
Entrevista Omar Rudberg | I've Never Said This Before with Tommy DiDario [Legendado PT-BR] [ESP]

listen to the original here: Omar Rudberg conversou com Tommy DiDario sobre a nova temporada de Young Royals, projeto futuro segredo com Edvin Ryding, sobre ter assinado com uma gravadora na América e muito mais. Confira!

Rudberg Daily Info

3 weeks ago

Hey guys, welcome to I've Never Said This  Before with me, Tommy Didario. Today's guest is a Stockholm based singer and actor and his name is Omar Rudberg. Now Omar, he has a fascinating backstory so get this: at just 25 years old he has already sold out Arena shows in Sweden and tours here in America. At 14 he was the opening act for  really, really small musicians you probably never heard of them. Justin Bieber and One Direction? Yeah, no big deal, right? And since then, well his career has sk
yrocketed and today we are  talking about a certain project that further shot him into Global superstardom and I've got  two words for you: Young Royals. So Young Royals is a teen drama romance series on Netflix that follows the fictional Prince Wilhem of Sweden and his romance with fellow student Simon Eriksson,  which of course is played by Omar, and all of the wild, messy, beautiful drama that their love story  brings. It's a queer love story that has become one of the most important love sto
ries in all of television and that just goes to show you why it's been sitting at number one on the charts every single time a new season drops. It means so much to so many, but sadly the love story is coming to an end with the final season that has just dropped. Out right now. I know, but this is an episode for all of the Young Royal fans out there. We're not going to be spoiling anything, so don't worry about that. But what we are going to do is, we're going to celebrate! We're going to reflec
t back on Omar's Journey throughout the series and deep dive into all things Young Royals to honor  and celebrate an actor who means so much to so many. So, let's see if today we can get Omar to say  something that he has never said before. Omar, it's so good to see you, my friend. how are you? I'm good, thank you. I'm very good. I'm glad to see you too. Well, listen, I know that the world is celebrating and super excited because season three of Young Royals has dropped but with that there's a l
ot of sadness because that means it is the final season of the show. So first of all, how are you doing? Has it been a really emotional time for you? It has has definitely been emotional. I've been going through it, but I think that I'm actually very ready to let go a little and just let these characters in the series live on by itself. I mean, we've been working so hard on this season and on Young Royals overall for the last 3 years. So I think we're all kind of in the  same boat, where we feel
like- Let them be, you know? I think everything great and everything good has  an end, but it feels great. I mean I'm happy that we actually got to do the last season, and three  seasons. So I'm very happy, I'm very proud. What was it like saying goodbye to your character on that last day of work? was that a super weird kind of  day for you? Oh my God, yeah! It was very emotional.  I couldn't really like feel the difference between Simon's feeling on camera and my own feelings off camera. It wa
s kind of the first time where fiction and reality kind of got together in some weird way because what we were saying in that last scene, for example, in the lake where- because we shot the lake scene on our last shooting day and what we're saying in that scene basically makes sense in real life as well. You know? It's the end, basically. And so that was kind of very hard because it was emotional and I couldn't really control my feelings but it was a very beautiful day and we had such a great ti
me together. When you look back at all of your work on this show, you have done such a phenomenal job creating a character that means so much to so many people. What are you the most proud of? Thank you. You know, what I'm proud of is that I put myself out there, I think. I had never done anything like this, I didn't act, didn't know if I could act at the time, and I was afraid of "what if I get in this whole thing and I forget my words?" There's a lot of words you have to learn in the script, w
hat if I never learn the script? And I was like, so afraid of so many things and I was just like, you know, fuck it! Let's just do it. Let's just put myself out there and give everything that I got to be a part of this. Because I also believed in the story, I believed in everything about this and I was like, I'm going to be so sad and angry with myself if I don't do it. Because I fell in love with it from the start. And I'm just so happy I threw myself out there, out of my comfort zone, and I st
arted acting out of the blue, and just did it, you know? That must be an amazing feeling and anything new is kind of scary, right? And you've conquered the music world but this was something so different for you. Was there a moment where you were actually thinking about passing on this opportunity? No. Never? Never. Not a single moment. I didn't do anything at the time, it was covid, and everything was shut down and the studios, and music wise, as well. Everything was just shut down, really. And
