
Explore new worlds | BBC Earth x Minecraft Education

From the team that brought you the Frozen Planet II DLCs, where you can play as eight different mobs surviving frozen habitats, comes an epic new journey. Minecraft Education and BBC Earth are bringing the natural wonders of the new television series Planet Earth III into Minecraft. Watch the video to find out more about the Planet Earth III DLC release, coming to Minecraft Education and Minecraft Marketplace in 2024! Find out where to watch #PlanetEarth3, the ground-breaking series 🌎 👉


4 months ago

For decades, the BBC Studios Natural History Unit has pushed creative and technical boundaries to bring us incredible stories from the world we all share. In 2022, a creative collaboration between BBC Earth and Minecraft Education redefined how these stories could be experienced. The Frozen Planet II worlds invited millions of players across the globe to step into our fragile, frozen ecosystems and experience the plight of their animal inhabitants firsthand. Infused with scientific research and
unexpected gameplay, they quickly became some of the most downloaded educational DLCs in Minecraft history. Next year, we'll embark on a second remarkable journey with BBC Earth, exploring stunning new worlds, and their extraordinary species. All through the power of play. Planet Earth III, coming to Marketplace and Minecraft Education in 2024. PLANET EARTH III COMING IN 2024 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BBC EARTH



This is probably the closest thing to getting every animal added to the game.


It be cool if we had some of these animals in the actual game


You know what would be cool?!? adding these to the actual game.


Adding sharks to the deep ocean biomes would be pretty cool


Why can't the BASE GAME, arguably the MOST IMPORTANT PART have this level of quality?


So you can make this but not add 3 new mobs?


Imagine if Minecraft could actually generate terrain as stunning and realistic as in this trailer


I really hope this comes to regular Minecraft and not just education edition.


This is brilliant, and I love it. Can we get these features, or at least the creatures, in basegame Minecraft, please?


i find it so funny how they put so much effort in anything BUT the base game. the team gets 1 year, 1 YEAR to make an update, but they only end up adding 5-6 new features. but in this case, they make new world generation that looks amazing, add new mobs, new biomes, and new features. THE BASE GAME IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MINECRAFT. PLEASE UPDATE IT MOJANG. YOU'RE A $2.5B COMPANY.


Every single one of these mobs would be great additions to the game! I hope we can see them there one day


And yet Mojang can't add 3 mobs per update...


Thats why we don’t got an end update cuz they busy adding all mobs in a game no one plays


You know they could just add these creatures into the base game.


Can't implement 3 mediocre mobs, but you'll pump out paid DLC like no tomorrow.


So y’all can add sharks to this but not to the actual game 💀


Por que não coloca isso no modo sobrevivência? Olha como o jogo ficou vivo e lindo!


You can make all this in the marketplace but you can only put one mob in the game each year. 🤨


Mojang: lets make a mob vote with a crab, penguin and armadillo Also Mojang:


I played the first few maps of this and was impressed, excited to see the next Chapter!!!!