
Did Genshin Just Made Guide Makers Useless?

Download Tower of Fantasy with EVA Collab NOW ➡ Check out the awesome NEW 3.7 UPDATE that features the amazing new playable character Asuka and splendid mechas from Evangelion #TowerofFantasy #ToF #AidaPioneers #ad Wanderers, the content contest for Tower of Fantasy Ver. 3.7 has started! Join along with the Aida Pioneers, dive into the new world and see what kind of creative inspiration this new adventure could bring! Your work can win prizes for you and even be featured on the big screen of Mirroria. Check it out here: ABOUT THIS VIDEO So I am just taking a look at this new Genshin's Training Guide and providing my thoughts. Is this the end for my channel :O ? #genshin #genshinimpact

Gacha Gamer

4 days ago

So, with the 4.5 update, this new feature called Training Guide has been added to Genshin. Now my first reaction to this was [Haha, I am in Danger] because if you watch any of my videos, you know that I make a lot guides and go through character builds, so I thought this is it – this is the end for my channel, surely people will just use this new feature and won’t bother looking up guide videos on YouTube. Now in reality, I am not sure what kind of an “Impact” this feature will have on my channe
l but I was curious – I wanted to see what exactly does it do and is it really helpful. And I know you guys who watch me think this Training Guide I am about to cover is really basic and probably only useful for newbies but think of it like this – let’s pretend we are going to be the older sibling for the newbies and we’re just looking out for them, we wanna see how reliable this Training Guide can be for them and if we can vouch for it. And trust me – there’s a lot of peculiar things I’ve disco
vered about this feature and I think you’ll find some of them surprising. But first, a quick word from today’s sponsor. This video is sponsored by Tower of Fantasy a free-to-play shared open-world MMORPG, available both on PC and Mobile. Customize your own cool anime character, team up to fight bosses and discover the world together with awesome vehicles and relics. And right now, in version 3.7, the long awaited Evangelion collaboration has just begun and as a fan of the anime, I cannot tell yo
u how ready I am to experience existential dread once more. But seriously, this collab is pretty amazing – there’s a new chapter in the story where you will able to team up with three Evangelion weapons and even have a chance to jump into Tower of Fantasy’s own unique mecha to take on the massive Angels. And for a limited time, complete Evangelion themed- missions which will award you with tons of rewards, including smart servant Pen Pen, the cutest penguin there is but you can also obtain the n
ew Soul Plug vehicle which allows you to traverse various terrain. And best of all – you can obtain Asuka as the new character – I mean just look at her, I really like this thematic special effect of Black and Red when she’s demolishing her enemies and you know she’s full of fury here when she has to think about Shinji’s and Rei’s friendship. So, make sure to download Tower of Fantasy by using my link the description because now is the best time to jump into the game and obtain the new playable
character Asuka, while at the same time, a ton of collab rewards await you, including Red Nucleus, dark crystals, special vouchers and more! Most important of all – you’ll help support my channel, so download Tower of Fantasy NOW. Ok, so from what I understand, there’s two ways how you can access this Training Guide. First method would be by just navigating to it from the menu and clicking here but supposedly it will also show up when you die with your whole team, however, I was not able to see
it because apparently, this Training Guide will only pop up for players who are below World Level 6, something that I haven’t thought about for ages. So, I guess it makes sense it wants to guide people who struggle when they lose and immediately show up to provide some suggestions. But what does this Training Guide suggest. Well, first the funniest thing I’ve noticed was this evaluation of the character’s Adventure Power – for my Amber it says “A bit weak, try leveling up” and to me this is a bi
t funny because like – oh you know, Amber is just a bit weak RIGHT NOW but if you level her up following our suggestions, she’s going to be the terminator. And before Amber mains ambush me in the valley of the shadow of death – I get it, the guide is just telling the newbie that there’s still ways how you can increase her power. Remember that MTashed video about 10X damage? Well, this is the 10X damage guide because believe it or not – a lot people especially when starting off and if this is the
ir first gacha game – they might not know that raising character’s talents can be a big deal. And speaking of which – I like the way this is designed. It basically shows the exact same data from the talent menu, providing suggestions what to level up and if you are missing materials, it will also tell you on what days the resources are available and how much resin it costs. This is nice. In fact, you can even click on the pin here to quickly navigate to where the resources are located, so like I
can start tracking monsters with just a few clicks. Also, and this is probably the best thing I like about this feature – it remembers your navigation, so if you go to a menu by clicking here and just press cancel – you go back to the Training Guide, so it’s a pretty fluid way to go through several steps when upgrading your characters based on the suggestions. Now let’s take Alhaitham as an example – you can see my dude is considered by the guide as “Formidable, a truly reliable champion” which
I can agree 100% - I’ve been farming overworld and domains with him for a long time but I did notice that talent recommendations are a bit off here. Now the thing about damage dealers who rely on Spread reactions like Alhaitham here, usually you don’t need to invest too hard into their talents since all the heavylifting will be done by Spread reaction’s amplifier and in fact, raising character’s level is a lot more beneficial, because of how the reaction’s damage will scale, however even when I
