
Documentary films life in West Alabama


CBS 42

5 years ago

we're back tonight with a documentary film out of Hale County now nominated for an Oscar it's called Hale County this morning this evening the film captures life in the Black Belt region of West Alabama CBS 42 news reporter Tim Reid is in Greensboro to see what folks are saying about having a film made in their community it's not every day a filmmaker shoots a documentary in your hometown but that's exactly what happened right here in Hale County and many folks tell me they're excited about it f
ilm director Rael Ross is putting Greensboro and Hale County in the national spotlight it took five years to create his documentary showcasing what life is like for people living in the black belt it's exciting for Greensboro for me but it's also exciting as as I told you Ramona is a close friend and just the fact of knowing him you know when he started this and now with all the hoopla around it it's just I'm phenomenally excited for here man for Greensboro Ron Ross is a good friend of the filmm
aker he's also a Greensboro pastor who runs a street ministry program the imagery is poetic and it's just it's like a puzzle being put together the film also addresses matters about race in the south and its impact on the black community the film will help people to see our unique problems and our unique needs Ron Ross tells us this is more than just a documentary the filmmaker has close ties to Greensboro he worked with the young man in home basketball he was assistant basketball coach at the h
igh school the film has already won the 2018 Sundance Film Festival Award for us documentary in Greensboro Tim Reid CBS 42 news local coverage you can count on



Can't wait to see the film!