

Spesifikasi kamar mezzanine berikut 3x2,80 meter dengan ketinggian 3,20 meter dari lantai ke plafond. DIY LOFT BED DESIGN / GAMING ROOM Pemesanan desain secara spesifik (berbayar) bisa kontak kami via : WhatsApp - 082 293 303 599 Instagram - ramdhani_arch dan, Bagi teman2 yang ingin merequest desain secara gratis, silakan komentar divideo ini dengan format - ukuran kamar - konsep kamar thanks sudah nonton sampai akhir, dan terus dukung kami dengan cara klik like, komen, dan subscribe agar kami lebih semangat dalam membagikan inspirasi desain interior maupun eksterior. link perabot & dekorasi : meja gaming furniture dan dekorasi lainnya full custom.

BangDan Project

11 months ago

[Music] Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh welcome back and greet with Banda. Here on the bandam Project channel, yo guys. How are you today, I hope you are healthy, always have good luck and keep up the spirit. Yoyo. In this episode, we are back again discussing room design which is still the target of the The occupants of narrow or minimalist rooms, yes, the design this time came from one of our clients. We asked for a makeover to be a room with a level floor concept or a messanin for
the specifications of the room itself, measuring 280 x 3 meters with a room height of 320 from floor to ceiling. Meanwhile, the theme of the room itself is the Evos theme. in accordance with our previous client's request [Music] Oh yes, the application to this room makes the need for furniture more efficient according to the needs of the occupants then moving on to the use of furniture and decorations for the first item, there is a custom letter L as a place to display LED nanolive TV shelves, t
ables and plus custom and wardrobe then moving to the floor bed, custom TV table and finally the wall panels for the price of each piece of furniture and decoration that milkfish mentioned earlier can be seen in the description of this video and that is probably the discussion of the design project this time and for friends who want To request a design specifically, please chat with us via WhatsApp and for those who want to request a design for free. Please comment below with your room format .
] [Music]



Bang coba buatin kamar gaming,panjang kamar bagian kanan 250cm,bagian kiri panjang 188cm,tapi dikiri ada batas lebarnya 15cm panjangnya 62cm menjorong masuk,setelah batas ada tembok dengan ukuran 70cm lalu setelah ukuran 70cm ada pintu,lebar kamar 153cm tinggi kamar 300cm,tidur menghadap barat atau menghadap pintu lalu arah utara ada jendela dengan panjang 108cm lebar 51 cm lalu diatasnya ada lubang lalu ditutupin kaca dengan panjang 58cm lebar 32cm,plis tolong buatin bang,makasih


Coba om kamar panjang 10 meter lebar 5 meter


Bg buatin kamar gaming dana pelajar ukuran kamar 5x5🙏 Subs √ Like √ Komen √ Share √


Assalamualaikum wr.wb @BangDan mohon maaf saya mempunya kamar hanya berukuran 2x2 meter saj, saya minta tolong di buatkan design kamar 2x2 dengan kamar di atas dan di bawah dekorasi komputer gaming yang astetik serta ada almari tangga seperti di video ini BangDan. Terima Kasih 🙏🙏🙏


Bang pliss buatin ukuran kamar Lebar ke selatan 260 panjang ke barat 290 ketinggian dari lantai ke plavon 320 pintu ketinggian 200 lebar tempat pintu di selatan sudut paling barat hadap selatan dan cendela tinggi 100 lebar 70 tempatnya di Utara sudut paling barat ditengah lantai hadap utara dan plavon tema mezzanine x gamers di depan kasur ada tv Ada lemari pakaian


bang gak ada telegram kah?