
Family Feud (May 17, 1989, SYN | #89_2148): Grammy All-Stars Special Day 3

Family Feud 89_2148 Aired February 4, 2024 at 10:30PM ET on BUZZR (Stream)

The Game Show Channel

1 day ago

- It's time for the All-Star "Family Feud" Grammy special of singing superstars-- the Swinging Sisters against the Musical Misters. Playing for the Swinging Sisters-- Dionne Warwick, Gladys Knight, the Manhattan Transfer's Cheryl Bentyne, Vanessa Williams, the Manhattan Transfer's Janis Siegel. Ready for action. [applause] And for the Musical Misters-- Luther Vandross, Bobby McFerrin, the Manhattan Transfer's Alan Paul, Little Richard, and the Manhattan Transfer's Tim Hauser. On your marks, let'
s start the Grammy "Family Feud." [applause] With the star of "Family Feud," Ray Combs. [cheering] - Thank you. There they are, the Swinging Sisters. Thank you. Thank you, my friends. It's a real treat. We've got 10 talented people playing for their favorite charities. We're gonna start off by meeting our Swinging Sisters. Say hello to the Swinging Sisters headed by Dionne Warwick. [applause] How are you? - Hi, baby. - It is such a pleasure-- - Thank you. - --to have you on the show. - It's good
to be here. - You guys are-- you're lovely. And if people just tuned in, they're probably surprised that we have this much talent on one stage. Tell us who you brought. - We brought. We brought. Luther brought. [laughter] - Yes, we all thank Luther. - Ms. Gladys Knight. - How are you? - Hi. - Isn't she fabulous? - Yes, she is. I'll be her Pip anytime. - All right. - I love it. From Manhattan Transfer, Ms. Cheryl Bentyne. - Hello, Cheryl. - Hello. - Ms. Vanessa Williams. - Hi. - Lovely Vanessa.
- And also from Manhattan Transfer, Ms. Janis Siegel. - And the beautiful. - Hi. - Yes. [applause] - We welcome you to the show. - Thank you. - You're playing for a great charity that helps with health for underprivileged people and make-- - --Foundation. And we try to take care of people who can't take care of themselves. - That's a very worthy cause. But I know-- I can say that I know even though it's a great charity, these Musical Misters have another great charity that they'd like to play fo
r. Say hello to Mr. Luther Vandross and the five Musical Misters. - How are you? - I am really good. - Oh, thanks. - You know, I just have to say for a second and take a beat, I've been a comedian all my life before I did this show. And every comedian wants to be a singer, and every singer wants to be a comedian. But I came and watched your concerts, and I have enjoyed all of your music, but I was amazed. I would-- you would just walk across the stage and just by going, woo, 20,000 women, woo! T
hey scream. And everybody-- you want the ability-- I can make women scream, too, but I have to go, you got the cash. [laughter] And it loses something. How does it feel to have 20,000 people screaming? - Well, actually, they were all trying to get out of there at the same time. That's what I was. - I don't think so. Tell us who you brought with you. You got some great, great players. - We brought the fabulous and Grammy award possessor-- - Yes, he is. - --Bobby McFerrin. - Thank ya. - Go, Bobby.
- Yes. - Yo, thank you. - Also, they won a Grammy award this year. Manhattan Transfer won a Grammy award, and we have Alan Paul-- - Hello, Alan Paul. - --from the Manhattan Transfer. - And there he is. - That's right, the living legend himself-- - He's living here. - --Little Richard. - Welcome to the show, Little Richard. - Thank you. Thank you. - And also from Manhattan Transfer, Tim Hauser. - Welcome to the show. Now, I know you want to take home $10,000 for a great charity. That is? - Yes.
We are playing today for the United Negro College Fund. - It is a great charity. - Yes. - And I have one-- one other little small, small announcement to make. - One other little small announcement. - Just one little small announcement. We're gonna win. - Is that right? - Yes. - That is-- is that right, young ladies? - We'll see. We'll see. - We talked about it backstage. - But you're ready. - Yeah, we're ready. - There's only one way to know who's gonna get that cash, and that's to play the "Feu
d." Let's go, Dionne. They may be friends in the studio-- - All right. - --but here, they're playing-- - That's right. - --they're playing for their own causes. First team to 300 is gonna play for the 10,000. Good luck. We asked 100 people this question. We got the top six answers on the board. Try to find the most popular. You would all know about this question. Name something you want to do your first night home from a long trip. Dionne? - Sleep. - Show me just sleep. It is number one. Think o
f a steal, Luther. Gladys, you travel all over the world singing, making people happy. You would know this. Give me one of those five answers. - The first night home from a long trip? - Long trip. - Bathe. - Yes, you're probably six, seven days without bathing. - Bathe. - You just want to-- - Soak. - --just want to lay there and bathe. - Yeah, soak. - Yes. [applause] Cheryl, good to see you. - Good to see you. - What do you say? We've got the second most popular answer sitting right there. - Wel
l, the thing I always look forward to when I come home from a tour is my mail. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yes, yes, yes. - You want to see if you've won anything. The mail. [bell dinging] [applause] Vanessa. - How you doing? - I'm doing fine. You are lovely. - Thank you. - That's just everyone, but-- - Thanks. - --I just thought I should say that because you are. Do you have one of those answers? - Yeah, I dump everything on the floor, unpack, and sort out the laundry, so unpack. - You unpack.
