
English World Documentary: Satellite internet

Over the next decade, we will see more satellites put into orbit around the Earth than all the satellites launched since Sputnik 1 in 1957. It is projected that as many as 46,000 new satellites will be launched in the next few years. That’s more than five times the amount of objects sent to space in the past 60 years! So, who is sending all these satellites up into space, and why? ___________________________________________ INSTITUCIÓN UNIVERSITARIA PASCUAL BRAVO - La transformación continúa La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo es una institución de educación superior, comprometida socialmente con la formación de profesionales y en busca de la excelencia académica, a través de modelos pedagógicos dinámicos que responden a las necesidades de la región y del país. La I.U. Pascual Bravo está sujeta a vigilancia del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, según el artículo 39 del decreto 1295 de 2010. - Medellín Colombia ___________________________________________ Dirección: Calle 73 No. 73A - 226 Medellín, Colombia / PBX Campus Robledo (+574) 4480520 ___________________________________________ UNIDAD DE EDUCACIÓN DIGITAL - 2021 La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo ha avanzado en los diferentes modelos de educación y ha convertido la Educación Digital en una instancia transversal que integra el proceso de docencia y a todos los procesos institucionales, en aspectos relacionados con la planificación curricular por competencias (Competencias Integrales), didáctica digital, producción de REDA, producción de contenidos digitales y tutorización de procesos formativos mediados por la TIC, desde posturas disruptivas, dinámicas e innovadoras que propenden por el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa y una grata experiencia de aprendizaje. La unidad trabaja sobre cuatro dimensiones de la educación digital: Dimensión pedagógica: Asume el modelo pedagógico orientado a la metodología de educación digital de los programas, la definición de cada malla curricular y el diseño instruccional de los mismos. Dimensión tecnológica: Hace referencia a la infraestructura tecnológica y recursos físicos que apoyan el proceso de educación digital. Dimensión comunicativa: Comprende los lineamientos comunicativos y de metodología e-learning, orientados a la producción de contenidos articulados al modelo pedagógico digital de la Institución. Dimensión organizacional: Asume el recurso humano institucional como apoyo al proceso de educación digital. RAMIRO ANTONIO LOPERA SÁNCHEZ Coordinador


1 year ago

Hello from the studios at Pascual Bravo University Over the next decade, we will see more satellites put into orbit around the Earth than all the satellites launched since Sputnik 1 in 1957. It is projected that as many as 46,000 new satellites will be launched in the next few years. That’s more than five times the amount of objects sent to space in the past 60 years! So, who is sending all these satellites up into space, and why? The major players are Elon Musk and his SpaceX Starlink project,
a San Francisco based telecommunications company called OneWeb, Google and Amazon. Their stated purpose: to bring internet access to every corner of the world. In 2020, the number of internet users worldwide stood at 3.97 billion, which means that roughly half of the global population is currently not connected to the world wide web. And of those 3.97 billion users, only about 3% receive their internet from satellites. The SpaceX Starlink project makes use of its reusable Falcon 9 rockets to red
uce the costs of launching the satellites. The US Air Force is already testing Starlink satellites on their aircraft, reporting early favorable results. Additionally, SpaceX is also looking to set up and operate about 1 million “earth stations” as a key component to connecting the satellites to the ground. But while it will likely require billions of dollars to create the infrastructure for Starlink, the company is optimistic on its potential demand and revenue. The Starlink project is estimatin
g that revenues will be around $30 billion a year. Amazon’s e-commerce giant is also developing its own mega-constellation. Unlike SpaceX, Amazon has yet to launch a satellite, but it’s seeking regulatory approval for its network, which would include an initial launch of 3,236 satellites. Though it is behind on building satellites, Amazon already has a headstart on ground infrastructure. The company is building 12 satellite facilities around the world to provide the vital link needed. Amazon is
looking at this as a long-term project that envisions serving tens of millions of people who lack basic access to broadband internet. They will also be partnering with thousands of local companies on this initiative intended to transmit data to and from satellites in orbit. I am Gary Vernier and this has been a Pascual Bravo English documentary. Until next time, good luck with English.
