
DoIT Academic Technology – Teaching & Learning with Technology

Many of DoIT Academic Technology’s services support faculty and instructional staff in designing, developing and delivering learner-centered, technology integrated experiences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Learn more at or contact our experts at

UW–Madison Division of Information Technology

6 years ago

Teaching and learning is changing at a rapid rate largely because of technology. There is so much information out there about technology and teaching, that faculty aren't sure they're getting results equal to the effort they put into using it. So we help faculty design, develop, and deliver rich learning experiences through appropriate technologies. When we meet faculty and educators for the first time they could be at the beginning of their career, the end of their career, or anywhere in betwee
n. No matter how we meet them, most of our campus partners have something in common. They're at a transition point. Sometimes small transitions like integrating new technology into a single assignment with their students. Other times departments are looking to transform an entire curriculum. Consulting with us has two big upsides. First we can be a new set of eyes on a teaching challenge you are trying to solve, and second our eyes have seen lots of challenges and we are able to draw on those ob
servations to get you the right instructional solution. One thing that we know from evidence is that investing time in planning is absolutely critical. Designing course content so that it reaches teaching goals is more than just writing a syllabus. Design provides intentionality that is critical to delivering an effective learning experience. Our work excels because it's built on relationships. Some relationships start with a one-on-one meeting with the faculty, or at a training session, a works
hop, or on a campus wide planning committee. These relationships often form into communities of practice or strong partnerships, with a commitment to building on the strength of our team and our collaborators. What I love about our group is that it is full of experts in several interconnected and diverse fields. DoIT Academic Technology has trainers, consultants, designers, producers and strategic thinkers, all collaborating with you to enable your effective use of technology within the UW-Madis
on student digital ecosystem. We're here to support and assist you, to ensure that technology and teaching are connected in ways that make sense and get great results.
