
Exposing 69 Viral TikTok Hacks In Blox Fruits (Roblox Blox Fruits)

Exposing 69 Viral TikTok Hacks In Blox Fruits (Roblox Blox Fruits) inspired : Exposing 16 Viral Blox Fruits Hacks by @cubeincofficial #roblox #bloxfruits


1 year ago

all right boys so I was scrolling on Tick Tock  and I was seeing a bunch of different glitches and hacks that will make you 100 times better  at this game some of them seem way too good to be true for example there was a way to get  unlimited XP and hit max level with one kill and there's a bunch of different glitches that  were way too good to believe guys so in today's video I'm gonna find out these glitches and hacks  actually work in the game so make sure you guys watch this full video so yo
u could learn how to  become an actual glitcher hacker God whatever you want to call yourself and remember when I hit  200k subscribers I'm gonna give away 200 worth of permanent fruits so subscribe right now so you  can win a permanent fruit like subscribe right now your mom's Never Gonna Give You bull bucks in  your life anyways let's get right into the video all right it says block shoes case gaming and  it looks like he has the Hooda fruit all right what she got oh I think he's gonna do the
sword  shrinking glitch yeah all right we're gonna go ahead and try it see if it works for us oh okay  like you don't gotta flex your dark blade your triple dark blades for how we get it you got  triple dark bleeds I want it so bad all right this Smith slash glitches by Kik gaming and  basically if you go in Huda form and I shrink down fast enough I keep a big sword you only  Works yo this myth works it definitely does work um let me see if it actually like yo bro this is  op and you can use the
abilities yo yo this myth definitely does work on to the next myth all  right guys apparently this guy found a glitch that allows you to keep your money when you buy  something all right let's go ahead and see if he does it all right so he'll go to the dealer any  type of dealer in the game he'll purchase their item he'll just leave the thing on the screen  though and reset and then when you reset you could buy it oh you could reset and buy it  oh Cassie I see and then apparently you keep your
money let's go ahead and try it inside the  game to see if it works oh yo the next Tick Tock hack basically says we find someone and we buy a  sword from them if we reset we can get this sword for free basically guys all right so as you guys  can see I have 1.6 million dollars um let's find out let's find a sword zealer all right yo so I'm  pretty sure it'll work with anything so if I try to get a boat right now and I reset it shouldn't  charge me for the boat guys all right so this boat costs f
ive thousand dollars all right so let me  do reset no they patched these they definitely got rid of the glitch guys all right I'm gonna try  again I'm gonna try a different way guys all right um I'm gonna have it on my screen yeah definitely  does not work guys bro let's give a C4 does bro have a bomb strapped to this freaking wrist bro  it's not a watch what kind of watch is that bro anyways this hack did not work on to the next  one all right this glitch is from Magic Bus he said we first need
a boat okay then we use our  Phoenix fruit and we sit down and then the fire will stay on us all right we're gonna go ahead and  try it inside the game oh yo now it's time to test out this Tick Tock glitch basically he said if we  get a boat oh we need to go to Pirate Island bro we can't even change our through we need to get  things through right now are you so he said if I grab Phoenix fruit and if I get a boat to spawn  all right let me get a dinghy then I should be able to use the Regenerat
ion Flames ability sit  in the boat and it stays yeah look look I'm not even pressing it no more guys yo it's literally  stinging bro I'm gonna see how bright and how loud it can get guys all right so let's try it two  times oh my gosh can my cool down go any bastard bro bro all right we're on three you got like it  got way louder and it sounds weird now guys all right we're about to do four right now but I can  barely see my character anymore it's super loud guys this is crazy okay so this glit
ch definitely  does work all right let's try one again I'm gonna see how loud and how bright it can get guys all  right boys as you all can see you cannot see my character anymore I've done it about 10 times  it seems like the brightest is gonna to get guys to like if I literally fly up in the sky I  literally look like the sun bro yo it's a side by side comparison me versus the sun I literally  look like the sun and also like when you use your abilities I'm gonna use an ability right now it  lo
