
Equine Chiropractic | Miss Kitty’s Adjustment // Versatile Horsemanship

This video was taken October 28th, 2019 Equine Chiropractic can benefit any horse but, in this case we have an older horse who needs an adjustment to keep her body feeling good. Miss Kitty is 26 years old and recently choked on her grain. Since winter is coming, I wanted to have her evaluated by the vet to make sure she’s in good health. In this video you’ll see Miss Kitty’s vet exam and Chiropractic adjustment. If you would like to see the video of Miss Kitty choking, here’s the link If you enjoyed this video and would like to learn more about horses and real life in the barn, I encourage you to follow my journey with horsemanship. You can start by subscribing and make sure to ding that little 🔔 so you never miss a video. Thanks for watching! ~ Brandi Versatile Horsemanship 🔴Subscribe to Versatile Horsemanship YouTube channel ⤵️ 🔴Check our this link if you’d like to see videos about Manzer and Nika’s journey ⤵️ 🔴Check out this link if you’d like to see videos about caring for horses ⤵️ 🔴Check out this link for videos about the reality of owning horses ⤵️ 🔴Follow us on Instagram ⤵️ 🔴Follow us on Facebook ⤵️

Versatile Horsemanship

4 years ago

today Miss Kitty is getting a chiropractic adjustment by doctor Hoholik and we're gonna just kind of check her over a little bit Miss Kitty recently has just seemed to she just suddenly looks a little bit old to me so I was a little concerned about that and she did choke a couple weeks ago now we can half ago baby so there's a video on her choking if you want to check out the link above it'll take you right to that video so since she choked I've been giving her wet feed and alfalfa is well with
it and she's nine przemek ox and a glucosamine supplement so what deep recommend feed her older horses it'll depend that when you do your dental exam yeah because if she three teeth per sign that actually can chew then they have a modified dynamic Callens are such cute so because then they don't have to chew the fibers yeah so it'll depend on math and if she is able to able Sno Tek she made just maybe she's got something listen know that to make hair chew a little differently yeah so she so much
for so little stay on her like oh there's game she has been she has been eating pain I've been keeping separated now and again so I can watch that so when I give her a new Trina senior does she make cuts I found a couple of balls are wet cake yep but not not like a lot of them she's rejoice hey I soaked alfalfa pellets and he points senior that's what she's making those are all good choices now yeah versus that still pays expensive yeah yeah for the Dalal depend on coming to wet your mind yes i
f there's reason for the job and then when they're 26 it can change a lot now what about so it choked what are the because I've never had personally I've not had well I had one of the first that would that would choke but she would always resulted on her own so what is it that that case that horse bolted green so some people say never feed pellet in T that's not wet I've got a lot of a lot of comments about that you should never feed a pelleted feed unless it's wet because it expands in their th
roat true not true and a lot of times if they have they have a tube to get the choke result you'll almost drill back this Pat kind of dam so that I think that's where that comes from that being said a lot of versatility yeah I could just yeah yeah so I don't know that people have a buy-in a space right right but they certainly palates older horses that can't chew can I have a complete % fella diet at great and that is about what they have to be puff was initially developed for racehorses because
he couldn't even that forage so the be Pope has the same amount of carbs and calories as in Pope but it has more fiber and so it was developed for resources who can't even a fiber like 100% can't diet and so they use that so that it was a concentrated source of energy that had the fiber okay mostly horses that are on grass or hay us or primary diet okay it doesn't hurt but they do not need so that that's it's and also access a prebiotic it's just because it provides those fibers that help them
yeah bucks of the guy yeah it's a long stem fiber I read about what ago I was researching them yet for some reason bleep Coco Coco and he was so sick and yeah but all those things wrong with him so it's not a bad feed by any means but if the diet is almost all here or almost all grass almost all forage is what I'm saying sort of a pink ejecta so yes don't know it hurt us we soaked inside or a big part was gathered then you know they like it yeah they usually like yeah he stopped it after well he
he would go in phases like you meet one thing that is typical of worship and it doesn't usually yeah something but sometimes it's just a win and you know and you have to look for what they will eat yeah well I like my grandpa when he got old but Oh meaning like over Susy 93 I think he tastes things anymore and he never drained his entire life and suddenly he started drinking whiskey because it was the only quick bucket tapes so in Lincoln - yeah so Miss Kitty she's very expressive and I don't k
now exactly what point you're at but she gave a little kick oh I'm working on her hi looking for reasons for artichokes oh I'm looking for a tightness on one side okay she said she didn't like that chick Doug that's normal she does that so she does that she does that sometimes when she's like if you sent her up too tight she'll definitely do that when the Flies are bed she kicked straight out is she's so expressive shows her she shows you if she doesn't like something she probably will not have
sharpness okay because they don't some do but that's not you should good thing get in there and look at how are they all those things you're right outside or inside for your clinic you wrote inside 96 so I learned it really not a good spot to be outside here and when they look at you like that yes good that's pretty good you know because well like I don't I don't typically like encourage it I guess again the winter we ride at altars a lot okay that was good you know hard sometimes cool Jenny and
I actually did a video where we took her Fitz it was a really cold day it was it was probably 10 degrees if that and we took bits straight out of the tack room they're clean ones and we put them in her mouth and they stuck to her mouth so we got that on video yeah so that was that was kind of eye-opening it was a little scary I typically will ride just in a halter and I like you know the bows ow I've got a couple horses that have graduated to riding in that but I start everything in the snaffle
and if they don't understand it in a snaffle anything bitless will be really confusing because there's a lot of like blurry areas I think so if they understand it and they work really good off your leg then it seems to go pretty well trailer and film that to show what it feels like yes yeah with the kids around them yeah I've done that before air routes yeah I think that's a really a well when I was a kid I used to actually ride in the trailer with the horses all the way from the fairgrounds so
I mean it's only it's a couple miles but still it was so cool because to watch the horses and how they break with their hind end and that kind of stuff is really interesting but we took a couple horses to Illinois this summer and when we got there it was a slant load trailer there the two horses that were in the front there right hind legs were stocked up pretty bad and all I can think of is there they were stopping that whole trip they're stopping with the right hind leg so they were working t
hat kind leg so much that there's six momen or like so many hours in the trail interesting so now to explain the temple so the older horse is really like to have their tail boat because it's stretching out between the pelvis and sacrum and hers was so you just kind of fatigue that area so that no maybe want to stay where you just okay the whoever says Gemini links with general all their hearts that used to like his agenda not on with a link to me it's my clock 10 yeah just do it but she's reluct
ant some really good energies gonna go no man's earth loves it yeah well he loves but texting he loves TOEFL well because he has a young body yeah everything feels good turn yeah alright she's also awesome so overall your overall thought about her condition and how her body heals and backpack stuff okay so she I don't find an antique store on America she's not the workhorse she had a couple areas that were out of adjustment and in it to be realigned I think those are going to feel good to her I
think her condition is really typical for an older horse they don't have quite as much of muscling over the back although this is pretty good yeah anyway ideal problem with them at this age they don't have to lose much of us yeah so to me I feel like she's lost a little bit and because she's always been a little bit browner and I really have severe winters and Jelena makes everyone wear him so she probably can go yeah she's ideal conditions for her but and just they shrink so badly she would lik
e to say when they're muscle that's great and if she's just a so she's just a little off in the high net because of arthritis movement is good for her too but the steady movement is better than standing around okay so I've been using her for her have been using her nearly as much as I did because I'm not doing as many private lessons she's a great for sure private lessons with the groups there's a lot of cantering and lots of trotting I was trying not to overdo it with her workwise so now I just
seem to make sure that she gets a little bit more exercise and how when how long before her next adjustment do you think she's doing I think this horse is I would say two three months if she is she three to four times a year okay yeah I do okay well I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please be sure to give it a like share it with your friends and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video thanks so much for watching bye



