
Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations REACTION

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7 years ago

I feel like this might be [very] uncomfortable for me. Oh So Charles British ha British 1/2 is British. [oh], I'm half Asian I don't mind making fun of Asians or talking real about it, and I'm half white I don't mean I'm talking real about whiteness. You know I don't mind like pointing out the flaws of the white I understand that the white has a lot of flaws, but [they] won't admit that I know, I don't ha ha ha ok Hello, people. I'm Javi Kuwait. This is a char kirk, and we are going to look at D
r.. Shashi Tharoor Mp - [Britain] does owe reparations now I want to preface this with saying that some fan asked me to look at this video And I wasn't sure if I should or not so I put it out on Twitter And I said if this gets 500 likes I will look at the video and I will review it I've never seen 500 likes show up. So goddamn fast and like people really want me to watch this so here we go Let's check this out Brilliant gentlemen ladies of the House I Standing here with eight minutes in my hands
and this venerable another magnificent institution [I] was going to assure you that I belong to the Henry the eighth school of public speaking That as henry the eighth said to his wives [I] shall not keep you long hmm, but now finding myself [a] [sham]. Sorry But now finding myself the seventh speaker out of eight in what must already seem a rather long evening to you I'd rather feel like Henry the eighth's last wife [I] more or [less] know what's expected of me, but I'm not sure how to do it a
ny differently He'll perhaps what I should do is very try and pay attention to the arguments that were advanced by the opposition today We had for example to Richard awfully suggesting make challenging the very idea that it could be argued that the economic Situation of the colonies was actually worsened by the experience of British Colonialism when I stand to offer you the Indian examples [here] Richard India share of the world Economy when britain arrived on its shores was 23% By the time the
British left it was down to below four percent. Why? simply because India had been governed for the benefit of Britain in Britain's rise for two hundred Years was financed bites depredations in India in fact Britain's industrial revolution Was actually premise upon the deindustrialization Of India the handloom weaver's for example famed across the world whose products were [exported] around the world Britain came right in They were actually these weavers making fine Muslin lighters woven air it
was said and britain came right in smashed their thumbs broke their looms in post tariffs and duties on their cloth and products and started of course Taking the raw materials from India and shipping back manufactured cloth Flooding the world's markets with what became the products of the dark and Satanic mills of Victorian England that meant that the Rivers in India became beggars and India went from being a World-Famous exporter finished cloth into an importer went from having 27% world trade
[to] to less than 2% oh my God Meanwhile [Colonia] [disliked] Robert Clive Bought their rotten boroughs in England and the proceeds of their loot in India while taking the hindi word loot into their dictionaries as well as their habits ah and the British had the gall to Call him clive of India as if he belonged to the country when all he really did was to ensure that much of the country [belonged] to him by the end of the 19th century The fact is that India was already Britain's biggest cash cow
the world's biggest purchaser of British Goods and exports and the source of Highly paid employment for British Civil servants we literally paid for our own oppression and As has been pointed out the wealthy victorian British families that made their money out of out of the slave economy one-fifth of The elites out of the wealthy class in Britain in the 19th century owed their money to transporting three million Africans across the waters and in fact in 1833 when slavery was abolished What happ
ened was that a compensation of 20 million pounds was paid? Not as reparations to [those] who had lost their lives or or who had suffered have been oppressed by slavery But to those who had lost their property I was struck by the fact that the old Wi-Fi password of this union Commemorates the name of Mr. Gladstone the great Liberal Arrow when I'm sorry his family was one of those who benefited from the stock proposal wow I? got Christopher Columbus staying with India between 15 [and] 29 million
Indians Died of starvation in British induced famines the most famous example of course was the great Bengal famine during the second world war When four million people died because Winston Churchill deliberately as a matter of Written Militant policy Proceeded to [divert] essential supplies from Civilians in Bengal to [sturly] [Tommy's] and Europeans as reserves Stockpiles. He said that the starvation of anyway underfoot underfed Bengalis mattered much less than that of sturdy greeks. This is C
hurchill's actual quote and when Conscious Stricken British officials wrote to him pointing out that people were dying because of it of this decision He peevishly wrote in the Margins of the file Why hasn't gandhi died yet? So all notions that the British were trying to do their colonial enterprise out an end like despotism to try and bring the benefits of Colonialism and civilization to the midnight it [heathen]. I'm sorry Churchill's conduct in 43 simply one example of many that gave a lie to
