
Experts share tips on online safety for children

Experts share tips on online safety for children


4 days ago

meantime the rescue of an 11-year-old Bakersville girl found in Utah with a 29-year-old Colorado man she met online has authorities sounding the alarm for parents everywhere their message take the time to find out which platforms your child is using 17s in Rob hegen in studio now with some tips Rob that's right Tammy keeping your kids safe and keeping them safe online is as easy as telling your kids no to social media the danger is real and it's 24/7 online Predators looking for their next victi
m it happened at Bakersfield to an 11-year-old girl and it can happen on your street next predators and and pedophiles and people that uh have this kind of predatory behavior look for situations where there's a void they look for situations where there's a need they're very calculating experts say keeping your kids safe from Tech saaby Predators is easier than you think just learn to say no kids should not have access to social media before 13 13 is the youngest in 2023 bark analyzed more than 5
.6 billion messages and found more than half of twins and 75% of teens encountered sexual content online and 8% of twins and 10% of teens encountered predatory behaviors from someone online make sure there are time limits make sure there are filters make sure that you're using a monitoring solution that can send you alerts with the encounter bad things tatanya Jordan with bark technology says you can download a software monitoring app that helps you track red flags you can also use the devices b
uilt-in safety features that come with Apple or Google services like Google family link or apple screen time take their phone out of their room before bedtime don't just let their phone sitting there all the time it's up to you to help them navigate through this information at the end of the day experts say the best step of all is talk to your kid they could be any age any gender they could be anything you don't know who they are so you start there and you talk to your kids about that it's a tou
gh conversation experts say the single best way to protect your kid is you and communication is key in studio Rob Hagen 17 News
