
Entertainment in the Mix - 3/29/24

Entertainment in the Mix - 3/29/24 For more Local News from WRDW: For more YouTube Content:

WRDW News 12

9 hours ago

[Music] [Applause] we've got Easter eggs tea parties over-the-line artist spring flings and everything in between this weekend we'll keep you hopping let's get into the mix Miller mck College will host a Spring Fling Saturday from 1: until 4: at the college on deansbridge road the event will offer a Kids Corner food trucks an open mic talent show clothing and food pantry giveaways it's free and open to the public also Saturday you can head on over to Patriots Park in Columbia County for the annu
al Easter egg scramble from 10 until 1 with a whopping 50,000 eggs waiting to be found it's going to be an extravaganza for the entire family you can also satisfy your craving for delicious foods from vendors admission is free don't forget your Easter egg baskets for details visit Augusta Parks and recre ation are hosting a free Easter egg hunt at the following locations on Saturday 11:00 a.m. at carye J May Family Life Center 1 p.m. at the Bernie Ward Community Center 300 p
.m. at the Warren Road Community Center and for details visit Augusta today through June 20th you can embark on a journey into the depths of artistic Exploration with Jason Craigs highly anticipated solo exhibition over the line at Augusta University's gallery of art since his emergence on the scene in 1998 Jason Craig has captivated audiences with his Visionary approach to Art and graphic design you can see it all for yourself over the next couple of months get ready to Blossom in Gro to
own at the canterburry farm spring Market on Saturday from 11: until 4: the market offers a DJ face painting animals a special appearance by a children's book author and over 50 vendors all proceeds support the team s kiss shelter rescue project how about a fancy tea party toast austa is hosting a sipping Splender tea sore tomorrow 3: until 5: on Broad Street those attending can indulge in a Charming tea party filled with delicious bruise delectible treats and delightful conversation for tickets
visit event brigh I'm Sher best of 963 KISS FM encouraging you to create a fantastic weekend and that is your entertainment in the mix
