
DICE Awards 2024 Livestream

Tune into the 27th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards livestream, the video game industry's premier, peer-juried awards show co-hosted by Greg Miller and IGN's Stella Chung. The winners will be revealed at the 27th edition of the D.I.C.E. Awards ceremony, and livestreamed by the official media partner, IGN, on Feb. 15 from Las Vegas as the culmination of the week-long industry gathering at the 2024 D.I.C.E. Summit (#DICE2024). Tune in to IGN on Thursday February 15th at 5p ET / 8pm PT


Streamed 11 days ago

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I to good new [Music] fore [Music] sh in my body my dream [Music] my [Music] I [Music] speee my dream [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you my [Music] dream [Music] w [Music] w [Music] PL view over and over speed up to it's wa
lk from over in PL view over and over join me too give me like [Music] over [Music] in plain view join me too is playing you over and over join me too give me back over is playing VI over and over join me too give me the over come to the come to the come to the come to the G come to the G ready station come to the G come to the G come to the G come to the G [Music] get come to the G come to the G come to the G again to the gation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Mus
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nl View join me too in play view over and over join me too give me over in play view over and over join me too give me over come to the to the to the come to the game come to the game ready on day to the G to the G to the [Applause] [Music] G come to the again come to the again come to the again come to again come to the again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the 27th annual dice Awards and now welcome your hosts Stella Chong and Greg Miller sit down all right a
ll right sit down settled this whole side of the room down yeah yeah in the back down hey you hear those cheers for me and not you it's pretty great it's pretty great shut up Stella all right everybody down everybody happing everyone out there listening here just keep it to a dull Roar please yes yes everyone there's no special video there's no Ted price to open this year it's just us all right well we need your full attention thank you there we go you thought it wouldn't work so yeah all right
well welcome to the 27th annual dice Awards I'm Stella Chong and I'm Greg Miller thank you thank you oh oh we're actually already being told to wrap it up already being told to wrap it up sorry everybody that was a fast one this year yeah well as a reminder winners tonight will not receive a trophy instead they will receive a box for a trophy with a download code inside of course yes physical media is dead but before we start we wanted to say something important that's been on everyone's Minds c
ongratulations to Bal Gate 3 no no no right thank you no that is for the end of the show please stick around Jesus all right well in all serious seriousness we do have to take a second out to acknowledge that 2023 was a hard year for industry despite so many great games that came out this past year thousands upon thousands of talented hard working incredible people have been laid off in their jobs yeah and unfortunately 2024 looks like it's going to be shaping up the same way these are dedicated
developers and writers and artists and musicians and testers and support staff and so many more we pride ourselves on our industry being one of the biggest forms of entertainment in the world if that's true maybe it's also true that we can do better caring for our workers keep it going yeah workers rights what's up IGN Union yeah thank you anyways I think we can all agree that the only person in the video game industry that shouldn't have a job is Bobby codic oh I'll tell you what I've been doi
ng this eight years and there used to be a lot more Gro but now that the Wicked Witch Is Dead all the laughs are here are they okay it truly fuels him it does fuel sure yeah I mean honestly we debated even telling jokes with everything going on in the industry and the world and it's really been a hard time for a lot of people so you know what Greg I think we should be serious no we came up with the plan we'll still tell jokes yeah you're right they just won't be funny so you know same show as al
ways yeah eight years running right eight years well it was funny we it doesn't matter yeah all right okay God that one didn't work at all you want the shot yeah let's do it sorry everybody raise your glass well no it's better to loosen up first it's so warm it's it's warm from my ass heat goodness [Music] okay that's good I just hit the Cocoon development team with a bottle I'm sorry congratulations on your game and your nominations tonight yeah yeah yeah all right well we're adapting ourselves
to Industry standards right that's right if a joke doesn't work ladies and gentlemen we're just going to claim it's in Early Access yes and then we're going to disappear off the stage and post an image with eight paragraphs of text it's video game's hottest new trend everybody yeah of course A lot happened in the video game industry last year both good and bad yes here's how weird 2023 was all right somehow the three biggest controversies were Mass layoffs Bad Business decisions and is Dave the
diver in indie game and people and people online were mad about the last one the most yeah seriously though like is this the hill you want to die on are you really upset that Dave the diver got the Indian on it's like we're taking on problems in the games industry from the bottom up I I hear you Stella but here's the thing I can't stop layoffs I can't stop hackers I can't stop bunik Executives making terrible terrible decisions but I can stop people from thinking that pixel art means indie game
that is a lie thank you Indie developers in the crowd also I feel like Indie Games have kind of moved on their Graphics to Playstation One St Graphics that is correct we see you El Paso elsewhere we see you yeah yeah of course we're here about the games nominated tonight so let's give them a huge round of applause of course what I love about the games this year is the variety that they bring I mean just look at the nominees Okay Lego 2K Drive is nominated for racing game of the year come on rig
ht there right Diablo 4 is nominated for role playing Game of the Year come on and the day before is nominated for best game we all knew was a scam and then yep it turned out to be a scam of the Year yes of the year so we mentioned that balers Gate 3 is a second were some tomatoes are getting ready on that last one I apologize for anyways so we mentioned that balers Gate 3 is up for some major Awards tonight and let me tell you that game is crazy crazy yeah I mean we thought Legend of Zelda t th
e kingdom had it in the bag and then baldder Gate 3 showed up like the cool kid and was like am I too late to audition yeah of course right not only is balers Gate 3 a good game it's the first game ever to make me go don't come in here don't come in here I'm I'm I'm doing my taxes don't come in here which is weird because I'm so proud of the different things I've done in there and I mean balers gate 3's romance options were so crazy that you could even make love to a bear that's true I just wish
laran had told me that's I was in the map suit but don't worry everybody this bear is taken how you doing honey I want to point out that was specifically made for him I should hope so oh and of course ladies and gentlemen Final Fantasy 16 is nominated for two Awards tonight if you're not familiar Final Fantasy 16 carried on the Proud tradition of Final Fantasy fans complaining about Final Fantasy yeah you know some people were worried that Final Fantasy 16 wasn't enough like the regular series
to be a real Final Fantasy game then they saw it was about a sad boy with great hair fighting God and they're like yeah no we're good that nailed it yeah that's a that's a Final Fantasy game uh there was even controversy of course over whether Final Fantasy 16 was a role playing game with action elements or an action game with role playing elements but I have the definitive answer it doesn't [ __ ] matter enjoy the game right thank you yeah it's a game with a magic dog what else do you need exac
tly exactly except the truth well hey Marvel Spider-Man 2 is up for nine Awards tonight nine yeah or you know as Sony fans online would put it not enough not enough listen listen some people just really love to press the same buttons over and over rather than strategize with turn-based games okay your PC bias is showing with your Boulders gate but don't worry about it I'm just saying this if Insomniac wins all nine awards for Spider-Man they're going to be spraying their webs everywhere this hal
f got it that was a [ __ ] joke it was that they would enjoy it so much they would orgas them everywhere yeah okay can we play them off please could be amazing well hey you know another game that came out this year Starfield moving on y we're just kidding we're just kidding I genuinely Lov Starfield everybody I said it was my game of the year thank you other Starfield fans there are dozens of us I just wish I could tell the developers that in person but sadly Bethesda got lost on their way here
because we wouldn't give them a map but there we go cuz you see shui the problem was they didn't have a map in the game they had it don't worry about don't worry Greg it's coming in in a later update oh great no updates I okay and let's give it up for cocoon all right everybody an amazing game that came out of nowhere yeah you chucked your alcohol at them I did Chuck my Al a great way to respect them and it's actually really cool it's the first game of the year nominee tonight that's not a seque
l so watch your back Boulders gate three they might Untitled Goose game your ass [Applause] now again I've been hosting for eight years so the joke there was that in 2020 Untitled Goose game one game of the year oh the internet was pissed they didn't understand it thank you you good yeah why you got to explain them sometimes they're not that bright all right well Nintendo is nominated for a bunch of awards tonight too that's right of course Round of Applause for Nintendo a big win for them but p
