
Elizabeth Olsen & Paul Bettany Say 'WandaVision' Is "Unlike Anything Else" | Entertainment Weekly

WandaVision co-stars Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany share insight into the exciting new Marvel TV series. Subscribe to EW ►► See all your favorite celebs spill things you never knew. Scarlett Johansson reveals when the OG Marvel stars really believed the Avengers could work, the ‘Supernatural’ cast shares untold on-set secrets, and much more: A Daryl and Carol ‘Walking Dead’ spinoff is coming? Carole Baskin joins ‘Dancing with the Stars’? Keep tabs on the buzziest Hollywood news all in one place: Be the first to see our newest cover story and exclusive features. From the latest ‘Star Wars’ adventure to epic reunions for beloved shows like ‘The West Wing’: CONNECT WITH Web: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Snapchat: Pinterest: ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY is your pass to Hollywood’s most creative minds and most fascinating stars. With sharp insight and unparalleled access, we keep you plugged into pop culture. Elizabeth Olsen & Paul Bettany Say 'WandaVision' Is "Unlike Anything Else" | Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly

3 years ago

It is even better than it was pitched, and it is even more complicated and fun and interesting and playful than I could have ever imagined this job being. [MUSIC PLAYING] I got a call from Kevin saying, can you come in to see me at Marvel. And I went, oh, I'm getting canned. [LAUGHS] We're done with you. I'm getting, I'm getting canned. And he's going to be nice and generous and sweet about it, but I'm, and then he pitched this totally bonkers TV show. I've always been hungry to lean into the co
mic book stories that we're leaning in this show, and I didn't know if I'd have the opportunity to explore it, which is the reason why I wanted to be a part of "The Avengers" to begin with when Joss asked me to. He said, look at these comics and tell me if you are interested. And those specific comics are the ones that Feige said, this is what our show's going to be about for "WandaVision." (SINGING) It's twilight time. VISION: Wanda and Vision, aren't we a fine pair? This is our home now. I wan
t us to fit in. Oh, this is going to be a gas! Our content is so different than Marvel. It's like a conversation of American sitcom through the decades with Marvel film. And they're constantly in dialogue with one another. So it's been really fun and different. Vision and Wanda found their own lane to swim in in a really crowded, you know. - Yes. - Pool. You know? That was great. And then to be given this. Lizzie said it right. This gift to be able to really explore these characters in detail. I
think it's just, it's been wonderful. MRS. HEART: Where did you team move from? How long have you been married, and why don't you have children yet? Our story. VISION: I think what my wife means to say, is that we moved from. Moved from where? Married when? [BANG] Damn it, why? [BANG] MRS. HEART: Oh, Arthur, stop it. [BANG] - Stop it! [BANG] MRS. HEART: Stop it! [BANG] Just all of us launching into this. And we were, I was frightened. I hadn't been on stage or in front of an audience for ages.
The combined spirit just sort of really I think launched us into this space where we could just behave like idiots. And we really have. Absolute idiots. I really loved filming the '70s specifically because of the content. Yep. It was like the most Lucy I, went in this series. It was actually the only time Matt Shakman told me I was. Dial it back. Too much. [LAUGHS] Is this really happening? (SINGING) Like days of old. Lighting the spark of love that fills me with dreams untold. [GASP] Am I dead?
No. Why would you think that? Because you are. [EVIL LAUGH] I love working with Lizzie for a number of reasons. She's incredibly punctual. [LAUGHS] And I am too. And it drives me nuts when people are late, and she's never lazy. She's fastidious. She always comes to set with an idea. And I do too. Yeah. And I think that we. And we're always like texting about it too. And you would be surprised how many actors don't come to set. I think the thing that I've loved most about working with Paul speci
fically in this situation, is even though Paul was painted red and in other movies and we've had to do really ridiculous things in reality of like blowing up something in his head while there is a Josh Brolin in a onesie with a hockey glove on. Like there's a lot of crazy imaginative things we've had to do together. But I think Paul and I, we both have these inner children that met on this show. That's right. And we are just hamming it up like we have never done in our careers before. And we are
given so much license to do it. And it has been a ball that we are just, we are swinging for the fences. And then Matt Shakman comes in and says, swing harder! And we're like, what? Really? Because there's a live show. We chewed up every single scenery possible. Yeah, that's true. Some outrageous, never, not one moment undersold. [LAUGHS] It's been fun. Sitcoms are fun. (SINGING) Each day I pray for evening just to be with you. We are an unusual couple, you know. Oh, I don't think that was ever
in question. Because of this show, I feel like such a strong sense of ownership of Wanda. And I'm, I'm so excited now that we've cracked open this other part of her so that they're hopefully could be more stories to tell. And it's been such an incredible gift. I've really loved doing the show. And what I love about the show, is as mad as that trailer that I'm sure you've seen is, it's actually really elegantly put together puzzle piece I think. You know, when everything as bonkers as it looks,
everything will make sense. I think that's a really, really strong piece of writing.



no one: paul: always thinking he's getting fired


their chemistry got A LOT better over the years


Paul Bettany joined the first Iron Man just as the voice of JARVIS and now he's Vision in his own show


I didn’t realize how much I’ve been missing mcu press tours this year 😭 cant wait!!


Lizzie and Paul looked like they had the time of their lives filming this show and I absolutely cannot wait! This is gonna be so much fun yet so sad and epic i hope we still get it this year


1:55 Vision: "...I think it's just... it's been... it's been... Wandaful ."


After Jarvis killed. Paul: Shit, I'm fired. After Vision killed by Wanda. Paul: Shit, I'm fired After Vision killed by Thanos. Paul: Seriously! After WandaVision. Paul: Here we are again.


american sitcom + marvel action Absolutely cant wait.


I love how enthusiastic Lizzie is about her character 😭 She prepared a lot for this role and she got to do what she ultimately wanted with Wanda 😭 A lot of superhero film actors see the role as work only and don't like being associated with it all the time... I'm sure Lizzie fell in love now.


These characters were brilliantly cast but criminally underused in the films. You can just feel how excited the actors are to actually get to explore the characters fully. I thought Wanda and Vision were OK in the films, but I LOVE them in this show.


I love how they call this opportunity as a “gift”. It doesnt sound like something they accepted because they were asked to but a set of circumstances that they are very thankful and willing to do.


Wandavision and Dr Strange 2 are the two I’m most looking forward to


They sound really passionate about it


4:36 I love how he wanted to say something but he didn't interrupt her and he waited for her to finish talking


Their on screen chemistry is so understated, you can see that they respect each other deeply. Wanda& vision do share a connection that touches your heart without you realising it


I'm so happy that Vision gets his time to shine. Paul Bettany truly deserves it! After 12(!!) years in the MCU. He probably has to sit in the makeup chair the longest and has the most uncomfortable costume of them all. He deserves as much love for his commitment as Olsen gets


Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this is going to go be potentially the best and most profound thing MCU has produced?


I love how vague they're being. They're trying so hard not to give anything away because I think this is going to be so much bigger than what anyone expected.


I think Agatha said the perfect way to describe this show “this is gonna be a gas”