- Oh, I do that after two weeks. - Yeah. - Guys, it's not looking good on this first question. Janis? - Yes. - Janis? - Yes. - What do you say? - I say make phone calls. - You just get on the phone and-- - Yeah, to friends and say, I'm home. - Make some phone calls. - Yes, yes. - Uh-oh. There's a little crack in the dam, boys. A little crack in the dam. Dionne? - OK. Oh, I know. Eat a good home-cooked meal. - Yes. - Yes. - All right, OK. You're on your way to a clean sweep if one of those two an
swers is a good home-cooked meal. No. Musical Misters are gonna steal that bank, Gladys, if you don't tell me one of the answers. Something you want to do your first night home from a long trip. - Oh, man. Check out the house. - Three seconds. Just check out the house, make sure everything is still-- - Yeah, everything's OK. - You're still alive if one of those answers is check out the house. Chance to steal, guys. Name something you want to do your first night home from a long trip. Luther says
help him out. - Read the newspaper. - Read the newspaper. Little Richard? - Make love. - Make love. I can't wait to get home. - Laundry. - Your laundry. - Bobby? - Raid the refrigerator. - Just raid the refrigerator. There's a couple of different answers. Oddly enough, the second most popular answer is sitting there. I don't know what it would be. - OK, I'm going to go with Richard. I'm gonna say make love. You haven't-- you haven't been home in a long time. - All right, I hope somebody else is
in the house. [laughter] It really enhances it. Show me make love. Oh! The Swinging Sisters have that bank. I tell ya, I don't know what it could be. We heard a couple of different things. What is number two? Relax. Oh, that's strange. Number six? Watch TV. Speaking of watching TV, come on back right after these messages because there's a lot more. Don't go away. Oh. I have-- oh. Now it's getting scary. Now it's getting scary. - Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Swinging Sisters have $80. Our Musical Misters
have 0. Come on, Bobby. It's time to get the guys on the board. Gladys is gonna try to stop you. You ready? - Yeah. - He's feeling good. The top five answers are on the board. Name something that people think brings bad luck. Gladys? - Broken mirror. - How about a broken mirror? It's number two. Number one gives you control, Bobby. - Walking under a ladder. - How about walking under a ladder? - It's number three. There you go, Bobby. I think-- Cheryl's got the look like she knows number one. -
Yeah, she does. - What is it? - A black cat. - Yes! - Yes! - Is number one a black cat? [bell dinging] [cheering] Vanessa, on the way to a clean sweep and a big lead. Something that people thinks brings-- brings bad luck. - Friday the 13th. - Yes! - Yes! - That makes sense. Show me Friday the 13th. - Yes. [bell dinging] - Guys. Janis, you got that grin like I'm gonna hurt somebody over there. They don't like it. - We're gonna hurt you. - We're gonna hurt you. - What do you say? - I say step on a
crack. - Oh. - Yes! - I was always late to school because if you stepped on a crack, you'll break your mother's back. Show me step on a crack. - Oh. - But if you're Norman Bates and you don't like your mom, you just go like this to school, stepping on cracks all the way. Number five. What is it for the bank? - Oh, oh, oh, oh, I see it. - You see it up there? - Yes. - What is it? - Being hit with a broom. - Being hit with a broom? That brings you bad luck? - Sweep over your feet. - Yes. - OK. Sh
ow me a broom. You get a chance to steal the bank, guys. Please think about it. Gladys, a little pressure. Something that people think brings bad luck. - OK. Brings bad luck? I had one, too. - Three seconds, just-- - Splitting a pole. - When you-- when you-- when you-- when you split-- - When you-- yeah, two people-- - Two people split a pole? - Yeah. - I've heard of that. Is it there for the bank? Show me splitting a pole. It's also really bad luck if you're the only person and you split a pole
. Tim, something that people think brings bad luck. - Three on a match. - Three on a match. Little Richard? - Doesn't have one. Alan? - Triskaidekaphobia. - Triskaidekaphobia. Bobby? - A full moon. - A full moon. Luther, they're putting some pressure on you. A couple of answers, and there's only one possible one that will get you that bank. - I'm gonna go out on a limb. - OK. - Let's see. I have to say that I know that whistling in the dressing room is bad luck. - That is a performer's bad luck.