this myth as others have said on the proposition Violence and Racism were the reality of the colonial experience and no wonder there the sun never Set on the British Empire because even God couldn't trust the English in the dark Let me cake world World [1] as a very concrete example since the first speaker, Mr. Lee suggested these things couldn't be quantified. Well, let me quantify one [more] one for you again I'm sorry from an Indian perspective others have spoken of other countries one-sixth
of all the British Forces that fought on the war were Indian whoa fifty four Thousands actually lost their lives in [that] war once to five thousand were wounded another four thousand remained missing or in prison Indian taxpayers had to cough up a hundred million pounds in that times money what? India supplied 70 million rounds of ammunition 600 thousand rifles and machine guns 42 million garments were stitched and sent out of India and 1.3 million Indian personnel said that this war I know all
this because [of] [course] the Commemoration of the centenary has just taken place, but not just that India had to supply a hundred and seventy three seventy three thousand animals [370] million tons of supplies and in the end the total value of everything that was taken out of India India and India Boyd was suffering from recession at that time and poverty and hunger was in Today's money [eight] billion pounds the one quantification. It's available second World War It was even worse two and a
half million Indians in uniform I won't belabor the point but of Britain's total war debt of three billion pounds in 1945 money 1.25 billion was owed to India and never actually aid Somebody mentioned scotland well taxes that colonialism actually cemented your union with Scotland The scots had actually tried to send colonies out before 1707 they don't fail them sorry to say but then of course came union and India was [available] and there you had a disproportionate Employment of scots, I'm sorry
Mr.. Mackenzie has to speak after me engage in this colonial Enterprise as Soldiers as merchants as agencies employees and the earnings from India is what brought prosperity to scotland even pulled Pull scotland out of Poverty now that India is no longer there. No wonder the bonds are loosely Now we heard other arguments on this side There's been a mention of the railways well, let [me] tell you first of all as my colleague Jamaican high commissioners pointed out Railways and roads were really
built to serve British interests and not those are the local people But I might add that many countries have been railways and roads without having had to be colonized in order to do so I mean they were designed to carry raw materials from the hinterland into the ports to be shipped to Britain and the fact is that the Indian or Jamaican or other colonial public their needs were incidental? Transportation there was no attempt made to match supply to demand for Mass Transport none whatsoever Inste
ad in fact the Indian Railways were built with massive incentives offered by Britain to British investors Guaranteed out of Indian taxes paid by Indians with the result that you actually had one mile of Indian Railway costing twice What it costs to build the same mile in Canada or Australia? because there was so much money being paid and extravagant returns [britain] made all the profits control the technology supplied all the equipment and Absolutely all these benefits came as private Enterpris
e British Private Enterprise at Public risk Indian public risk that was the the Railways as an accomplishment We're hearing about aid. I think it was it was it was again Sir Richard Ottaway mentioned British aid to endeavour, let me just point out [that] British aid to India is about 0.4% of India's GDP The government of India actually spends more on Fertilizer subsidies which might be an appropriate metaphor for that argument? [what] jaime points out as well? now if I may point out as well that
that as my fellow speakers from the proposition that pointed out there have been incidents of racial violence of loot of massacres of bloodshed of Transportation in India's case even of one of our last mughal emperor Yes, maybe today's britons are not responsible for some of these depredations, but the same speakers appointed with pride to their foreign aid You're not responsible for the people starving in Somalia But [to] give them aid surely the principle of reparations for what is for the wr
ongs that have been done cannot be denied It's been pointed out for example the dehumanization of Africans and the Caribbean the massive psychological damage that has been done the undermining of social traditions of property rights of the Authority structures of these societies all in the interests of British Colonialism and the fact remains that many of today's problems in these countries Including the persistence in some cases the creation of racial and ethnic and religious tensions Were the
direct result of the colonial experience, so there is a moral debt that needs to be paid someone challenged reparations elsewhere well I'm sorry [Jeremy] doesn't just give reparations to Israel it also gave reparations to poland perhaps some of the speakers here are too young to remember the dramatic picture of Chancellor [Willy] Brown on his knees in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1970 and there are other examples there. Is italy's reparations to Libya. There's Japan's to Korea Even Britain has paid repa
