
DEW: Workforce Development and Nonprofits

Together SC hosted William and Charles from the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Charles Appleby, senior advisor to the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development, discussed the responsibilities and initiatives of the Department of Employment and Workforce following the passage of the State Education and Workforce Development Act. The act aimed to unify state education and workforce development efforts, transitioning the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development and regional workforce advisors from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Employment and Workforce. The team also discussed a new office created to address workforce development issues and a forthcoming unified state plan to streamline education and workforce system efforts. Charles highlighted the importance of collaboration and coordinated efforts to ensure South Carolina's workforce sustainability.

Together SC

4 months ago

Good morning, welcome everyone. We're going to get started in just 1 min. We're gonna let everyone get into the room. Alright, good morning. Good afternoon now, I guess now that it's officially noon. Welcome. My name is Alana Jordan. I am the development and membership director for Together SC. And today we are pleased to have you here with us, to talk about, do. So the state education and workforce development act or the workforce development act recently, and workforce development act or the w
orkforce development act recently became law due to an overwhelming support development act where the workforce development act recently became law due to an overwhelming support by the Workforce Development Act recently became law due to an overwhelming support by the House State and Governor McMaster. This law brings new responsibilities to the SC Department of Employment and Workforce, otherwise known as due, including the transition of the coordinating council for workforce development and t
he regional workforce advisors from the SC Department of Commerce to do. This unified plan will bring long lasting positive changes to state education and workforce development. As part of this unified plan, the coordinating council for workforce development will create new tools and resources for businesses. Students, educators, parents. And others that make workforce for services more available. So today we are pleased to have the SC Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Wi
lliam Floyd. And Charles Out will be senior advisor to the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development to talk about these new responsibilities. And the work of the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development. So William is joining us. He's been on a road trip. This week and right now he's in summer to nasty so he's going to do a welcome and introduction William we please. Take over for a few moments. Thank you very much for this opportunity. And thank you all for participating in this. Te
ams event or Zoom event. It's a privilege to be here with you all. Again, my name is William Floyd. I'm the director of the Department of Employment and Workforce. And what we do every day is workforce development. We're connecting job seekers with employers and employers or job seekers. An important part partner in that process are nonprofits and in our other community partners. Today, we're living that. I'm in what we call SC Works Coach or D DW Coach is how often call it this is a mobile Empl
oyment Services Center that we deploy all over the state all the time because it has wheels. It's the size. Of an RV, a nice size RV. There's our communications director, Dorothy Weaver. Hello, Joe makes this place happen and always he connects with all kinds of folks in all kinds of places. Sometimes it's a plan shut down and sometimes it's a community event like today. And, we, use, which has connectivity for multiple computers and it has Wi-Fi capability to bridge the gap because as you all k
now Oftentimes our rural communities have to overcome barriers or obstacles to employment. This is one of the vehicles that helps do that. And a real sense of connecting those who don't have a computer connecting those who don't have Wi-Fi. Work opportunities. So it's a privilege to be here today. So we're in Somerton this morning right behind me if you could look through the little portal you would see that we're the Scott branch middle school and in that that facility and they've just transiti
oned, they're going over to Manning right now. And that facility we had employers, we had government agencies. We had nonprofits and we had other community partners all coming together. To engage with job seekers to see how they can help. Get them a job and get them to the job, for example. So it's really neat to see this partnership. Happening right behind me as I'm talking to you all about it. At the Department of Employment workforce, as I mentioned, we're always engaged in a workforce develo
pment opportunities and things that help the workforce as well. And one example of a connection with non a nonprofit. Yeah, we're living in real time. So there's a nonprofit. Organization and based in Columbia that focuses on computer coders. We're developing new coders that are needed for that that particular industry and That effort has been going on for a little while, but we're benefiting it from it at do. So this nonprofit will take, people who may not have ever gone to technical school may
not even have graduated from high school but have the proclivity. And the ability to do coding. And they, they are. Through this nonprofit, they receive resources that help them develop that ability to train virtually and then to get connected up with internships. Or apprenticeships. Provide real time and ability to exercise what they've been learning all that time. You know, in a real environment. Well, you know, part of part of that portal includes education part of it includes Guyowa, part o
