
Disaster Diaries: Exploring Worst Case Scenarios; Anti-Travel Family and Friends.

In this series we are going to talk about some of the “worst case” situations, each episode will highlight 1 area of being a Digital Nomad Family that doesn’t get talked about often, but I really do feel like these are all very important topics that we must address in order to be as responsible Digital Nomads as possible. This episode is focused on family and friends back in your passport country that either may not support your lifestyle or there are certain aspects they constantly get stuck on. Let's jump into how we can navigate these hard moments in our relationships with the people we love, but don't agree with.

Digital Nomad Family Podcast

8 months ago

that's why this Series has exploring worst case scenarios who wants to get  on the phone with someone a very close relative and have to talk like this no one does but  the reality is there might be people who actively say things against this type of  lifestyle or against the location you're at hey there and welcome to the digital Nomad Family  podcast this is the place where families who have or want to have a nomadic lifestyle come  together to talk about the highs and lows that this life bring
s we celebrate the joys and  support each other in the heart so if you are a digital Nomad family or will be in the future  this is the place for you we're glad you're here hey everyone long time no talk huh you might  have thought where'd Marissa go and the answer is Mexico City um the entire time we were in  Mexico City we had a pretty busy schedule and I didn't handle all the all the things so well  with keeping the podcast going so we are out of Mexico City now and I said you know what I  re
ally missed this I miss talking to you guys I miss the community and I really want to prioritize  getting back to it so I am excited to be back we have picked up several new uh listeners which I'm  really excited about so welcome if this is your first one in a while welcome back and I'm excited  we ended our last series I feel like on a really in a good place uh we were talking about setting  goals and if you haven't had a chance to listen to all of the different leading our families well  serie
s I encourage you to go back I was really impressed with all the people that I interviewed  and I just really enjoyed that Series so I feel like it was a nice positive series and I  really liked it and kind of as I've been thinking okay what do I want to talk about now having come  back we have learned some things as digital Nomads my husband and I and I was like you know what  I really want to talk about these things that I feel like are important but maybe they're not as  exciting or happy so
before we get to uh what our new series is which I mean you've read it already  you can see that it's disaster Diaries exploring worst case scenarios which I'll explain it I  promise um but I just want to again reintroduce myself for those of you who are new because like  I said we have picked up several new listeners and if you're listening to this and you haven't  hit that subscribe button it really is helpful to get the word out about this podcast and I'm not  going anywhere now so you can tr
ust me to hit it um my name is Marissa I am a full-time  traveler along with my husband and our four kids so we are a digital Nomad  family and we are unique in this space and because family nomadic travel is  in my opinion and the people I talk to I think it's only going to increase I am hoping  that this is a place where families can come together we can help each other out we can talk  about all the things that need to be talked about the good the bad the ugly and yeah I love to  travel obvio
usly uh we are slow Travelers meaning we basically stay in a place until the amount of  time our passport says we have to leave we leave so if it's 180 we're probably there for about 180  days if it's 90 we're there for 90. we really just like to be in a place get to know the people there  get to know the culture in that place and yeah so we are currently in San Salvador El Salvador and  we are loving it it's been very refreshing here it's it's much smaller than Mexico City it's about  if I did
the math right which a mathematician I am not but if I did the math right it's about  1 16 the size of Mexico City so going from that to this has been mind-boggling um but we're  loving it also if you um are thinking about coming to San Salvador just know it is a city of hills  okay can I just like um Rabbit Trail for a second we need to start talking about the hills  and places like the topographical map can we make it more important like a higher  priority to talk about that because like I hav
e these cities in my head and I'm like oh  yeah I want to go there I want to go there I want to go there and then I get there and I never  once have considered the terrain of a place is please please don't tell me I'm the only one that  has got off an airplane and gone oh wow this is flatter than I thought or this is Hillier than  I thought or this is like basically a mountain um because that's San Salvador um and  Mexico City is very flat if you've been there you know you're just walking flat y
ou go  to Chipotle pet castle and like that's your Hill um so this is very different so our  legs are getting a workout which is good because I ate way too many gorditas in  Mexico so I can walk off my gorditas here um I'm excited to be back um go through if you  are new listening to all the old podcasts is really going to let you know who I am we  try to keep it casual here and I try to keep them quick I'm not so great at the second part  of that I'm really great at the first part so we're supe