ersonally I think some of the games are in the wrong categories yeah you know I felt the same same way you want to switch one or two two switch two of them yeah okay oh I think what we're saying is we really want the Nintendo switch to we do want the switch to who's got the dev kit no where's John vaki who's got the dev kit but speaking of Nintendo Greg way the online fan base around the Legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom was wild people were out there building life-size mechs while I attached
tires to a wooden board and called it a wheelie raft did it work wheelie well get her a drink is there a shot can we get her another shot come on that was adorable whatever anyways let's give it up to Super Mario Brothers Wonder it's the first Mario game to show us what Mario would literally be like on mushrooms of course yes yes yes now of course in Saturn news Charles Martin a retired from his role voicing Super Mario I want to miss that guy he was like it's a me and I was like let's a cry yo
u know cuz he did it for so long I know that joke bomb bad too sorry yeah okay we apologize on that one no explanation for it yeah no that's that's it's move on just go just go just go all right all right all right looking forward the trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 was released last year and it looks incredible I am so excited for that yeah also super excited because it's going to have the first female protagonist of this series and I know you're celebrating this but there won't be a PC version
at launch but as we all know there are a lot of people online that say having the first female protagonist of that series automatically makes it a PC game oh God that was oh my God you got it right there are a bunch of overgrown children right a woman in a game oh you know what I mean we know who you are and you suck yeah we all know who you are yeah yeah but one more time a massive congratulations to everyone here tonight you are the best of the best the dice awards are about you the people beh
ind the games this is your moment if you want to talk about the state of the industry when you're up here talk about the state of the industry if you want to get political get Pol itical yeah if you want to punch Greg in the face please go for it yeah you can say anything you want and we will support you I mean well not everything yeah we will turn on the music if you talk about pal world sorry pal World jokes are for next year all right there's it's weird because it's this year doesn't matter u
h the point is it's all of you who help our industry shine with thought-provoking creativity that's why the best companies are the ones who ask questions that's right Nintendo says what can we do to make every moment fun larion asks what can we do to help players carve their own path and unity asks what can we do to piss off as many people as possible just get them angry you know yeah they really did the best announcement to apology speedrun they sure did impressive and they sponsored this show
so thank you yeah but we all know making games is hard and I think we can all agree that there's no harder job in video games right now than being the social media manager for Suicide Squad yes shout out to them going through it at home right now okay I see where we're at all right there are two phrases everyone in this room everyone in video games never wants to hear and number one is people online are mad and number two is the embracer group is here they've really [ __ ] this place up haven't
they it's [ __ ] crazy with all that being said let's hear for the nominees tonight and of course ladies and Gentlemen please let's hear it for our Scholars our Scholars will be out all night giving out these Awards of course you will be out here you will see Dutton you will see Selena they are our trophy presenters so give them a round of applause as well please yeah they really are proof that our industry can grow and that new voices can be heard that's why we honor them and everyone here toni
ght without you the world would be less fun without you the world would be way less interesting and most importantly without you we wouldn't have jobs but really we appreciate you we appreciate the work you and all the people in our industry do to put into our favorite love form so have a great time good luck to all the nominees and enjoy this opening from our friends at Noodle House oh look [Applause] out well go [Music] [Applause] [Music] ahead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music
] [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] please welcome to the stage director of development at Double fine Kevin [Applause] Johnson [Applause] action games are at their core the ultimate power fantasies escapism at its finest the wonderful thing about power fantasies though is that the power part is so personal and varied maybe it's a highflying swing through a cityscape wind against the skin type bodysuit of your choosing or it's having a big gun and holding your breath hoping tha
t there isn't but also is another undead alien monster around the next corner and maybe it's the opportunity to be killed by an unnaturally Nimble giant deadly Mech for the 67th time before you finally realize that it's okay you are enough playing these stories allows us to move to our own rhythms uninterrupted to become a version of ourselves untethered by the constraints of reality the nominees for Action game of the year are the nominees for Action game of the year are armored cor 6 fires of
[Applause] [Applause] Rubicon Dead [Music] [Applause] Space but we don't have much time fine high-fi rush I'm here baby Marvel's Spider-Man [Applause] 2 you have no idea if I borrow this this is really really exciting Remnant 2 [Applause] and the winner is Marvel Spider-Man 2 [Applause] this is just good your boss I won't lie this is really freaking cool uh first off I want to thank the academy and all this year's nominees it's amazing games that we put out every single year and to be part of th
is industry is amazing obviously we want to thank Marvel games working with this iconic character this amazing franchise the kid and me is couldn't be more thrilled uh I hope every developer one day gets to work with a group like PlayStation the amount of support that we get across the board is incredible to Herman Grady ARA Joe Connie and of course Mr Mark cery thank you so much for always supporting us and always putting the game's quality first you know Ryan Janette and I are up here but real
ly the magic is really and all the credit goes to our amazing team in Insomniac uh yes they i' I've been lucky enough to be part of this studio for 15 years and probably like many people it's become more of a family than uh a job and uh I love you all thank you so much for making this possible this is all to you guys and thank you everybody thank you so [Applause] much Adventure is one of the biggest games in one of the biggest genres in games we enjoy taking part in the successes of characters
like link and Allan Wake guiding them to the next big bad or the big reveal excited when our hard hours on the STI with them we save the day we have a good time but what but are link and Allan Wake having a good time Allan Wake does not look like he's having a good time we've been sending link out to slay monsters and raged out raged all down mountains for decades now and Dave the diver well he looks like he's having a great time I'm sure he's fine regardless of the Mortal Peril adventure games
offer the most Fantastical canvas on which to explore themes and ideas that are essential to our lives and also torture cororo the nominees for Adventure Game of the Year are the nominees for Adventure Game of the Year are Alan Wake [Applause] 2 there's something I'm forgetting something important something's not right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] CUO Dave the diver Star Wars Jedi [Applause] Survivor it's been a long 5 years hope may feel beyond our grasp but I think think we finally found some
where the Empire can't reach us a place that's worth fighting for no matter the cost The Legend of Zelda tears of the [Applause] [Music] Kingdom and the winner is the Legend of Zelda tears of the [Applause] Kingdom hi everyone uh my name is Nate I'm from Nintendo I thank you I uh I'm very fortunate to work with all of our developers at Nintendo um and even more fortunate to be here today to accept this on their behalf um if you're anything anyone like me uh you are probably still on this adventu
re uh no matter how much I play this game I feel like there's still a new something to find over the next Hill in the next cave uh and I really think it's what makes it very very special um so to all of my fellow adventurers please let me uh thank you on behalf of the development team and thank you to the academy for this great honor thanks [Applause] please welcome to the stage the studio head of Obsidian Entertainment Fergus [Music] Kart when you think about it every game is technically a role
playing game and I don't just say that because I've been I've spent more than 30 years making them role playing games created The Lang create the language we all speak from character creation to leveling up to making choices in a Story video games and RPGs go hand in hand and yet somehow every year Ro playing games break new ground nobody expected seriously I worked on the original Fallout and balers gate games and every game announced tonight it's not about me uh still blew my mind uh these ga
mes took us to places we've never seen and on Journeys will'll never forget the nominees for role playing game of the year are balers gate three together we might survive I'll enjoy watching you try in mere moments all that you have dreaded will come to pass cyberpunk 2077 Phantom [Applause] Liberty you know be treason ain't every black white it's a charade V wherever she goes people get hurt bodies drop just want what song bird promised me the Cure Diablo [Applause] 4 Final Fantasy 16 it's time
