
Debate Over Partisan Government Advertising: Promoting Transparency or Propaganda?

The Opposition questions the Premier on the continuation of partisan government advertising despite previous promises to end it, citing concerns about taxpayer funds being used for propaganda rather than essential services, while the Premier defends the advertising as necessary for informing Ontarians about government initiatives and promoting the province's economic growth and job creation efforts.

Ontario Legislature T.V

3 days ago

thank you the next question once again the leader of the opposition thank you speaker my question is to the premier uh when the previous liberal government were in power they spent millions and millions of dollars on Purely partisan ads the party in government now the conservatives at the time even their Deputy Premier said they were going to stop that practice it was actually in their platform uh in fact the now Deputy premier uh tabled a bill it was called let me see the N the Public Funding o
f partisan government advertising act I my question to the premier is does the premier still agree that we need to end Government funding of partisan advertising president of the treasury board for thank you speaker speaker of course the members opposite are upset that the people of Ontario are doing better under this government than they were under the previous speaker under our government the province has a great story to tell whether it's the billions of dollars of Investments That We're attr
acting from manufacturing and electric vehicles alone the historic Investments we're making in infrastructure the Bradford bypass Highway 413 the Ontario line the the millions of dollars we're spending on schools and hospitals and we're building Child Care spaces speaker and nearly 700,000 new good paying jobs have been created since since we took government Mr Speaker the people of Ontario should be proud of this province as I am and I hope the members opposite can find a way to stand up for th
e people of Ontario in standing instead of standing in the way of the hard work that we're doing to build a stronger and more prosperous Ontario thank you the supplementary question thank you speaker that's just the kind of gas lighting that ontarians are fed up with can tell you you know there are families in this province sitting in ation the member on her choice of words and ask her to continue with her question ontarians are sitting in a I'm sorry stop the clock I'm having a little trouble h
earing I'm quite congested and wearing mess I'm going to ask the member to withdraw withdraw and any other question okay speaker um people are sitting in emergency rooms right now waiting hours and hours and hours with sick children and they're looking up at the screens and they're seeing government ads paid for by their with their tax dollars that are trying to convince them that everything is okay that in fact our our Health Care system is doing just fine thank you okay that is unacceptable an
d people in Ontario are darn sick of it I want to ask the premier does he still agree again that we need to end government funding of this government's partisan advertising president of the Cy board speaker well with the leader of the opposition is saying just actually doesn't make any sense what she is saying what she is saying is that she doesn't believe that the government of Ontario should inform ontarians about important government programs including health programs that we are funding to m
ake sure that we have the investments in hospitals in health care in child care in education Mr Speaker they're saying that they don't believe that we should provide important health information like vaccination campaigns and public health measures just like we did during the pandemic they're saying that they don't believe the people of Ontario should be told what the government is doing to build new homes so that young families can finally achieve the dream of home ownership they're saying that
they don't believe that the government of Ontario should inform ontarians about how we're spending their hard-earned taxpayer dollars to build a stronger economy and create create new jobs and they're saying that they don't believe that we should promote Ontario around the world as a great place to come and invest and create jobs to build a better economy and a more prosperous future for on thank you thank you the final supplementary thank you speaker does it promote tourism no it does not does
it tell people here's a service you could use no it does not it does not that is not the ads you're talking talking about we are giving this government a chance to show ontarians who they truly are enough is enough we need to close the loopholes and stop spending Ontarian hard-earned dollars on these purely partisan ads so my question again to the premier is this afternoon when we retable the bill that the deputy Premier herself herself tabled under the previous liberal government is this gover
nment going to support that Bill thank you president of the treasury board speaker are the dollars that we're spending to attract new business to Ontario working absolutely Mr Speaker we are becoming a global leader in electric vehicle manufacturing because we are doing the hard work of promoting this province as the best place to do business anywhere in North America it's because we're telling the story about the changes that we're making our government is making under the leadership of Premier
Ford going back on the 15 years of liberal mismanagement to finally get Ontario back on the path where people want to come to Ontario to build their lives to build their companies and to create jobs after 15 years of liberal mismanagement Mr Speaker we're reversing the trend of chasing jobs out of this province we are creating jobs and people are going to get a chance find finally under our leadership to build the lives that they deserve find homes for their families jobs for their children and
live a great and prosperous life in and we will not apologize for that