r casual here but I feel like it is  important information and I really do try to be helpful so this series that we're getting  into right now disaster Diaries exploring worst case scenarios the whole point of it is  to kind of do a little Deep dive if you will into different situations that we do need to  prepare for as digital Nomad families and each week or each episode I'm gonna highlight one  area okay and so this one this episode is about boundaries with your families back in  your passpor
t country so we're calling it anti-travel family and friends now they might not  be anti-travel and I know anti-travel might be of a bit rough but by that I mean maybe they're  anti you traveling to one place they're anti the fact your kids are homeschooled  because you travel maybe they're anti the health care situation  maybe they're not 100 percent against you being a full-time traveling family  but there's definitely an element of it that they don't like and so we're going to go through  how
to talk to these family members because I do believe that those relationships are important  and I'm going to give you just some tips that I've used in my own life with family and not so  much friends but definitely family who I would consider anti-digital Nomad lifestyle we have I  can think of two in particular in my family that are they wouldn't go as far as to say anti this  lifestyle but the comments they make to us and even to my children definitely in my opinion puts  them in the anti-tr
avel category so what do we do when they're not happy what if they say even  scary or inappropriate things to your kids how do you talk to them if something has gone  wrong if something a travel plan fell through or someone is sick or someone got hurt how do we  communicate these things with someone who were nervous if we say oh so and so is sick they're  going to come back at us with oh it's because you're in this country and that's not why they're  sick they're sick because they're a seven-yea
r-old kid and seven-year-old kids get stomach viruses  right and so those are the things that we're gonna really focus in on today and it's going to  come down to in my opinion the the most important element of this is honesty and communication so  just open honest communication because that's all you can control and I don't want you guys  to have this idea that you're going to change this person's mind you most likely are not going  to change your mom's or your dad's or your aunt or whoever it
is you're most likely not going to  change their mind that this lifestyle is healthy or safe or appropriate whatever their problem  is you most likely aren't going to change their mind but what you can do is you can communicate  with them you can let them know that they've been heard that you understand where they're coming  from and then you just kind of have to move on so one of the in my opinion the best way  to handle this is to ask the question what is the biggest concern you have about tha
t so  when they come to you and they're talking to you about they're nervous because you're going to go  to a certain country you just ask them what is the biggest concern you have about that what's the  biggest concern you have about us traveling to and anywhere I mean so many people get nervous  any if I'm just going to leave that as a blank okay because you know what your family and  friends get nervous about so you just say what's the biggest concern you have about us  traveling to that to t
hat country and then they're going to share their fears they're going  to say oh well I've heard this they believe this they do this this is what they do to U.S citizens  and you just let them share their concerns okay then after they're all done what you what you need  to say and this is very important is you say this what I hear you saying is and then you repeat back  to them what you feel like they're saying okay not um not what not not putting your own spin on it  or anything like that just
what genuinely what you heard and after you then say so what I hear  you're set you saying is fill in the blank you ask them is that right if you're correct well now you  guys you're on the same page you understand why this person is nervous about you going to that  place are you doing that activity if you don't understand it or maybe they didn't communicate  themselves clearly then they had the opportunity to go no that's actually not what I was trying  to say can I you know I'm gonna say it ag
ain this this is a form of communication that is so  helpful and it doesn't require them to be a part like you don't have to sit down and go okay we're  going to do this communication exercise where no all you say is what is the biggest concern you  have about that if you need to take notes grab your phone grab a piece of paper and just take I  mean just listen to their fears and their concerns then afterwards say okay so what I hear you saying  is and then tell them what you heard this is going
to make sure that you're both on the same page  about their concerns please don't misunderstand me I'm not saying that their concerns are  accurate that their concerns are always based in reality that there's anything to back up what  they're saying but the only way that they will um know that you know where they're coming from  is if you state back to them what they said I hope that makes sense I'm not asking you to agree with  them um I'm just saying let them know that you understand where th
ey're coming from then aft  once you get on the same page and you ask the question is that right and they say yes those are  my concerns now you can address the concerns now I do want it to be noted that I think  that there are different levels of um like openness in our family and friends  group so for some people you don't really owe them an explanation you can just go okay well  I understand that that's a concern you have for me I would say something like I understand  that that's a concern y