to find out who we are once and for all I am a shield of roseria and I will do my duty come to me if fre Starfield [Applause] human settlements throughout the Galaxy could be at [Applause] risk and the winner is balers Gate [Applause] 3 its path and your party shaped by each and every decision um well thank you for the recognition obviously um The Academy um most especially our players and Community um but of course the team uh the team at laran Studios for over 20 years now has been building t
he technology and the knowledge and the philosophy to be able to build this type of game and it's it's really up to them right now um to to figure out how can we optimally use it and we've created balers Gate 3 with all of that knowledge uh because we go one step further every single time and this isn't the last one thank [Applause] you sports are something we're all familiar with something we've all participated in uh even if when some of us were kids uh it w even ah even if when some of us wer
e kids it wasn't always by choice uh if sports are a part of the very fabric of our cultures and they are then sports games allow allow us to live a dream that everyone shares if athletes represent the best of what we can do these Nomine nominees represent the best of showing what those athletes can do the nominees for sports game of the year are EA Sports fc4 [Applause] danger here as he runs at [Applause] them MLB the Show [Applause] [Applause] 23 I WWE 2K [Applause] 23 and the winner is MB th
e show [Applause] 23 that's the ball game line of the pitch man this is pretty sweet um thank you to the academy everybody that voted for us uh thank you to the fans for supporting us um thank you to our families and significant others for putting up with us you know video game development is hard and y'all hold it down um thank you to the leadership at PlayStation for allowing us to make this game and you know giving us those extensions when we need it cuz sometimes we're late um yeah this is a
wesome thank [Applause] you please welcome the communications director of inter sloth Victoria Tran it's no secret that online games are incredible accomplishments the ability to create an experience where players are fully invested in cooperating or competing against people on the other side of the planet is no small feat but something that gets lost in the shuffle is that online gaming also lets you connect with a long-distance partner a relative who moved away for college or even help you mak
e a new best friend online games go beyond fun they connect us by take making friends and strangers from every part of the world near and far and putting them in a room together these are the nominees for online game of the year the nominees for online game of the year are Call of Duty Modern Warfare [Applause] 3 Diablo 4 Omega [Music] Strikers Street Fighter [Music] 6 [Music] youal [Applause] Arrow the [Applause] [Applause] finals and the winner [Music] is this is harder than I thought Diablo [
Applause] 4 uh this is a real honor so thank you for this [Music] [Applause] so uh I want to thank the academy obviously thank you so much uh I want to thank all the hardworking teams that brought this online world together a shared open world that we really invested in Co-op and so whether it's the people in Austin the people in Albany the people in Irvine or all of our remote workers thank you so much for all the hard work to make that world a reality that people can all come together and play
but most of all I want to thank the community um you know we listen to your feedback you're an integral part of our how we continue to grow the franchise and how we grow our game as we do season after season so thank you for that and of course today we're very proud to announce our community is growing as we're now available or will be available on Game Pass on March 28th so there you go but I'm just honored to share the stage with these people and honor to be part of blizzard and part of the D
iablo franchise so thank you all very [Applause] much it's easy for some people to forget just how big Mobile gaming is phones are staple in so much of the world and as they get more advanced so are the kinds of game experiences being built for it these games are always just a tap away whether you're bored at work or need a few minutes to relax at home chances are some of you are looking at your phone right now while I'm talking eyeing you down but not only is the barrier to entry a little easie
r but mobile titles are often the first and only games a lot of people play young or old the best mobile games pull off the feat of being welcoming to curious new players while satisfying the most hardcore Among Us here are the nominees the nominees for mobile game of the year are Goin [Music] Hello Kitty island [Applause] adventure honai star [Music] rail savor it for me Terra nil what the [Music] car [Music] and the winner is what the [Applause] [Applause] car hold actually can I have it back
[Music] [Applause] okay wow I I did not at all expect this but like most people you I wrote a few notes here and like what should I say um first of all I asked the team they said be really awkward um that's going to be awkward for you it's not their problem it's my problem so I'm going to do that um then um I don't know you say some things um I looked at the list and like I found like one one key Insight in who's been winning so far every single game has their name spilled with all caps so if yo
ur name your your game name is spelled with all caps it's very likely that you're going to win just saying it cocoon done there uh yeah um I think that's my best tip for making video games so far um thank you to everyone who worked on the game uh yeah all of you that's also thing right did it work the [Applause] awkwardness and and then I wrote like say thank you to all the other like Partners things so H I just want to say thank you to the to the app Cade people we pitched the game for and we s
aid like we want to make a car game and they said what and we said like but it has legs and they said what what and then like it worked [Applause] out welcome to the stage audio director at Atomic arcade Rob krackle audio design can often at times feel like a thankless job I mean how often do people come up and say the way the breeze wafted through the tree branches chef's kiss best part of the game but the thing is we all appreciate good audio even when we're not noticing it a howl in the fores
t the crunch of snow underneath Our Hero's boot laughter From A Distant Tavern all add substance and reality to Fantastical imaginary Worlds the nominees for outstanding achievement in audio design are the nominees for outstanding achievement in audio design are Alan Wake [Applause] 2 wake has a double where is he now I don't want to be in the story just WR me out of the story cocoon high-fi Rush Marvel's Spider-Man 2 this whole blizzard hunt ends now leave Conor alone Star Wars Jedi [Applause]
Survivor [Applause] and the winner is Marvel Spider-Man [Applause] 2 Spiderman watch out no no no no no thank you so very much thank you to the academy to all the other nominees it is such an honor to be considered amongst your excellent work thank you to our incredible friends and partners at Sony Playstation sound and music for your expertise for your talents your guidance thank you to Sweet Justice sound for your amazing work on her cinematics to the Insomniac senior leadership team thank you
for making Insomniac such a fabulous place to work to the project leadership team to the vase team I'm so thrilled to be working beside you every day to everyone on the audio team that put everything into this game thank you so much for sharing your talents and your skill I'm so proud of your work thank you to Marvel for making this wonderful character that we've been able to bring to life and thank you to our families all the families in Insomniac that support us through this creative work esp
ecially my sons Chris and Anthony are here [Music] tonight thank [Applause] you [Applause] the the power of music is undeniable a feeling becomes a note becomes a chord becomes a song and becomes a feeling once more game music becomes game memories Super Mario Brothers see I'm sure I can guess the first thing that came to your mind enjoy having that theme in your head for the rest of the evening the nominees for outstanding achievement in original music composition are the nominees for outstandi
ng achievement in original music composition are Alan Wake [Applause] [Applause] 2 Diablo 4 Marvel's Spider-Man 2 get him hold [Applause] on look out planet of Lana Star Wars Jedi Survivor as long as we fight hope survives and the winner is Marvel Spider-Man 2 [Applause] wow thank you everybody thank you so much dice the other nominees uh Insomniac games so many people to thank Ted price uh Brian inar Paul mudra Karen Reed Jerry berlon Gary I'm going to run out of breath my heart's racing uh Pla
ystation music team uh Keith ly my co-producer John Pisano who wrote an incredible score obviously uh Rob Goodson uh Anthony Caruso all of our family and friends uh chucked out head of Music um thank you guys so much have a great [Applause] night welcome back your host Stella CH and Greg Miller Spider-Man's coming all over the stage God I thought we talked about this dude okay thank you so this year's Hall of Fame induct is one of the greatest gaming musicians of all time nay one of the greatest
musicians of all time anywhere maybe you're familiar with his work but let me give you a few bars if you're not oh my God deleted okay all right enough thank you sorry good Lord okay you good yeah go for it you got go okay thank you it's like a working with a toddler here and here to present the Hall of Fame award to Koji condo is the legendary composer in his own right he scored such block I thought we were done he scored such Blockbusters as the Super Mario Brothers movie Crazy Rich Asians Th