look at these talent priorities, sure, the skill definitely is top priority since it deals best non-spread damage but I was a bit surprised to see the burst to be considered second priority while Normal Attacks are just written off “As Needed”. Thing is, if you don’t burst with him every rotation, Normal Attacks are definitely better to invest into and even if you do burst off-cooldown with him, they should be leveled at least equally, because at the end of the day, the damage output is about t
he same whichever you pick to level up, since the man spends good amount of time on-field. Basically, this talent recommendation overview is pretty simplistic and doesn’t take into account several scenarios and I know this data was already available before and it’s based on the active users but… c’mon. This button here is so hard to notice and I forget about it all the time while in Training Guide it’s pretty clear and it even actively encourages you to take action based on these recommendations
. Still, overall I think it’s fine but at least this means that these recommendations lack the nuance for specific scenarios. Now the next tab is Artifacts – basically I’ve already covered this in my older video, nothing new here except you can see here again how much Resin it costs to obtain the recommended sets and you can also immediately navigate to the domain, which is always nice when it comes to streamlining the guide experience. However, the biggest and most exciting thing for with this
feature had to be the weapons section. This is the type of data that we have never had access to – we were only able to see the most popular talents, artifact sets and artifact main stats when reviewing a character but now – we can also see what weapons the playerbase uses, since it clearly states “Data is sourced from recently active players”, which is the exact same thing that’s been said about artifacts and talents. Now I love Neuvilette – this guy has been my go-to unit when I just wanna tur
n off my brain and farm mindlessly while I am watching some YouTube videos on my 2nd monitor. And one of the best-selling points about him is that he can utilize Prototype Amber really well, especially in Furina teams. So, I was so glad to see that people are using it and… wait what? Why is it not showing? Tome of Eternal Flow, Sacrificial Jade and… Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds? What? Am I missing something here? Literally, 2 P2W weapons and 1 standard banner 5-star weapon. Do so many people
really have Sacred Winds? I mean the game already has 80 playable characters as of now, I cannot maintain deep knowledge about all of them without refreshing my memory but last time I checked – Prototype Amber for Neuvilette is usually better than the 5-star stat sticks, especially Sacred Winds, since he can gain 36% Critical Rate from Hunter set, so you can just slap on him critical rate circlet and you’re good to go. Like I dunno, if any of you hardcore Neuvilette mains can answer me why Sacre
d Winds is showing up here I’d be interested to hear about it. Either way, I would really prefer Hoyoverse to show at least 1 F2P option for players here. Like if we look at my boy Albedo, the weapon recommendations are perfect – Harbinger of Dawn, which is super easy to obtain with max refinement, Cinnabar Spindle and Primordial Jade Cutter. Now the other character that surprised me was none other than Benny boy. I am so used to thinking about Favonius Sword as part of Benny’s kit but interesti
ngly enough – out of the three recommended weapons, Sapwood Blade was taking up the F2P 4-star slot. No Favonius in sight. And you know what? I think that’s pretty accurate and you can easily craft max refined Sapwood Blade. A lot of the times I run Benny with Xiangling who is a complete energy hog when it comes to her burst, so in all honesty – I forgot this weapon even exists, even though I have reviewed and it is one of the best craftables in the game, despite the fact that Benny won’t trigge
r this passive that often – but hey it’s got a great Base ATK to help his burst provide big ATK boost and Energy Recharge substat is also super important for many comps. Like, truth be told – I went through most of the character weapon recommendations and they seemed fine – without context it’s hard to know which one is the best for them but for newbies, I think it’s important that Hoyoverse includes at least 1 F2P option for each character, even if they are the featured 5-star or honestly… just
provide more than 3 options, not sure if they think this would be overwhelming but with just 3 options, the choices become much more narrowed down and can leave out some important weapons that people could be still using. I understand this is based on recent player data but it wouldn’t hurt to have some F2P options for each character. And yeah, the last thing that’s left to look at it Character level tab – pretty self-explanatory, just shows you which materials you need to ascend the character
and you can also easily navigate to quickly start farming them. Like, overall, I think this feature is pretty decent for newbies – it’s got a great overview for everything that you need to do, to increase your character’s power level, it’s got a nice navigation system where you can go back and review the info once again after you’re done equipping or leveling stuff up and yeah… maybe with this feature Hoyo can finally consider to add some new endgame for Abyss or new challenges because now even
the casuals will notice this feature, especially if they die with their team and this feature pops up, although I think some things like actually recommending which main stats to go for could be refined a bit more, since you still need to click these barely noticeable buttons in the artifacts menu, while in Training Guide only the sets are shown. Still, lemme know what you guys think about this new feature – do you think newbies will find it useful or maybe if you’re someone who just started pla
ying the game – do you find it useful? And of course, do you think I should throw in the towel and pursue my career elsewhere or will this feature won’t have an impact on my channel :D ? Anyway, hope you guys found this video entertaining, it’s not my usual stuff and I wanted to do something different for a change. Thanks again for watching and I’ll see you next time.



