
Experts unpack the implications of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling on IVF

Alabama lawmakers are scrambling to protect IVF treatment after a court ruled embryos have the same rights as children. The Chair of the Gender Policy Council at the White House Jennifer Klein joins The Weekend to discuss the potential Biden Administration response. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to the MSNBC Daily Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: #IVF #Alabama #Reproduction


22 hours ago

you know my mother used to always say that actions speak louder than words and several House Republicans have said in recent days that they oppose the Alabama Supreme Court ruling you know the one that embryos have the same rights as living children but just last year 125 House Republicans signed on to legislation that's known as the life at conception bill that bill contains language that Echoes the IVF ruling the co-sponsors include nearly a dozen Republic rep an running for re-election in com
petitive congressional districts look at their faces so we're going to talk a little bit more about this with some experts Georgetown law professor and on the issues podcast host Michelle Goodwin and Mark Joseph Stern who's a senior staff writer at slate and one of my favorite Court Watchers at the Supreme Court Professor goodwi you anticipated this about a decade ago none of this is surprising I I did because between 2010 and 2013 there were more anti-abortion anti-contraception laws that were
were proposed and enacted then the 30 years prior combined at the time people were asleep sleepwalking with regard to all of this and I was listening to what lawmakers were saying as they were promoting things that would ultimately get us to this point for example embryo adoption bills which seem fine cryopreserved embryos that couples no longer need that they could be adopted by other couples but behind it were lawmakers saying and this will grant those embryos constitutional rights that will b
e on par with women so their constitutional rights will meet the constitutional rights of women and May in fact even Trump the sub the constitutional rights of women how do how do we see this this narrative playing out um I want to uh uh Mark a comment on Michelle steel uh of California she um is someone who no relation by the way who's someone I mean you know no e on the end so it matters uh but she is someone who has been uh out there uh saying quote as someone who struggled to get pregnant I
believe all life is a gift IVF allowed me is as it has so many others to start my family I believe there's nothing more pro-life than helping families have children and I do not support Federal restrictions on IVF but at the same time she supports uh the life at conception Bill how do how do they reconc I'm not asking you to answer for them but I mean in terms of the narrative publicly what should we take from that position how do how do you see those two competing interests coming together I th
ink what we have seen is an escalation of a movement that has become untether to their own deep principles for example if you think about anti-abortion as being pronatalist itself that people should have babies right that that's important for our country right or for certain populations of our country what you see in the South Carolina ruling is that it's now become untethered from that now where if Embry Alabama excuse me thank you that if embryos have rights constitutional rights civil rights
rights to be protected by the state then of course that makes it very vulnerable for couples that might want to use these Technologies and this is where I think there is a PO hole or a speed bump that they have now crossed because there are many Republicans that have used these Technologies about 20% of American couples are infertile to begin with and then there are any number of reasons why couples would want to use assisted reproductive Technologies including lgbtq couples many couples now use
these Technologies and I am sure across the country there are Republicans that are outraged by this Alabama decision and what might fall flow from it in other states too you know Mark I I mean for years for for years uh elected officials will tell you that Republican elected officials will say we did not run on jailing women right criminalizing doctors criminalizing or Banning IVF but with the overturning of roow versus Wade with the Dos decision that's exactly what now is happening uh Michelle
the professor predicted this years ago and didn't the justices tell us what was going to happen with the Supreme Court of majority opinion in DS absolutely um the three denters in dobs actually specifically called out IVF as a procedure that was clearly imperil by the majority opinion allowing states to ban abortion and the reason why is so obvious right IVF involves the destruction of some unused embryos it it can't work unless clinics and patients have a right to say we are disposing of these
embryos that we no longer want or need um and yet the decision to overturn row allowed states to begin defining life not just at what they call conception but at fertilization and that's what's so pernicious about the federal bill that congresswoman steel co-sponsored it defines life at fertilization and extends full legal equality quote unquote to fertilized embryos with the very obvious intent to Outlaw or severely restrict IVF and I think those Representatives must have known what they were
doing because there have been movements for personhood amendments all around the country including in Alabama this decision actually it spurs in part from a personhood amendment to the Constitution that was written by anti-abortion activists to Encompass not only abortion but also IVF and even some forms of contraception that they call abor of Fati and I'll just note there was a senate version of this bill that we're talking about that had a carve out for IVF that said we're not going to allow t
his legislation to be used to restrict IVF the house bill did not have that carve out the house knew what it was doing and so for this congresswoman to come in and now say I would never support legislation to restrict IVF that is exactly what she did and if this bill ever passed and has more than a 100 Republican co- sponsors it would mean that every State's policy would suddenly mirror the policy of Al abama today and IVF patients around the country would suddenly find their access to care cut
off and their ability to build a family abolished sometimes I think Michelle the people hear these stories and they say wow that is so tragic for families in Alabama it is bigger than Alabama Amanda zeroski who came to National promin and she was denied an abortion in Texas she nearly died she has frozen embryos in Texas that she is now thinking about having to ship out of state in order to protect them should Texas take up a similar approach as Alabama so here you have someone who is impacted n
ot once but twice that's right uh post dos there's been legal chaos and to Mark's point if you look at the state of Alabama and that Supreme Court this is not their first time they're actually building on a pre-ops precedent where in a court ruling involving a law that had nothing to do with women it was a child endangerment law but prosecutors were weaponizing it against women it was a law intended to actually go after men who were turning their homes into meth labs and these meth labs blowing
up or catching a fire and there was a real concern that children living in those families in those homes could be harmed but what prosecutors did rather than going after those men decided that they would go after pregnant women who would tell their doctors about their social medical history when a doctor ask well do you drink wine how many glasses a week have you used an illicit drug do you use prescription medications and prosecutors sought to get that information in Alabama from doctors and nu
rses and and use it against those patients and there was one who challenged this because she said this is private information that I'm sharing with my doctors I'm going for prenatal care I want to have this child the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that there was no difference between a child and a fetus and no difference between a child and a non-viable fetus and this was pre-dbs but to your point yes this is a kind of wreckage that we may see across Myriad States because often these clinics work i
n different states in all already in Alabama you have a university saying we're going to suspend you have organizations saying we won't transport into that state it is pure chaos that has resulted now in the wake of Dos the cruelty and the chaos is the point Michelle Goodwin Mark Joseph Stern thank you both



