
DREADFUL events of the tragedy in Bucha

Усього за 33 дні окупації увесь світ дізнався про місто, в якому росіяни влаштували справжнє пекло. Убито понад 500 мирних людей, зокрема, 12 дітей. Сотні людських доль скалічено, тисячі українців і досі не можуть оговтатися від пережитого. Вічна памʼять загиблим. Сил нашим захисникам. Українці не мають права пробачати ці звірства. Поліція ідентифікувала понад тисячу російських загарбників, які в кінці лютого 2022 року вдерлись у Бучу. Також упізнані більш як 100 військових, які безпосередньо вчиняли воєнні злочини. Про це Національна поліція повідомляє у Фейсбуці. У цьому відео можливе використання реальних кадрів війни Росії проти України. Відео не має на меті когось шокувати чи налякати і є виключно документально-інформаційним. Мета контенту – документування подій війни розпочатої Росією задля окупації України. 24 Канал запускає подкасти! Шукайте нас на різних, зручних для вас платформах: #24канал #новини​ #новости #війнавукраїні2024 #войнавукраине2024​ #новиниукраїни #новостиукраины #новинионлайн​​ #новостионлайн #свіжіновини #свежиеновости

24 Канал

1 day ago

I want to remind and mark the day of the liberation of the city of Bucha. In just 33 days of occupation, the whole world learned about the city, where russians created a real hell. Innocent people, including 12 children, hundreds of human fates shattered, thousands of Ukrainians thousands of Ukrainians still cannot recover from what they experienced, so eternal memory to the fallen and strength to our defenders. Ukrainians have no right to forgive these atrocities. Police identified over 1 000 r
ussian invaders who entered the city of Bucha at the end of February 2022. More than 100 military personnel who directly committed war crimes have also been identified. This was reported by the National Police on Facebook. The announcement states, that abductions, torture, rape, looting, and murders of civilians, including children - are just a partial list of what russian military committed during this time. Ukrainian police are now meticulously documenting these war crimes for international co
urt. National Police investigators have already questioned hundreds of witnesses and victims. They conducted hundreds of interrogations, experiments, and site inspections, studied terabytes of data from external surveillance cameras. This allowed obtaining a huge amount of information about the units of the Russian Armed Forces that were in the city of Bucha: complete personal data, data on occupied positions, division into platoons and units, information about weapons and equipment, places of r
esidence, contact phones, and relatives' data. "Police have already identified over a thousand russian soldiers, who invaded Bucha at the end of February 2022. The information obtained allowed us to trace the routes of the occupiers with specific time and place details, which, in turn, made it possible to identify the location of a specific unit at the scene of the crime during its commission. We were able to analyze the full structure of the strike groups of the occupiers' so-called battalion-t
actical groups, the structure of their leadership, types and distribution of equipment and weaponry." This was stated by the senior investigator of the National Police in particularly important cases, Ivan Dulkai. Investigators have already identified over a hundred russian military personnel who directly committed war crimes in Bucha. Moreover, as noted in the National Police, law enforcement officers already know every russian commander who issued criminal orders to destroy Bucha and its resid
ents. All this time, the police not only document the enemy's actions but also study their tactics and mindset. They try to model the behavior, goals, and desires of russians to understand the reasons for such mass atrocities. Police managed to find characteristic behavior patterns — their analysis leads to the conclusion, that the killings in Bucha were not uncontrolled behavior of individual soldiers. "We see a clear connection between those commands of the leaders of Russian Armed Forces unit
s and the large number of killed in the city. And we make every effort for the russians to answer for every Ukrainian tear, and the mentioned connection was proven and documented as an accusation against the top leadership of the Russian Armed Forces in court." Next, I hope we can talk to the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk. I emphasize that indeed, it has been 2 years since then, when Ukrainian military liberated the Kyiv region from russian occupiers. Over 1 000 killed Ukrainians, burned hous
es, roads, mass graves, and mass burials. Russians spared neither men, nor women, nor children, and Ukrainians did not remain silent. On February 24, ordinary guys turned into fighters and lined up at military enlistment offices, ordinary people acted as partisans to never live under the Putin's tricolor. In the battles, not only professional soldiers fought, but also  conscripts, ordinary guys became warriors, women alongside other civilians prepared Molotov cocktails at that time, or prepared