ou have Eric and I have researched it ourselves and we're very comfortable  still moving forward with this trip and we're excited to go it's okay that not everyone is you  know you can throw that in there it's okay that not everyone has the same Comfort level with this  country or with this city or with this activity then there are other people where I do think it's  okay for you to maybe even pull up some studies and say if one of their biggest concerns is safety  or kidnapping rates pull out y
ou can actually go online and pull up the statistics for not all  but so many countries and city-specific crimes and then you can even pull up the stats in a  place like New York City or Chicago or Miami um and compare them and say well it's actually  just as risky for us as a family to go to New York City for a week whereas going to this  city and and sometimes when they see that sometimes that will help sometimes it doesn't um  I tried that method with someone in my family and they said you ca
nnot trust those numbers we were  talking about when we were headed to Mexico City they said you cannot trust those numbers because  everything in the government is controlled by the cartels even the statistics and if that's going to  be the person's attitude back to you you can't do anything you can just say okay well I promise I'll  keep an eye on my kids like just leave it at that um but you I think it's okay to address on on for  certain people some of the concerns that they have so I would
say that that is a big one is just  understand okay what's the relationship I have with you and then and that will help you  determine how much you're gonna share with this person and how much you want to work  to maybe change their mind um about the place that you're going another thing that I  think is really important is to to understand so many this this lifestyle is so new and so many  people just don't understand it that it does feel odd especially for maybe the older generation  and so I
think it's important to keep in mind they might not be coming at it in maybe like  this Negative Nancy doomsday type way they just might genuinely be confused or concerned before  my grandmother passed and when we would go to different places she would be so confused because  this is a woman that never left the United States of America and so the idea that we were going to  Europe and training around like that that just blew her mind because that was just not anything  she had any experience wit
h and she just wasn't even able to pull the information from her brain  to try to connect with it and that's okay there's nothing wrong with that um so just keep in mind  it might not always be coming from a place of negative type situation they  might just be so confused by it um and that's why asking you know what is what is  the biggest concern you have and that question can really help bring it back into um reality if  you will and and things that you can address I would say this is somethin
g that I have  a lot of experience in um and I think that being open and honest with our family  members can really help the situation so there were many people in our family my family  and Eric's family that were nervous when they knew we were going to Mexico City and we had done the  research we weren't going to be anywhere dangerous I never once fell in danger in Mexico City I  traveled alone through the city multiple times um I never felt like there was any concern for my  well-being but the
y might look at you and and they can say this place is too dangerous okay and so  let's kind of run through an example if you will about this so with let's take my we'll use my  in-laws as an example for this and they might look at me and they say oh wow you know I'm  not comfortable with you going to Mexico City and I would just ask well what's the biggest  concern you have about us traveling to Mexico City and then they might come back at me and they  say this is too dangerous we hear all abou
t the drugs we hear all about the gangs and I'm  just I'm worried that this is going to happen and then I can look at them and I can say okay so  you're concerned about the crime rate in this city yes and they might say well it's not the crime  crime rate that I'm concerned about it's what if they find out that you're from the United States  and and now you can see then you can address that so you might say okay so you're concerned that  people might Target me because I'm a U.S citizen and they
might say yes that's my concern  okay well now we can address certain things what if take it back to the beginning we'll  kind of do another one they come and they say I'm really uncomfortable with you going to Mexico  City and you say okay what's your biggest concern about that well we've just heard so many stories  about kids being kidnapped that I'm you know I'm I'm scared about my grandkids okay so what I'm  hearing you say is that you're concerned that I'm going to put my kids in a situatio
n that I  can't control and because of that they might get taken from me and then they're going to say  oh no it's not you I trust you right because they're going to think well but that's going  to help them see my kids are with me the whole time and then you can start talking to them you  know my kids don't walk around the city alone or if you do have older kids and they are walking  around the city alone again you can go back to other statistics you know if we were in New York  City my kids wo
