
ENGSUB【FULL】爱在天摇地动时 Undercover Affair EP03 | 地下情缘最强虐恋💕纵踩淤泥心向光明🌅 | 杨业明 / 韩乐瑶 | 优酷宠爱频道 YOUKU ROMANCE

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6 days ago

♪Standing in their eagerly sought trap♪ ♪Learning to deduce meticulously like Sherlock Holmes♪ ♪Traces at the scene♪ ♪Pointing to the elusive phantoms♪ ♪The heart consumed♪ ♪Leaving only ripples before disappearing♪ ♪You see that ambition begins to take shape♪ ♪The body can only surrender♪ ♪Numbness in the feet initiates a mutation♪ ♪Waiting for time♪ ♪To reveal the truth♪ [Undercover Affair] [Adapted from "You Are My Only Star" by Zong Gong Da Ren] [Episode 3] Madam. I'm asking you, why wasn't
there anyone coordinating with my people for that batch of goods just now? Madam. It was... It was Kun who changed the plan at the last minute. Kun, huh? Stop using him as an excuse. My sister-in-law. Oh, who made my sister-in-law so angry? Tai, he seems to be working under you. Working under me? Tai. Get out of my sight. Tai. Scram! Enough. [LINGYI, waitress] Hey, Tai. Don't worry! I'm keeping an eye on things here. Alright, I'll call you later if anything comes up. Tai, there's a new situation
over here. I'll talk to you later. Hello, room service. Hello? How come it's you? Sen. I just knocked on the door. I thought there was no one here, so... What era is this? Still, shying away from this? Come in and do your job. Why are you still standing there? Sen, I'm sorry. Could you please put on your clothes first or go back to the bedroom to rest? Okay. I'll get dressed. Oh, right, I heard that... You are my wife, their big sister. You can talk to them nicely if there's anything. Don't mak
e things difficult for the people under you. Why didn't they inform me about the changes in the company? You're putting me in a very passive position, you know? Leave the company matters to me. Just take care of our family. Have you forgotten how you got today's position in the first place? If it wasn't me... This is my last time saying this to you. Don't bring up the past anymore. Got it? Yes. Oh, right. What were you going to say just now? Oh, I heard that there's a new girl around Sen. This g
uy, ever since his fiancee passed away, he's been avoiding relationships with women. How come he suddenly changed his mind? Yeah, I'm surprised too. Alright, I'll check on him later. I'm off to the company now. Behave yourself. You keep a close eye on him for me. Sure thing, Tai. You can count on me. Wait. Oh wow, you did a good job cleaning up the place. Thanks. Take this. What's this? Follow the address, and you will get one thing. There's a surprise waiting for you. Sorry, I... What's his age
nda? I'm not going. Should I go or not? Forget it, I'll just consider it returning a favor. Don't move. Are you scared? Aren't you worried about getting kidnapped? I don't have anything worth blackmailing me. The little girl has quite a personality. Kun, I've been following this girl as soon as she came out of Sen's room. Along the way, she was acting suspiciously. Sure enough, I caught her red-handed. What's in this box? What secrets does it hold? I don't know what's inside the box. I haven't o
pened it yet. He brought me here before I could. You really know how to get things done, kid. It's my obligation to serve you both. Ah! Bitch! Madam! What's wrong? No need to be angry with her. Kun, what's going on here? Sen, you haven't dated anyone for a while, and suddenly you're acting differently. I have to check the person for you. I'm just concerned about you. Come on, Kun. So, what do you think? Pretty face and a nice figure. Thank you, Kun. But you know, people's true intentions are hid
den inside. We have to interact with them more to see who they really are. Oh, Kun, you can rest assured. I'm pretty cautious. What's this then? Madam, calm down. This thing... Oh, Madam, this is a little surprise I prepared for Lingyi. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I'm sorry. See, you always say I'm boring and not romantic enough. So, I prepared a little surprise, but in the end, it turned out like this. Say something. Sorry, Madam. Alright, now. Act like a big sister, will you? We'
ll get going now. Sen, if there's nothing else, I'll leave too. Bai. ♪Trap♪ ♪Ambition begins to take shape♪ ♪Can only surrender♪ ♪Slowly leave♪ ♪Rebellious soul♪ ♪Thoughts clamor incessantly♪ ♪Can only cover the eyes♪ ♪Already mutated♪ ♪Time reveals the truth♪
