I'm here for the art? What are you doing? Think you have lives to save. Not again. Where'd she go? Peter, is everything okay? Sorry, MJ. I just ran into an old friend. Who? Trouble. So, Black Cat was the one who went in through the roof? She was working with hammerheads, guys? Yeah, she was probably watching me the whole time I was in there. Just tell me you didn't let her get away with the Maria. She didn't. Good.
She smashed it and stole a data drive hidden in the frame. What? Sorry. So, what do you think was on that drive? Good question. I'll start asking around. Then, I guess I'll start following Cat Prince. All units. You're not being subtle. Time to shut this down before someone gets killed. Got them all. Gay's all here. Did I get everyone? Oh. No. Alright, alright, alright, I give up. I get time off here if I talk. You won't if you don't. Oh, This is the white head chick. She told us to come down he
re and make some noise. Sucker bait and I'm the sucker. Where'd you meet her? This is Bodega unwaverly. Mj, the whole shootout was a distraction. Black cat set it up to draw police away from Waverly Street. One of the other Maggia families has a front on Waverly. This is a rose I think. Maybe I can still catch her. Felicia takes her time. She's nothing if not methodical. Is she now? Uh I'll keep you posted. There's the bodega. Alright, Felicia. Where are you? There's her stake out gear. Hey, Spi
der. Felicia, Namaji are no joke. You shouldn't be playing with them. Oh, but I like to play. Spider-man. He's working with the cat. Get him. Nobody steals from the Cistro family in life. You guys sure do jump to quick conclusions. I'm not working for Hammerhan or any other spine family. I'm just wrong place, wrong time. Well, that was fun and where's Felicia? I like watching you. Reminds me of old times. What's on that drive? Not entirely sure to be honest. Then why are you stealing it? If I do
n't, They'll kill my son. Wait, your son? Damn it. Felicia has a son? Can't be. I mean, it could be and I could be. No, no, no, no. I'm not going to think about that right now. MJ, I found the cat but she got away. Really? How methodical of her? She stole another data drive. Hmm, so each family has a drive. Did you learn anything else? Uh, well, not much. Okay, Sounds like she's helping Hammerhead make a power play on the other crime families. Which could end badly for everyone. The last thing t
he city needs is a gang war. I'll let you know if I turn up any info on those drives. What's up, SM? It's your number one fan. Wait a minute, Screwball. Don't tell me you're out of jail. I sure am and I brought some of my fans with me. Aren't they just the cutest? They're helping me set up for my new show. In fact, I'd love for you to swing by. TTYL. Something tells me those guys weren't released for good behavior. Better get over there and check it out. As you probably heard, Spider Man stopped
the crime boss hammerheads thugs from robbing the Museum of Contemporary Art. Good for him, right? Wrong, Time to put Screwball's fans back behind bars where they belong. Hey, guys. I promise to go easy on you if you promise to stop idolizing internet celebrities. One thing hasn't changed. Screwball's getting others to do our dirty work. What were they setting up anyway? Spiderman. Wasn't that it? Perfect way to kick off my brand new Starring. Sorry, my dance card's full. Pretty sure you'll mak
e time for this because if you don't, my fans will get angry and people will die. I just love reality shows, don't you? Some people do anything for clicks. Attention all units. We have a bomb threat against a VIP Mashi witness. Incident is ongoing near Union Square. Please copy. Some of my fans are on trolling patrol. Wonder what will happen if they find one. I don't want to find out. Better send them back to prison where they belong. Take. Hey, Peter. I might have found Black Cat's next target.