I didn't really have anything to do. I was kind of depressed, because I didn't really know what was going to happen to me, in in my life. What I was thinking the whole time was, I'm going to be a part of the show and I'm going to be doing this or I'm going to die. That was my two options. So very serious, but then I got in and I got to be a part of this and never, ever thought of thinking like "No, I don't want to do a second season." None of that! I was, I've been obsessed with this whole thin
g. I'm one of the biggest fans of Young Royals, fight me. I believe it, I believe it. Why wouldn't you be? It's such a beautiful show. If you were given the choice to do more seasons and carry on with the story, would you? Or do you kind of feel like the story has been told and it's ending where it should end? I feel like the story has been told and it should end how it's ending. Because I kind of agree with with Edvin, and Lisa, and all of the others about that. If you would do more seasons, wh
at is it left to say? We've already said the most important things, and we've said so many great things and, you know, there are sad things as well. We've said so many things during this whole show, and the journey. And I feel like it wouldn't be what it is if we would keep going, and keep doing seasons like if you see other series out there, when you do too many seasons, at the end of the day, it's not the season that you saw the first time. I don't know, it's just the right thing to do I feel
like, definitely. But you know, at the beginning I was like let's do a season four and a five... Let's go! Because I'm such a hyped person, and I also hate saying goodbyes to things. I'm definitely a person that connects with something and I feel like it's hard to like let stuff go. It takes time for me to let stuff go, sometimes. And  sometimes I'm like "tchum" but this definitely was something that- I've been holding on to this so hard, and you know, feels right, definitely. How many times did
you cry during the filming of season 3? I don't know maybe like six times? Maybe six times, yeah. Well, that means it meant so much to you. And watching you and Edvin throughout this series has been magical for people. He of course is your co-star, and watching your journey, and the ups and the downs, and the drama, and the beautiful moments, and everything has been thrilling for audiences. How has that friendship been over the years? Is that something so special for you? Me and Edvin, it's bee
n very special. I'm happy that we clicked from the start because of what we've been going through and everything that we've been through together. It would be so sad to do it by yourself and no one to have this whole- "do it together" kind of thing. It's a different thing to do it together, and you know we've been talking about everything that has happened to us we text a lot randomly. Like, yo this and this happened, like, what the fuck?? We did the Fallon show together, what if I would be ther
e alone? I would die if I would do it alone. And so like, it's very special to just do it with someone, like going through something with someone that can relate me and Edvin, we can really relate to each other and we definitely help each other through stuff and like we learn from each other and all of that, so it's it's been very special, definitely. And we're definitely like brothers when we hang out, like we poke at each other, and do crazy stuff together, and we sometimes get annoyed at each
other, but it's all love. You know? We always have a good time together, always, like every time we see each other we laugh and we talk about crazy stuff and you know, secrets. Yeah, it's family right? It's a brotherhood. Yeah, definitely. We have a great time together. So in the show, and I guess without spoiling anything, in season 3. Is there a moment between the two of you that just makes you smile for your characters? That you just loved playing around with? Oh my God, there's so many mome
nts. It's so hard to choose. Like top one or two, come on. I'll definitely say that the lake scene was very special. It was just a beautiful day, the lake was stunning, the sun was stunning, it was warm. It was very cold in the water, though. But it was very warm in the sun, and it was emotional. It was beautiful, like that day, that whole day in front of that lake was just dreamy. It felt like a dream. Like a real, like a real life movie, almost. And it was just so beautiful, so I would definit
ely say the lake. Probably, I don't know, probably like the first kiss was also very special because it was very new and it was the first time we did like a kissing scene. Was that your first kissing scene on camera, right? Yes, exactly. And it was just a special thing. Is that weird? Is it weird to do a kissing scene on camera, with a million people in a room watching you, with a camera this close? I mean, like it was so weird because it was the first time and that is why I'm saying, like the f
irst scene was very special and very crazy experience. Also the football scene, where I go and pick him up and he was being, like, drunk and it was just also just a fun experience. It sounds like, without giving anything away, you're satisfied with how the show ended. Yeah, yeah. I do think that- I think it's the right ending. I had my heart and my trust in Lisa and I really knew that she was going to put a great ending on it. And it was, it's a perfect ending. It's a perfect timing for an endin