f it includes other kinds of nonprofits. In in in a real sense 2 of our members and new employees at Do, came through that very program. And they joined part of our IT system that is creating for, data warehouses and the 2 new employees we have are doing a phenomenal job and it's kind of full circle showing how this workforce pipeline includes all different kinds of of aspects of that that's circle matter just true. You know, one of the things that the coordinating council for force development
does and is is provide oversight for the office of statewide workforce development, which is a fledgling office right now. It was just created as of July. But you're going to have the mover and shaker as your next speaker, Charles Applebee, and what Charles and his team and his team is He's really fortunate. He's kinda like leaving the All-star team. You know, I was never very good in baseball, but There were other friends of mine who were who were on my team. Those athletes who were really good
would be selected to an All-star team comprised of members from all these other teams. Well, that's kind of like Charles. He's the coach of the All-star team. Of workforce development. That was formed by this coordinating council formed by x act 67 and supervised by the coordinating accounts for workforce development. And, Charles All-star team is comprised of stars from Department of Commerce, from Department of Education from many other partners. State agency partners and others that are comi
ng together that work together right now their current big and it's very big objective is to develop a unified state plan. So you're going to hear a lot more about unified state plan through Charles as well as some of the other. Really neat projects. These projects are not going to happen overnight. They're not going to be accomplished overnight. And nobody has all the answers. But instead what we do is by coming bringing everybody together under what I call a bigger tent created by access. That
expanded this council to from a handful to multiple handfuls. Well over 30. Will find the answer between working collaboratively with our group and with employers. Part of this as well, large and small. Yeah, we'll work collaboratively together to develop that unified state plan seek input from various groups including yaws. And it will form the blueprint for workforce development efforts going forward. So this is a unique venue for me to be presenting from here. Live from a job event connectin
g job seekers to employers. That's featuring nonprofits. I'm doing so from an area that does have connectivity issues, but it doesn't, but we've overcome those through this due coach. And I'm talking to folks, good folks like you all that do this every day on behalf of your AG. So thank you for this opportunity. I'm gonna turn it back over to our host, unless there are questions of me and I welcome any questions. William, thank you so much. We are really thankful to have you here today and to ha
ve Charles now join us and give us kind of a deeper dive into everything that you all are doing. Thank you for your leadership. And we look forward to hearing more from you and have a safe trip to Manning this afternoon. Thank you. Okay, so now we're gonna introduce, Charles, you wanna try to pull up your presentation. He, Charles Appleby, who is the senior advisor to the coordinating council for workforce development. Welcome, Charles. He's going to give us an overview of everything that he's d
oing, over there at you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here. As you can see. Everyone who's working on these efforts like yourself is always on the go like Director Floyd who's in that career coach that really goes around the state. But I'm excited to tell you, about some projects that are going on about some minimum that's getting this getting going forward and it's not just about boring legal and statues so to kind of start us off Go to 4 items with us today star
ting with some context and background how we got to where we are today what Act 67, which Director Floyd mentioned, it was passed in May. So, so what did it change? What did it require? Then getting the part that you really want to know. How can you participate? What new information may be coming? So in terms of context and background. I want to kind of start with who I am. So I have the privilege to be here to do and to work with all the other agencies that I'm a mention a little later on the s
lots, but I also relate a lot with you. I am like to begin with just a volunteer. Walk them out our shoes. I've done it in numerous years. I've So much respect for women who walk in heels now. I have no clue how you do it. It is absolutely amazing. But these are causes that are here to me. I, saw Todd on the call. And was lucky enough when I was a board member for the Columbia Museum of Art Contemporaries, when he was staff over there. So have been actively involved with that. And also an event
planner with the community organizations that we brought together for Famously Hot New Year. And Columbia. So what you all do day in and day out is is amazing and I'm so thankful for you and for what you do. Because it is so important to society as a whole. So getting a little bit toward what was happening prior to passage of Act 67. So. Yeah, this whole pandemic in COVID that caused a lot of mass resignations. And then we had baby boomers who were getting closer retirement anyway and we're like
, you know what? Already been out cause of COVID. There's a lot of stuff going on. I think I may just retire a little early. And at the same time, we had new technologies coming out, artificial intelligence with big push with electric vehicles. And then we also have some of the best. Economic development years the state's ever seen. And this is great news for the state. Except when you compare it to the master designations and everyone approaching retirement. Because, what we need to assure when
we have this economic development, we have these businesses coming back from COVID is. We need to ensure we have enough workers to fill these positions. More importantly, we need to make sure that those workers have the skills that are needed. Now, and as the skills continue to evolve and what's needed by the businesses. Additionally, we have a lot of publicly funded entities that are trying to address these issues, but are we doing it in a coordinated fashion? Are we working together so that w