oks so crazy like it's so much like effects going on right now what the heck so this Tick Tock  glitch definitely did work on to the next glitch all right y'all this guy said I thought this  was a kid's game he found this glitch inside of block screws guys let's go ahead and see what the  glitch is right now what is this music bro okay um he has the katana normal Katana he used it  and unequipped it and now whoa whoa hey yo all right let's go ahead and use it inside the game  oh y'all this Tick
Tock hack says that you could do something really sus well all you guys need is  the katana and I guess this is a good way to prank your friends all right so let's get the katana  right now and this is why people were saying like boss shoes is not family friendly because of this  thing right here so basically we get the katana we use the Z move right here and then you go back  into your inventory and you use it you unequip it at the same time then you're stuck like this for  some reason and then
like when you walk forward it looks like you're doing something really sucks  I really don't know what this this is but like um it's kind of self-explanatory on to the next hack  because this one is actually very susp bro and this one definitely did work onto the next hack  this guy says that there's a bug and glitch that allows you to fly across the water without taking  any type of damage oh let's go ahead and watch it oh everyone knows that I feel like I'm pretty sure  everyone knows that al
l right we're gonna go ahead and try inside the game but let me know if you  guys already knew you could do this all right time for the next Tick Tock hack this hack said that  you could run across water without using flight um I'm pretty sure everyone knew this but um imma  show you guys anyways let's see if it works all right basically you keep jumping like this and you  take no damage you can go as far as you want guys um if you guys didn't know this now you know but  this Tick Tock hack defi
nitely does work on to the next all right guys apparently this guy found  a fast way to level up glitch all right so let's go ahead and see what he does yo yo yo yo yo yo  yo okay no this ain't real brother he's hacking bro he's cheating he's cheating he's admin or he's  cheating yeah this ain't legit bro all right we're gonna try it anyways we're gonna stand right  where he's standing we're gonna see if we level up faster all right y'all this glitch is saying  that if we stand right here like w
e're going to level up to max level bro and it's also saying  that the one piece is real bro like what I'm not leveling up at all bro this one's fake this  one's definitely fake this the one did not pass the test I'm pretty sure the guy is hacking on to  the next hack all right guys apparently this guy found a glitch he said they got me fighting God  wait what the heck I was watching all right he got the awakened oh look at that big hood yo that's  the king of all Hooters bro I'm gonna go ahead
and do the Huda Awakening to see if I find the  same thing all right y'all the next hack I'm not too excited about this one bruh they're gonna have  those fighting Thanos but basically all we got to do is we gotta go to the cafe we gotta equip the  Hooda fruit all right we gotta equip some good swords so we can actually kill some people Let  me refresh all my stats let's do melee defense and sword all right and if you're somehow a noob  and don't know bro the code is red blue green blue that's t
he code right there to do raids I'm gonna  go upstairs and go cheese club by Thanos bro like this bro basically saying it's a glitch that makes  him like way bigger all right let's do um Huda raid yeah give me my microchip dot thank you all  right let's put the microchip in oh my gosh we're here all right we're Daniel said something called  them cheeks boy all right so we just gotta finish this who to raid and basically when we get to  the end there will be a Buddha God or something bro I don't
know what happened I think it's like  some sort of glitch we're gonna see what happens when I get to the end of it oh wait in tarnation  was that bro yup okay they starting to get op bro who is that no no I don't like this I don't like  this help me they cheat in yo they're not playing Fair bro am I even gonna get to the boss they  over here cheating bro so like when do they get bigger when's the glitch happen guys yo they  spamming the same ability yo that's not fair it's not fair there's nothi
ng yo yo yo yo come on  bro come on gang no when I kill you I'm gonna see you somewhere No One's Gonna remember you gang  all right yo we made it on the last Island all right so according to the tick tock glitch there  should be a huge even bigger Huda fruit than me guys we're gonna see you soon all right come on  all right they look pretty normal so far they look pretty normal so far I'm gonna stand right here  on the building yo I'm not failing this oh my gosh are these booty mushy and booty l