e Fast and the Furious and The Avengers Age of Ultron please give it up for Brian [Applause] Tyler remember your first job you probably learned a lot but the work you produced maybe isn't the first page of your professional portfolio it it wasn't mine unless of of course your coji condo and your first yeah and your first job was Sound Engineering at a company called Nintendo in that case your first job was composing the iconic film theme music to the 1984 arcade game punch out and a year into th
e gig you would go on to compose the bright bouncy unmistakable playful theme to 1985's Super Mario Brothers which you probably still have in your head from the last award presenter telling you about it you're wondering uh kissan has been making infectious and exuberant sound since he first got his Yamaha electronic Oregon when he was 5 years old but when he applied for a job with Nintendo in 1984 he probably couldn't have imagined the impact he'd eventually have making on generations of Gamers
nor could he have known that working for Nintendo would be the last job he'd ever need to apply for the The Legend of Zelda followed Super Mario Brothers in 1986 and cemented kisan's status as one of the earliest masters of the genre video game music atonal beeps and bloops were evolving into synthesized waveforms and eventually fully orchestrated scores and many composers across a breath of genres from film soundtracks to popular rock acts now count kiss's work as among their greatest Inspirati
ons including myself part of what makes his work so compelling is that kissan has always been more than a musician in fact when he enrolled in um Osaka University of Arts in 1980 in addition to music he went on to study uh writing Visual Arts uh Fine Arts across the board even then he was Thinking Beyond just um musical notes he saw music and visual information as intertwined and understood how these elements could be combined to express things in a totally different art form condos score for th
e Legend of Zelda brought something novel to the game mus music uh genre which was emotion when you fired up the Legend of Zelda so I remember from the very first note the music generated by the NES 8bit REO microprocessor playing through your television speaker seemed uh Grand it promised a hero's journey here was a game you wanted to invest in to be drawn into to walk away from inspired like this sword the protagonist Sees at the beginning of the game when he's warned that it's a dangerous tim
e to go alone condon's music was like a friend a companion that came along with you on the journey when I had the opportunity to work with kosan on the score for the Super Mario Brother's movie thank you fantastic movie available on all formats it felt like something I've been preparing for my whole life I knew this world and understood its character is because I was a fan first all the way back to Donkey Kong I'll never forget getting on a zoom call with kissan at the start of our collaboration
and telling him all of this and how much I felt uh I just was compelled to do this movie and how much of a fan I was and also just like his music how is uh over the years has influenced me um to be a better composer to even be interested in music as a genre I cut out articles about this man from gaming magazines for real I had them on my wall that was that was me and I certainly didn't expect uh when I was talking to him on this Zoom call for him to turn around and to prove it he pulls out a bu
nch of CDs of my soundtracks off his bookshelf and he indicates look like no I love your work I have this from way back the last 20 years of music so it it was a big moment for me so from that moment on I knew working with kissan was going to be fun and full of a lot of surprises and it was not only is the Super Mario Brothers ground theme one of the handful of Music pieces listed in the national recording registry of the Library of Congress it's crazy it today it is the only video game composit
ion there that's huge yeah kissan was also the first video game composer to be inducted in the Academy of interactive Arts and Sciences Hall of [Applause] Fame no doubt all right in the words of Mario let's a Go music can be one of the most powerful elements of our favorite games many composers have made their Mark in the gaming world but when you think about video game composition one name resonates through the decades Koji condo The Man Behind the scores his Melody breathes life into every gam
e he touches the goal is for the music to reflect the unique rhythms of the game drawing us deeper into the world and the experience for coji condo this philosophy has been a guiding force [Music] [Music] for born on August 13 1961 in Nagoya Japan koji's journey into the world of Music began at the age of five an early Fascination for synthesizers became the spark that ignited his talents condo's love for music grew with various genres from alt Rock to classical to jazz fusion this combined with
his fondness for video games shaped his musical perspective during his time at OSA University of Arts the very first personal computer was released in Japan and condo was captivated by how he could manipulate the computer to perform music using computer [Music] programming immediately after graduating Ki condo started at Nintendo in 1984 condo quickly Rose within the company to become the third dedicated Sound and Music engineer at Nintendo his first major contribution was to design the audio f
or the game double world for the famicom it was at this moment that condo's philosophy evolved from theoretical to practical what happened next would transform gaming [Music] [Music] forever [Music] after his initial success with devil World condo was slated to work on a new game in the early stages of production Super Mario Brothers the music and Super Mario Brothers went on to become condo's most recognized score his meticulous work on the game's music carefully synchronized with its vibrant b
ouncing gameplay not only transformed the industry's approach to music but sound design as well working within the technological limitations of the time condo crafted one of Gaming's most hummable Tunes with just three musical notes and a white noise Channel he worked to ensure it matched the physical sense of running and jumping Boer ing the unique rhythms within the game that made it part of an experience millions of players would never forget of course condo's Journey didn't end there he next
set out to create adventurous often ethereal music for a new action adventure in which players could explore a massive game world that felt both mysterious and alive that game The Legend of Zelda became one of the most beloved fantasy experiences of all time and continues to resonate with players decades later from The Intergalactic rhythms of starf Fox 64 to the gorgeous haunting Melodies of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Koji condo's influence reaches across the industry he has performed
alongside renowned musicians and created Timeless tunes and sounds now heard in Games movies concert halls and theme parks around the world his commitment to creating soundscapes that complement the gameplay experience and determination to challenge the limits of Technology have helped shape an era of Joyful motifs and quotable sound cues that have left an indelible mark on gaming and entertainment history tonight we honor coji condo as the 2024 inductee to the aias Hall of Fame please welcome
to the stage Koji condo thank you for a lifetime of Unforgettable melodies now it's oh [Applause] wait here say it oh and now it's uh almost surreal getting to do this my privilege and pleasure to welcome COI condo for legendary dice Wars Hall of Fame congratulations my man here you are thank you [Applause] stage thank you uh I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for selecting me to be inducted into the Hall of Fai I'm very happy to be here G I'm very honored to have been chosen for thi
s prestigious award this year marks my 40th anniversary in the gaming industry thank you I'm incredibly grateful to the staff at Nintendo with whom I've worked on so many games and also to the game fans who spent so much time playing these [Applause] games so I have been mainly involved with the Metroid and Zelda series excuse me Mario and Zelda series but not with the mindset of merely adding game music or sound effects but rather as a member of the game development team tasked with sound produ
ction focused on working with the team to create fun games to that end we have always tried to incorporate a variety of ideas such as creating rhythms that make it fun to progress through games Melodies that are engaging Every Time Players hear them music that changes in real time to match the player situations and pouring our hearts into making more engaging game experiences going forward I want to continue taking on on new challenges in the areas of music sound design and sound production with
the goal of delivering fun games thank you very much thank you thank you than you [Applause] very [Applause] please welcome to the stage writer and Senior narrative designer at Cliffhanger games Alexa Ray Korea I am so thrilled to be presenting these next two Awards honoring my peers in [Music] storytelling stories thank you stories are as old as Humanity storytelling was one of the first job classes humans ever selected for themselves and over the eons we've leveled up from campfires to 4K in
the ways that we tell them games allow us to be in constant dialogue with our stories and be a physical part of the Journey Only in this medium do we get the opportunity to truly test the boundaries of what is possible with storytelling and here are the nominees for outstanding achievement in Story the nominees for outstanding achievement in story are Alan Wake 2 killer left the message it's for us the text is about us we were all trapped in a horror story The Horror Story wanted us dead Boulder