uld probably walk around the city alone if that was our hometown and so you can  really just kind of get to the heart of their um the heart of their concern so that is those are  kind of like face-to-face things okay something else that might happen with anti-travel family  and friends is they might reach out to you or your children while you're traveling with some  concerns this happened to us in Mexico City and one of my kids received a text message  from one of my family members a very um clo
se not like relationally close but  like a very blood close relative and it was a text message to our oldest son saying  don't walk around the city by yourself it's very dangerous the United States just banned  all travel from the United States to Mexico that was a text message my seven my 16 year old  received so what do you do in that situation well I immediately got on the phone and I called this  family member and I said that is inappropriate he my my son is not the one that you reach out  t
o if you are genuinely concerned that's more of a scare tactic than it is showing genuine  concern for your family member's safety and I just had to call this person out on it  and I know that sounds uncomfortable but at a point we do maybe have to call people out on  something that they've said especially to our kids um in that kind of situation so there might be  a time where you actually have to call someone out and I you have to do it with love you have  to do it with with Grace but at the e
nd of the day you still cannot allow people to totally  go over the boundaries that you have set up and and the choices that you have made for  your family and they can't just disrespect you and your kids that way so I had to get on  the phone and make you know make it clear that that was inappropriate and I told this person I  said whatever news Outlet you are listening to they are lying to you because the United States  did not close all travel to Mexico that's a lie um and so sometimes you ju
st have to point out  the errors and see guys that's why this Series has exploring worst case scenarios who wants to get  on the phone with someone a very close relative and have to talk like this no one does but  the reality is there might be people who actively say things against this type of  lifestyle or against the location you're at so that is that's another situation that could happen  while you're out and about it could happen even if you're back in your passport country hanging out  wit
h friends and family someone says something negative to your kids and you kind of gotta just  step up and you have to go actually that's false information or we've considered that and we've  looked into it and you really have to stand your ground at times as a digital Nomad family because  there are people that just don't understand it and because they don't understand it they are going  to be more likely to be a little resistant to it so another situation that I think is important  to talk abou
t is what do we do with our anti-travel family and friends when we actually  are going somewhere that does have more of a risk to it and these are these are the things I'm  talking about maybe you are going to the Congo and you have to take malaria meds um there's lots of  places where you have to take malaria meds that's just one I could think of right now but you're  going someplace and you have to take malaria meds or a different type of meds you have to go get a  shot because of something an
d you know if you tell people oh well you know all of us have to take  these malaria meds because of our whatever we're doing adventure and you guys are very excited  about this adventure that you have coming up but yeah you have to dig malaria Med so you don't have  good malaria potentially um as some people might hear that you have to take malaria meds and they  might be thinking that you're putting your kids in unnecessarily risky situations um how do you  handle that another thing that peopl
e might not understand is if you actually are going  to do something that does have a higher danger element to it so think like you might be hiking to  Everest Base Camp loads of people hike to Everest Base Camp it's a very popular activity families  do it it's very possible for for kids to do it um but it definitely has risk it's the altitude is  high so you're instantly just looking at potential breath issues and lung things there are the the  known risks of earthquakes and avalanches we we al
l know that but you've researched it you have  found a guide that you feel like handles it as safely as possible and you believe that this  is going to be a fantastic experience for you and your kids and you want to do it how do you  talk to people who are more anti-travel about these higher risk situations and again I think  it just goes back to open honest conversations I would not if you know for sure someone is going  to be anti this adventure I wouldn't I would limit the amount that you tal
k to them about it and I  would have it be more of a information sharing um versus a conversation I would just tell them  hey in two weeks we're going to be off the grid you will not be able to send me a text message or  we won't be able to call we'll be able to Whatsapp whatever you do right because we will be doing  this thing and we're off the grid because of it and and leave it at that right just let them know  and you can tell them you've looked into all the safety measures you feel like yo
u are making  the safest choice for you and your family and if they disagree that is okay they're allowed to  disagree with you as long as they don't disrespect you or your children because of this choice  if that makes sense so no scary text messages um that say this awful thing is going to  happen right so that I think is another anti-travel family situation that we have to  navigate and I know that they're not fun I mean guys so many of these examples I mean  these are these are real to me ok
