
DPS in a Nutshell - WoW Classic Machinima

There's something magical about gazing longingly into that DPS meter, every fight, and try your best to climb those ranks to the very top. If you succeed, you ascend, becoming one with the universe. But sometimes Xxxfeetdestroyer, comes in and shatters your dreams by getting to the top with a better class than you, then proceeding to post the DPS stats from the previous fight a couple of times just to establish how much better they are. DPS are a special and you can't live with them or without them. Remember to share, comment and Subscribe! Support me on Patreon: Join my Discord: Follow me on Twitter: More videos by me: Struggles of a Healer: Getting Help From Others! Classic VS BfA: Unknown Struggles of Raid Bosses: #wowclassic #wowmachinima #captaingrim

Captain Grim

3 years ago

復活我! 大家注意 第三階段 最後階段 不要輸出 準備好 主坦~~上啊!不要輸出!讓他建立仇恨! 退後!退後你們這些畜生!主坦要先建立仇恨! 不!這不公平!遠程輸出在二階段這麼容易輸出! 我應該在更高的輸出名次! 沒關係(咳咳) 兄弟! 你必須認清我們不可能把每件事情都做到最好! 我們只需要知道我們曾經盡力了! 我相信你肯定是有什麼需求 你只需要向別人展現 你自己的定位 我會記得你的! 我會讓你以我為榮!我的朋友! 你叫什麼名字? Murderer...killer 呃.... 等等.. 根據你的輸出 你的輸出..完全是個垃圾... 什麼?不要誤會我! 我想要打更高的輸出 但是補師都不補....uhn 額 你這沒用的廢物 在你更強之前別跟我說話 noob(爛新手) 這都是真的....全都是真的..... 沒用的廢物... 天啊 我不想要結束的時候像個沒用的白癡一樣 我的人生一無是處 除了成為電動遊戲的一個好輸出外 我需要證明自己! ヽ( ° ▽°)ノ 做得好 只要在一下子... ヽ( ° ▽°)ノ ( ╯' ▽ ')╯ ┻━┻ (・ω・)? (*=m=)喔幹 那個天殺的王八.... (
^_っ^)ヽ( ° ▽°)ノ(。A。)( •̀д•́) 喔耶!Cowabunga(歡呼聲)! 終於阿!我們衝阿! ヽ( ° ▽°)ノ =͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)~~~~~ (。A。) (。A。) (。A。) 喔幹!他們有刀! 拜託 我求你 別再輸出了 拜託 不 我不能允許我的輸出落後! 如果我死了 戰活我就好 但是我留著來活坦克..... 坦克一點用也沒有! 白癡! OAO 來人幫我把龍砍了... ( ' - ' ) (҂‾ ▵‾)︻デ═一 =͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)~~~~~ (ゝ∀・) ( =‵▽′)ノ'卍卍卍卍卍 ( ' - ' ) ヽ( ° ▽°)ノ 你們他嗎有什麼毛病 我們一直在這蠢王滅團 就是因為你們 你們全部都是白癡 我...我.. 幹什麼??說出來啊 你最好給我解釋! 我是最高的輸出! 叫我第一名! 對的就是我! (҂‾ ▵‾)︻デ═一 喔不! 獵人又開到王了! 我的天啊!



Everyone knows that the best DPS move is to taunt the mob that the tank is tanking, and then brag about your dps being so high that it steals the aggro 🙏 Remember to Share, Comment and Subscr


The raid leaders silent thousand yard stare is too real.


"I have nothing going for me in life other than being a good DPS in a video game" I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


“Oh look the hunter pulled the boss again” How did you capture such perfection?


Everybody gangster until the welpling pulls out a knife.


1. No matter the class or spec, pop everything at the same time to burst 2. Stand in the fire for crit buff, any movement is a dps reduction anyway 3. Blame non-top-5 dps for combat time 4. Blame tanks for aggro problems 5. Blame heals for wipes


That assault rifle dwarf hunter made me spit my food


"It's got a knife!" These videos make me laugh so hard!


That welp pulling the knife killed me. Great job Grim , as always


Absolutely glorious, as always!




Onyxia being like “EEELELELELEEEE” killed me


2:21 anybody hear the mage saying frostbolt over and over lol


The quality of this one is off the charts I am unironically very impressed


The whelp with the knife will be my new background. Thank you very much.


"THE HUNTER PULLED THE BOSS AGAIN" I feel this one in my soul.


1:55 I lost it at "aww shit he's got a knife"


Is anyone really not gonna mention that this is damn good animation for a machinima? Like I was so impressed on how detailed everything was. Keep it up!


My guild had to ban DPS meters at the time because we kept trying to out do eachother and getting killed for this reason. After we did that, we sort of listened more. Cause with the DPS meters, it's like, if you arn't getting high numbers, you arn't pulling your weight.


"I've got nothing going on in life except be the best dps in a video game" made me laugh so hard but contemplate my existence a few seconds later... love this