Whistling. - The American public? - Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong. - No, but that's not the answer I wanted to give. - Oh. - The answer I wanted to give was-- - Now you got to talk to Judge Wapner, Luther. - OK, all right. - OK, that's it. - Whistling, whistling. - Show me whistling in the dressing room. - No. - Oh. - It could have been number nine. - It could have been number nine. But you're only-- you're only in trouble if one of theirs are there. That's right. Now let's see if the
y had any help for you. What is number five? - Three sixes. - Bad weather. - What? - We're coming right back, and it's bad luck if you're not here when we get back. So don't go away. [applause] You're not gonna give them any slack. You're not gonna help them at all. You have no mercy on these guys. No mercy. No mercy. Right now, the Swinging Sisters have $167. The Musical Misters have zero. Come on, Alan. It's time for another faceoff. Good luck. The dollar value is now doubled. Manhattan Transf
er against Manhattan Transfer. Top six answers are on the board. Name something a nurse brings with her during her daily rounds. Alan? - Thermometer. - Let me see a thermometer. Numero uno. Way to go. Good job. Now, guys, we're rolling now. They're in it. They're in it. Little Richard, good to have you on the show. What do you say? - Oh. The nurse makes-- what did you say? - Something a nurse brings with her during her daily rounds when she comes around. - The pills. - How about her pills? There
it is, medication or pills. Very good. Tim, hi. Keep it rolling. The guys need it. - A syringe. - Ooh, that's a scary thought. How about a syringe? They bring it. - Too sophisticated, Tim. - They bring it. It's just not there. Luther, give me number two. You got it. - OK, I know it. The blood pressure cup. - That's right. - The blood pressure machine. - They check your blood pressure. Oh, it's number four. Leaving number two for Bobby. What do you say? - Well, if I was in the hospital and I, yo
u know, rang for-- let me see, food, something to eat. - Yeah, they come around once a day, and they bring you some food. [buzzer] Swinging Sisters, there's' enough money in that bank that if you steal it, you are gonna win the game. So there's two strikes. So please, keep the guys alive, Alan. What do you say? Something a nurse brings with her during her daily rounds. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. - That's OK. A chart. - He says a chart. - Oh, yeah. - You are still alive if it is a c
hart. - Yes! - All right, all right, all right. - I'm getting nervous here. - OK. - Little Richard, something a nurse brings with her during her daily rounds when she comes around every day. - Oh, my god. - Three seconds. - Oh. - You can do it. You can do it. Come on. [buzzer] All right, don't say anything. Don't say anything. If you can tell me one of those two answers, you're gonna steal this game. Name something a nurse brings with her during her daily rounds, Janis. - The thing that listens
to the heartbeat. - Vanessa? - Bandages. - Bandages. Cheryl? - Bedpan. - Bedpan. Gladys? Bedpan. Dionne, there's a couple of things that you can steal from. There's two there. Any answer will win you the game. You got three seconds. - I think that the stethoscope. - She thinks the stethoscope. Luther, do you think it's there? - Ah. - If it's there, you're playing for $10,000. Let me see a stethoscope. [bell dinging] Oh! You gals are sharp. Look at them. These gals are sharp. [cheering] What is n
umber six? A watch. - A watch. - I need two players for $10,000 for the Warwick Foundation. Let's go. The Swinging Sisters are playing for $10,000. Janis up first. Let's go. Offstage, Vanessa. Right after these messages. Don't go away. You ready do this magic again? You played it so well last time. [applause] Good luck. [upbeat music] It's a very special Grammy special. Right now, our Swinging Sisters have won the game. They are the champions about to play Fast Money for $10,000 for the Warwick
Foundation, which is a very worthy charity. Janis Siegel of the Manhattan Transfer, you know how it works. I'm going to ask you five questions. You're gonna give me the most popular answers that you can think of, and when you and your partner pile up 200 points, which I got a feeling you will because you play this so well, you're gonna take home the $10,000. Are you ready? - Ready. - 15 seconds on that clock, please. The time will begin after I finish reading the first question. Good luck. Name
a part of your body that hurts when you sleep in a strange position. - Neck. - An animal in the forest. - A wolf. - Something people-- something people put in pancakes. - Flour. - A noisy appliance. - Is a beat-- mixer-- beater. - How many locks you check at bedtime? - Oh, how many locks? - How many locks you check at bedtime. - Front door, the back door. - She said the front door or the back door. Judge? - Two. - The judge says two, OK? - Two. - Sometimes-- you stay right here. I love you, and