e can be working smarter, not harder? And is there a lead agency that's taken accountability and responsibility for these workforce efforts? So understanding. Cause the issues that were there and are saying, hey, what we need to ensure going forward. Speaker Smith said when he became speaker you know what I'm gonna make this economic development and workforce development my top priority. This this is going to be number one on my plate and immediately put together a house panel, an ad hoc committ
ee. They met for several months. And have continued to meet since that time. But they came up with their first, recommended legislation and that was Act 67, the statewide educational workforce act. They they recommended at the end of the of last year it got filed in January of this year and then the governor signed it into law in May. So this priority on making sure that we're addressing these issues to continue to move forward with something the general assembly, both the House and the Senate a
s well as Governor's office. We're all behind. So what is the change? Why do we need this act? What came about with it? So first, it expands the reach of the coordinating council for workforce development. There was originally 17 entities on it. What they learned is part of the multi-month process was there a lot of other entities that have workforce efforts and and workforce isn't just limited to workforce agencies or others that have workforce programs workforce is really education as well i m
ean the labor force is continually getting skills and then getting people into jobs and then continuing to get more skills. So they added additional members to ensure that they had more people at the table with that could help in making decisions and collaborating together. Well, when you expand the council from 17 to 37 members it makes it sometimes you worry, hey, are we gonna continue moving forward? Is this too big? Is this too cumbersome? So they also added an executive committee to make th
e decisions and ensure it kept moving forward. They want everybody at the table. They want everybody's collaboration. But then they also wanted a smaller group to be able to say, hey, we're gonna make decision. We're gonna keep moving forward as a group. So they created an executive committee. Additionally, like I said, they wanted to assure that there was an agency that was kind of in charge of workforce. It had that accountability that had that responsibility. So they made the chair of the Cou
rt and Council, the Director of Department of Employment and Workforce. What this really did and this was something that was green on by the director of Do as well as the Secretary of Commerce is. Kind of help provide some lanes. So the commerce now nowcomers is the lead recruiting agency because they're still over the economic development council. But do now is the workforce agency. They're the one taking a lead on that. PRT you have always been a big one in marketing the state so it kind of he
lped define some roles and make those lanes clear. Additionally, and Director Floyd mentioned it, they added an office of statewide workforce development. This is a position that the governor is going to be appointing with the advice and consent of the Senate. And someone to help ensure that everything in Act 67 is going to be implemented properly. During this interim time, Dragon Floyd and other CCW, member said, Hey, we still got to get this ball rolling. So we've continued to move forward, th
ings forward while we're waiting for the governor to make that appointment. And for that person to join the team as well. Lastly, the act include about 25 different projects on which the journal assembly governor's office felt these will help move us forward in our education and workforce efforts. I'm a touch on those in just a second, but before I do, I mentioned previously that we had originally 17 members. They're now 37. So the slides you see on the screen are all the different members of th
e coordinating council. It really works well though because if you look starting on the left hand column You see the education issues. So we now have everything from first steps, which is kindergarten and below. All the way through. Representatives from the research universities. Someone from both the Senate and the House Education Committee as well as the Education Oversight Committee. So we really do have everything from from the beginning of education through the highest level of education th
at you can obtain. The middle column is where they add a lot of entities that have different workforce programs. Additionally, there's a federal act that requires a state workforce development board and those are the local levels. So we make sure to include those. Manufacturing Extension Partnership Research Authority all the way down Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Revenue, and LLR who does licensing for different occupations. Then what you see on the far right column is ensuring
that we have individuals who are out in the business community who are out in doing economic development that will be represented on there as well. So you kind of try to have all 3 likes here. And in the top level is the executive committee that they created. And again, that includes from education to commerce. To some of those appointees. Within the director of. Employment workforce serving as the executive director and serving as the chair for the council. So these are all the members. That ar
e part of the council. This is this is all-star team. That Treasurer Floyd was mentioning that I have the privilege of working with staff members from all these different entities. And additionally, one of the great points that the journalism we put in the app, which you see in the bottom right, is the opportunity for the council to select additional agencies that may need to be involved for a longer period of time for a short period of time. The journal simply understood that they may not have