ooking finger  looking good yo holy crap holy crap yo okay it seems like the glitch did not work guys it looks  like he's the same size as us yo Jim pounding me yo that's not fair this is not fair this is not  fair this is not fair this is not fair it's not fair yo yo I don't know how I'm gonna pass this  Mission I don't know how fast this Mission you are bro they cheating they cheating bro he's not even  he's still pounding me bro what is this yo we got six minutes left okay we're gonna stick o
ur time  we need to take our time we have six minutes left guys all right I'm not failing this Mission Naruto  Uzumaki never oh my gosh he never dies yo this they're too op yo if I can solo this like I know  people who can't even finish this in a four-man party if I could solo this this would be crazy yo  buddy legit bouncing around like a sh bro yo come on bro oh bruh yo that's stupid challenge bro that  myth don't work bro myth don't work it didn't work that glitch did not work on to the next
one all  right y'all this glitch right here says we can get guaranteed mythical legendary fruits guys  all right all we gotta do is type in E dragon in the chat all we gotta do is type in E dragon  in the chat and then we can get higher chance of getting a mythical fruit so let's go ahead and  try inside the game right now to see if it works all right guys this glitch says it tells you how  to get a legendary fruit for free guys he said talk to the boss who's dealer cousin and force  him to give
you a good fruit I'ma tell him if he doesn't give me a good fruit his kids gotta go  bruh all right and apparently if you do all these things he'll give you a legendary or mythical  fruit all right let's go ahead and try inside the game all right guys I'm gonna do two glitches  inside of one basically the first glitch said if I do e slash dragon I should be able to lock the  dragon fruit from the blaster's cousin dillary whatever guy he is and then the other glitch  says if I talk to him Reckle
ss and tell him what he really is he'll give me what I want but all I  gotta do is just have a conversation with him and do like a little ritual and he'll give me whatever  I want guys so basically we want to try right now all right first things first all right let's do e  slash dragon all right it says you cannot use that emote all right so that one worked all right that  one worked so far now we gotta say hi hey boy what you doing here boy you do not belong here I said  go back to where you're
from you do not belong here you know what you are look at you why are you  smiling like that we got a little booty lips bro I said if you don't give me a good fruit you know  what I'll do to you bro I said I'll really do it to you boy now meow for me meow say meow hey yo  jit kind of weird bruh jit kind of he he really me how for me bro all right here goes nothing  guys let's see if he gives us a good fruit hello Siri bro are you serious right now bro there's a  glitch trash you know how I feel
about this room I'm gonna really show you how I feel about this  fruit right now we're gonna go to Docs to drop it in there I'ma die with it we going together hey  RRP this through RP in the chat man RP ice fruit ain't nobody wants you bro I guess that myth did  not work guys hey but I threw is better than the kilo fruit not going live guys on to the next myth  slash dare slash challenge slash all right y'all so this Tick Tock basically says that there's a  glitch that allows you to destroy the
bridge on C2 um I'm guessing you gotta use the control fruit to  do this guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use control through and we're gonna try this glitch  out right now who's moaning in my sure bro all right boys as you guys seen by The Tick Tock this  glitch should be able to destroy the entire Bridge guys so basically we need to control through let's  find out if it works guys all right so basically we do the control area ability boom look at that  fat juicy scrumdily I'm just bubbl
e all around me looking so juicy anyways let's destroy the bridge  all right boom no it works yo okay I don't think this is a glitch though this is like part of  the game like a show for like this is supposed to do this so technically it's just part of the  game it's not even a glitch but this is actually really cool guys yo R.I.P to anyone who needed  this bridge like I hope you can swim my guy but as you all can see this glitch definitely does  work this is another reason why control fruit is
the best fruit in the game anyways I hope you  guys enjoyed today's video make sure you guys leave a like comment and subscribe and remember  at 200k subscribers I'm doing a huge giveaway so make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel  and I'll see you guys in the next video thank you