Use the code: LETSGOTOF to claim your rewards in Tower of Fantasy NOW! #TowerofFantasy #ad EDIT: So it seems ppl are saying that weapons section only shows weapons you own. Kinda cool and some say that even craftables you haven't crafted will be recommended!


Dude made a video of him losing his job and still made money 😂


From what ive noticed the training guide with weapons only shows the weapons you already have and not weapons you do not have


The recommended build is taken from community data. So in a way, guiders are also crucial part of providing more effective and accurate guide that the game provides.


If I'm not mistaken, the weapon section only shows the ones you possess, which is pretty nice.


It will always consider 4-star artifact sets to be sub-optimal. At first I was wondering why my Yao yao was in alert but remembered she's equipped with Instructor's.


One thing that guidemakers like you have is that you guys provides insight to the build. "why you want to use this", "why is this working", "why these certain characters have a synergy" etc. I get it that most of casual/newbie player just want to play the game without thinking much of the build, but by providing the insight as i said above at least they can understand why it works.


Content creator go deeper than this guide.


Neuvillette is one of the few catalyst's users that can use at full the passive of the stack stick catalyst


Hey there Gacha Gamer, I was very interested when you mentioned Lost Prayers on Neuvillette and I thought I'd be able to provide some feeback regarding this weapon's high usage rate First of all, the "Commonly used Weapons Reference" will only suggest weapons that you have on your inventory and will often prioritise 5* weapons over 4*s, In my case, since I don't have Tome of the eternal flow, the training guide suggests using Lost Prayers, Sacrifical Jade or Prototype amber Second, at KQM Standards levels of investment, lost prayers and prototype amber are actually failry competitive with each other to the point where your decision to use one or the other will come down to what mainstats and susbtats you have on Neuvillette Lost Prayers has the added advantage of Crit being a much rarer stat than hp% so most neuvillette builds will prefer using LP + 4p MH for a total of 74 crit rate and use a Crit Damage circlet with High Hp% and Energy Recharge substats to balance out the Crit Rate to damage Ratio and following the 1:2 crit ratio


It's like the third video of Genshin Impact that is being sponsored by Tower of Fantasy. lol


Still gonna watch guide makers :3


Can't wait to build Witch set on Childe!


Guide makers influence people which influences the training guide


6:52 For Neuvillette I was recommended 2 4*weapons, so it might be just with the weapons you have. The recommendations were Sacrificial Jade and Prototype Amber


Don't worry. You'll always be the guy that ranked Bennett B- Tier for me❤


One thing I noticed about the weapon recommendations is that only show weapons that you have or can be obtained from forging For example, I don't have Nahida's signature weapon, so the guide instead recommends lost prayer, sac frags and widsith, all of which I own.


It only recommends weapon that you currently have...


I want to point out that the new player guide actually only shows the weapons that you already own, for example my Neuvilette shows: 1. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds 2. Prototype Amber 3. The Windsith


Someone new to a Discord I frequent is just starting out in Genshin, and they were curious about resources for building characters. I gave them a bunch of links, but also told them about the new feature that has just been added. I think it'll help most players, and for the hardcore peeps who want a little more, they're already searching the internet.