
Family-friendly activities with Rock Island Library

Family-friendly activities with Rock Island Library For more Local News from KWQC: For more YouTube Content:


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a lot of families are on spring break right now or over the next couple of weeks and if you're heading out of town or if you're not heading out of town rather you don't worry because there is plenty to do here at home yeah Lisa lockart from The Rock Island Public Library is here with us Lisa welcome back thanks for having us on again yeah absolutely anytime uh you always have great stuff to say and and today we're talking about some really great events and activities that are going to be happeni
ng over the next couple of weeks um starting with Monday Monday we have a quad city arts visit artists showing up at our our Watts Midtown branch and they're bringing the music of uh France and Ireland to our stage go how timely yes right so March 18th at 1:00 French and Irish music now I was reading about this it's called gross Isle right which means Grand Island Grand Island or big island so um one thing I thought was cool was that the French actually comes from Quebec oh there you go so do I
yeah all right so people yeah it's my people so I have to check it out yeah um so you guys also have um a lot of events for school ages during the break so you know for these kiddos that are looking for something to do um talk about some of those options yeah all next week we have a flex foam cupcake craft going on and you know Flex foam is you mix the two chemicals and you get this expand feel it show squishy oh cool it's really neat this is fun so the kids will be Painting and Decorating those
and we have three three times in three locations for that so you'll just want to check our calendar but that's a school age craft and then for the slightly older uh we have a 3D printing program for teens and so we have these 3D printing pens and this right here yes right there and it comes with the monofilament and the kids have a drop in opportunities on the 19th and the 21st from 4 to 6:00 at two different locations and they can just experiment with pens try them out make something creative
and we actually check those out through our library of things so once they figure out you know I have no idea I wouldn't have the slightest clue how to use that I wouldn't either I've seen the 3D printers and what they come up with is really cool but yeah I'd be interested to see how this actually works yeah so that's a more accessible version of that that anybody can try out so obviously you've got something for kids of all ages including the younger ones you've probably noticed we've got BL as
a theme here ever since I was reading about this earlier I've got the theme song stuck in my head parents of toddlers you know we've been having a lot of fun with all the coming up with the activities yes Bluey Bluey on Saturday from 10:30 to 12:30 okay and that's next Saturday right that's next Saturday the 23rd and we have crafts we have dancing you know great for the toddler in preschool Set uh and parents too right um and they'll be playing a lot of the games that they recognize from the sh
ow um and it's just a great fun time and you brought the craft with you yeah so oh cute oh lot of a little little Bluey and a oh mask Bluey mask and also there is one for blue sister I love that um and so kids can do that and also um kids who attend will can pick out a free Bluey book while supplies last good incentive there for the kids definitely we we need to mention too these programs these are always free for people right they are yeah part of uh education and enrichment and you know involv
ing our community very cool so what else can families do uh with a library card when they come to the library well I brought some games and puzzles with me today you can check these out um and availability limits is limited by what type of card you have but for Illinois card holders they're open um and for Davenport card holders I think it's one game or one puzzle check with your library but I would say also check with your library to see what they have yeah this is something that I think is sup
er cool you can you can get uh free seeds you can get free seeds from your library it just opened Monday and I think we're breaking the internet because we have so many people sharing really yeah it's a unique it's a unique opportunity I I've never heard of a SE library before well you know it kind of goes along with exploration and and trying out new things and using your library to do that um they can pick out five free seeds per month per family and then we also have this fun thing at our bra
nches where we have themed seed Gardens um and I have an example of one of those out here it's a butterfly garden okay and so that butterfly garden comes with five different seeds milkweed blackeyed Susan and they can try a new type of garden that's super super fun kind of experiment with that during their spring break and plan what they're going to plant yeah and before we run out of time with you Lisa um never too early to start planning for summer so while we're really focused right now on Sp
ring uh we know how quickly as parents those camps those clubs those things fill up fast like starting now so people can start registering for some clubs and things like that at the library we have a summer art uh program and a summer math program and those are about five or six weeks long and they meet once a week and they are limited so you do need to sign up early if you're interested in that and that information is all out on our website okay and we've got the website on the screen right now
perfect uh the best way to find out what's happening is by checking the calendar on the website so many different activities going on that's Rock Island you can also give them a call at 30973 to read Lisa thank you so much as always appreciate you coming here today