thought of everyone and that things may change in terms of who's responsible for different programs or where programs come in and so they provide that flexibility so the council could bring in additional people as needed. To bring everyone to the table with those discussions. So this is the council and. We want to talk about next is where there's projects. I mentioned there 25 different projects in the act. The first one which the director for had mentioned is this unified state plan. And, I'm g
onna talk about that a little more detail, on some of the following slides, but that's one of the first aspects that the coordinating council really wanted to work on. Additionally, there's an inventory of programs that they, that the General Assembly wants to put together. There know, all right, so what are all the education work for firms that we have across all these different agencies, all of these different entities. They want to ensure their regular communication with all the industries as
well as the veterans as some reporting. Also wanted to have labor market information and occupational codes and wage and hour information is a requirement that's coming up that I'll talk about as well. But I think it's going to really provide some great new information. Available to everyone. Also, we have an there's an educational workforce online portal requirement. This is this is gonna be a multi year project. It's gonna have all those stubbles you see under there is some projects to it. Bu
t it's really going to be the front door for the education and workforce information and services for the state. It's going to have a career pathways tools so individuals can and job seekers can figure out a what path may be best for me and additionally how much is it gonna cost for me to get the degrees I need what's the potential pay that I could earn with it And then there's gonna be an education alignment tool. Get this is something where it's really been important going. For educators to un
derstand the skills that the businesses need they want to ensure that they're providing a very well qualified individual once they graduate from whatever schooling it is and this is going to be an opportunity for those businesses to communicate back with them on that aspect. There's been some other parts of it. Supply Gaffin House annually and some other aspects like a benefits calculator to help with those. You may be facing that benefits cliff. Also, we're gonna have some studies regarding gov
ernment assistance, childcare, transportation, and then doing return on investment as well. So I kinda wanna talk a little bit more about the unified state plan. Because questions are, all right, what is this plan going to do? And at its core, it is providing a system wide approach. So we've often been in different silos about what's going on, but this really wants to provide approach as an entire education workforce system. So again, not just the workforce, but the whole education and workforce
. And it's not just to bring everybody together to say is what you need to do is to streamline it and unify our efforts to help us in you hear me say this often works smarter not hard. So with this plan, everybody goes. Alright, so the state is gonna create this plan and they're gonna just tell all of us what we needed to do and Is that what this, this is all about? And that's not the case because the end of the day we know the state telling. Individual entities telling individual localities wha
t to do. That doesn't work. The point of this is to bring everyone together. So they're a lot of other existing plans out there. I'm sure some of your nonprofits have strategic plans. You may be part of regional or county level efforts for plans that you all have to help workforce in education. You may even be part of some of the federally required plans. Such as Weo or Perkins. And the unify plane is not intended to replace any of these. These are all very strong legs by themselves. What the un
ified plans goal is is to provide the seat to that three-legged school to provide those overarching aspects so that the different entities with the other plans can see that they're actually going after some common goals and help everyone have actually new opportunities to address the same needs that they want to address. So it's again bring everyone together providing that seat. To the already strong legs that we have in existing plans and efforts at the individual and local levels. So this next
2 slides. Our example of what we currently have and what we're trying to go to. This is What you'll see on the left are different outcomes agencies services are striving for, whether it's a high school diploma, an associate, a bachelor's degree, providing childcare, growing its existing businesses. And that's all the far left and then. Through each column you see different agencies and the programs that they provide. And what you're seeing is there's some overlap and it looks really complicated
. And oftentimes this is what the business or the individual who's needing service sees because they get passed from one to the other and they're not really sure how to figure it out and it's really complicated. And what we want to change that to. This. We want the seamless user experience for the individual as well as the business to go, all right, this is what I need, this is how I get there. And not having to see the the back of house not having to see the complicated nature. We want them to
have the seamless experience so that they can, well left call the Amazon experience where. You order some you used to have to go to Walmart or Target website or different websites And now a lot of us are like, well, I just get that all off of Amazon that has all of them included. And when I order it, I know it's gonna be here in 3 days and I can check on the status of it. You don't want to know that the package had to have a new driver or take a new route or actually got caught up here. You don'
t wanna know that you just wanna order and get it. And that's what we want to be able to provide for the consumers. So the individuals as well as the business with our education and our workforce opportunities. So this plan structure at a high level, vision, and mission, all the way down to tactics. The state as well as regional level and the goals and the strategies really being the outcomes that we're working toward. And each of these I'm gonna go through in some more detail. On some of the ne