ay this I have these people in my family so even though  we have been living this lifestyle even though I have a show about it like we still have very  close relatives who I would consider anti-travel um and all I can do is just be open and honest  the last situation that I can think about is just injury and sickness okay and I'm talking just  general injury General sickness okay kind of like I said before we have four kids and they get  sick um our youngest Ryan he is um I've never met a more i
ntroverted body as like it's weird as a  kid he loves to be around other kids but his body is like no no no no I'm an introvert and so if we  go if we have activities planned for more than two weeks in a row he gets a fever for like three days  it's the craziest thing so I know okay I have to block in time for Ryan to have some chill at home  days or else he's going to get a fever he's fine he just gets a fever it's it's really weird  it's happened to him ever since he was young um but I know th
at that happens I'm not gonna  call my family in the United States and be like oh my gosh Ryan is sick no he's fine he's  a kid he's a 10 year old that has a fever um three of our kids got some kind of like sinus  thing while we were getting ready to leave it was like our last week in Mexico City and three of  the kids got like some kind of weird sinus thing um so I took one of them to the doctor and the  doctor said yeah they all have it but here's the medicine they're going to be fine and I wa
s like  okay thanks and so I just tell my my family in passing oh yeah you know I took Ryan down to  the the pharmacist we got some of these meds not a big deal um now there might be other  situations where someone actually gets hurt um a kid breaks an arm breaks a  leg something like this happens and or you might be looking at uh maybe they need  their tonsils removed right that's a kid thing maybe they get appendicitis these things  happen and just because we're a traveling family doesn't mean
we are free from all just  the normal kid ailments and injuries right um and so for for us the way we handle it is  if it's something that we honestly believe is going to require a doctor we we wait and get all  the information that we feel our family and back in the states that they're going to ask so we'll  go to the doctor we talk to them we get the plan and then we call them because it doesn't do any  good to call them and be like hey we think Ryan has a broken arm but we're on our way to t
he  hospital right now that just puts them in a a fearful situation right now they're thinking oh  well we're in San Salvador right now they might be thinking oh well what kind of doctors does San  Salvador have do they have good facilities can we trust them like they might be thinking all these  questions right whereas if we just wait that's really going to bring down the drama situation  and then we can just say hey you know so we were out at the park Ryan was on a scooter he took a  fall the
arm just wasn't feeling right he was in a decent amount of pain so we just said uh we need  to get to the hospital so we went to the hospital that the embassy told us to go to which side note  I think you should always contact whatever Embassy is from your passport country contact them  and just ask them hey we're here as a family if someone gets hurt or sick which emergency  room and they'll tell you and so that's what I do so I I know what emergency room thankfully  here guys it's only like a
three minute walk so how convenient is that that was an accident um  but yeah so side note call your Embassy in the in the capital city of the country you're in  tell them where you are and where and that's where you should go if you're staying in the  Capitol it's really really easy because they can tell you like the best ones um but anyway so  we go to the hospital we get the information and then we call family back in the States and  we say okay here's what happened here's what they did here'
s what we know and for us that  works a lot better than like calling in root um so yeah so that that's my my big takeaways  for anti-family travel and friends in our first disaster Diaries I hope it was helpful to you  guys I I do believe that anytime we're faced with someone who is anti-travel in our life we  do have to weigh okay how much do I value this relationship is this someone like I want to to  stay in relationship with and the answer many times with our family is yes like this is the o
ne  I want to stay in a relationship with I don't want the fact that we're a digital Nomad family I don't  want that to break this relationship so because you want to fight for the heart and fight for  the relationship try to get to the root of their concern right and that's why asking them what's  the biggest concern you have about that letting them share their fears and then saying okay what  I hear you saying is and then fill in the blank I really think that that can be a helpful way to  talk
with people and to make sure that we're all on the same page with these what some people might  think are scary travel plans so I hope that that was helpful to you guys I'm so glad to be back  and I cannot wait to get into even more disaster diaries with you guys let me know what you  think um about that title I would really love it um again if you haven't subscribed please  go ahead and subscribe to the podcast would really appreciate that and I hope you guys  are doing well and as always trav
el joyfully