I want to show you how well you did. See, the judge sometimes-- he could have said she didn't say a number because sometimes Judge Wapner-- - I didn't quite understand that. - You did it perfect, though. How many locks you check at bedtime. You said-- you look good, though. - Well, that's the important thing. - It's better to look good than to play good. - OK. - Name a part of your body that hurts when you sleep in a strange position. You said your neck. I'd like to know what kind of sleeping yo
u're doing. That's right, your neck hurts. Our survey said 44. [applause] How about that? An animal in the forest. You said a wolf. Our survey said 2. Surprisingly. I've never really seen a wolf. Something people put in pancakes. You said they put flour. Our survey said 24. [applause] A noisy appliance? Not only did you say it, you described it, a mixer. Our survey said 10. You're up to 80. How many locks you check at bedtime? You said two locks. Survey said 55. How about that? Back with your te
ammates. We cover those answers. Here comes Vanessa Williams. [applause] Take a look. Take a look. - All right, all right. She did it again. - She always does it. - She always does it. - You need 65 points for the $10,000. Just relax. You look straight ahead. I'm gonna ask the same five questions. If you hear this sound, it means you've duplicated one of her answers, and I'll say try again, and you'll give me another answer. You're gonna knock this right out. You ready? - Yeah, I'm ready. - It's
a little more difficult, so five more seconds on the clock, please. 20 seconds. Revealing those answers. Here we go. Name a part of your body that hurts when you sleep in a strange position. - My back. - An animal in the forest. - A squirrel. - Something people put in pancakes. - In pancakes? Eggs. - A noisy appliance? - Blender. - How many locks you check at bedtime? - Two. - Try again. - One. - Turn around. Those were some great answers. [applause] I asked you to name a part of your body that
hurts when you sleep in a strange position. You said your back. Our survey said 40. Bam. The number one answer was neck given by Janis. - Of course. - An animal in the forest? You're only 25 points away. You said a squirrel. - I don't know. - I don't know. There's a squirrel in the forest, but you know what happens? The wolves eat them, so I don't know. There's not very many of them left. You're 25 points away. Our survey said six. It's gonna sound strange, but the number one answer is a deer.
- Oh, duh. - Yeah. Yeah, dear. That makes a lot more sense. Something that people put in pancakes. You said they put eggs in them. Do you like pancakes? - Oh, I love them. - You'll like them more if 19 people said eggs, wouldn't you? - Yes, I do. - Our survey said 18. - Oh, my god. - Woo. The number one answer wasn't flour, and it wasn't eggs. It was blueberries. - Blueberries? - These are 100 average-- - Who are these people? - --100 average Americans. These are probably the same people that we
re in "Deliverance." I don't know. [laughter] Don't have that baby yet. You are one point away. I have confidence in you. I asked you to name me a noisy appliance. You said a blender. If one person said blender, the Warwick Foundation has $10,000. What did the survey say? Bam, 29. Come out here and let her know about it. You've got the $10,000. We've had a lot of fun, and we're coming right back. Please don't go away. [applause] You guys get to come alive. The Warwick Foundation, because of our
Swinging Sisters, have $31,194. The United Negro College Fund has $1,500 because of our Musical Misters. I'm Ray Combs with "Family Feud." We will see you next time. - A member of our studio audience will receive the Natural Tears Formula of Murine. It's closer to your real tears, closer than any other eye drop. Murine Natural Tears Formula, use as directed. 2000 Flushes brand automatic toilet bowl cleaners-- the easy way to keep your toilet sparkling clean and fresh up to four months. Hamburger
Helper cheeseburger macaroni with oodles of noodles and a creamy cheese sauce. Hamburger Helper helps you make a great meal. Luzianne is specially blended for iced tea. That's why people who like iced tea love Luzianne. Available in regular or decaf. Sneaker Tamers insoles-- tame ferocious sneaker odor with the world's most powerful odor destroyer, activated charcoal. Contempra's electric indoor tabletop oven bakes, roasts, broils, grills, barbecues, and toasts. Designed for clean, safe electri
c heat for natural flavor cooking. Furnished by Contempra Industry. [applause] [upbeat music] This is Gene Wood speaking for "Family Feud," a Mark Goodson television production. [applause] [upbeat music]



@"The Game Show Channel", yes, early back then, on Wednesday, May 17, 1989, this "Family Feud" game show had late Mr. Raymond "Ray" N. Combs Jr. as its former host just as his ancient studio announcer there was late Mr. Eugene "Gene" E. Wood!