g, it's beautiful, and it's emotional. I love this series so much, I'm a huge fan. Oh well, we all are. We all are. When you think of Omar from season one to Omar from today, how would you say you've changed over all of those years? What I imagine is for the better. Oh, yeah. Definitely for the better, it's insane. I feel like I've been living a whole life from when we started till now. I cannot believe that we're actually sitting here and we're actually talking about this. At the same time, it
just kind of feel like it just started. I cannot believe that it's four years ago, four years ago? It's insane, I can't, I cannot really take that in. But I've changed a lot as a person, definitely for the better. I'm grown, a little more grown. I have a little confidence boost from this whole journey and also my insecurities, I've kind of learned to handle them a little as well. And just in general I just feel I'm in a place in my life where I'm more stable and I kind of know what I like, and w
hat I want, and what I don't want, and what I don't like, and what I want to do. I just feel like I'm grown, you know? I'm 25 and it's definitely a difference. When I started Young Royals, I was in a place where I didn't know anything, and I was very lost. But I was also happy when it all started because I got to know new friends, and for example, Felicia Maxime, the actress that plays Stella in Young Royals, I got to know her and a lot of new friends and like this whole new space of creativity,
and acting, and partying. But also I just got so many new friends at the time, and we were a little crew and we were hanging out, and it was summer in Stockholm, and Young Royals came up and I was still kind of lost because it was covid and I didn't have a job. I didn't know what to do with my life, so I was just hanging out with friends and then, I don't know, I'm a whole different person but still have that Omar with me as well, I still have that in me, but I'm definitely grown. Well I have t
o say we chatted, I think in the  beginning of the pandemic, so that by now, that was three, four years ago. And I see- It's insane. And I see such a a different version of you even from that interview to today's conversation, you really seem like you've stepped into your confidence and it's such a cool thing to see. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you. Is there something from the set, aside from the hoodie, we all know about the hoodie, that you grabbed right away when the show wrapped? I don't
know if I'm going, if I if I dare to say it, because I don't want them to want it back. But probably not, probably they won't want it back. But I actually stole Simon's little lava lamp, you see where he had next to his bed, like the one that changed colors, and shifts. I actually have it next to my bed, it's actually dead, though. I have to change the batteries of that one. That's a good choice, that's a good- if I was gonna take something, you know what? I would want the lava lamp too. I like
that. Yeah, it was always on the frame, like you always saw Simon in his bed and see the lights of the lava lamp. It's just beautiful and I took that one. I literally stole it. I didn't say to anyone, and I knew it was a wrong thing to do, but no one was there and I was in Simon's room, kind of saying goodbye to Simon in his room and then I was like, boop, took it. No one. And I just took it, I didn't give a damn. I was like, I'm going to bring something. Are you kidding me? This whole room and
I cannot even bring a single thing? Are you kidding? So I just took it. You know what? You were having an emotional breakdown and you took it, and I support it. I stand by that decision. That's awesome. The show, you know, aside from the beautiful pieces on set that have so much meaning to you and the characters, I feel like music is another thing that has a lot of meaning throughout the show. When you now look back at Young Royals is there one song, I'm sure there are many, but I guess what's t
he top song that will always remind you of your time on that show? Oh my gosh, there's three I think of right now. Yeah, go ahead. I don't know the lyrics but that one, it's a bop. It's really good. Also- Obviously! And also- You know that one from the second season, love that one. And that trailer is sickening. I think that's one of my favorite trailers of the show, I love the second season trailer with the music, it's just so amazing. Solid choices, solid choices. God, it's like you're a  sing
er as well or something. That just sounded so good. Those are awesome choices. Omar, a part of the  reason why I love this show so much, is because of what it's done for an entire community of people people, and the queer community holds this show so close to their hearts and it really is one of these forms of representation that exists that I wish I had growing up and I didn't have it. And it's such a beautiful story, that's what I love about it. It's a beautiful story. So how does it feel mean