s gate three the future of Boulder's Gate hangs in the balance will you be the hero and save it from looming Darkness or will the city crumble Dave the [Applause] [Music] diver thirsty [Applause] suitors I wanted you to run away with me again because going back to the past is safer than facing the future I've been running in circles a long time trying to pretend this game will last forever Vena [Music] [Music] and the winner is balers gate [Applause] three and I'm here to save you again the abso
lute is more thanks again for um for recognizing that we made a a really good story um by we I of course mean the entire team it's uh it's the narrative designers it's the writers but it doesn't stop there you also need people that you know make it work you need the scriptors then you need all these cinematics theme like every everyone again in laran studios plays a part in making sure that even how Kick-Ass the story is that it really works well um I remember the first time we met with Wizards
of the Coast uh I think only one day before uh svan vinka our creative director had his finger in the monster manual on the Mind flares and was like this is going to be the big bad guy and I thought like wow okay that's you know know he's really big and bad but in an RPG you really need to be able to go from a zero to a hero so the big bad guy needs to be almost impossible to beat so that you can create that entire Journey um so yeah go big or go home thanks [Applause] again characters and games
are the culmination of many many talented people working together to bring a being to life they are the perfect Collision of artistic and Technical achievement and over the dozens sometimes hundreds of hours we spend alongside them they become so much more than what is on screen they are our mascots and our icons Our Heroes and our villains they're our friends when we need a hand to hold and they are our tumbler obsessions when we need to um come on we were all thirsty little freaks last year y
ou know what I'm talking about use your imagination the nominees for outstanding achievement in character there are the nominees for outstanding achievement in character are Alan Wake 2 saga [Applause] Anderson did you put my family in the horror story it's not true it's just a [ __ ] story it's not true I can stop this nightmare balers Gate 3 aaran what fun I'm going to [ __ ] kill you what in the sweet H were you were thinking activating that L I was right there if there is a next time I'll be
the one aiming the all powerful weapon balers Gate 3 [Applause] Carla I love you too oh my god I've been dying just say that my gods if I smile any bigger my face is going to crack Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Morales and what about MJ you could have killed her I know you're hurting Pete but you're better than this I know I know but thirsty suitors [Applause] Jala is it weird that I find your daddy issues kind of hot my D is hot that's not what I forget it and the winner is Miles Morales [Applau
se] well if this is my last chance to say anything to [Music] you I won't forgive you it's just not in me Wow Wow Wow first I I want to thank God first and foremost and I want to thank my team it takes a village a village to you know bring the journey that we have brought with Spider-Man and miles and my Sony team my Marvel team and my Insomniac I don't think we're going to sleep tonight no pun intended but uh yeah I just want to thank everyone at the Academy and this has been an incredible jour
ney uh y'all stay tuned and uh get ready because yeah yeah Bobby Brian James ham everybody over here like you guys don't understand the journey that we've taken and I love you everyone here thank you for the nominees everybody at the nominees like it's crazy thank you guys love [Applause] you welcome back to the stage Greg Miller and Stella [Applause] Chong strategy and simulation games and fight F in games may seem totally unrelated but for me there's a pretty strong connection number one in a
fight my strategy is not to get hit in the face it's the money maker Stella what do you mean oh nothing I do a lot of podcasts number two if I'm in a fight I'm praying it's a simulation so you pray a lot huh when I come home I do pray a lot so all right awesome unfortunately for the rest of us those are two different categories Greg which is a shame because seeing you do that would make my night so with that in mind let's see the nominees for strategy and simulation game of the year the nominees
for strategy SL simulation game of the year are Against The Storm Cobalt [Music] [Music] [Music] core Dune spice [Music] Wars [Music] we run there the last [Music] spell [Music] War [Music] tales and the winner is dun spice Wars shiru games couldn't be here tonight but they have a message they'd like to share hello and thank you very much uh we are very proud and very happy to receive this award this is a great pleasure uh we feel a bit lucky because we had two games nominated in this section s
o I guess we we had more chance than others but uh I think the game was very good and we very happy with the world team behind shirro games uh to have created these two games but this one in particular and uh this is a of course thanks to the world team Mato uh in bordo in France uh we uh all work very well on this game for long years and uh we really enjoy seeing the feedback on the game the community playing the player spending hundreds of hours on the game and uh we look forward for more play
ers and more people discovering the game thanks to the Z Awards thank you very much Greg can I just say it has been an absolute pleasure of hearing hearing from everyone today hearing how passionate everyone is and the respect that we have for each other it is just incredible can we get another round of applause for everyone here well said Stella I was expecting a joke at my expense but I appreci oh that's coming don't worry okay great yeah because so I got some fighting words for you oh do you
know yeah we we'll tackle that off stage all right now for fighting game of the year whether you're playing one for the first time or you spent your childhood putting Quarters on an arcade cabinet fighting games are some of the most accessible and yet deceptively deep games there are I still believe that the most important moment of my life was the first time I launched a fireball from my hands wait not your wedding or the birth of your child Jen I'm sorry I should have should have thought that
one through all right you know what uh let me let me cover for you the nominees for fighting game of the year are the nominees for fighting game of the year are Grand blue Fantasy Versus Rising [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Mortal Kombat 1 Nickelodeon Allstar Brawl [Music] [Applause] 2 pocket bravery [Music] Street Fighter 6 all right and the winner is Street Fighter 6 unfortunately Capcom couldn't be here with us tonight so I'll be accepting this award on their behalf this is huge for me I'
ve never won an award for a game I didn't work on um I want to thank the academy of course my family uh but I'd also like to start some [ __ ] so I'd like to go after Ed Boon who said to me quote Greg you've never made a video game before there's no way you'll beat me in Mortal Kombat 1 well who's laughing now okay all right all right I okay all right God you're you are cut off my goodness sorry all right our next presenter is the head of Sony interactive entertainment's India initiative please
welcome shui [Music] [Applause] [Music] yosida it's nearly impossible to overstate the significance of good game design game design is at the core of how our industry evolves how we innovate and for gamers evolution and Innovation equal to one thing fun this year's nominees for outstanding achievement in game design open up new avenues of fun those nominees are the nominees for outstanding achievement in game design are balers Gate [Music] 3 [Music] you're a pawn a slave to forces you cannot com
prehend [Applause] [Music] CUO Dave the [Music] diver Super Mario Brothers Wonder [Music] The Legend of Zelda tears of the [Music] Kingdom and the winner is borders gate [Applause] three hi again thank you for the recognition for game design stuff um I would like to say we didn't do that much different but actually we did like to me balers Gate 3 still Builds on top of a highly interactable World lots of synergy uh lots of reactivity etc etc but what we did have to do is apply Dungeons and drago
n rules to it which was a challenge so this award goes to the design team for actually succeeding in that because what works in a book on paper and tabletop in the theater of your mind doesn't really work in a computer game necessarily so this one's for them for making it work for making combat fun for leveling up uh for explaining this to everyone who's never actually played a Dungeons and Dragons game design team hurrah independent games are the Cornerstone of our [Music] industry Indie Games
take big risks and make B bold decis bold choices that all whom become the standard years down the line indie games got there first while it's never easy to make a video game on any scale the Indie developers behind the games nominated tonight use limited resources to make truly thrilling experiences unlike anything we've seen before they aren't just great artists they are also the future of our industry the nominees for outstanding achievement for an independent game are the nominees for outsta
nding achievement for an independent game are [Applause] [Music] cocoon [Music] [Applause] dredge El Paso elsewhere thirsty [Applause] suitors I'm not afraid I'll ever be ordinary [Applause] [Music] Bena and the award goes to [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] okay this is kind of a big deal um yeah kin had quite hble Beginnings when I first joined the team uh ye and yakob they asked me like hey like would you like to uh move to Copenhagen for one year and I was like yeah sure I'll I'll work on a little
game uh move to Sweden it turns out Copenhagen is not in Sweden it's actually in Denmark I had no idea what I was getting into I I learned a few things along the road and uh yeah but that conversation was seven years ago almost so it also took a little bit longer but uh yeah it was a an amazing journey and uh I think we have a few people to thank for that long the way yes thank you uh I would like to thank all our dear colleagues at geometric wish you were all here you should be here [Applause]