rations to the New zealand Mallory's so it's not as if this is [something] unprecedented on other that's going to [somehow] open some sort of Nasty Pandora's box No wonder professor Lewis reminded us that he's from Texas There's a wonderful expression in Texas that summarizes the arguments of the opposition all hat and no cattle now If I can just quickly look through the other notes I was scribbling while they were speaking there was reference to democracy and rule of law let me say with the gre
atest possible respect You can it's a bit rich to oppress enslave kill torture maim people For 200 years and then celebrate the fact that their democratic at the end of it We were denied Democracy, so we had to snatch it seized it from you with the greatest reluctance It was considered an India's case after 150 years of British Rule and that too with limited franchise Yes indeed All right, I don't think that needs needs contradiction not for me at any rate but but if I if I may just if I may jus
t point out I think the argument made by a couple of the [speakers] The first speaker Mr.. Lee in particular Conceded all the evil atrocities of colonialism, but essentially suggested that Reparations won't really help. They won't help the right people [that] use as a propaganda tool. They'll embolden people like Mr. Mugabe It's always nice how in the old days you know I'm sorry to say [that] the people of the Caribbean used to Frighten their children into behaving and [even] by saying sir Franc
is drake would come after them That was a legacy [effect] neither doubts mugabe will be necessary This is the the new servicer Francis drake of our times the fact is The Fact is very simply sir that we are not talking about Reparations as a tool to Empower anybody [they're] a tool for you to atone [for] the wrongs that have been done and I know I am quite prepared to accept the proposition that you can't evaluate put a put a Monetary sum on the kinds of horrors people have suffered Certainly no
amount of money can experience the loss of a loved one as somebody pointed out there You're not going to be able to figure out an exact amount But the principle is what matters the fact is that to speak likely of? sacrifices on both sides as an analogy was used here a Burglar comes into your house ransacked the place stubs his toe and you say well He there was a sacrifice on both sides that I'm sorry to say is not unacceptable is not an acceptable argument the truth is [that] We are not Arguing
specifically that vast sums of money need to [be] paid the proposition before this house is the principle of oil reparations not the fine points of how much is owed to [home] which should be paid the [question] is is there a debt does britain all reparations as far as I'm concerned the ability to [acknowledge] the wrong that has been done to Simply say sorry will go a far far far longer way than some percentage of GDP in in inform in the form of of of Aid What is required it seems to me is accep
ting the principle that reparations are owed Personally I'd be quite Happy if it was one pound a year for the next 200 years After the last 200 years of Britain and India thank you very much Wow, yeah, well he was a very very eloquent speaker Yeah presented his case very well. I thought so I have to Take for granted that uh everything. He's saying is accurate And because I haven't researched any of this stuff [this] is all largely new information to me Mm-hmm And of course easily what it reminds
me of you know thinking of home Land is what African Americans have gone through? I'm gonna say native American my native Americans as well Yeah, I mean a lot of people have suffered at the hand of the white man so I get it I I I am ready to believe that in a heartbeat, and I didn't realize to what degree Damage had been done to India by britain. Yeah, I'm british right yeah um half British, but uh really uh-huh um But for the better [halves] [over] here the better house on YouTube no, but in a
ll seriousness a lot of Atrocious stuff happened, you know um a lot of greed. It's not pleasant analyzing the past and and being like that's that's a part [of] my history you know as well and it made me question my grandparents my dad's parents actually spent a lot of time in India and Africa and they were civil servants, so hearing him speak about civil Servants and and You know what they were doing in India and stuff like that. It makes me feel Maybe just a [little] bit uncomfortable with my o
wn personal Yeah, here's jay hearing all that information which became nauseous to be honest yeah, I get sick hearing all that stuff. I'm just like I Don't even know how to respond to it. It's just that's fucked up That's all I can think is like wow that's really messed up And I I don't I don't know what to do with that information it just that's really sad and when he explained the numbers on How many Indians were involved in Britain's wars? Yeah? I didn't even know that. I'm like well This is
again assuming that everything. He's saying is is indeed accurate because of because I haven't fact checked anything He said, but I have to take I have to just assume that what he's [saying] is indeed [accurate] I would say it [probably] is [because] if you're fighting a war, how are you gonna? Find more people from the colonies right yeah, that's the easiest way to find your though no It's true, and that [just] really makes me sad to hear that. It's like okay So you involved a bunch of Indians