for, so to speak, a "warm" reception of the occupiers. Conscripts made their first combat shots and proved that the "invincible russian army, unparalleled," can be resisted, and it did happen. And I remind you how the landing of the first russian airborne assault in the Kyiv region and the first battles happened. The first witnesses of the landing of the russian airborne assault at the Antonov airport were the residents of all nearby settlements, such as Hostomel, Vorzel, Havrylivka. It lasted a
lmost 1.5 days, from the morning of February 24 to the evening of February 25, locals counted about 2 000 paratroopers and about 150 helicopters. 2 of them were hit by Ukrainian military. Essentially, it was the beginning of battles for the airfield. Around 10 in the morning, then still combat helicopters with russian paratroopers, attacked the military unit of the 4th Operational Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, which guarded the airfield in Hostomel. According to information received
from the press officer of the 4th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, that morning, 140 russian helicopters crossed the Belarusian border, about 100 of them took part in the attack on Hostomel, operating in several waves under the cover of two SU-25 assault aircraft. Our military did everything they could, and one of the steps of the Ukrainian army prevented the occupiers from reaching Kyiv, the capital. And already in the evening, on February 24, the Prime Minister announced that the russ
ians had captured the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Chernobyl, and other settlements in the exclusion zone. Russian Nazis were getting closer and closer to Kyiv. The northern part of Kyiv region, Ivankiv, Katyuzhanka, and other settlements nearby were partially turned into their rear, and witnesses said that Kadyrovtsy were there. But for the russians, Hostomel, Irpin, and Bucha remained crucial. And in the morning of February 25, on Svyato-Pokrovska street in Hostomel, eyewitnesses saw a colum
n of russian vehicles and at the intersection of the road to Irpin, Ukrainian military destroyed it. There were battles for the Antonov airport, as I mentioned earlier. Later we learned about our damaged aircraft "Mriya" AN-225. Ukrainian defenders on February 25 blew up a bridge over the Irpin river to prevent russian troops from reaching Kyiv. To prevent the enemy from reaching the capital, the dam at the entrance to the village of Kozyrovychi, Vyshhorod district, was blown up, as a result of
which the river overflowed and flooded the village of Demidyv. On February 26, the first column of russian occupiers tried to break through to the village of Nemishayeve, which is on the way to Vorzel. That same day, the invaders seized a maternity hospital there and attacked the town of Borodyanka. The town was on their way to the capital, although there were no military objects here. What people saw in the town after its liberation shocked the world. The destruction in Borodyanka is described
as one of the most extensive in the Kyiv region, as journalists from various foreign media outlets described it. BBC: "The destruction in downtown Borodyanka is the worst I've seen in the Kyiv region, even compared to Bucha and Irpin, where fierce battles were taking place." At the same time, during these days, there were serious battles near the city of Vasylkiv. There was a breakthrough towards Kyiv, near the Beresteisk metro station Ukrainian military destroyed russian equipment. Russians at
this time were shelling the city of Irpin with Grad missiles. And on February 27, the occupiers completely captured the village of Nemishayeve and Vorzel, simultaneously destroying the town of Bucha. The city was under constant shelling, and from February 28 to March 5, the russians tried to occupy Bucha and Irpin. But after prolonged battles, they failed. We all remember how a column of russian military vehicles entered Vokzalna street. On February 27, the breakthrough towards the capital was s
topped, and already from the beginning of March, russian troops surrounded the city from the other side and completely occupied the town of Bucha. By March 8, and even earlier in Bucha, Vorzel, and Hostomel, there was a complete blackout, no gas, and no heating. The situation was referred to as a humanitarian catastrophe. Throughout this time, people could not leave shelters. Those who risked even for a moment mostly did not return. Few were lucky. On March 9, the occupiers finally allowed to re
move the bodies of people killed during the shelling from the streets of Bucha. Part of Irpin was also controlled by russian troops at that time. There were active street battles, and volunteers tried to evacuate people from under the shelling on their own. The occupiers continued to search for those whom they thought were associated with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, executing and torturing them.