Really? How? Because according to Bliss Dispatch, there was just a burglary matching her ammo. I'm sending you the location. Hey, if you find her, don't let her play you again. Yeah, I'll be on guard. She's, I don't know. Felicia, what have you done this time? Cops have blocked off the whole street. If I can pick up the cat's trail, maybe I can catch up to her. Looks like the security guard was hurt. Maybe the EMT can tell me what happened. What happened here? Spider-Man. Uh I heard someone sto
le a rare book or something. Is the guard going to be okay? Pretty bad case of photocaratitis. Basically a flashburn of his corneas but he'll recover. I need to check the alley. If Felicia did this, I've gotta find her. Antique Book. Looks like it's volume two of us set. Where's volume one? There's a high-end pawnshop owned by the Machio family around here. Felicia already took two data drives from other families. Did she just take a third? There have to magnesium flare probably would burn that
guard's eye. There's the trail. Let's see where it leads. Having a hard time focusing. I can't be a dad. I mean, technically, I can be but dove. I need to tell MJ. She'll know what to do but how am I going to tell her? I should looks like a member of the Machio Crime family. Spiderman KO'd Vito. Take him out. And here comes some of his brothers. You ever think maybe Vito got KO'd for acting exactly like this? Better get back on the trail. Those look like hammerheads, guys. Mj, sending you a pick
of a plate I need you to run. Got it. I'll let you know what I find. You get it? Yeah. Where's the drive? She said she wanted to deliver it to Hammerhead personally. Didn't I tell you to get the drive? Yeah, but she gave the other ones to him so I just figured. So, I tell you to do something and you don't do it. You know what happens next. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh. Hey, don't act so surprised. I said you knew what happened next. Quit messing around. You're going to hurt Wolv
erine. That's not good. Great. Here fellas, it's probably overdue. Mj, the cat got another day to drive. Just one more and Hammerhead has the drives from all the other Maje families. Gotta figure out what's on those drives. And there's something else. There's this thing. Probably not a big thing but it could be a thing. A little maybe big thing. Please say a sense that doesn't include the word thing. Okay, the reason Felicia's working for Hammerhead is because he took her son. Didn't know she ha
d a son. Well, certainly sounds like something Hammerhead would do. There's this other thing. You know that she and I dated for a while. Yeah, so. Oh, oh, are you serious? I mean, I don't know for sure but it's possible. Ew. Ugh. I need to hang up now. Okay then. She'll call back when she's cooled off. Right I think I'll go on patrol for a while. Try to clear my head. All units advised. We have reports that a VIP Majia witness has gone missing. Additional officers requested near flat iron. Sweep
it off. Spiderman's here. We're playing in the trunk. Not safe, fellas. Peter. Sweet. Wow. Served. I was wondering wait, is this a bad time? No, it's fine. What's up? Oh, nothing? I mean, wait, are you doing Spider-Man stuff right now? A little bit, yeah. Really? Like what? Specifically. You mean what am I doing right now at this moment? I'm Yeah. Uh unless you think that's like creepy or weird or something. Yeah. Yeah. It probably is. I bet I sound like a stalker or something. Miles, it's okay
. What did you want to talk about? Nothing. Nothing. I'm sorry. It can wait. I'll call you back later. Seems like one of those stolen paintings is around here. All units, we've got reports of Maggio harassing a civilian. Location is north of house bin. Over. Sharp suits. All dressed up for jail? What the hell? Hammerhead's not even trying for subtlety anymore. Thank you, Spider-Man. Hey, MJ. First things first, head to this address. It's the last known address at the Costa Family Safe House. If
my source is right, they have the final day to drive. MJ, listen. No, you listen. I kind of over reacted the last time we talked. Not at all. You reacted exactly how I would've. We weren't together at the time and it's not like I didn't date other people. Right. Wait, you dated people? Like plural? The point is, we're adults and there's a kid in danger. So, let's get to saving him. I don't deserve you. I know. Okay, so I think I know what's on those drives. Years ago, the families agreed to a jo
int accounting database in order to keep the peace. Put all their assets in one place. And require all five data drives to access it. So Hammerhead steals Black Cat's son. And then forces her to steal the drive so he can steal the assets from the other families. Hammerhead's trying to get rich quick and bankrupt the other families in the process. We have to find that last drive before he does. I'm on it. Units advised, we have a chase in progress possibly involving Maggia. Report came in from Le
nox Hill. Felicia, we need to talk. Oh, I do miss our little chats but I've gotta run. She shorted out my webshooters with an EMP. Guess I'm doing this the old-fashioned way. Come on, I want to help. Then, back off. If Hammerhead's got your son, you can't do this alone. Why not? I've done everything else alone. I'm saying you don't have to. Spidey, what do you mean? Why won't you trust me? We worked together before. Answered your own question, didn't you? Felicia, why didn't you come to me with