in your war a war? They didn't need to necessarily fight it And you fucked up their country and then you don't pay them reparations for fighting your war? That's just That's so just upsetting it's like I don't even know it was that's so disgusting to me. How can you? How can you do that? That's like? well, I think I think I agree with his main point being [that] it's not the amount it's acknowledging that you did something wrong and apologizing for it first and foremost and then I Mean to me is
I'm the opposite. I mean I'm the complete opposite you reparation You don't ever have to fucking apologize me, but pin my fuckin reparations. You know pay my reparations bitch like that Don't ever apologize to me I don't give a shit my prides, not that fuckin shallow But you pay me reparations because the thing is like you [have] to think that there's a lot of people The way I look at it I keep going back to this but the way I look at is over here in the states where people go well you know [Afr
ican] [Americans] are killing other African Americans And they're not you know Choosing a better education and blah blah blah, [and] it's like we'll look here motherfucker okay, you have to you have to also consider the fact that They were not brought up the way you were brought up mister white guy Because they their parents were poor and those parents parents were poor because when slavery ended shit wasn't just hunky-dory [it] was fucked up for black people for a long time And what could they
pass on they didn't have a house to pass on? They had fear and frustration to pass on and so it's like I Completely respect when black people frustrated about the long history that's led to today and so likewise Indians are affected today by that by that injustice You know and so I don't give a shit about apologies I care about them paying up to do something to kind of compensate for how many years how many decades has it been that this fallout has taken place now and Britain's haven't [the] Bri
tish people haven't stepped up to go okay. Let's Let's help. You know mend our wrongs here. Yeah, you know and and pay back. What we owe And it's like how do you how do you quantify that he quantified it in numbers? [they're] in the you add interest just like you just like a credit card company would do all right you know okay? well here's how much money British British basically Britain took from India Now you add [25] percent interest to that because that's what a credit card company would do
to you or whatever it is you want? Like sure it's not going to make up for the lives lost. It's not going to make up for the suffering but going forward [if] It's given to the right people in India and Indians are able to To use that properly distribute that money properly to to educate their people and help raise the economy [and] you know do everything right with obstruction infrastructure and all that stuff then the next 80 years is going to look so much better than the last 80 years That's m
y opinion on it You know what I mean mmM? But this is coming from a guy who doesn't know politics that well who doesn't know history that well who doesn't know enough about? [it'll] in Indian history and British history that well So this is my opinion off of what this guy's saying assuming everything is saying is indeed true and accurate um Hit a lot of information on those little pieces of paper ma'am. Yeah, I can't even oh no No, he wasn't even wearing his glasses. He's a little like magnetic
ones. [I] I have to assume that he has had Those [conduct] has had a conversation about that particular topic those topics many a time well This is this these are people who are professional debaters, right? Yeah, he's gonna be on point [you] [know] So this was this is very educational yeah very enlightening uncomfortable, but very educational Um at some point. So okay. Did you watch the aib? Britain [what] if an India thing okay? Yeah, so we're gonna conclude on this if you guys oh, I would lov
e to hear comments about What we discussed and not just not just the suggestions for other things to react to yeah So please don't hate me because I'm half bruce. Yes So yeah um I? Would look at your comments on that and and maybe kind of educating us some more as opposed and and in addition in addition to that comment In the same paragraph or whatever are the same sentence also let us know if you want a chart to watch Ai ds British in India okay, India [resigned] the danger [that] so it's [call
ed] so if you want to try to watch that it can be her solo video because I already watched it Let us know in the comments, but don't just say that Comment on the conversation. We have as well I would love I [would] love to gain more information from you guys about how you feel about this um yeah I've just be so interested to know more all right you guys thanks so much for hanging out with us Please check out a char cook on the social media subscribe to the channel check out other reactions revie
ws short Films video game related videos, I am depressed dick up All right, you guys I'm not depressed. So it will be okay. We'll get through this. We'll get through this y'all okay I'm Javi Kuwait. This is a [Chara] [cook] pizza