So, if you have frozen fertilized eggs, and they are considered by the government to be children, and you're paying for them to be kept viable, shouldn't you be able to claim them as dependents on your income tax?


It’s good to know that all the parents that have embryos can now claim a tax deduction which can help with expenses for infertility therapy


I didn't realize that you could legally take "children" and lock them up in a storage freezer. We get new rights all the time.


If Alabama brings back Witch Trials at this point I wouldn't be surprised...


That’s the price of installing Judges to create law rather than faithfully interpreting it. And, it is chaos.


If embryos have rights, how long before pregnant women face legal challenges if a third party believes her "behaviour" puts the embryo is at risk. The GOP won't be happy until women are chattel.


well yea, when looking at 99 to life when some of the embryos inevitably dont survive the thawing process the UAB is definitely going to permanently suspend the IVF treatments.


Religious belief over personal choice ,,, How about , you keep your religion , and I'll keep my freedom ,


in Alabama... if you destroy an acorn... you will be charged with murdering an oak desk...


These IVF embryos have more rights than born children. By default, they have a right to adequate housing, nutrition, general care, to an overall supportive and sustaining environment. No actual American child has a legal right to those things. The child welfare system tries to intervene when it’s made aware that a child does not have those things but there is an entire political party in this country devoted to making sure poor children do not have access to food and health care. Sounds like it’s a better deal to remain a potential American child than real one. A kind of reverse Pinocchio situation.


There has been an ongoing war against IUDs - a highly effective, low side effect form of birth control - for years, under the theory that it prevents implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus and is therefor an abortifacant. Will this law make IUDs illegal in Alabama?


So; I am just trying to rationalize the situation in Alabama. If fertilized embryos are considered ‘legally’ children … does that mean transferring them to a couple who want to have a child / a couple who is donating their embryos trafficking? And the medical personnel performing the procedure, are now in the business of human trafficking? Also would storing of embryos be considered kidnapping? Or forcible confinement ? Would the transplant of a fertilized embryo constitute child exploitation?


remember their faces, and vote them all out America.


If they ban all firearms, outlaw knives and anything that can harm people, then I would support the prolife movement. Until then, pro-life people are simply hypocrites.


Come on y'all this is that freedom we wanted. The government can't tell me to wear a mask in a pandemic but they can dictate that those that don't want to get pregnant must and those that do but can't shall be bared from having children. Freedom!


I would correct that sign to say, "They're not stopping at Roe". Clearly, they are on to the next thing.


This is not about the control of fetuses and embryos! It’s about controlling women in every imaginable way!!!


"Prolife" was never really pro anything, just antiwomen.


It baffles me that there is too many people who try to impose their beliefs on others. If you are against abortions fine...don't get one. Who are you to impose your choices on others? People who believes in abortions are definitely not trying to force others to have abortions. It is getting ridiculous.


So, a blastocyst has more rights than a grown woman in Alabama.