xt slides. But again, we have these requirements in the act. We have. These. Bigger group under the tent to bring together and people go well this sounds great but is he actually started doing anything yet? And this is where I'm really proud to say. So, and May as July, we started working on it heavily in habit and ever since then, with a tremendous amount of hours put in. By staff from numerous different state agency organizations as well as different industry associations staff. At the end of
this call, if there any of you all that would like to be added onto that, we're happy to do it because we want to ensure that we're getting information out to the industries, getting information out to those who need it as well as getting their feedback. So we have worked hard on getting where it is. But this is still at the draft phase. So how can you participate in this? We want your participation. We won't, your feedback on the draft plan. After work, we're gonna send out a survey additionall
y. If they're activities of yours that relate to parts of the plan and you want us to know about them so that we can. Show you where it may fit with other things going on. We'd love to know about it. That way again, we can kind of pull all of those different programs together into a central place so that everyone can see it. And so you can see how you're you're working on some of things as others and you may identify others that you could partner with. But you know whether your activities relate
d to the plan to know what kind of feedback you kind of have to know the play in the first place. So, so what is the plan at this stage? Our vision and mission is something that was set up very well by the General Assembly, kind of in statute. But it's to achieve and sustain Salesforce workforce. It's important that we put it sustained in there because We can get to a point where the workforce and the in the business are matching up great. But then something else is going to happen and we're goi
ng to need to pivot and continue to make efforts to sustain that that level. So we want to not only achieve it once but we want to continue to sustain it year in and year out. And how are we gonna do that? Do collaborating, coordinating, we're gonna align this entire system so that it's readily accessible to anyone. It's highly effective and it's easily understandable. It's not complicated. But it's it's easily understandable. The figure out, from that vision, where are we gonna go with goals an
d strategies? We actually asked back in. March 2022 and then again now when Congress was under oversight and then now since the accident passage all the agencies that were participating said what items do you believe should be prioritized in this unified state plan? We pulled all that information together and saw that we were actually able to group it. Into what you see on the screen. Which were 3 topics of awareness. Skills and obstacles. We included a fourth topic just say hey if something els
e comes up while we're getting feedback while we're going to this process, we have the ability to add that in as well. But our main 3 ones right now really are awareness skills and obstacles. And what are those goals related to them? So with awareness, we want to ensure that we have coordinated communication and integrated on the back end so that the decisions of stakeholders, they have all the knowledge that they need that is critical to making those decisions. As for skills, we wanted to ensur
e a resilient pipeline. By providing skills from again the very beginning in kindergarten all the way through work and afterwards. The goal here is that education is a continuous process. It's not a race that you get to the finish line on when you get out of high school or when you get another degree. It's one that as society continues to evolve we will continue to need to gain skills. That's what's going to make us resilient. When good times and bad is to continue to have those skills. And the
last time with obstacles, we want to improve the infrastructure. For individuals to be able to overcome any of those obstacles that may be in the way of them obtaining education or being able to get into the workforce and succeed in the workforce as they want. So with each of these, goals, we've then broke it down to strategy focuses and individual strategies. When talking about awareness, again, increasing that knowledge that stakeholders need. We talked about it from the front end, which is co
ordinate communication and then from the back end system integration. So a lot of times you can have a lot of different messages out there, but if you have everyone saying the same 3 messages, you get a lot more penetration. And that's what we really want to do is have some coordinated communication. And how we get information out about the jobs that are possible, as well as the different pathways to get to those jobs. It's not always one single pathway to get to a job. Multiple different ways t
o get there and won't individuals be aware of that. We wanted the students in their gardens to be aware of it. Individuals not in the labor force or those who are underemployed because Either they are able to communicate their skills well or others aren't able to understand them well. We want to ensure all those in the schools who were with the students who were with the Guardians, are aware of this information so that they can talk back and forth with them. And on the other side, we wanted to e
nsure that employers understood the services available to them. And the pipeline as well. An employer comes in, say, I can't find a workforce. We want to make it easy for them to know, all right, if I go here, I can figure out which services are available so that I can get the workforce I need or if I can upscale the individuals that are already at. Already working with me. So that's all the communication on the front end of people. And then the other part was the system integration on the back
