
Evolution of Game Music (1980 - 2018)

The evolution of game music from 1980 to the present day. I transcribed many video game music for piano versions. Instagram:


5 years ago

(建議將字幕大小調較至75%) (此字幕所有讀法皆為香港) (顯示平台皆為首發平台) 遊戲:食鬼 首發平台:街機 年份:1980 音樂:甲婓敏夫 遊戲:俄羅斯方塊 首發平台:每個遊戲平台都有 年份:1984 音樂:田中弘和 遊戲:孖寶兄弟 首發平台:紅白機 年份:1985 音樂:近藤浩治 遊戲:King's Valley(王家の谷) 首發平台:MSX 年份:1985 音樂:上原和彥、碇子正廣、山下絹代、山根實知琉 遊戲:精緻之城 首發平台:MSX,紅白機,街機 年份:1985 音樂:未詳 遊戲:魔城伝説 首發平台:MSX 年份:1986 音樂:未詳 遊戲:薩爾達傳說 首發平台:紅白機 年份:1986 音樂:近藤浩治 遊戲:惡魔城 首發平台:FC磁碟片,MSX2 年份:1987 音樂:山下絹代、寺島里恵 遊戲:超音鼠 首發平台:世嘉 Genesis,世嘉Master System 年份:1991 音樂:中村正人 遊戲:街頭霸王II -世界勇士- 首發平台:超級任天堂 年份:1991 音樂:下村陽子 遊戲:毀滅戰士 首發平台:MS-DOS 年份:1993 音樂: 羅伯特·普萊斯、奧布里·霍
奇斯 遊戲:暗黑破壞神 首發平台:Windows 年份:1996 音樂:馬特·埃爾門 遊戲:惡魔城X - 月下夜想曲 首發平台:PlayStation 年份:1997 音樂:山根實知琉 遊戲:世紀帝國II:帝王世紀 首發平台:Windows 年份:1999 音樂:斯蒂芬·瑞皮 遊戲:俠盜獵車手:聖安地列斯 首發平台:PlayStation 2 年份:2004 音樂:邁克爾·杭特 訂閱! 遊戲:俠盜獵車手:聖安地列斯 首發平台:PS2 年份:2004 音樂:邁克爾·杭特 請跟蹤我的Instagram @vinheteiro 遊戲:憤怒鳥 首發平台:iOS 年份:2009 音樂:艾特·培瑞拉 遊戲:我的世界 首發平台:Microsoft Windows 年份:2009 音樂:丹尼爾·羅森菲爾德 遊戲:上古卷軸V:無界天際 首發平台:Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360,PlayStation 3 年份:2011 音樂:傑里米·索爾 遊戲:Candy Crush Saga(糖果傳奇) 首發平台:手機,Facebook 年份:2012 音樂:Johan Holmström
(約翰·霍爾姆斯特倫) 遊戲:搗蛋豬 首發平台:手機 年份:2012 作曲者:Ilmari Hakkola (伊爾馬里·哈克拉) 遊戲:最後生還者 首發平台:PlayStation 3 年份:2012 作曲者:古斯塔沃·桑塔歐拉拉 遊戲:地域傳說 首發平台::Windows,OS X 年份:2015 作曲者:托比‧福克斯 遊戲:茶杯頭 首發平台:Windows,Xbox ONE 年份:2017 作曲者:Kris Maddigan(克里斯‧麥迪根) 【中文繁體】CC字幕製作: 再見ᖗ再也不賤ᖘ(君為紅顏醉〆)



I like when the music gets harder he has to focus on the keyboard and stop staring into my soul. EDIT: Go away.


0:02 Pac-Man 0:14 Tetris theme (Korobeiniki) 0:26 Super Mario Bros (Overworld theme) 0:42 Kings Valley 0:56 Castle Excellent 1:11 Knightmare 1:25 The Legend of Zelda (Overworld theme) 1:41 Castlevania 2:02 Sonic (Title Theme at 2:02, Green Hill Zone theme at 2:08, Invincibility theme at 2:47) 2:56 Street Fighter II (Guile's Theme) 3:31 Doom 3:57 Diablo 4:32 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 5:04 Age of Empires II 5:34 GTA: San Andreas 5:52 Angry Birds 6:13 Minecraft (Gymnopedie No. 1) 6:54 Skyrim (Main Theme) 7:49 Candy Crush 8:09 Bad Piggies 8:31 The Last of Us 8:47 Undertale (Bonetrousle) 9:28 Cuphead


Day 171 in quarantine: I am watching a guy who watches me watching him watching me


Sonic for the win


Here are the time stamps for you loves 0:02 - Pac-Man 0:13 - Tetris 0:25 - Super Mario Bros 0:41 - Kings Valley 0:56 - Castle Excellent 1:10 - Knightmare 1:24 - Zelda 1:40 - Castlevania/Vampire Killer 2:01 - Sonic 2:56 - Street Fighter II 3:30 - Doom 3:56 - Diablo 4:32 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 5:04 - Age of Empires II 5:34 - GTA: San Andreas 5:51 - Angry Birds 6:12 - Minecraft 6:53 - Skyrim 7:49 - Candy Crush 8:09 - Bad Piggies 8:30 - Last of Us 8:47 - Undertale 9:27 - Cuphead <3


It's cool to see game music getting the respect it deserves. Many truly wonderful compositions in their own right. Your piano renditions were a real delight. :D


The Tristram theme from Diablo brings back a lot of memories and sounds incredible on piano


He really liked the Sonic one, huh?


Hearing MIDI music converted onto an actual piano really helps you to appreciate the artistry of video game sound design.


That's really the kool thing about you as a musician that you are so broad in what genres and styles you can perform on the piano. Baroque, Vienese classicism, romance epoque, salon music, cartoon and movie themes and now even gaming music. Love it


I love how he has the front of the piano off so that we can see how hard these songs are. He was boogying to some of these, love it. You never seem to disappoint mate!


Bless YouTube for handing me this channel. 😭


When the “Minecraft” music is just Gymnopede No.1.....


I love you bro! You make my day every day! USAF Veteran here! LOVE IT!


I always wonder: why would somebody dislike your videos? What are they expecting? You're a genius. Playing without looking, without music sheets, and playing EVERYTHING. What would please them? It's a mystery to me.


I have never felt so intimidated by someone playing a piano.


So confirmed, Vinheteiro prefers Sonic over all other games to play music from.


Tetris Platform: LITERALLY EVERYTHING Year: 1984


Аж на слезу пробило столько воспоминаний, так еще и на пианино. А за DOOM отдельно аплодирую.