

To remember Uber Eats delivers almost, almost anything, all you have to do is forget something else. Simply make a little room in your brain - like Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, USHER, the Beckhams, and Jelly Roll do. Whatever you forget, just remember Uber Eats gets almost anything. Learn more about Uber Eats: SUBSCRIBE: About Uber Eats: Order from your favorite restaurants and convenience stores, online or with the Uber app. The restaurants will prepare your order, and a nearby delivery person will deliver it to your door. We reimagine the way the world moves for the better. For all the things you want to get. For all the ways you want to earn. Across the entire world. In real-time. At the incredible speed of now. Connect with Uber Eats: Deliver with Uber Eats: Order food with Uber Eats: Join Uber One: Follow Uber on TIKTOK: Follow Uber Eats on INSTAGRAM: Follow Uber Eats on TWITTER: Like Uber Eats on FACEBOOK: DON'T FORGET UBER EATS

Uber Eats

2 weeks ago

Thank you… I didn’t know you could get  all this stuff on Uber Eats. I gotta remember that. Yeah well you know what they say, to remember something you’ve  got to forget something else. Make a little room. And that’s how I remember Uber Eats has  coffee, by forgetting something else. Ha ha, have a seat! A what? Remember when you used to be a Pepper Lady? Wasn’t it the Cinnamon Sisters? Basil Babes? Paprika Girls? No, that's absurd. Jen! Hey! Ah, oh! Oh. Um Okay Have we met? Did someone doodle on
my face? I’m so glad I remembered Uber  Eats has office supplies, but I feel like I forgot something. Yeah… So, is this having a seat? No It’s not coming off! Give me a hint. Worked together for 10 years. 10 years! Yeah! You were great. You still don’t know, do ya? I don’t. Right. Like I’d forget 10 years of my life. I hate this town. I hope I get to play a halftime show someday man.