this? Cuz it's not your problem. It's mine and I'll handle it. Maybe I don't think it's a problem. Wait, unless you mean the gang war because that's definitely a problem. Stay up. It's funny. It's funny. Web shooters are back online. I can help you stop hammerhead. How? No killing, no breaking the law. Your way won't get it done. Felicia, about your son. I just need to know. Is he? He's mine and I'll take care of him. You dubrn little spider. I just want to talk. Are you still with me? I could g
o all night if that's what it takes. Now, you're getting my attention. Guess I gotta play harder to get. Need to get closer. Time. Don't look for me. Stop running. Stop chasing me. Why are you webbing me? Cuz I'm trying to slow you down. That did it. Now to get in close. Now, can we talk like human beings? This feels pretty human to me. I know what's on those drives you're stealing. Look at you, Braun and Brains. You can't give Hammerhead the last drive. Once he has what he wants, your son will
just be a loose end. Let me help you. What are you thinking? Stall him. Give us some time to find your son. I missed you. Glad we're back together again. Not like that. Shame. Okay, I can probably give us a couple days, Max. So, how about your son? Is there a chance I'm later? For now, let's find him and he's safe. We can talk about that. Keep in touch spider. Mj's going to kill me. You get it up time? Yeah, she's going to stall Hammerhead while we all try to find her son. Did she tell you if yo
u're. She didn't say. Of course, she didn't. Are you sure she's not just playing you? I know her. She wouldn't be working for someone like Hammerhead unless she had to. Okay. Well, I'm going to run that plate number you sent me. I'll let you know where it leads. I'm running out of steam. Time for a pick me up. Eddie's Pizza. Hey, Spider-Man. Spidey, you sound hungry. You know it. Can I get the usual extra pepperoni? I'm on it. You want rooftop delivery? Yes, please. Same rooftop as last time. Gi
ve me a few. I'll let you know when it's ready. Well, I'm waiting on Eddie. Let me head out into the city and see what's what. Running late. Hi, Miles. Just calling you back. What was it you wanted to ask before? Hey, Peter. Uh it was just, I mean, it's no big deal or anything. I know you're super busy. I was just wondering if there might be some time we could, you know, start training? Training? Yeah, maybe just the basic stuff like swinging from a skyscraper. Swinging from a low building. Poet
ry. Miles, you're 15. You need to focus on school. That's way more important than. Yeah, but if I finish all my homework early and you've got some free time one day, I mean, you started when you were 15, right? And I nearly got myself killed at least 100 different times. I can't let that happen to you. Okay. Yeah, I get it. Talk to you later. Oh, man. What am I going to do with that kid? Oh. Those look like explosives. I should check in with the bomb squad. Masterpiece. One of the stolen paintin
gs should be around here somewhere. Ready. Thanks. You're a life saver. Now, that's your job but if you like it, can you give us a shout out on the social medias? Really helps the business. We'll do. Later, Eddie. I don't think I've ever been this hungry. Attention units, an alarm was just triggered at a I love you. But now, I must destroy you. Oh, hello? Hey, I followed up on that license plate. It's registered to a storage company owned by one of Hammerhead's old friends. I'm there now. Uh giv
e me a few minutes. Um I'll be there as soon as I can. In the meantime, I'll just take a quick look around. Okay, first things first. Look around. This guy looks like he needs a nap. What's that? Sheets of counterfeit bills. Looks like Hammerhead's got a new hobby. Stewie, give me a hand with this. It's heavier than your mother. You crazy. Give me. Yo, Mikey. Help me out, will you? Stewie's got a terminal case of being a wuss. All that stuff about hammerhead cracking guy. Oh, that's a lot of cas
h. Looks counterfeit. No sign of the boy here. Perfect. I should get a picture of that guy. I'll see if my contacts on the force can positively IDM. All day with this damn phone. Get back to work. No more slacking off. An unguarded laptop. Golden opportunity. A shipping manifest. This could lead to their distribution center. Oh, hell no. Uh-oh. Alright, I'll tell the boys. The Costa family is causing trouble. Acting like they want to go to war. I gotta have a sit down. See what we do about this.
We're on high alert. You see anyone? Don't take any chances. Take em out. Got all the shipping company data which will hopefully tell us where they're keeping her son. I'll look through it later. Now, gotta get out of here. Quietly. Hey, is it true Hammerhead got shot in the head and lit? Ah, what a mess. Who's going to clean it up? How about you? I think I've outstayed my welcome. Better get out of here fast. No, you first. Okay, everybody. Huddle up. Close as I ever want to cut it. Yeah, son
of a **** Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. What are you doing here? And why do you smell like pizza? Because I just ate pizza? Well, while you were out enjoying lunch, I was gathering evidence and trying to find a missing child. I ate as fast as I could. I've got stuff to follow up on. I'll call you later. Oh, Note to self. No upside down is after double pepperoni. Thanks.



I never can understand the game versions unless I start from the beginning


Bro 🙏 pls reply


Bro,, bro bro 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