
Family-Friendly Restroom Team install 6 diaper changing stations

Family-Friendly Restroom Team based in Sisters took the initiative to install baby changing stations in local restaurants. Not only has the program installed tables, but they've created an online map and signage that business owners can display in the window to let customers know of the resource.  | Read more:

KTVZ NewsChannel 21

2 weeks ago

businesses and sisters are getting new familyfriendly additions thanks to a new nonprofit Matthew draxon spoke with the co-founder of the program along with businesses benefiting from the service Kellen Klein and wife Jane ran into the problem many parents with young children run into having to change a diaper with no place to set your child I ended up having to change my son's poopy diaper on the floor of two different businesses around town well I can either complain or we can do something abo
ut this and so my wife and I uh decided to try to do the ladder familyfriendly restroom team is raising money to increase the number of familyfriendly restrooms in the sister's country the program has already installed six stations at luy Woodsman settle te high camp F sisters Euros Sports and the latest one Tuesday morning at mari's Pizza a lot of families coming in and out of here so it definitely will help a lot of families be able to uh change your kids inside instead of having to go over to
a public restroom instead the program has raised nearly $1,500 of its $5,000 goal funding for the program comes from donations including $700 from the city of sisters the program not only installed each station for free but they partnered with Local Company revive construction to continue the service free of charge sisters is a really tight-knit community and there's uh you know there's just so much love and Focus that goes into all parts of the community and and um so we just want to be part o
f that we're we're just you know we're just thrilled to pitch in running a small business can be challenging resulting in baby changing stations being last on the priority list make this happen that does take a lot of time and and money and it was so how do you not say yes to that not only has the program installed tables but they've created an online map and signage that business owners can display in the window to let customers know of the resource that he's also creating a program so that the
community you know all the parents out there can know where this is since its success the program organizers plan on lobbying to representatives to get a mandated familyfriendly bathroom law for all public businesses in the state of Oregon efforts to mandate this as a law are already underway in the Washington legislator for more information opportunities to donate go to Matthew dragston news channel 21
