
English World Documentary: Floating Farms

Are floating farms the future of agriculture? Imagine a food production facility which can supply fresh food directly to a city without requiring the use of any land. That is exactly what a Barcelona design firm, Forward Thinking Architecture, is undertaking: a two-million-square-foot barge that would float on the open sea, and that would yield eight tons of vegetables and fruit and two tons of fish each year. ___________________________________________ INSTITUCIÓN UNIVERSITARIA PASCUAL BRAVO - La transformación continúa La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo es una institución de educación superior, comprometida socialmente con la formación de profesionales y en busca de la excelencia académica, a través de modelos pedagógicos dinámicos que responden a las necesidades de la región y del país. La I.U. Pascual Bravo está sujeta a vigilancia del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, según el artículo 39 del decreto 1295 de 2010. - Medellín Colombia ___________________________________________ Dirección: Calle 73 No. 73A - 226 Medellín, Colombia / PBX Campus Robledo (+574) 4480520 ___________________________________________ UNIDAD DE EDUCACIÓN DIGITAL - 2021 La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo ha avanzado en los diferentes modelos de educación y ha convertido la Educación Digital en una instancia transversal que integra el proceso de docencia y a todos los procesos institucionales, en aspectos relacionados con la planificación curricular por competencias (Competencias Integrales), didáctica digital, producción de REDA, producción de contenidos digitales y tutorización de procesos formativos mediados por la TIC, desde posturas disruptivas, dinámicas e innovadoras que propenden por el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa y una grata experiencia de aprendizaje. La unidad trabaja sobre cuatro dimensiones de la educación digital: Dimensión pedagógica: Asume el modelo pedagógico orientado a la metodología de educación digital de los programas, la definición de cada malla curricular y el diseño instruccional de los mismos. Dimensión tecnológica: Hace referencia a la infraestructura tecnológica y recursos físicos que apoyan el proceso de educación digital. Dimensión comunicativa: Comprende los lineamientos comunicativos y de metodología e-learning, orientados a la producción de contenidos articulados al modelo pedagógico digital de la Institución. Dimensión organizacional: Asume el recurso humano institucional como apoyo al proceso de educación digital. RAMIRO ANTONIO LOPERA SÁNCHEZ Coordinador


2 years ago

Hello from the studios at Pascual Bravo University. Are floating farms the future of agriculture? Imagine a food production facility which can supply fresh food directly to a city without requiring the use of any land. That is exactly what a Barcelona design firm, Forward Thinking Architecture, is undertaking: a two-million-square-foot barge that would float on the open sea, and that would yield eight tons of vegetables and fruit and two tons of fish each year. The idea is that the floating farm
will operate autonomously as it floats on the open sea. The Smart Floating Farm is a large, triple-decker agriculture barge that features fish farms down below, hydroponic gardens up top and solar panels on the roof to keep things running. The concept of a floating farm checks the boxes of all the current buzzwords: preservation of arable land, local organic food sourcing with less “food mileage,” environmental protection, self-sufficiency, sustainability. What the designers have in mind is a r
ectangular farm with a default size of about 2.2 million square feet. Since the floating farms would be modular, several farms could be clustered together to improve their capacity to serve highly dense populated areas. The modules would then be connected by a series of walkways and catwalks. The bottom level would contain fish farms, water access points, storage, a slaughterhouse, a desalination plant and a packaging facility. Upstairs would be a greenhouse with automated hydroponics, and micro
climate control for crop cultivation. The rooftop level would hold a photovoltaic power plant and feature skylights to deliver natural light to the plants. Wind turbines and wave energy converter systems would also play a role, as would biogas power plants that would be used to eliminate the biological waste produced throughout the operation. The most important component would be the hydroponic garden, because they don’t require natural precipitation, fertile land or pesticides to be effective,
and they can also be stacked, so they take up less space. The designers contend that all of this could operate pretty much automatically, with minimal human intervention. The key would be to place sensors everywhere on the floating farm and rely on “Big Data” analytics to help the farm run at peak efficiency and at the same time determine supply and demand needs for the local population. Say, fewer fish and more lettuce perhaps? I am Gary Vernier and this has been a Pascual Bravo English documen
tary. Until next time, good luck with English.
