
[English dub] AVENTURINE Battle voice lines

0:00 | Enemy spotted 0:08 | Technique 0:15 | Turn begins: Danger alert 0:18 | Turn Begins 0:28 | Turn begins: Weakness break 0:35 | Turn begins: Danger alert (2x) 0:38 | Turn Begins (2x) 0:43 | Turn begins: Weakness break (2x) 0:48 | AFK during battle 0:56 | Skill 1:09 | Basic attack 1:15 | Skill (2x) 1:24 | FOLLOW UP attack 1:47 | FOLLOW UP attack (2x) 1:55 | Ultimate: Activation 1:59 | Ultimate: Unleash 2:08 | Ultimate: Unleash (2x) 2:12 | Health recovery 2:18 | Fallen 2:22 | Return to battle


8 days ago

"The bigger the risk..," "The better the reward.." "Feeling lucky?" "High stakes, high rewards.." "Better hedge your bets." "Alright, I'll call your bet~" "Looks like I've got a winning hand." "High stakes, high rewards." "Hedge your bets." "Sure, I'll play along." "I have the mark.." "Opportunity doesn't knock on its own, you know.." "Going all in.." "Tab's on me." "Don't ask, just spend~" "Can't lose this one." "It's on me." "Spend freely." "Watch your head!" "All in!" "Watch your head!!" "All
in!!" "The dice have been cast." "Bust..." "Or..." "Maybe I'll take it ALL!" "Bust..." "Or maybe I'll take it ALL!!" "Trust me, this is a guaranteed win." "Lost it all..." "Back in the game."
