
[Eng Sub] 雙胞胎變暴走族!? 演技大赏 Drama Awards | Japanese, Korean Drama and More | 韓劇&日劇 | 電視劇頒獎典禮

看雙胞胎如何變成韓劇日劇女演員,給心目中的韓劇日劇還有更多國家的電視劇頒獎。你心目中的電視劇得獎了嗎? Let's see how the twins act K-drama and J-drama. They prepare the best drama awards for eastern countries. Keep watching and checking out if your favorite drama win the award. 希望你们喜欢了了和么么的閒談視頻,如果我們帶給你們歡樂的話請一定要訂閱我們的頻道喔! 我們每週二都會定期更新 美國芝加哥時間每週二 6:00 AM (亞洲:about 週二晚上7:00PM) Video update every Tuesday morning: 6:00 AM(CST) 一字眉更多相關影片: 如何讓長輩愛上你?(How to make elders instantly like you?): 如何拒絕追求你的人?(How to reject people who like you?): 芝加哥 Vlog Ep.1(Chicago Vlog): 如何讓你喜歡的人喜歡妳?(How to Make Your Crush Like You?): 雙胞胎的困擾(Twins Struggles): 追蹤我們Follow us IG: 了了: 么么: 微博Weibo: 此影片為非商業合作影片 商業合作(Business Inquiries): Song : 샛별 - Twinkle funny Music provided by 샛별. Link :

Unibrow Twins

3 years ago

East Asian TV Drama Award Ceremony I am today's host Meme I am today's host MC Liaoliao Nominated Countries are: China, Taiwan, Japnaese, Korea You are really cute~ I am thrilled I love you, Senpai How come my face looks rounder again? You've already had hair to cover your face Have you seen a Tiktok video is about a girl putting her hair down like this with her bangs then * music Hello, everybody we are Unibrow twin sis I am Meme I am Liaoliao We have a new family member Her name is MIC - Made
In China So today, we will talk about East Asian TV Drama Award Ceremony I am today's host Meme I am todya's host MC Liaoliao Nomiated Countries are Chinese Drama Taiwanese Drama Japanese Drama Korean Drama Thai Drama Indian Drama First Award: The Most Cringing Performance The winner is Japanese Drama We've already known that the main character in Japanese drama likes to speak to the camera you don't know who they are talking to Japanese drama Scene #1: He compliments her on her appearance You a
re really cute (*breathe) I am thrilled I love you, Senpai then, you have to come back to your position Second Award: Big-Eye Award I want to say Thai dramas Thai?? There are a lot of step moms in Thai dramas For example Don't put it on my face! another example Don't put it on my face plssss!!! Almost every time when something happens the step mom always looks so evil The way that step moms show their evilness is through slapping their step daughters' faces while arguing don't know how swollen t
heir faces can be pulling their hair I am the main actress, innocent & kind & cute Background: Adorable, lives in a poor family, best friend with the main male character, and also saved his life when they were young And I am the step mom Background: She hates her step daughter, most powerful figure in the household, loudest, wants to have entire family fortune, scheming Thai drama Scene: Step mom slaps her daughter's face (Drama Scene) *Looking at the script...* Wait haha I'm Kinda tired somethi
ng like that What that actually meant was "I know a little bit Thai" :) Do you think that Thai drama can win the award? If you don't think so, please comment down below to let us know your winner for this award Third Award: Hot-blooded Drama The winner is Japanese drama There are a lot of street boy/gangster (in Japanese drama) hanging baseball bat (on their shoulders) hair is like this Whatchu lookin at? in Japanese right? IDIOT KILL (spit) gei~ What are you saying... I really like a drama call
ed "The Gokusen" Yea, our favorite Japanese drama back in middle school season 1,2,3 I really like Jin Akanishi She really likes Kazuya Kamenashi A lot of handsome boys, for example Japanese drama scene #2: Gangsters Daily Life What? You A**hole!!! Don't waste my time, bish! Back to our pretty image My face was so ugly...Omg Omgggggg We sacrifice so much for YouTube We care about our public image cuz we will be at Louis Vuitton's Chanel's fashion show *Daydreaming* We even though that be those b
ad guys are so cool *singing a Korean ost* excuse our bad pronunciation can't go higher Fourth Award winner is Korean Drama Award: Most hair in historical drama Queen?? Yes Why you spoil my role? Oh... *Embarrassed* *Continue acting* L: Let me hold it for you M: Be careful L: photoshop... M: I need this during the winter L: okay okay photoshop me out okay okay okay Korean Drama Scene: Providing meal to the Queen My honor It's time for your meal Fifth Award is the easiest to fall down and knock d
own and then kiss the winner is Taiwanese drama *examples* Steps on a banana peel *flying in the air* *taking forever* I will grab something to eat first and then come back *hit* move over, you are out of the frame move your head out so my face can look smaller move your head down (kiss scene now) move! move! move! move! move! MOVE! I need to change a side move! (kiss) omg it's so tiring... first, they bump into each other or fall on each other and x2 then get up they will get up anyways Finally
, kiss Finally, we want to congratulate so, we want to congratulate (again) all the winners round of applause round of applause (again) We really enjoy watching dramas from East Asia We think each country has their own unique drama style in order to have some kind of achievements We definitely want to watch more and more dramas in the future It will be the end for today's video Do you love us even more today? If yes, please subscribe us on YouTube Like us and turn on notification button Also fo
llow us on Instagram See you next time, bye bye It's an apology from Liaoliao that she lost one of our video, and Meme made her apologize to our audiences Hope you enjoy our video! *apology begins* I promise I won't do it again! I am sorry!