ing so much to an entire community of people, to the queer community, because you were in a show and brought a character to life that makes them feel so seen? Well, I definitely agree with you. I wish that I had Young Royals when I was a kid, because it would change my life, I think. If I would have Young Royals when I was a kid, I think it would definitely move me, and it did. The craziest part is that I'm a part of the show, and it literally moved me anyways. Even though I'm not a kid watching
it, or a teenager, I still feel it, and even though I know everything that is happening before I see it, I feel it while creating it. And so I'm just- it's such an honor, for real. There's no other word to describe it. It's an honor to be a part of something like this, in being a part of something that really means so much for people around the world and it means so much to me as well. personally. Young Royals moves me and changed me as a person, and it's just an honor. And I'm a lucky, lucky m
an that got to be a part of something this amazing and great and I'm just so thankful and grateful. That's very beautifully said. I imagine having that on your shoulders throughout all the years is rewarding, and beautiful, and amazing, because, as you said, you know what it means to so many people. But did you also ever feel kind of the pressure of having to do everything right, and to make the people who hold the show so close feel like it's all being portrayed in the right ways? How do you de
al with that? Knowing that you exploded from the show, and you have all this fandom, and and it's a storyline that is really sensitive and delicate yet, you still got to go to work and do your job. Did that ever get in the way for you? Yes, yes. When we were going to do the first season, my thoughts were like- because I knew people were going to love this series, I knew people were going to love the storyline because I was so in love and I was like "yo this is the greatest thing I've ever fuckin
g read" but I was like this is going to blow up, like this is going to be amazing the only thing though, when I started doing the first season was like Are people going to think I'm good, though? Are people going to buy what I'm trying to say through my character? And like, how I'm going to play him, are people going to enjoy that? And see that and buy it? "Oh, yes, yes. I see Simon." You know what I mean? Yeah. I was very nervous, and I was also very nervous because was an artist, and I am an a
rtist, and didn't do any acting before that and I was just scared that people would just say "Go back to music, don't ever do this again" stuff like that. I was scared of people not taking me seriously, kind of thing. I was scared that people would just like... blergh. But then for the second season, it was more like- it was a success, and people actually liked my acting, and they liked what I did, and so then I kind of have to do it even better this time. And not- don't go underneath that. That
's the level I'm going for now, so I'm going to do it like I did or even better. And obviously I was like "this is going to be even  better", like I'm going to do it even better this time. And also I felt like the chemistry between me and Edvin, like people loved it so much on the first season. And I remember talking to him like "yo, we have to fuck this shit up." Sorry for cursing. I love it. But we have to make it so good, because we're doing the second season and people loved what they saw in
the first one. We have to do this, we have to make it even better this time. But I was also so confident in having that energy, like we have to do this, you know? Instead of "oh, I'm scared" it was more like "Let's push it even more." You know? But yeah, definitely got to us sometimes. Like "oh damn, we have to do this right." You know, stuff like that. But together we really made it work, and we had fun, and we never took it too seriously. But definitely doing the first season and the second 
season was scary, but the third, it was more like "we got this, let's have fun with this." It's a beautiful story, let's just do what we love to do, and what we do best, and we do it together. And I feel like third season was the easiest one to shoot because we were like "we got this." You know, when people love this and this is a great storyline, let's do this. Does that mean the third season was your favorite one out of all three? I cannot tell you, like, it's picking a child. You cannot, the
first season, even though it was scary, the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. But the third was also the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. All of them were great, you know? So I cannot choose. It was just different feelings for every season. First season was the first time, so it was so special. The second season, the feeling changed because we've done it once, we're going to do it again. It has to be good! It was kind of more of a battle feeling. And then the third was just like
- "Let's just enjoy." You know? So it was just different feelings to them. Well, people want a fourth, a fifth, a 100th, a 200th... I'm sure you're already seeing all over social media, people asking you for a spin-off, right? Have you seen that yet? Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen it. I'm sure you seen it everywhere and you're probably like let's give the character a minute, right? Yeah, you know, first time when I saw that I was like "tell Netflix, tell Netflix" but then I was- now I'm kind of,