end. Again, we don't want to be convoluted for people to get information. So our strategies work to reduce the number of times people have to enter the same information. We often know if you have to enter fill out forms over and over again, it becomes a deterrent to seeking those services. And to fulfilling them. So we want to decrease that. We also want to decrease it from the business side. Will businesses be able to make a contact, get their, get their. Issue resolved and not have to make mul
tiple different contacts to get those issues. But to do that is can take system integration on our side and ensuring that we're talking with each other. And I say we all of us who are providing services at the state agency level, all communicating with all of y'all who are providing them out in the community to really get that that flow of information going well between us so that we can better serve our customers. As for skills, again, this is increasing skills throughout individuals lives. Our
strategy focuses were high impact practices and high value credentials. And by high impact prices, we're talking about job shadowing, apprenticeships, mentoring. Those things that that allow someone to really understand what a job and a career is. As well as understand the type of what's gonna be needed from them when they go into it. That way when someone actually goes into a job they go, hey, I know what to expect and I've been able to gain the skills so that employer really wants me because
they know I've I've been in it. And we want to increase that participation. Again, K 20 students, adults re entering the workforce, and the dose training in the workforce is everyone from offenders who are coming back in to society to individuals who just decided to take off a couple years from work and have decided you know what it's time for me to go back or I want to go back. As well as increasing the opportunities. That are available from different businesses. We want to be able to work with
the businesses so that we can say, hey, do you offer these opportunities, we'll put individuals in there. To help match you up so that in the long run, you get, you get the best employees there for you and the employer individual ends up working in a place that works out best for them. As for high value credentials. This is one of the active 7 specifically requires having a target for this for the, for individuals holding this. So we made sure to include this in the strategies. We also had a st
rategy right now of ensuring that When you obtain a credential, it's not something you just kind of sit on. It's something that after you obtain it, we won't that within 6 months you'd be either paying additional education, so building on that foundation. Employed at work enlisted in the military or participating in a year of service that can help not only your community but build yourself skills that are needed out in the workforce as well. Lastly, wanted to ensure that there was time necessary
for those skills because again, sites continue involving technologies getting faster and faster and our school systems are great providing education, but it takes some time for them to ramp up occasionally and we want to be able to ensure that we can get certificate and other providers into the system as early as possible. To, bridge that gap. And we want to be doing as fast as other Southeastern states are faster so that the individuals in South Carolina continue to gain the skills that they n
eed as soon as they need them. Lastly, it comes to obstacles. We won't. Individuals to be able to overcome those apps obstacles to them continuing to learn and to work. So our strategy forces here are childcare and housing and transportation. With child care, we want to decrease the number of individuals that believe child care is a barrier. This will involve increasing the number of childcare resources available as well as increasing awareness about the child childcare resources available becau
se some individuals may go, hey, it's a barrier because they just don't know about the other resources that are available. So we want to help them know about the resources available and then we want to help increase the number of resources that are available. For those who need it. As for housing and transportation. A lot of times housing and transportation for projects in the past hasn't always been thought about as part of the economic development project. The economic development has been the
infrastructure of We need this building. We need the sewer scale this building and what we've learned in recent years is that is because there's not ample workforce. We need to make it easy for that workforce to come in as well. So we want to increase the number of economic development projects that we want to increase the number of economic development projects that receive tax credits that on the front end. Include plans for how to address housing and public transportation. We want that to be
to the extent possible a holistic plan. Additionally, we want to increase the number of transit options for individuals so they can get to work and get to education. So that kind of takes us through our vision mission, the unified state plan down to our strategy level. And what the last part is, and this is what we work on for the next 5 weeks, is the tactics. This is the what programs are out there to help us achieve those strategies. These are those that are required in law. These are the one
s that we're already working on. And this is where we really, again, want to know from y'all if you're if you want to provide what activities of yours or researcher or anything of that nature can help achieve aspects of this state plan. I include some additional information. This is Robert Davis's email address. You can email him. You can email me. I don't find this all the end as well, but I wanted to pause and take a moment to say. Think about what I just went through. And we'll send these sli
des out and go, Hey, are there any programs or words that may relate to this that may help to this. Okay. Because the more we know about it, the more we can partner different people together. And so what are those jackets like I was talking about? These are these actions that are going to help us achieve that specific end. And what we're going to send out is an Excel chart again. You don't have to complete it at all, but we wanted to provide this option because this unified state plan isn't some
