
ENGSUB【爱在天摇地动时 Undercover Affair】EP04 | 卧底复仇,最强虐恋 | 杨业明/韩乐瑶 | 剧情片 | 优酷 YOUKU

Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on YOUKU International Website: Click to download YOUKU International APP, your favorite show is on: 【爱在天摇地动时 Undercover Affair】坤泰集团的阿森在酒吧与陪酒女零一相识,两人自此有了交集,彼此的交流中,阿森了解到了零一因过失杀人入狱后反被男友抛弃的苦楚,早已封闭自己情感的阿森却为眼前这个善良的女孩动了真心。一次偶然,阿森向零一坦诚了自己是警方的“潜伏者”,十年饮冰就是为了有朝一日能彻底扳倒干着违法犯罪勾当的坤泰家族。在危机四伏的环境中,阿森和零一在相互的慰藉中感情渐渐升温,两人都许诺在这一切都结束后一起开始新的生活。阿森在零一的配合下,暗中展开行动,通过接近阿坤的妻子伊莲娜而获得了坤泰集团交易的重要信息,最终让阿坤和伊莲娜相继落网,坤泰集团就此土崩瓦解。然而,在抓捕行动中,阿坤的弟弟,也是最让人难以捉摸的陈家二少阿泰却行踪不明,这让警方不得不忧虑起来。然而,一场针对阿森和零一的阴谋已在秘密地酝酿中....... ★主演:杨业明/韩乐瑶/张忻恺/周语婷/汪融/亓航/韩子正 ★集数:12集 0:00 The International Website is now available! 02:00 Download YOUKU International APP to get early access to the full show #优酷 #YOUKU #爱在天摇地动时 #UndercoverAffair 💗关注优酷频道,更多精彩节目等你来盘!💗 YOUTUBE YOUKU: YOUTUBE YOUKU SHOW: YOUTUBE YOUKU MOVIE: YOUTUBE YOUKU ANIMATION: YOUTUBE YOUKU DOCUMENTARY: YOUTUBE YOUKU KIDS: YOUTUBE YOUKU OST: YOUTUBE YOUKU 优酷台灣: YOUTUBE YOUKU English: YOUTUBE YOUKU Shorts: YOUTUBE YOUKU Thailand: YOUTUBE YOUKU Indonesia: YOUTUBE YOUKU Arabic: YOUTUBE YOUKU Español: YOUTUBE YOUKU Portuguese: YOUTUBE YOUKU Vietnam: YOUTUBE Phim Lẻ YOUKU: YOUTUBE YOUKU Malaysia: YOUTUBE YOUKU Korea: YOUTUBE YOUKU ROMANCE: YOUTUBE YOUKU SUSPENSE: YOUTUBE YOUKU COSTUME: YOUTUBE YOUKU Mini Drama: YOUTUBE YOUKU Short Film: YOUTUBE 优酷华语剧场: YOUTUBE 优酷怪兽制燥: YOUTUBE YOUKU English Animation: 💗关注优酷海外媒体账号获取更多最新资讯!💗 FACEBOOK YOUKU: INSTAGRAM YOUKU: TWITTER YOUKU: TIKTOK YOUKU:

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5 days ago

♪Standing in their eagerly sought trap♪ ♪Learning to deduce meticulously like Sherlock Holmes♪ ♪Traces at the scene♪ ♪Pointing to the elusive phantoms♪ ♪The heart consumed♪ ♪Leaving only ripples before disappearing♪ ♪You see that ambition begins to take shape♪ ♪The body can only surrender♪ ♪Numbness in the feet initiates a mutation♪ ♪Waiting for time♪ ♪To reveal the truth♪ [Undercover Affair] [Adapted from "You Are My Only Star" by Zong Gong Da Ren] [Episode 4] Sen. Sen. Sen, I'm sorry. Sen. Sen
, I was wrong. Sen. Sen, I won't dare to do it again. I'm sorry, Sen. Oh, so you know that I'm your boss? Do you know what matters most in our industry? I won't do it again. It's loyalty. I won't do it again. You work for me. Someone else asked you to do something. Not only did you do it but you also bypassed me. I won't dare to do it again. Do you know what this is? You are biting the hand that feeds you, you know? Sen, I'm so sorry. I hate people who bite the hand that feeds them the most. Rem
ember, there's no second chance. No second chance. Sen. What were you doing just now? Nothing, just talking about some stuff. What's wrong with that delivery today? What were you up to? I'm sorry, I didn't expect something like this to happen either. No need to apologize. You've helped me before. So, from now on, I don't owe you anything. We're even. We're even. Let's go. Wait a second. You live in a place like this? Yes. Thanks for driving me home today. No worries. Hey. Are you still not leavi
ng? Auntie. Who are you? What are you doing? What are you doing? Get out. Get out? Tell me, where did your aunt hide the belongings of our Kuntai Group? I don't know what you are talking about. Tell me, or I will kill you! What exactly is behind the Kuntai Group? Hello, room service here. Sir, sorry, I didn't know you were resting. I'll clean your room later. Miss, you offer room service, right? Sorry, I'm working. I'll clean your room later. Hey. Miss, you're so beautiful. Don't just work as a
waitress. Come with me instead, and enjoy a life of luxury. Let me go! I'm with Sen! Sen would be interested in a waitress? Are you kidding me? Let me tell you, if you don't satisfy me today, you won't be able to leave! Ouch! What happened? Sen, you are here too? Yeah. This building has been leased to the Kuntai Group. Can't I be here? Sen, I'm not good with words and I'm sorry for upsetting you. Come on, tell me what happened. Sen. He was the one who started touching me, and he forced me to sta
y with him. Sen, I really didn't know she is your girl. I'm sorry. What worries me has happened after all. Since you've been taken advantage of by someone, you can't just let it slide, can you? Think about it. What do you want? If you want anything, just ask him. Sen. Madam, wait. Madam, there are two hundred thousand in the account. You have to accept it. The password is six zeros. Consider it as compensation for my mistake. Madam, you must accept it. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Thank you for
today, but I've never seen so much money before. I don't even know how to spend it. You should take it back. You don't know how to spend money? That won't do. It's okay if you don't know; I'll teach you. Let's go. My trolley. I haven't finished work yet. Ah, it doesn't matter. Come with me. I... Relax. Pick whatever you like. We have all our latest designs over there. Hello. We're about to carry out a mission. You should go somewhere else and lay low for a while. Sen, will this do? I'm tired of
trying the clothes. Thank you. Thank you. Hope to see you again. ♪Standing in their eagerly sought trap♪ Hey, Bai, book two flight tickets to Ningcheng. Do it now. ♪Pointing to the elusive phantoms♪ ♪The heart consumed♪ I still have to go to work. ♪Leaving only ripples before disappearing♪ ♪No one can evade the murky grasp of desire♪ Whether you go or not is up to you. ♪The more I resist, the more entangled I become♪ Maybe getting close to Sen will give me a chance. I'll go. ♪Or my reflection on
the water's surface♪ ♪Trap♪ ♪Ambition begins to take shape♪ ♪Can only surrender♪ ♪Slowly leave♪ ♪Rebellious soul♪ ♪Thoughts clamor incessantly♪ ♪Can only cover the eyes♪ ♪Already mutated♪ ♪Time reveals the truth♪
