
eneasz on being a published scifi writer

highlight from the full length interview! (will drop the link in this desc once it's up! unless i've forgotten, in which case pls remind me) eneasz is: poly, straight, and located in denver, CO to contact eneasz: or email him at embrodski at gmail (or PM me if you're too shy to contact him directly lol) and check out his blog:

date my mutuals

8 hours ago

but my second story that I wrote got published uh in in azimoff's magazine which I didn't realize was a big deal at the time I uh I got some push back from the editor she was like I like all this but I don't like the ending can you change it and I went back to my book club and I was like I don't know is it compromising my Artistic integrity to change the ending and uh the guy the guy who had published was like on your second story ever azimoff wants to buy it you [ __ ] idiot change the ending I
didn't realize asops was a big deal at the time so um yeah I did that and uh just having that in your your credit line makes a lot of people take a second look at what you submit that's really cool yeah nice
