
Family-friendly, year-end performances you shouldn′t miss 연말 공연 볼거리

It′s the holiday seasona time for family and friends, but also for stage performances especially those that can be enjoyed with your loved ones. Our Yim Yoonhee reports on a few good options to consider. One of Korea′s legendary heroes,... Ahn Jung-geun′s life and tragic death are played out on the stage. It′s an inspirational tale of one man′s ultimate sacrifice for his country,... with the screenplay written by Yoon Suk Hwa, starring the multi-talented actor Song Il-gook as the fallen hero. [KOREAN] "Through Ahn Jung-geun′s son, you can see how difficult the independence move was, as well as how much the family suffered. The play makes you think about all of the casualties." Charles Dickens′ classic novel "Great Expectations" has now been turned into a stage performance. Pip is an orphan from the countryside and through a series of events, he encounters individuals who help shape his life. The tale follows Pip, played by actor Kim Suk-hoon, on his trek to realizing his great expectations. [KOREAN] "In the beginning, he is a simple and naive boy, but later, he is polished to be a real gentleman, and the journey is very difficult." We′ve all been through it,... puberty, something most everyone can relate to. These group of students celebrate their coming of age, but of course, with life, there′s always the unexpected, making things a lot more interesting during the process. Yim Yoon-hee, Arirang News.

Arirang News

9 years ago

It′s the holiday seasona time for family and friends, but also for stage performances especially those that can be enjoyed with your loved ones. Our Yim Yoonhee reports on a few good options to consider. One of Korea′s legendary heroes,... Ahn Jung-geun′s life and tragic death are played out on the stage. It′s an inspirational tale of one man′s ultimate sacrifice for his country,... with the screenplay written by Yoon Suk Hwa, starring the multi-talented actor Song Il-gook as the fallen hero. [K
OREAN] "Through Ahn Jung-geun′s son, you can see how difficult the independence move was, as well as how much the family suffered. The play makes you think about all of the casualties." Charles Dickens′ classic novel "Great Expectations" has now been turned into a stage performance. Pip is an orphan from the countryside and through a series of events, he encounters individuals who help shape his life. The tale follows Pip, played by actor Kim Suk-hoon, on his trek to realizing his great expectat
ions. [KOREAN] "In the beginning, he is a simple and naive boy, but later, he is polished to be a real gentleman, and the journey is very difficult." We′ve all been through it,... puberty, something most everyone can relate to. These group of students celebrate their coming of age, but of course, with life, there′s always the unexpected, making things a lot more interesting during the process. Yim Yoon-hee, Arirang News.