thing that we want to come from just do. It's not something that we want to come from just the state level. It's something that we want to make the plan for the state. And to do that, we need to include the feedback of all those who are working so hard like yourselves. But to help the state improve it in terms of education and workforce. To the extent you're willing to provide us information, that'll be great. This is kind of an example of some of the information we've been collecting from the f
rom different agencies and it's basically lining up, hey, what program do we have and then what potential strategies we've told others as well. Hey. You may know, hey, if this was skills or awareness, but I'm not really sure which strategy focused, that's fine. You put, I'm not sure in there. But again, it just kind of allows us to have the information about what everybody is doing kind of put together and then make that available to everyone so they know who to reach out to to possibly partner
together. So one of the last things I want to touch on is what new information may be coming. I mentioned the beginning about the occupational codes. So X. 67 is one of its requirements said that all employers are going to be reporting the standard occupational classification codes and the tone number of hours work. Additionally, for those 10 or more, it's gonna be filed electronically. Thankfully this isn't gonna occur until March of next year and there's a hardship for electronic valley but wh
at is going on right now is we're starting to really ramp up with trying to trying to reach out to different groups to provide information on how to provide those codes so that everyone understands okay this is how I do it and it's probably gonna be a little bit of a lift at the beginning just get all your initial employees in but then after that it should be pretty seamless but we're gonna provide lots of training for it lots of questions there's gonna be help desk when submitting quarterly rep
orts. And the reason this work is going to go in is because it is going to be so extremely helpful. To us as a state and a whole. Currently right now. Individuals in education that they may be pursuing in high school on their individual graduation plan going, Hey, I wanna go be a doctor. I would be accounted or I would be going IT and they have certain paths or they may be attaining credentials after that and getting into it. And what we know right now is what industry they go into after that. S
o we know that there are a hundred people working at a hospital. What the standard occupation codes are gonna let us know is Those people at the hospital, are they working as a nurse, a doctor, an HR, and IT and what that's really gonna help us do is go All right, was the investment in this program or training? Did it result in in what the person desired and what was desired and going hey I wanted to be a doctor and I took this training did I become a doctor. Now we know there are a lot of other
factors that come into play as to what someone ends up working in, but this information will make it a lot. Easier to know. Where our investments from the state level from local level are really providing that return and generating. The skills that individuals need going professions they want as well as ensuring that we're producing individuals with the skills that are needed by those businesses. And the more. That we can. Really leverage this information and increase the effect of training. Th
e better our economy as a whole is going to work for everyone. So, Almost last summary is how is this going to help? And it's gonna increase the awareness. We're increased awareness of the jobs available, the services available. We're looking to improve the skills of everyone in the state and we're hoping we're looking to help them overcome the obstacles that they may face. So how can you get involved? Respond to the email that we're gonna send after this. And I'll throw that down on us so that
she can send you all to give us feedback on this plan. Is there anything major that you see in here that we're missing that you think should be in here. And then if you're willing to us activities that you have that may relate to the plan. Also, if there are other groups that you go, hey, this will be really good information from there for them to have as well. Let us know. We're happy to make a similar presentation to them. If this occupational coach aspect has got your head scratching and I'm
not really sure or I have clients. They aren't really sure about this. You can request a demonstration from us. Again, we're gonna walk through how to do it with everyone. If there's maybe some employment work force data that you won't go in, hey, I don't know how this is working. Our labor market information division is absolutely amazing. There are things that I didn't think were possible to come up with that I got, hey, thank you. Is this even possible to find out that they returned to me in
like 30 min? So anytime any employment workforce data that's available. And then if you want to get involved, if you're not already in assisting educators and understanding that the certificates, the certifications, the skills that are need in your industry or their need in the industry of those that you're helping. You can reach out to the Department of Education and they will get you connected with one of the advisory committees in a heartbeat because that's what really makes the education wor
k. It is understanding from both sides what is needed. Because our educators are amazing and providing information and teaching. Individuals but but they also need to rely on information on the other side of going what's needed in these different areas. So this pretty much concludes by presentation, but I truly want to thank all of you for. Okay. Participating today. I want to thank a lot of, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, bring all of you all together and continuing to promote the nonp