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Love this therapy for the Standardbreds, who can get quite stiff and "bound up." That's a nifty supervisor on your shoulder!


So glad Miss Kitty is getting help for her Senior Citizen aches and pains. Chiropractic can do wonders for horses, it's wonderful you are giving her such a wonderful treatment.


Miss Kitty is a her markings. She has a very loving human looking after her. Your horses are blessed to have you.


It's amazing how much chiropractors can do for a horse. I never thought about doing this for a horse but I see it has become common for so many. And its not that expensive. Guess the next visitor could be the dentist. Makes sense. Great job looking after your senior girls. Have a great day. Great video


I'm so jealous. I wish my cats would ride on my shoulder like yours. Miss Kitty sure is beautiful


Interesting short video and perfectly fine visual and audio... gosh peeps its not like youre watching a movie all the complaints or friendly advice pfttt. Thanks for filming and I really hope you disregard the comments and continue with these impromptu short videos in the future.


So sorry miss kitty isnt feeling well, but thanks to doc shes much better. Horses are just like us humans when we get older bones ache were not as sure footed so we walk slower takes alot of stretching to get going and our pallets change sometimes i just dont want to eat. I think maybe a nice beautiful blanket and leg warmers would make miss kitty feel fantastic. Much love to miss kitty and others, you too Brandi


She looks fabulous for her age , choke is definitely a scary thing , you take such wonderful care of your animals!! Greetings from Nova Scotia 🇨🇦


I love your cat! I also love that you are getting chiropractic care for your horse!


Man that was an interesting video! I REALLY enjoyed it.


I bet after all this miss kitty feels so much better. Looks like she got a lot of relief in this session. It's awesome seeing your chiropractor doing the same stretches I did to my QH before and after I worked him on barrels or long trail rides including pulling tail :0)


Hi Brandy , gotta love your cat.


Yes I did enjoy this video! Thanks for sharing 😁👍


Always pretty horses on your videos


Miss Kitty is a lovely horse, her coat is pretty with the black and white markings. Like all of us, we get aches and pains as we get older, and so do horses. Thanks for sharing I am learning a lot. x


Uh oh, hat time of the year again! Miss Kitty is my favourite, she is beautiful.


The tail is important, too. Nice.


Wow! This has been good.


Hi Brandi. Miss Kitty is fabulous as always ... as she gets her back worked on👍 Massage therapy and chiropractic work are a horse's deliverance 🙏❤