
Dungeons and Dragons Comedy - Nights At The Round Table episode 3

"Nights at the Round Table" is a tabletop gaming comedy that features very little dungeons and dragons, but a whole lot of booze, nerf guns, swearing and inevitable sex. Episode 3 - "BISK!" Our brave heroes FINALLY play a game together, but this is no ordinary board game... this is BISK! - a lethal tabletop game that has claimed the fingers of many players over the years. Episode 1 here - Subscribe to our channel - Check out our other webseries "I AM TIM" - Join the RedShirt community on Facebook - Like the show? Send us a tweet - Check out our epic website -

Redshirt Films

10 years ago

(Millie) - SO! Any questions? (Linus) - Yeeees. I am wondering... Do you people have toilet or you want me to make waste in plastic bag. Oh no no... that's not necessary. It's just through the kitchen. Second door on the left. You have toilet indoor? It's like living in future! (Max) - Oh come on... he's not that bad. *fridge door opens and urinating is heard* No! No, oh my... NOT IN THE FRIDGE! Oh my God. Not in the Tiramisu! (Harmony) - We could ask Phil back? If you can remember where you
buried him. *screams* I didn't kill... (Linus) - The handle makes everything go away, just like magic! I will kill anyone who asks me about what I've just lived through in there. Right, enough shenanigans. Tonight's game... (Linus) - OH! If I may... *foreboding BOOM* BISK! Dice? Metal. Heated until they glow like the eye of a maladjusted tiger. Held in hand for 5 seconds before roll. If you scream, lose point. Pass out? Game over. What the hell are those for? We keep track of score on hand. L
ose one piece of finger for every hit point lost. Your fingers look fine... Regional Bisk Champion, 1997 to 2012. Millie? Sidebar. You can't seriously be thinking about playing this game? You know I can't turn down a challenge. ARRGHHH. Let's do this. BIIIIISSSSK!! *crazy music plays* *kettle whistles* *evil laughter* (Sam) - Ready? (Max) - Yeah yeah yeah!! *flesh burning and screams* *more evil laughter* (Harmony) - Do it. Doooo it... PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH. (Linus) - BIIIIIISK! (Linus) - I claim
all your battle bisk towers, all biskapults and all surrounding lands. Blerrff. I think we should break for a bit. Max doesn't look so great. hahahahahah... ha. Fine. Two minute rest. (Harmony) - Woah! *Max giggles insanely* Why are you even here? (Sam) - For the divine snacks and scintillating conversation. Oh, and between you and me, I'm planning to get mah sex on with Harmony. But... commandment number seven! I do not plan to be reckless. Dangerous, maybe. Experimental, certainly. You to
uch one soft, black-as-the-night hair on her beautiful head and so help me I'll lock you in your house and burn it to the ground. You don't know where I live. Oh, I will find you, boy... [whispers] I'm a librarian. Bom chikka wow wow... What's this? (Sam) - This is my romancing musics. If you could just let me? Chikka bow wooooow. Stop that. How do you like me now? *loud crunchy hit* Gaaaah! Resume play! (Sam) - I'm having a nosebleed! *crazy music restarts* *snip snip snip* *insane laughter*
Oh God why... oh no... do it! Don't miss! *even more insane laughter* *muffled cries* *loud screams* BIIIIIISSSSSK!!! *Sam starts to sob* (Sam) - I literally can't comprehend what's going on! It's all becoming clear to me now. I understand this game. I can beat this man! Then let us... BIIIIIIIISSSSSSKKK!!! I thought you bow chikka figured it out? I will murder your entire family. You people, you play like you know not the meaning of loss. Hey man, I know loss. Last year Millie destroyed this fi
re mage I played. I'd spent six months levelling him up. You three are destroyed! My Piglets of Truth are in your camps and you are overrun by my Merecats of Intolerance! (Sam) - Well... I'll play my uh... Badger of Solitude. My Raccoon of Honour. Dog of Disdain. Defeated by my Garbage Truck of Destiny. How about I just kick your dick in? (Linus) - Um... is that... a card? I don't believe that is a card... *horrified squeals* DESTROY HIM!! But... Bisk? GET OOOOOUUUUTTT!! Very well... But the ant
icipation of Bisk is not a fire that dampens easy. I will return, and when I do... Oh hey! What? No... *punch sound* (Linus) - You sir, have misaligned my braces! I feel we should all take cover. *grenade explodes* Well. I appear to have killed a man. *super jolly music*