um and we would all like to thank the academy and everyone who voted for us it's really heartwarming and uh an ative for believing in US thank you so much we would like to thank uh 24-bit games for making a uh cool ports for the PlayStation and Nintendo and um and the Danish film Institute for supporting us it's a big help early on so thank you for that thank [Applause] you welcome to the stage the CEO of brass Li entertainment Brina dabby Smith usually the first thing that comes to mind with an
imation is the big stuff the boss battles the chase scenes the explosions the Finish him however there's also the way a character walks with a confident gate the way an emotion subtly spreads across a character's face great animation informs us about the world we're playing in and deep deepens our connection to the gaming experience the nominees for outstanding achievement in animation are the nominees for outstanding achievement in animation are Final Fantasy 16 show us your true power high-fi
rush just so you know they're [Applause] insane Marvel's Spider-Man [Applause] 2 I need this suit it makes me a better Spider-Man all I want is to save you Mortal Kombat 1 Super Mario Brothers [Music] [Applause] wonder and the winner is Marvel Spider-Man [Applause] [Music] 2o hello hello thank you Dice and to the fellon nmes uh for this award uh man this is nervous I'm I'm nervous you're thrilled to accept this award I am thrilled to accept this award on behalf of our amazing animation team as w
ell as the entire Studio it really does take the entire Studio to uh to make our experiences um thank you for the spectacular performances and stunts from our actors those along with our you know handkey animation cinematography and editing um come together uh with our animation team and uh I'm as quickly as possible going to mention them so uh it's rigging led by Alan Weider Living World led by Paul Robbins and Cody SOS combat led by Kevin Gro traversal led by Elliot Gman missions led by Stepha
n Stephanie aaronian and this guy James ham all right and and C uh bosses led by stepen cadella cinematics led by Lindsay Thompson and Bradley mcclaflin s a game anim Direction by Danny Garnett and Bobby codington that's me um production managers BR grave Carlos schwam senior Manager David Hancock and department head Albert Kinsey thanks to our partners psva liquid development and original Force I'll take that off your hands we absolutely love making these games at Insomniac we love it um and th
ank you to uh the ultimate SI and Marvel games thank you so much um thank you to the fans thank you to our family members um we need you so much and and thank you so much for everything you do for us uh we love you all thank you [Applause] bye art direction is creating living breathing worlds Gamers themselves in turn get to feel like they're living and breathing in those worlds whether it's a far-off Galaxy a school of magic or the familiar landscape of New York City thanks to Art Direction the
y're all real to us the nominees are the nominees for outstanding achievement in art direction are Alan Wake 2 Anderson it's right up your alley Hogwarts Legacy [Applause] Marvel's Spider-Man [Applause] 2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Starfield [Applause] [Music] and the winner is Alan Wake to [Applause] congratulations are you talking about the murder side yeah thank you so [Applause] [Music] much accepting this on behalf of our art director Yan pulkinen who is a Wonder ful collaborative genius and h
is whole art team we really wanted to bring Unique Look for the game through our NL engine as well we were looking for inspiration in Art House Cinema in art photography uh for our live action we were kind of crazy and wanted to do practical effects you know if you have played the game and seen the vortex between the worlds that's actually a slow motion camera pointed to a plender with colored liquid uh and and in the dark place in our New York all the graffiti under the guidance of our lead env
ironment artist nazareno Urbano all of that is done by graffiti artist um on actual walls and and photographed into the game uh for a horror game obviously uh lighting the effects crucially important this means a lot uh Gana definitely deserves this thank you thank you so [Applause] much distinguished guests please welcome content creator and host of Gamertag radio Paris Lily [Applause] [Music] immersive reality in and out of itself is a technical achievement that our parents and admittedly even
some of us has considered a Sci-Fi dream some of you might remember the early 90s when there were literally horror movies about people getting sucked into a computer by putting on a headset but today in 2024 not only does that immersive reality exist it's at the Forefront of advancement the nominees Arc the nominees for immersive reality technical achievement are asgard's wrath [Applause] 2 there is no [Applause] time your fate is mine assassin Creed Nexus [Music] [Applause] VR Horizon call of
the mountain find out why the machines are attacking vertigo [Music] 2 We Are One you and all your other selves you were created a part of [Music] me we are nature and the winner is Horizon call of the [Applause] mountain well thank you all this is amazing it's truly an honor to be awarded among all these nominees uh at Gilla we love making games but it was also really hard to do this because really wanted to give sorry to make the Horizon world come to life in for example that twisting making a
Twist in your hand and taking in a few from the mountain so we really want to thank so many people yes so this was a collaboration between Guerilla and Fir Sprite and we want to thank everyone at both Studios but we want to give special thanks to Yan Bart van bake Tom Vernon pantelis lakus steu tilly all of our colleagues at siie and PlayStation and of course Herman Hol thank you so much for this great honor thank you [Applause] the power of immersive reality games nominated tonight is right th
ere in the name immersive and it's not just because of the headset these are the games that don't just show your world they make you feel like you're a part of it you don't hold a controller you are the controller you are the vampire you are exploring the Sci-Fi future of horizon but it is you there and not a character on the screen that's the magic of immersive reality games and the nominees are the nominees for immersive reality game of the year are asgard's wrath [Applause] 2 here to write yo
ur [Music] wrong [Applause] Assassin's Creed Nexus VR traitor to the crowd hanged by the neck until dead for his crime the penalty is death Horizon call of the [Music] mountain vampire the Masquerade [Music] Justice this is not even your city vertigo [Music] [Music] 2ep and the winner is asgard's wrath [Applause] 2 turn world holy cow this is badass um geez where do I start um four years ago the uh this I'm gonna be a little emotional here I'm a Nob right this is cool um four years ago the studi
o uh accepted this challenge of doing a very complicated thing basically taking and fully realizing an RPG on a standalone VR headset right so um that was that was a really tough Challenge and an impossible task and senaro doesn't walk away from challenges and the team knocked it out of the park I mean they did a phenomenal job I also want to I also want to thank everyone who helped us get here and I want to send out a special thank you to Jason Rubin Mike Fue Gio hunt and also Mike Doran becaus
e those guys really I mean they they put a lot of faith and confidence in a studio and uh they really helped to like do something special thank you want to say yeah I just want to say um you know when we when we first wanted to make asgard's wrath 2 on a standalone platform people thought we were crazy I mean the amount of content the white Open Spaces in there were nuts but we had the support from Oculus and meta and they got us where we are I just want to say to everyone in this room when you
get those times when you're like this is crazy do not do this you keep pushing this is how we make this medium and VR is not going away this is going to blow up all over the place thank you guys so much [Applause] goar please welcome to the stage Netflix's vice president and head of external games Leanne [Applause] Loom family and gaming have a lot in common sometimes it's about teamwork sometimes it's all about winning and being super competitive and sometimes you just want everyone to have a g
reat time family games are fun for all ages and all skill levels not to mention a great way to decide who's going to do the dishes for the next month so the nominees for family game of the year are the nominees for family game of the year here are Disney illusion Island we have done heroic [Music] things Fay Farm [Music] [Music] Hello Kitty island [Applause] adventure midnight [Music] girl Super Mario Brothers Wonder time to [Music] fly and the winner is Super Mario Brothers [Applause] Wonder [M
usic] [Applause] uh thank you thank you and you're right um Family Game Night can definitely get contentious but we're always really happy when Nintendo games get on the menu um regardless of whether or not you're playing uh competitively or cooperatively um I think we're just really happy that this game was able to connect with not only parents who grew up with the original series but also the younger generation who are just getting introduced to it for the first time so on behalf of the develo
pment team thank thank you very [Applause] much so for anyone that knows me will know that I am super excited to present this award because I [ __ ] love cars and uh there is nothing like a good racing game The Twist the turns the drifting that like pit in your stomach when your car flips off the track and explodes and it's all from the same safety of your gaming chair which ironically probably looks a little bit like it came from my race car so the racing game of the year nominees are the nomin