”Taking the Hindi word ‘loot’ into their dictionaries as well as their habits” ”No wonder that the sun never set on British empire, because even God couldn’t trust the English in the dark” Balls of titanium, Balls of Titanium


The British ruled India for 200 years n sashi ruled the british for 15 minutes😁


Nobody other than Mr Tharoor could have presented the case with such accuracy and fearlessness!!


I'm a British Indian, Also was a History teacher in India. Yes everything Sashi T. Said was 100% true. All those painful stories which we heard from grand parents has still been haunting on us today...!!


In hyderabad ,vendors used to sell diamonds on streets just like vegetables .that rich we used to be.India was rich .


I am glad they reacted on this... It's so upsetting for people from both countries to accept the wrong that had been done. The speech of Dr Tharoor was not even covering 20% of the sufferings Indian faced during the colonialism, how they were tortured on public places, the kind of Massacre it led to. It's totally fucked up!!! I don't know what British history books tell their generations.... but they have been big bullies for the entire World! I mean Jaby is so on point here when he talks about how the past has affected the present for us.


And even if Britain sold itself , it can't pay reparations to India.




Everything he said was true and it is all written in Indian 10th Standard textbooks of NCERT.


I teared up... Tears... That's how hard it hit me. It breaks my heart every time when I'm reminded of the way our country used to be before the British took over. Being a South Indian I have visited numerous historical places, Temples, our architecture! .. I can't get myself to appreciate the work of art done by Indians centuries without tearing up. Bhogananishwara temple in chikabalapura, karnataka. Built by the great cholas around 11th century, one of the temples that survived the atrocities of british.The work of art on the walls of the temple... Is splendid. The energy that u feel inside the temple is simply magical. I sat down inside the temple with my mother reciting the incidents taken place back in the days because of british and how much we have lost and how the things that they say we have "gained" From their colonisation can never be worth the things we have lost. My mother's voice cracked up as she spoke. But the pride with which she spoke about our country and our RICHNESS , our CULTURE, the pure TALENT that we possessed, our most powerful kings! The CHOLAS the CHELAS the PANDYAS ... Goosebumps. My heart felt super heavy upon hearing her words. I asked my mother to give me a few minutes alone at the temple... I walked around ... Weeping... Gracing my hands through those magnificent carvings on the wall. Finally sat down under one of the chopras ( arches) and simply closed my eyes for 10 mins... My thoughts were put to halt and all I could feel was this heavy yet soothing energy all around me. It made me feel so much more at peace it was almost as if some kind of an energy spoke out to me and eased me down. I had an epiphany and I could see it all in my head... I could see india flourishing again... I believe it can happen again. I truly do.


This generation has forgotten all the pains which our ancestors had undergone, but even today britishers are humiliating, criticizing that is more hurting us. Now, this generation from UK should know what mistakes and blunders were done by those rotten great peoples who are called now.


Hi, I really like watching your expressions and listening to your thoughts. One of my great grandfather was a freedom fighter. He died at Jail in Lahore, after a hunger strike for 63 days in 1929. He was only 24 years old then. His name may be forgotten in today's world...but in my heart I know, that he showed the world that Indians wouldn't be dominated. What British did in India is still unpardonable. Money can't compensate that. What Mr. Tharoor said in laughter is quite serious in nature.


It takes guts to speak against British infront of Brits.


Man this guy made proud of every malayali. People of my state kerela should definitely know him


My grand father a young man during second world war and my father was just born in what was part of Bengal at that time. We know what they have been facing at that time extreme poverty, where getting even food barely to survive was a big struggle. My father rose through that time and with his hard work and talent ultimately pulled us off the poverty.




Proud to be an Indian. We never looted any country We never cheated any country We never captured any country We are peace loving country ❤️❤️❤️


I love you both.. I don't hate you because of you are half British or your grand parents were in India. The thing thats really matters is humanity(and you both agreed that Indians suffered so much). Don't feel uncomfortable because you are British. Humanity is alive inside both of you 200% and that's what really matters.


Germany had Hitler, while Britain had whole army of Hitlers.


When I looked achara reaction and saw the emotions she has been going through inspite of being half British.. we almost have same reaction when Britishers boost about their wealth which is looted from india and their country's meusum is perfect crime history showcase. Perfect example is kohinoor. And my heart tear apart when I hear some Britishers saying that india is poor country..