rofit efforts throughout our state nonprofit efforts throughout our state. It's a true privilege to promote the nonprofit efforts throughout our state. It's a true privilege to have the opportunity to talk with you and I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you, Charles. That was a great overview. Gives a really good idea of all the work that you're doing. We do have a couple questions already in the chat. And I have, you know, just want to make sure we can be able to se
nd this presentation out to everyone after. Okay, so everyone that's here, I will make sure to follow up with the presentation and the links. And the work plan that Charles was talking about. But I know we had a question about, could the nonprofit sector be represented on the coordinating committee? And I know you kind of talked a little bit about that, but is that a possibility that we can we could look at? Yeah, a hundred percent. So it's something, again, so the Courtney and Council since jus
t expanded was, they just had their first meeting so they're still trying to get. That going and in the meantime while they're looking at whether additional people are to add we can agile to the industry association list and they we provide them with updates just like we do the coordinate council board and and they we provide them with updates just like we do the coordinating council board and that's a great opportunity we we provide them with updates just like we do the coordinate council board
. And that's a great opportunity. We also provide literally right the day after a morning council meeting. So Courtney House meetings are open so you can always attend those. Additionally, the day after the meeting, we provide industry association calls. So if there's any feedback, questions from anyone, since there's not quite as much time during the meeting, we provide that the day after so there's plenty of time for anyone who has any questions, feedback, suggestions. So again, we'd love any
involvement, that you're willing to provide. Fantastic. So if you all have questions, Go put them in the chatter if you just wanna come off mute and Sam, you're welcome to do that too. I know we had another one from GP McLear. Do you think a strategic program that targets state resources into community nonprofits operating in areas, geographic and programmatic. I can't see that. When workforce or no, sorry, where workforce participation is a priority could be considered. Yeah, that is one of tho
se areas where And this is where the phone part I really think is in tactics and that's one of those things where we're like I said gathering information on the tactics that are currently available and then seeing where the gaps are and that may be a big gap that we notice in there. And so that's something to definitely consider and tactics are where we're really excited about being able to go. What are we doing and then monitoring that so this unified plan is going to get updated every year? We
'll look at any revisions that are needed in May of June of this coming year, which will be because we're looking to got to follow us about December and then we'll look at May June again and it's kind of a short time frame that went that first year, but then afterwards it'll be May June every year thereafter because a lot of state agencies do they're planning in July so we want them to have that available. But tactics are really where we can go, hey, let's try this or let's see what's working no
t working and and whatever's not working isn't a failure it's just it's great information for us to go hey that's not working let's try something else and so this may be one that if it's not already in. One of the tactics that we're using from one other agencies may be a great one to say, hey, let's throw this in here, see if this works. If it works great, if it doesn't, then we learned that it didn't and we'll move on to the next one. But that's what we're really a lot about right now is going.
Let's see this test the outcomes from our programs and and understanding it's an experiment. It's not a a success or failure. It's just an experiment it works or it doesn't and we learned that it did and we'll move on to the next thing. But that's a great idea. Right, anyone else wanna jump in with any questions? I find it interesting because I was talking to the Benel Foundation yesterday and they were telling me about their pathways to possibilities program where they have 8,000 eighth grader
s come in and learn about the 19 different career pathways. So I think it's things like that, you know, and how they were saying, oh, we'd love to expand that throughout the whole state and have that program. And I'm thinking, you know, this kind of is in line. So the nonprofits are doing so much of this work already. So I think it's important for us to to help you put that list together of what's going on, what we're doing, how we're doing it. So that unified plan can come together. But yeah. A
ny other questions? We'd be so appreciated so appreciate that because a lot of times there are people doing great programs that others just don't know about. Right. And the more that we can bring awareness to to the different programs. Out there, the greater it can be. Absolutely. Absolutely. Alright, are we seeing any more questions? Well, we're not seeing any more questions in the chat. Everyone's being shy today, but well thank you Charles. Thank you so much for this information and for spend
ing some time with us this morning and going over for this afternoon and going over the overview of everything. It's, you know, I think that we just want to be at the table and make sure that the nonprofit sectors and our work is being considered and heard so we got to just make sure to keep this relationship together as we move forward. So everyone look for the follow-up emails from us and make sure you're giving the feedback and participating because that's the only way that we will be able to
you know make sure our voices are heard and we're part of this effort. Again, thank you so much. Of opportunity and thank you for everything you'll do. Yeah, thank you, Charles. I know we look forward to working more with you. Alright, bye everyone.