ees for racing game of the year are [Music] [Music] f99 Forza [Music] [Applause] Motorsport that was your best lap yet Hot Wheels Unleashed to turbocharged [Music] Lego 2K [Music] Drive and the winner is Forza [Music] Motorsport I know you're ready you've got this the feel like we need to be fast getting up here so it's was about 27 years ago that I pulled into my first job out of college and I was pulling up in my 1991 Ford Probe my first sports car I was so excited manual transmission everythi
ng was manual anyway I was testing Need for Speed 2 to be here 27 years later accepting this on behalf of the incredible team at turn send Studios our Global Studios that are helping us make this possible is just the honor of a lifetime so thank you thank you so much and thank you most of all to our players our community who take their time who give us their passions who give us their feedback we're listening let's make this the best Motorsport Journey ever thanks so much Mike I just want to tha
nk all our partners so many to count um all the Xbox team uh for all your support our friends at playground games for we could not do this without you all our families uh for supporting us as we put our Blood Sweat and Tears into this game and most importantly the team at turn 10 I feel incredibly lucky to spend my days working with such an incredibly talented team thank [Applause] you you know him from DSX and Dishonored please welcome Studio director of Arcane Austin Harvey Smith hey everybody
it's such an honor to be here it's incredibly hard to make good games and it's such an honor to be able to uh you know announce the winners here tonight for these categories As We Know video games started as fun simple arcade simulations with each new game development teams realized they could do a little bit more with the technology and a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more advancing beyond what we all thought was possible now decades later we're playing games where we
can swing through a lifik New York or use magical glue to create working machines these technologies have changed our lives so much the nominees for outstanding technical achievement are the nominees for outstanding technical achievement are Alan Wake [Music] 2 I'm trapped here every word is a step forward there are things that go B life it's all true it's all true Hogwarts Legacy Marvel's Spider-Man 2 the [Music] finals no doubt about it Scotty we've got strategies in play [Applause] The Legend
of Zelda tears of the [Music] [Applause] Kingdom just remarkable stuff everybody should be so prow and the winner is Marvel Spider-Man [Applause] 2 are you hearing this Harry how much longer I know I know I'm on the last uh thank you to the academy uh man everyone here you clean up really nice it's great to see everybody um there are so many talented programmers and Technical artists at Insomniac games uh that are dedicated they work so hard they work together I wish they could all be here toni
ght uh to celebrate this with us um you of course don't get a technology award without an amazing game to show it off an amazing studio environment to work in so thank you to everyone at Insomniac games please give all yourselves a pat on the back tonight um thank you to our partners at PlayStation our partners at Marvel games our partners at home who support us so much in doing what we do and really uh thank you to everyone in the industry especially of course in the engineering disciplines for
me who who share uh what you do how you do it um who work together so well and turn how did they do that into we can do that too so that the next games we make can be even better so thank you very [Applause] much all right uh great game Direction guides the work of many talents into a singular and cohesive Vision all those game mechanics environments UI elements music and voices tie them together and the game becomes greater than the sum of its parts this year's nominees for outstanding achieve
ment in game Direction made sure everything came together in harmony they are the nominees for outstanding achievement in game direction are balers Gate [Music] 3 Kon [Music] [Music] Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Super Mario Brothers [Music] wonderoll The Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom let's [Music] go [Music] link well done everyone and the winner is balers Gate [Applause] 3 [Music] uh I I know it doesn't show but I am actually [Music] nervous um I I didn't expect this one the nominees for this c
ategory are really strong I wouldn't have given it to Ballers gate three um I always dedicate all of these Awards to the team because without a team you don't do anything there's there's never one person that is responsible for a thing it's always everyone but there is in when we're talking about game Direction there is one person that is responsible for getting the best out of us for sharing a vision with us uh and and trying to get us to actually understand that one and uh um and help him achi
eve what he wants what what he sees and that's vanan vinker and um so this one I will dedicate not only to the team but especially to him because he really deserves this also please know that I don't suck up to my boss and he knows this I I pick fights with him almost every week uh just last year and the year before I was was fighting him over certain decisions that he was taking where I thought like this doesn't fit larion this doesn't fit the game and he always saw through North and I didn't s
o I was wrong sometimes I'm wrong um because he had a vision where in his mind he sees what the game looks like when it's finished and a lot of people only do that when everything finally comes together and you can play it um so this one is first F cheers welcome back your hosts Stella Chong and Greg Miller great job come on keep it going everybody I have good news we've made it to the end of the evening and we made pretty good time if I do say so myself huh yeah I think we beat our own record f
rom going from show open to open park that's right our final presenter of the night is Studio director at super giant games please welcome Amir [Applause] raal thank you here we are game of the year the last award of the evening an evening celebrating and revisiting great creative and Technical achievements whether you were nominated or not the very fact that you're here with us tonight means you won so now let's take a look at some of the very best gaming experiences of the last year made by so
me of the most incredible teams our industry has to offer the nominees for game of the year are the nominees for game of the year are Alan Wake [Music] [Applause] 2 first things first what's your name someone knew they were here was playing a game with them I'll play along for now I write to escape you must stop it before it turns real Boulders gate three her parasites are merely a symptom of a greater sickness in fyon the infected hear the voice of the absolute and believe it to be a god bow be
fore me bow before the abow [Applause] CUO Marvel's Spider-Man 2 The Legend of Zelda tears of the [Music] Kingdom the game of the year is balers Gate [Applause] 3 how would you feel about helping me K uh this is existential to us as you can tell from all the emotion on David's face uh we're very lucky we've had a lot of stage time uh others are not so lucky this is a really human industry and we're really bad sometimes at showing that showing developers what they're worth and showing the players
at home that we care about them it's kind of the elephant in the room especially surrounded by all this opulence which you know can only go so far without people we would not be standing here without the people that work on these games we would not be standing here many many people will let go at the start of this year I want you all to know that you are talented and that you matter and that you are the future of this industry don't let that flame be extinguished by our Collective mistakes I kn
ow that everyone here is scared cuz shit's really [ __ ] up all of your projections are wrong and it's scary but we persevere as an industry we will persevere as an industry and you will all find your place and you will all be welcomed back with open arms and we'll still be making games for the players and for you and uh with these guys [Applause] so to to add to that uh a lot of people probably want to know what's the secret to your success um last year I started thinking the secret to Our Succ
ess is the decisions that we make come from what does the player want what do I think is best for the game what is the most fun what is the most crazy people telling us we shouldn't do this or we can't do it or this is too challenging or too hard like it was already said here today that usually just gives us a kick up the to actually make it happen um the stuff that we make make at laran is we ask you to pay one price only for the game and that's it you can own it for the rest of your life we we
don't have shareholders but we also don't think about them and we we think there there's an expression in Dutch that uh honesty lasts longer or something there there's probably a version in English as well that makes a lot of sense but what we have tried in the last 20 years is to treat people like we would like to be treated ourselves as players as Gamers so we don't make decisions where we take where we think this could make us the most money on the long run building a community building a pl
ayer Base building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money that's it thank you that's our show everybody yeah thank you to the members of The Academy the judges and the voters and thank you to everyone watching here of course and online we wouldn't get to do any of this without you so congratulations to balers gate one more time yes and good night everybody good [Applause] night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 1 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all in love with me in [Music]
you [Music] All In Love With Me In Love [Music] you [Music] all in love with me all in love with