you know what? I'm turning 26. Should I play 16 still? Maybe like- What about a time jump? I mean, why not? But still I don't look like I'm super old, but I don't know. Maybe I could play like Simon after graduation, and he starts to work, and have a job, and moves out of his mom's house. Then maybe we can talk about it. Anything can happen, so we'll see. What excites you for the future? What do you want to do next? I'm actually going full on music next. I'm about to sign my first record deal wi
th an american label. Congratulations, man. Thank you so much. And that is a huge thing, it's a huge label, and we are planning on releasing a lot of music. So I'm working on a lot of new music and we're going to release very, very soon. And I did my first show two weeks ago, it was like 1,800 people in the crowd and it was just completely sold out and it was like one of my best nights ever. One of the best nights of my life. And I want to do it over, and over again. And in my heart, I'm an arti
st, and I want to do music, and I want to sing. So that's definitely what I'm doing now in the future, but then you know, we'll see. I'm not going to leave the film industry, I love making films, and acting. So we'll see what comes up, but for now, definitely music. So does that mean we're finally going to get Red Light? Yes, yes. It's on the way, it's on the way. Soon? Very soon. We're working on it, we're working on it. But very soon. And that's going to be the first release of this year and i
t's going to sound a little different, the studio version, from what I did at Cyrcus, at my show. It was a live version of Red Light but I do think people are going to enjoy it and I feel like it marks like a new era for me music-wise and artist-wise, because I'm having a new team, an American label, so it's a whole new era for me as an artist and I'm very happy about it. That's so deserved, you're such a talent, and I know people are going to want lots and lots of content from you. Especially w
ith the show ending, they're going to need some music. They're going to need all of it. When you think of the fandom, the beautiful amazing fandom, who shows nothing but love for all of you guys. What do they mean to you? What do you want to say to them? Thank you for being loud. Thank you for doing free promo for Young Royals, and making it top the charts and thank you so much for, you know, existing and keeping the lgbtq community alive. And thank you so much for the support, and thank you so
much for being yourselves, and thank you so much for supporting us in the series, and this whole love story that is so important for people to hear about, and see. And to talk about it. Thank you so much for fighting for all of us, and and for believing in love, and for fighting for love. We're forever grateful for you guys and this wouldn't be what it is without you, so cheers to you. I'm not the one saying goodbye to a show or character, but you're making me feel emotional over here, damn it O
mar. That was so well said, thank you for sharing that. And as we kind of wrap up, the name of the show is "I've never said this before" and I'm wondering is there anything that you can  think of that you've never shared, whether it's silly or deep, or anything that comes to mind? Oh my god. Well, maybe, one thing that just came up is that people might be sad about the show ending and not seeing me and Edvin acting together anymore, or working together anymore. But, you know what? Me and Edvin a
re going to do some stuff together in the future. We are working on something that is a little secret, but stay tuned, because you'll see me and Edvin do stuff together in the future and it's not completely over, so. And we're definitely, obviously, going to be friends still. But like working together? Not completely over yet. Ooh, that is quite the tease. I see what you did there. I see what you did. All right, well, we will eagerly be awaiting that. I can't say it enough, thank you for everyth
ing you've done with your art, and for an entire community of people that just feel so touched by a show. A show that's gone global, and you know, that started off maybe seemingly small and has grown into something so incredibly big and I think that you're going to forever have a legacy in the entertainment space as being a part of a show that truly makes so many people feel so important and so valued. And so seen, so for real, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations to you. I hope you soak
in all of those accomplishments. Thank you so much. Thank you. I mean it and I'm going to be chatting with the creator, Lisa, and for everybody listening that episode is going to be full of spoiler fun we're going to launch that a little bit later in april so we'll give people time to watch the show. Today I wanted to make sure to just talk about the reflections in general, and really give people a a proper farewell to your character, and your work on the show. But my conversation with Lisa wil
l be quite spoiler full, so everybody look out for that. And Omar, I can't wait to chat with you when you're doing something cool next again. Yeah, I cannot wait. Well, thank you, thank you, thank you for joining the show. Congratulations and have a great final season. Thank you for having me, thank you.