Larian put the gaming industry to shame by releasing an incredible game at a fair price in a time when that is unfortunately rare, then they put them all to shame again with this speech. We need more studios like this.


Seeing all the developers getting their time to shine was wonderful and how it should be. The Best Game speech at 2:58:12 was incredibly inspiring and true. Pulls no punches.


This is such a breath of fresh air after TGAs. Glad they gave the devs their time. Loved the Koji Kondo section!


BG3 not at least nominated for Best Music is just baffling


Epic GOTY speech


Brian Tyler presenting Kondo with his award was an ace decision. What a vibe!


Such a great award show 👏


Tuned in form 50:46


IM very happy that DICE is carring about the other games getting opportunities of winning awards


Great show.


"tonight we honour our achievements across all genres and crafts"... they said as they smeared mangled reinassance genAI imagery all over the screen... what an appreciative industry, so much honour


Awesome year for gaming and so happy Larian won. That was a great speech!


The amounts of ads on this video are egregious


We need a new modern battlefield game and more maps in bf 2042 😊😊


Crew motorfest wasn't even nominated in racing game!! This cant be real


Awesome show, loved the comedy from the hosts 😎🤣


how comes Boris Slavov didn't get the best Music is beyond me. And Neil didn't get Best Character? How's that? It's BG3 hit the nominations limit, perhaps? That's the only feasible explanation to me.


It's a shame,_," So few viewers, no advertising... Empty stream..


Of course, it turned out funny with the Mobile Game of the Year, a game that is only available on iOS became the Mobile Game of the Year.


Wtf is thats ads